The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 30


Chu Xiuming had prepared everything before letting Shen Jin know. Huang Daoji also chose the nearest day. Although there was no princess guard of honor when he came, Chu Xiuming entertained all the people in the border town.

The General's Mansion has never been so lively. There are long water seats outside, and all the hotels inside are closed, and the kitchen inside spontaneously came to the General's Mansion to help.

Regardless of whether the family has money or not, they have prepared wedding gifts for the general and his wife, which are not valuable things, and some even make maltose by themselves.

All the servants in the general's mansion put on new clothes, their faces were full of joy from the heart, even if they were so busy that their voices became hoarse, they couldn't hide their smiles.

Shen Jin was married from the General's Mansion, and the sedan chair would go around the city for a circle. She had already changed into the wedding dress made of Yuehua brocade, her hair was pulled up, and the luxurious headdress was adorned on it.

Chu Xiuyuan was also wearing a brocade robe today, not the red one, standing at the door and shouting, "Is sister-in-law alright?"

Shen Jin turned her head to look at the bronze mirror for the last time, and could only vaguely see a figure, but she lightly touched her face, and Zhao Nanny's face was more painful than what she had done in Prince Rui's Mansion, it must have been red and swollen.

Inside the tray in Anping's hand was a red hijab with Bingdilian embroidered on it, and red gemstones around the hijab.

However, Shen Jin looked at Zhao Nanny, who looked confused, and Shen Jin said, "My mother said, before getting married, you have to decorate things, and when you are hungry in the sedan chair, you can pad your stomach, otherwise you will die." Can't stand it."

Zhao Momo felt a little speechless, Shen Jin asked suspiciously, "Did you forget to prepare, Momo?"

In fact, Mother Zhao was prepared, she wanted to wait for Shen Jin to put on the hijab, and then secretly stuffed it behind her back, but she didn't expect Shen Jin to be so direct, just took out the things, Shen Jin hid them in the big sleeves, and then He smiled, "I'll be right back."

This is not wrong, but no matter how you listen to it, it feels awkward, but Zhao Mama didn't care about it, so as not to delay the auspicious time, she said, "The old slave asked the kitchen to prepare osmanthus, white fungus and lily porridge for his wife."

Only then did Shen Jin nodded reservedly, indicating that it was all right. After covering Shen Jin with both hands, Zhao Mama tidied up and said, "Young General can come in."

Because the bride’s feet cannot touch the ground, it is unlucky, so Shen Jin has been sitting on the bed after putting on new shoes. In fact, Chu Xiuyuan should not have let Chu Xiuyuan carry her out, but let Shen Jin’s brother carry her, even if there is no brother. It is also possible for the mother-in-law to carry it, but Chu Xiuyuan asked for it, and Chu Xiuming did not refuse.

When she was in the capital, Shen Jin was Princess Rui's legitimate son. The sedan chair carried by her elder brother Shen Xuan was later carried by the mother-in-law from the sedan chair to the carriage, but now it was replaced by Chu Xiuyuan. Anyway, Shen Jin is I don't mind, they have a lot of irregularities, and they are not bad.

Shen Jin lay on Chu Xiuyuan's back. Chu Xiuyuan was young but very strong, and he walked steadily with Shen Jin on his back. He said, "Sister-in-law, elder brother will definitely treat you well."

"En." Shen Jin responded, and whispered, "Elder sister-in-law is like a mother, and I will take good care of you."

Chu Xiuyuan laughed and didn't say anything anymore. Chu Xiuming had already led people to guard the gate of the yard. Chu Xiuming, who was dressed in a red wedding dress, looked even more handsome and elegant. Because it was a day of great joy, even the coldness between his eyebrows and eyes disappeared. Yes, Chu Xiuyuan and Chu Xiuming looked at each other and smiled, and then put Shen Jin into the sedan chair.

Xi Niang shouted all kinds of auspicious words, Chu Xiuming patted Chu Xiuyuan on the shoulder, and walked out first, the sedan chair followed behind him.

Chu Xiuming changed to a batch of white horses today, and after the sedan chair was carried out, he got on the horses.

In fact, sitting in the sedan chair is not comfortable at all. Shen Jin listened to the music played outside, the blush on his face did not disappear at all, even his eyes were sparkling, a bit of joy, a bit of shyness, and a bit of unspeakable girlishness Along the way, there were people sprinkled happy money and candy, and many children cheered. The whole border town seemed to be celebrating the New Year. Everyone spontaneously hung red ribbons and lanterns around their homes, looking beaming.

The people in the border town sincerely welcomed Shen Jin. After all, Shen Jin had lived and died with them, and when he was about to despair in the end, he left all the means of survival to the children.

Shen Jin was very excited at the beginning, but after sitting for a while, she became a little bored, because she could only hear but not see, took out the food prepared by Zhao Mama from her sleeve, and opened the greased paper bag Seeing that there were pieces of fingernail-sized snacks inside, Shen Jin pinched a piece and put it in his mouth, because it was so small that it wouldn't make any messy makeup, but it felt like it was scratched off as soon as he put it in his mouth, and he couldn't taste the taste , Shen Jin simply stuffed pieces into his mouth piece by piece, and then slowly started to eat after stuffing a few pieces. As expected, it was still so satisfying. Gradually, he became bolder, stuffed more in his mouth, and his cheeks bulged and moved.

Chu Xiuming heard the people along the road constantly calling for the general's wife, shouting all kinds of blessings, and suddenly raised his hand in his heart.

After Shen Jin swallowed what was in her mouth, she opened another bag of pastries with great interest, and narrowed her eyes after trying a little bit. It was mung bean mint just now, and this is... her favorite mincemeat, sour With a sweet taste, Shen Jin felt that today was the happiest day for her, so she greedily stuffed three pieces of mincemeat into her mouth, and then Shen Jin opened another small oiled paper bag, eh, why is it suddenly quiet outside? Zhao Nanny even made a yam cake, Shen Jin squeezed a piece and continued to put it in her mouth, forgetting to continue thinking about the quietness outside.

Chu Xiuming felt that today is a happy day for him and Shen Jin to get married, and all the glory should be shared with Shen Jin, so that she can also feel the welcome and inner love of everyone in the border town, so he got off the horse and got rid of everyone's doubts. With eyes in his eyes, he walked step by step towards the sedan chair behind him.

In the sedan chair, Shen Jin is eating mincemeat cake and yam cake together. She has just tried two pieces of mincemeat cake and two pieces of yam cake. It is no problem to eat four pieces together. The flavors of the two kinds of cakes blend together. Sure enough, it's delicious. When I go back, let the chef...

Chu Xiuming, who opened the outermost sedan door and lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, looked at the cakes neatly placed on Shen Jin's lap, and then at the busy little hands. Because Shen Jin was covered with a hijab, Shen Jin didn't notice Chu Xiuming at all. When Xiu Ming arrived, he was eating mincemeat cake and yam cake in his mouth. Shen Jin decided to open another pack to see what flavors it was. Suddenly, he saw a pair of shoes and red hem through the edge of the hijab. The material of the hem looked familiar. Exactly the same as her wedding dress...

Chu Xiuming was a little dumbfounded, and the people outside didn't know what was going on inside at all. They just watched Chu Xiuming open the sedan door, and the exclamation spread, followed by bursts of applause and neat blessings, Chu Xiuming laughed lightly. It was obviously a very noisy environment, but Chu Xiuming's voice still clearly entered Shen Jin's ears, like a feather scratching gently behind her ears, her heart was tugging and tugging, It's not pain or discomfort, but an itchy, indescribable feeling.

"Little lady is too impatient." Chu Xiuming said with a smile, bent down into the sedan chair, and immediately hugged Shen Jin. Shen Jin exclaimed, and all the pastries on her lap fell into the sedan chair. The block jumped outside, Shen Jin pressed the hijab with one hand, and grabbed something with the other hand, because he was too nervous to distinguish in time.

Chu Xiuming carried Shen Jin out, and the oriental bead on the red embroidered shoes was trembling and lovable.

The people in the border town are tougher and more comfortable, and women can go to the battlefield, unlike places like the capital, where they can't show their faces at all, so Chu Xiuming's move made everyone cheer, "I wish the general and the general's wife will be united forever , give birth to a precious son early, grow old until old age, and never leave life and death!"

I don't know who yelled it first, but when Shen Jin came to his senses, everyone yelled, not only full of energy but also very neat, as if it was specially arranged by someone.

Shen Jin squeezed the thing in her hand, trying hard to swallow the pastry in her mouth, but found that the more anxious she was, the more she couldn't swallow it, and the thing that broke Shen Jin the most was that Chu Xiuming lay beside her ear and said softly, " Ma'am, do you hear their voices?"

"Madam, no matter where we are in the future, the border town will be our home." Chu Xiuming put Shen Jin on the horseback, turned over and sat behind her and put his arms around her waist. We will live and die together in honor and disgrace, no matter what happens, I will stand in front of you, no matter when we face it together, okay?"

Shen Jin nodded, very good. If you are willing to wait for me to finish eating and then tell me these things, I will definitely approach you affectionately and say that I am the same.

"Then I'll lift your hijab first." Chu Xiuming held Shen Jin's hand with the hand around Shen Jin's waist, and grabbed the edge of the hijab with the other hand, "Let's take a look at what the people in the border city are doing. Are we doing well?"

Wait, it’s not good at all, let go of my hijab, wait for me to swallow it and you can lift it up, we can still be a good husband and wife, I won’t make tonic soup for you anymore...

Shen Jin was holding something in one hand, but she didn't let go subconsciously. The other hand was held by Chu Xiuming, and she couldn't move at all. With something stuffed in her mouth, she couldn't speak, because she couldn't even move when she was hugged by Chu Xiuming. She couldn't do it, so she could only stare at the hijab being lifted off by Chu Xiuming. She was sitting sideways, looking at Chu Xiuming with round eyes full of accusations, and then her left cheek bulged. I said a few words just to give Shen Jin time to swallow what was in her mouth, but no matter how clever Chu Xiuming was, it didn't mean that Shen Jin was too greedy and ate several pieces in one bite, so she couldn't swallow it for a long time. Get down on this thing.

With a helpless chuckle, Chu Xiuming lowered his head and kissed Shen Jin's mouth, then parted her lips, hooked the unfinished cake in her mouth into his mouth with his tongue, and then let go of Shen Jin, At this time, Shen Jin's eyes were moist as if water was about to drip, not only his face was flushed, but even his neck was red, and he buried himself in Chu Xiuming's arms. Chu Xiuming swallowed the thing, and pressed his jaw against Shen Jin's. She said in a low voice, "It's so sweet." I don't know if it's cakes or Shen Jin...

The author has something to say: Mother Zhao said: Ma'am, you don't have to be too nervous during the wedding night...

Shen Jin thought to himself: Today's glutinous rice cake tastes good, it's fragrant and sweet, let's eat another piece!

Zhao Nanny continued: After drinking the cup of wine, you can leave everything to the general.

Shen Jin watched as she swallowed what was in her mouth, and picked up the lotus seed soup: Today's osmanthus honey! It's delicious, and sure enough, these are the most fragrant with sweet-scented osmanthus.

Zhao Mama looked helplessly at Shen Jin who was full of joy, and sighed slightly, forget it, wait for the general to teach himself.

Shen Jin, who was finally full, touched her stomach, what did Nanny Zhao say just now? Forget it, since I didn’t continue to talk about it, it’s not important. I wonder if I can make taro balls with sweet-scented osmanthus honey tomorrow