The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 52


Shen Rong grabbed something and threw it at Shen Jing, "Get out."

Shen Jing screamed and dodged, guilt and fear and fear and many emotions suddenly erupted, and said angrily, "Shen Rong, you white-eyed wolf, my mother is for you, are you trying to kill us..."

"I won't go out." Shen Rong hid behind the maid and shouted, "I won't go out!"

Shen Jing pointed to Shen Rong and said, "That's our mother. If mother is gone, what can we do?"

Shen Rong pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, feeling a little helpless in her heart, she couldn't help but look at the maid beside her, and the maid said softly, "Girl, Miss Si is right, no matter what, the side concubine is your mother , besides, there are no outsiders in the mansion now."

Shen Jing also knew that it was hard to be more anxious than Shen Rong at this time, so she said, "Sister, mother always loves you."

Shen Rong nodded, stood up and said, "Okay." But she still covered her face with a handkerchief, "I'll go with you."

Shen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, took Shen Rong out and said, "The wound on your face is..."

"It's Big Sister." Shen Rong lowered her head and said, just now when her mother came here to visit her, she was still a little happy in her heart, who knew that her mother knew the news of Big Sister's miscarriage without saying a few words, and rushed out to make a fuss When she got up, she hid in the house and did not dare to go out, nor did she want to go out.

Shen Jing's face was full of shock, and she felt panicked and confused, "No, didn't Big Sister let someone beat you?"

"No." Shen Rong heard some noise outside intermittently, but she couldn't hear clearly, but she knew in her heart that her mother's behavior was more due to her eldest sister.

"No, it's Big Sister." Shen Jing stopped and stared at Shen Rong with a look of madness in her eyes, "Remember to tell Father and King later that it was you and mother who told you that Big Sister was the one who slapped you in the face. "

Shen Rong was frightened by the quiet expression, and looked at her in disbelief when she heard her words, "It's the second sister."

"If you don't do this, mother will be finished." Shen Jing held Shen Rong's hand tightly, and the strength caused Shen Rong pain, "You know, if you don't say that, you killed mother."

"Fourth Miss." Shen Rong's maid hurriedly stepped forward and parted Shen Jing's hand, and said, "How can you teach a girl to lie, what so many people have seen, you... you are trying to put the blame on our girl. "

"Mother gave birth to you, shouldn't you repay the favor?" Shen Jing asked sharply, anxious and panicked.

The maid gritted her teeth and pinched Shen Jing hard, Shen Jing let go of her hand in pain, the maid quickly blocked Shen Rong behind her, and then retorted, "Miss Si, who told Concubine Xu this? Our girl said, what do you mean by putting all the responsibility on our girl, it is obviously you... "

"It's not me." Shen Jing's face turned pale, and she couldn't help taking a few steps back, "It wasn't me, it was obviously your maid who said it. Your maid told a woman that it was because you offended Shen Jin with your words, and then Shen Jin Qi slapped her ears, making her face blurred, and Shen Xuan slapped..."

"So fourth sister, you made a mistake. You want to kill your mother, and now let me take the blame?" Shen Rong is not a fool, she already understood, and said, "Impossible."

"You are the daughter of the father, and the father will not punish you severely." Shen Jing just wanted to push the responsibility and tried to persuade Shen Rong.

Shen Rong said angrily, "You are also my father's daughter."

"But I'm older than you, I want to say kiss." Shen Jing finally couldn't help crying, "Anyway, your face is ruined, and you can't get married."

Shen Rong's face was pale, and she looked at Shen Jing in disbelief. That was her sister, the sister of a compatriot with the same mother.

Shen Jing looked at Shen Rong with begging eyes and said, "Just be my sister, please? My sister will definitely make it up to you in the future."

"But what should I do?" Shen Rong looked at Shen Jing dully, this always noble sister begged her in such a low voice, and it was their mother again.

Seeing that Shen Rong's tone had softened, the servant girl said, "Even if the girl doesn't get married, she will live in the palace for the rest of her life. If she offends the prince, concubine and concubine Chen, how can she live a good life? Miss Si, you are too much Selfish, you will be fine once you get married, but what about our girl?"

Shen Jing said, "I swear, as long as I get married, I will find a way to get my sister out, okay?"

Shen Rong didn't answer, but just said, "Let's go see mother first..."

"Good sister, I knew you were so righteous." Shen Jing thought that Shen Rong had already agreed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If her mother was punished, there would be troubles in her future marriage, but my sister... at worst, I will make up for it in the future Just a few, and besides staying in the mansion, no one can bully her.

Shen Rong lowered her head, didn't speak at all, she even forgot to cover the wound with a veil, it seemed that in just one night, everyone changed, even her relatives became strange to her.

The maid whispered impatiently, "Girl, don't be confused."

"Shut up, we sisters are talking, there is no place for you to interrupt." Shen Jing reprimanded sharply, "Sister, don't worry, there are three younger brothers. The father and king only have three sons. My mother and I must explain the truth to the third younger brother. When the time comes The third brother will also take care of my younger sister."

Shen Rong suddenly asked, "Fourth Sister, why did you believe that, and why did you tell your mother in a hurry without even telling me, so that things can become like this?"

Shen Jing panicked, and forced herself to calm down and said, "Because I am angry that my second sister and you were injured."

Shen Rong raised her eyes and glanced at Shen Jing. Shen Jing didn't have the confidence to say this, but she didn't say anything, but said suddenly when she got to the hall, "Because you are jealous, you thought that the third sister married Yongning Bo to suffer. But I don't want the happiness that the third sister is living now." After speaking, he didn't even look at Shen Jing, and went into the hall.

In the hall, Concubine Xu was pressed down by two rough envoys. King Rui, Concubine Rui and Concubine Chen were sitting on chairs. Seeing Shen Jing and Shen Rong, Concubine Rui frowned and said with a bit of worry , "Fifth girl, the imperial physician said not to let your face show off, why did you come out?"

Shen Jing had already rushed over to push and beat the two rough envoys, "Let go of my mother."

King Rui said in a deep voice, "Shen Jing, where is your pampering?"

"Father." Shen Jing looked at King Rui with some fear.

Concubine Rui said, "My lord, don't scare the child, let Concubine Xu go first."

Only then did the two rough envoys loosen their hands, stood aside and did not move. They quietly hugged Concubine Xu and said, "Father, mother just misunderstood for a while, Fifth Sister made a mistake."

Princess Rui glanced at Shen Rong who was standing still and expressionless, and asked with lowered eyes, "What's wrong?"

Shen Jing secretly pinched Xu Fangfei, who was also stunned, and said, "It's the fifth younger sister who couldn't think about it for a while, and told mother about those things, and mother was so excited."

From the guilty conscience at the beginning to the present, the more Shen Jing said, the more confident she became, "It was the fifth younger sister who asked the maid to bribe the mother's guard. I guess the reason why the maid and the mother-in-law said it was because she offended the third sister by her words, so the eldest sister asked the maid to bribe the mother's guardian." Someone beat her face, and the second sister stopped the miscarriage that was beaten by the big brother again."

"Fourth girl, Concubine Xu is also the biological mother of fifth girl, what is she trying to do?" Princess Rui looked at Shen Jing with extremely cold eyes.

Shen Jing felt that she was extraordinarily calm now, and she said, "Because Fifth Sister wants to take this opportunity to marry Uncle Yongning, as long as everyone believes that Third Sister made her disfigured and unable to marry, she can take the opportunity to marry into Uncle Yongning's mansion. After her face is disfigured, no good family will be willing to marry her."

Shen Rong thought she was prepared and could bear it, but when she heard Shen Jing's words, she couldn't help shaking her body, and was supported by the maid behind her.

King Rui's face was calm, and he couldn't see any emotion for a while, "Really?"

"That's it." Shen Jing firmly grasped Concubine Xu's hand, "Mother, isn't it?"

Concubine Xu also understood at this time, looked at Shen Jing and then at Shen Rong who was standing aside silently, many thoughts flashed through her mind, there was the wound on Shen Rong's face, there was Shen Jing... and the kind of situation just now Desperate and panic, she can't be locked up in Zhuangzi, she still has Hao'er, her son hasn't grown up yet, "Yes, Rong'er told me, I just made a fuss to see Rong'er, and asked She told her about Zi'er's miscarriage when he was beaten by the crown prince."

"My concubine, the girl is also your daughter." The servant girl couldn't help crying, "I beg the princess to make the decision, it's not like this at all..."

Shen Jing's voice was sharp, and she cursed angrily, "You poor maid, there is no place for you to talk here." He rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, "Father, it was this cheap maid who just hurt me and beat her to death."

Not only did Shen Rong hold the maid's hand tightly, but the maid withdrew her hand and knelt down, kowtowing vigorously and said, "The prince is really not like this, it's Miss Si who just went to find our girl..."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Jing rushed over like crazy, grabbed the girl's hair and slapped her face fiercely, "Shut up."

"Let go." Shen Rong also went over to stop her.

"What's the matter?" King Rui cursed angrily.

Princess Rui also felt a pain in her head, and said, "Stop it quickly, don't hurt the girls."

The rest of the maids hurried over to separate the people, and saw that Shen Rong's maid was covered in wounds and blood, and Shen Jing beat her. She didn't dare to stop her and would protect Shen Rong later, so she was injured. Extra serious.

"This... hurry up and call the doctor." Princess Rui rubbed her forehead and said.

Shen Jing stared at Shen Rong and said, "Sister, go and tell the father, what I just said is true, go and tell the father."

Concubine Xu was stunned. She looked at her second daughter and then at her third daughter. No matter what, she had to protect herself. Girl Rong is the prince's biological daughter, and nothing will happen to her, not to mention that girl Rong's face said If you don't come to a good family, you can't help brother Hao, "Rong'er, I beg you as a mother, just tell the truth, you are the prince's daughter, the prince will not blame you."

Shen Rong thought of her mother's kindness to her in the past. Although she was the one who was often neglected compared to her two older sisters and younger brothers, she had never been treated badly. She knelt on the ground slowly, kowtowed and said, "It's all my daughter's fault." .” No amount of words could come out.

Everything was like a dream, Shen Rong was even a little dazed, obviously she just visited her sister's house as a guest, how did she become like this? Even she has changed...

When Shen Jing heard what Shen Rong said, she felt that all her strength had disappeared, and said, "Father, Fifth Sister is just young and ignorant..."

"Shut up." King Rui's expression became even more ugly, "Do you think this king is a fool?"

King Rui stood up, walked in front of Concubine Xu, kicked her down, and then looked at Shen Jing and Shen Rong, "You are really good daughters of this king. This is the first time this king knows that you have such a scheming heart. Using this king's daughter-loving heart to plan, it's really... good, very good."

"Come on, give them all to me..."

"My lord." Princess Rui interrupted King Rui, "If you ask me, the fifth girl is not wrong."

Princess Rui walked over slowly, bent down and helped up Shen Rong, who was full of tears and looked dazed and desperate, and hugged her in her arms and patted her on the back gently, "One is her mother and the other is her sister, you How do you want her?"

King Rui hated being fooled the most. Seeing that Shen Rong didn't speak, but she didn't refute Princess Rui, Princess Rui sighed slowly and said, "Sister Chen, take the fifth girl down first."

Concubine Chen stood up and blessed Fu and said, "Yes." She believed that Concubine Rui would not let Concubine Xu have the possibility of turning over again, so she stepped forward and hugged Shen Rong, and wiped the wound on her face with a handkerchief , "Come down with me, I'll give you medicine again." Then she looked at the maid who was still kneeling on the ground.

Concubine Rui also noticed and nodded, and Concubine Chen said, "You only think about your girl, follow me to the inner room, have a good face..."

The maid kowtowed to Concubine Chen, and then went to help Shen Rong walk into the inner room, watched all this quietly, and shouted, "Father..."

Concubine Xu looked at King Rui's expression, knowing that there was no room for change, her face was full of despair and unwillingness, " shouldn't be like this..."

Concubine Rui looked at Concubine Xu with cold eyes, and just said, "Cuixi, tell Concubine Xu everything, and then let Granny Li talk about what the four girls have done."

When Shen Jing went in to find Shen Rong just now, Princess Rui had already ordered people to investigate everything clearly. Even the words that Shen Jing and Shen Rong said were clearly heard by the person sent by Princess Rui to find Shen Jing. Shen Jing was flustered Didn't notice the presence of others at all.

There was already a doctor in Prince Rui's mansion, and someone had already passed it on. The maid brought water to wash Shen Rong's face again. Shen Rong sat on the chair blankly, her eyes were glazed over. Instead, he looked at the maid who was covered in injuries, and said softly, "Is your name Xiuzhu?"

Many places on Xiuzhu's face were swollen. Hearing this, Fushen said, "Yes."

"Sit down." Concubine Chen asked Xiuzhu to sit down, looked at her face carefully and said, "Don't be afraid, the doctor will show you later."

"Yes." Xiuzhu said respectfully.

Concubine Chen didn't speak anymore, she just sat aside, waited for the doctor to come, and asked the doctor to show Shen Rong again, the maid took out snow lotus ointment and applied it on her, Concubine Chen asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "Don't get wet anymore."

"Okay." Concubine Chen responded and said, "Doctor please show this girl too."

The doctor nodded. In fact, there is a doctor in the mansion who specializes in treating servants, but his medical skills are not as good as this doctor. But since he has already come, it is just by the way. The doctor looked at Xiuzhu and said, "I will send someone to send some Here comes the ointment, and don’t eat anything with heavy color in the near future.” I won’t say anything more, after all, I’m just a maid, and looking at it like this, I’m afraid there is something secretive about it.

Concubine Chen asked, "Thank you doctor."

After the doctor left, Concubine Chen said, "Xiuzhu, go down and have a rest first. You don't need to work during this period of recovery. I will ask someone to tell the kitchen that you cook your meals alone."

"My maidservant thanked Concubine Chen." Xiuzhu said respectfully.

Shen Rong suddenly said, "I want Xiuzhu, don't let her go."

Concubine Chen lowered her eyes slightly and said, "Fifth Miss, Xiuzhu is injured, so I can't serve you for the time being."

"No." Shen Rong pushed away the maid who was giving her medicine, grabbed Xiuzhu and said, "I want Xiuzhu."

Concubine Chen said with some embarrassment, "Then let Xiuzhu take the medicine and come back?"

"No." Shen Rong refused.

Xiuzhu said in a respectful voice, "The servant waits on the girl."

Concubine Chen didn't speak any more, she just sighed slightly, Shen Rong returned to her lifeless look, holding Xiuzhu's hand tightly, and sat back on the chair, Xiuzhu had to stand aside bent over, Concubine Chen let people Moved a round pier for Xiuzhu, and Xiuzhu sat down halfway after thanking her.

"Chen Concubine, what will happen to my mother?" Shen Rong asked suddenly.

Concubine Chen lowered her eyes slightly, "I don't know."

How about it? I'm afraid it will be sent to Zhuangzi, and he will die of illness after a while.

I'm afraid Mrs. Xu never thought that such a day would come. Thinking of what Mrs. Xu did to Girl Jin back then, Concubine Chen let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps Mrs. Xu had long forgotten why she voted for Princess Rui in the first place. , She endured it for so many years, and finally avenged this revenge. At that time, girl Jin didn't remember anything, and she didn't want to tell her daughter such dirty things, she just wanted her daughter to be happy for the rest of her life.

"What about my fourth sister?" Shen Rong asked after hesitating for a long time.

Concubine Chen would not involve adults' matters on children, but she was not kind enough to comfort her enemy's daughter as if she were her own. She just said, "I don't know."

Shen Rong bit her lower lip and said, "Concubine Chen, please go and ask Third Sister, let her help my mother..." Xiuzhu quickly pulled Shen Rong's hand.

Concubine Chen finally looked up at Shen Rong and asked, "Why?"

Seeing that Shen Rong was speechless, Concubine Chen said, "Fifth girl, take a good rest." After saying that, she got up and went out, but she didn't leave. She was in the small hall outside her bedroom. Thanks to her daughter's marriage, Thinking of her daughter, Concubine Chen's eyes softened a lot.

"Then what about the end?" Shen Jin felt that Shuangqiao must have inquired about it with many people, otherwise she knew it so clearly.

Shen Qi opened the mouth and said, "Concubine Xu was sent to Zhuangzi to recuperate. The fourth younger sister was worried about Concubine Xu's condition, so she decided to go to the temple to pray for her biological mother."

"Thanks to the fact that elder sister and elder brother are fine." Shen Jin said, "I'm afraid the second elder sister will have a hard time in Zheng's house."

Shen Qi sneered, "I asked someone to inquire about the Zheng family's affairs, no wonder the second sister grabbed the eldest son of the Zheng family's face that day, and Mrs. Zheng didn't punish her."

"En?" Shen Jin looked at Shen Qi.

Shen Qi said, "The Zheng family is a scholarly family, a noble family, but it's a little too noble. Antique calligraphy and paintings, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, which one doesn't need money? It's already beyond the means, and Shen Zi's housekeeper still wants to pay for it." Her idea of dowry, when her sister-in-law gets married in a while, the dowry has not yet been arranged."

Shen Jin nodded, without an overly surprised expression, Shen Qi asked, "You already knew?"

"No." Shen Jin said, "I was surprised when the second sister said that, but now I understand what my sister said."

"Strange?" Shen Qi asked.

Shen Jin nodded, "Which mother doesn't love her child?"

This principle is simple and clear. Shen Qi looked at Shen Jin and couldn't help sighing in her heart, yes, what mother doesn't love her children, Shen Zi looks shrewd but she is a foolish person, now that Concubine Xu is gone, she is rejected by her father again, The only thing she can rely on is the status of the princess, maybe in the days after Zheng's family... Then Mrs. Zheng is also shrewd, but it has nothing to do with her.

Shen Qi and his wife had lunch here and left in the afternoon.

Chu Xiuming looked at the drowsy Shen Jin, picked her up and sent her back to the room and said, "Sleep a little longer if you're sleepy."

"I still want to talk to you." Shen Jin's eyes were a little confused, he yawned a little, rubbed against Chu Xiuming's arms, and stretched out his small hand to scratch his chest.

"I'll sleep with you." Chu Xiuming said.

Only then did Shen Jin nod, and when Chu Xiuming put her down, she changed into a nightgown, yawned again and climbed onto the bed, looking at Chu Xiuming eagerly, who also changed into a nightgown, and then went to bed, Shen Jin Jin rolled skillfully into his arms, and Nanny Zhao pulled back the bed curtain and left.

Chu Xiuming gently stroked Shen Jin's back, Shen Jin lay comfortably on Chu Xiuming's body, rubbed his face against his chest, and whispered about the affairs of the mansion.

"Oh." Chu Xiuming reached out and pinched her soft little neck and said, "Your fifth sister is a smart person."

Shen Jin responded, and kicked her fleshy feet on his legs. In fact, she also thought that Concubine Xu is Shen Rong's mother, and Shen Zi and Shen Jing are her sisters. If she wants to take her out, Some means must be used.

Doesn't Shen Rong know anything about the outside world? Impossible, after all, it is in her courtyard, she just can't show up because she is not good at it, until Shen Jing came to find her... At that time, it would be beneficial for Shen Rong to admit, not only to save herself, but also to get Rui Wang's pity, he thinks she is a pure and filial person, so what if there is a scar on her face? As long as she is King Rui's daughter, she won't worry about being unable to marry.

Even if this matter is told, no one will think that Shen Rong is wrong.

It's just that it's too much to go too far, the performance is too much, Princess Rui may have already seen it, but it's just a plan.

Shen Jin kicked Chu Xiuming a few more times, closed his eyes and said, "Father's birthday will be in a few days, when shall we go to the south?"

Chu Xiuming did some calculations in his mind, and didn't answer, but said, "Don't you like the capital?"

"En." If I hadn't seen the scenery outside, I am afraid that Shen Jin would have been immersed in the prosperity of the capital all his life, but now, Shen Jin feels that the not a place where people can live comfortably. What does it look like?"

Before Chu Xiuming could answer, she laughed, "It doesn't matter, I just feel more comfortable than the capital."

"You will like it." Chu Xiuming said, his voice was a little low, "There are a lot of seafood over there, and I will take you to Fuzhou, where there are seafood... and all kinds of fruits you like to eat."

Shen Jin listened to Chu Xiuming's voice with her eyes closed, feeling at ease and comfortable, and murmured, "Even without these, I would still go with you, as long as we are all together." Her voice was exceptionally soft Nuo, it's still a little vague, but Chu Xiuming heard it clearly, and his heart warmed up. His little lady is sometimes very transparent and sometimes stupid and cute, but what she said pokes his heart. Let him be pitiful and loving.

"Anyway, Nanny Zhao is here." Without even opening her eyes, Shen Jin fell off Chu Xiuming's body in a hazy sleep, then rolled into his arms, and found a comfortable position, "Zhao Mammy can do anything."

Chu Xiuming suddenly felt that it was a long way to go to the south, and Mammy Zhao was not too young to travel back and forth. Should I send someone to send her back to the border town

I looked down and saw that the heartless thing was already sleeping soundly. It was really love-hate He hummed twice, but didn't bother to reach out and move.

Chu Xiuming sighed slowly, adjusted his position so that Shen Jin could sleep more comfortably, then wrapped his wife in his arms, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

He didn't sleep, but he was thinking about the situation in the capital, and the business that he hadn't finished talking about last time. The pirates must not be tolerated, otherwise the people who suffer will be the people along the coast. The meaning is that I don't want him to go, I'm afraid I don't want him to increase his prestige and military power, but Emperor Cheng values civility over military affairs, and is very defensive and suppressing generals, even the matter of suppressing bandits... holding his beautiful wife in his arms, but It's no wonder that Emperor Cheng, the title of the throne is not justified, and he is worried all day long, and he doesn't know what the meaning is.

Now these old courtiers are willing to assist Emperor Cheng, but it's just that they haven't changed their name to be justified, King Rui? He is a compatriot with the same mother as Emperor Cheng, and he is not as clear-sighted as Emperor Cheng, so even if many people know that Emperor Cheng is not Mingjun, they can only hold their noses to recognize it.

And there is one most important thing that Emperor Cheng has not found so far.

When Shen Jin woke up, she was the only one left on the bed. Hearing the movement, Mother Zhao lifted the curtain of the bed and said with a smile, "Madam is awake, but are you hungry?"

"En." Shen Jin sat on the bed, still a little confused, rubbed his eyes before saying, "Where is your husband?"

"The general is out to do some errands." Mother Zhao took the clothes and put them on Shen Jin's body and said, "Madam, do you want to get up?"

"Yes." Seeing that the candle was already lit, Shen Jin got out of bed, put on her shoes and walked to the window, pushed it away and saw that it was already dark outside, and asked, "Why didn't Mammy wake me up?"

"The general specifically ordered not to disturb Madam." An Ping and An Ning came in with water for Shen Jin to wash up. Zhao Nanny smiled and said, "Madam, what do you want?"

"What else?" Shen Jin didn't ask why Chu Xiuming wasn't here when it was dark.

Zhao Nanny said, "Everything is prepared, what Madam wants to say, this old slave will do it."

Shen Jin thought for a while, and said, "Don't bother, just order a bowl of noodles, I want to put some chili."

"Okay." Mother Zhao agreed, and went to the kitchen to prepare.

Because it was night, Shen Jin only changed into regular clothes, her hair was loosely tied, and even though she just woke up, she still felt lazy and didn't want to move. Mammy Zhao quickly brought over noodles, salted duck eggs and a stack of Hot and sour radish sticks.

"Must noodles." Shen Jin said with joy when he saw it, "When did you make it?" She often ate it when she was in the border town, but she didn't eat it again when she left the border town all the way to Kyoto.

Mother Zhao brought the things up, and waited for Anping and Anning to put them on the table, then said with a smile, "When I was free in the afternoon, I happened to see the kitchen rolling out noodles. Ma'am used it."

The hotter the noodles, the tastier it is. It is best to heat them three times before they are fragrant and delicious. Mother Zhao originally planned to cook them once in the morning after they were cooked, and it would be just right to cook them once before eating at noon. Who knows tonight? Shen Jin wanted to eat noodles, so he cooked them in advance.

Nanny Zhao peeled the salted duck eggs and put them into Shen Jin's bowl. Shen Jin lowered his head and ate them. He used two bowls of hot and sour radish sticks. Jin didn't use it anymore, "An Ning accompanied Madam to the yard."

"Yes." An Ning went to get the lantern, Zhao Mama added another dress for Shen Jin, and the two of them were just about to go out, when the door was pushed open from the outside, and Chu Xiuming came in wearing a brown shorts.

Shen Jin froze for a moment, then smiled, "I've never seen my husband dressed like this before."

Chu Xiuming took a look and said, "I changed clothes to accompany you."

"Okay." Shen Jin sat down with a smile and said, "Husband, hurry up."

Chu Xiuming didn't say anything, went directly into the inner room, changed his clothes, and came out. Shen Jin stood at the door, holding a lantern and said with a smile, "Husband."

Shen Jin was wearing a light-colored dress, not even a piece of jewelry, standing at the door with a lantern in his hand, which made Chu Xiuming's hostility disappear without a trace, and he walked slowly Walked over, took the lantern with one hand, took Shen Jin's hand with the other hand, and walked out.

"Husband, Mo Mo did it today..." Shen Jin's voice was tender and glutinous, and he took his hand out of Chu Xiuming's hand, then hugged his arm with both hands, and was half dragged away by Chu Xiuming.

Mammy Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and did not use Anping and Anning, she picked up the clothes that were still on the ground by Chu Xiuming with her own hands. Although there was no blood on the clothes, there was a bloody smell that could not be concealed. Mammy Zhao felt that Madam was afraid. Yes, I heard it, but I didn't say it.

Sighing slowly, Mammy Zhao knew what Chu Xiuming was going out tonight, but it seems... Nanny Zhao packed up all the clothes, took the scissors and went into the kitchen, Anping and Anning saw But he didn't ask a word, just lowered his head and packed his things.

When they arrived in the kitchen, Mammy Zhao cut up all the clothes and threw them into the stove that had not been extinguished. After staring at them all being burned to ashes, she went to clean her hands, and watched from a distance that the lantern followed the two people. I saw the general bowed his head and said something to his wife. The lady's laughter was faintly heard, and then the lady let go of the general's arm. The general squatted down with his back to his wife, and the lady lay on the ground The general put it on his back, and handed the lantern in his hand to his wife, and then he stood up and carried it... Wait, carry it!

Zhao Nanny didn't care about anything else, not even master and servant, and shouted, "Don't carry it behind your back." While still running towards Shen Jin and the others, even though the doctor said that she couldn't get out now, in case What should I do if the time is still light.

Chu Xiuming obviously heard Zhao Nanny's voice, but quickly ran towards the distance amidst Shen Jin's exclamation.

"Hahaha." Shen Jin hugged Chu Xiuming's neck with both hands, and lay on Chu Xiuming's back, "Husband, hurry up!"

Chu Xiuming also had a smile in his eyes, and said, "Aren't you afraid of Mother Zhao?"

"It's my husband who carried me behind my back." Shen Jin obviously cheated, "If I say it, I'm talking about my husband."

Chu Xiuming chuckled, stopped and said, "Forget it."

"No." Shen Jin said coquettishly, "I still want to play." Turning her head to look at Zhao Nanny, she picked Chu Xiuming's neck with her fingers, "Say hello to Nanny, let's play again." After all, I couldn't bear it up.

Chu Xiuming responded, turned around with Shen Jin on his back and walked towards Zhao Nanny, Zhao Nanny glared at the two of them, Shen Jin got off Chu Xiuming's back, handed the lantern to Chu Xiuming, and clasped his fists He put it on his chest and said, "Mommy."

Mother Zhao looked at Chu Xiuming's purely happy expression, then at Shen Jin's expectant face, and finally said softly, "Don't run so fast, let the general walk slowly with his wife on his back."

"Okay." Shen Jin laughed, and jumped onto Chu Xiuming's back in Zhao Mama's panicked eyes.

Chu Xiuming supported it with one hand, and then let Shen Jin hold the lantern. Then he supported Shen Jin with both hands, and suddenly said, "Mother Zhao, my heart has softened a lot."

"The general has messed up a lot too." Mother Zhao said bluntly.

Chu Xiuming didn't deny it, Shen Jin waved his hand and said, "Nurse, my husband and I will go back later."

"Take care of your body." Zhao mama couldn't help exhorting.

"Okay, I have a husband." Shen Jin didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

Chu Xiuming walked around the yard with Shen Jin on his back, Shen Jin whispered in Chu Xiuming's ear, and Chu Xiuming just smiled, occasionally adding a sentence or two, Shen Jin's words became more joyful .

The night watchman in Yongningbo's mansion felt that the corners of his eyes were twitching non-stop. Although they all knew that the general favored his wife, but...

"The general still has such a lively side."

"What do you say, the general is coaxing his wife to play."

"Why do I feel that Madam is playing with the general? Didn't you notice that the general just came back, as if he was about to go out and start a killing spree? Now..."

The guards looked at each other, they wouldn't have discovered anything serious, wouldn't the general silence them.

"The moon is bright tonight."


"That's right, there are no stars."