The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 89


After the meal was over, Chu Xiuming took Chu Xiu away and left, while Shen Jin hugged Dongdong who was yawning after eating, and said, "Mother, I will go find you when Dongdong falls asleep."

Concubine Chen smiled and said, "The child is important. When I go back and put the child to sleep, I'll just come and see you."

Shen Jin smiled and nodded and said, "When the weather gets hotter, the three children can play together."

Concubine Chen nodded, and left with Shen Hao first.

Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan didn't go anywhere else, but went to the study room. At this time, there were only two brothers in the study room. Chu Xiuyuan asked directly, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

"En?" Chu Xiuming sat down and began to deal with the affairs of the border town.

Chu Xiuyuan looked at Chu Xiuming, and said with a serious face, "Brother, that is the third brother's child."

"I see." Chu Xiuming paused his hand, then looked at Chu Xiuyuan and said, "I will find it back."

Chu Xiuyuan pursed his lips and said, "Brother, what are your plans?"

Chu Xiuming said, "If we let him lead us away, then we will never find that child."

"So brother, you want to find a condition that the prince of England has to exchange with you?" Chu Xiuyuan also understood why during the discussion yesterday, Chu Xiuming did not answer his question, but said that he would send spies to the mountain range. Chu Xiuming didn't give up on that child, but just changed his method.

Chu Xiuming nodded, and Chu Xiuyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and asked suddenly, "Then Prince Ying won't jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"Oh." Chu Xiuming sneered, "Let him not even have a chance to jump over the wall."

Chu Xiuyuan was completely relieved and didn't bother Chu Xiuming anymore. Instead, he sat by the side and helped Chu Xiuming classify all the affairs. When Chu Xiuming finished annotating, he took it over to read by himself. Think about what you will do first, and then read the comments last. If it is different from what he thinks, then read the comments carefully and think again. If you don’t understand, just put it aside and ask Chu Xiuming when he is resting , if the meaning is the same, Chu Xiuyuan will be happy to put it on the other side.

After dealing with the new affairs, Chu Xiuyuan also took out the ones that Chu Xiuming had when he didn't come back. Chu Xiuming looked at them next to each other, and Chu Xiuyuan also talked about his thoughts when dealing with things from time to time.

When the two brothers Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan were getting close in the study, the atmosphere between the other pair of brothers in the palace was not so harmonious.

Although King Rui took the initiative to bring Princess Rui back to the capital, Emperor Cheng did not let down his vigilance and asked King Rui to call back his sons. He lowered his head on the chair and listened to Emperor Cheng talking about his difficulties and the dangers outside.

"Yes." King Rui responded respectfully all the time, without interrupting Emperor Cheng's words.

And Princess Rui arrived in the Empress Dowager's Palace at this time. When she saw Princess Rui, the Empress Dowager sighed slowly. The Empress Dowager at this time was much older than when they just left Beijing, and even the mother Zhen who was beside her was gone. Instead, there are many new faces.

Although Princess Rui didn't know where Nanny Zhen had gone, she couldn't open her mouth to ask, so she just greeted the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother looked at Princess Rui, asked someone to bring tea and cakes, and said, "It's good to be back. It’s against the people and he’s the son of the British prince, what a mess.”

"Yes." Princess Rui heard the words, smiled and said, "How is the Queen Mother recently?"

"I can eat and sleep, but I am worried about my son's situation outside." The queen mother slightly lowered her eyes, fumbled for the bracelet on her wrist with her fingers and said, "Is it going well for you to go out?"

Princess Rui picked up some anecdotes along the road and talked to the queen mother. The queen mother nodded from time to time. Seeing that she was in better spirits, Princess Rui said, "The prince specially brought a lot of things for the queen mother. I will wait for my daughter-in-law to make arrangements tomorrow." Send it to your mother."

"En." The queen mother waved to Princess Rui and said, "Why do I see you lose weight?"

Princess Rui got up and walked to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager took Princess Rui's hand and looked it up and down, and said, "I really did."

"I think I was in a hurry when I came back." Princess Rui said softly, "On the contrary, the queen mother has lost a lot of weight."

The queen mother smiled and didn't speak. How could she not lose weight? Ever since Emperor Cheng came to her palace and made a big fuss that day, he had taken away many useful people around her, even Zhenmao. After being fined ten boards, she was sent out of the palace. Emperor Cheng said that these people bewitched her, but...

When she heard the news of King Rui's return, the Queen Mother felt uncomfortable and a little unspeakably sour. After all, King Rui has always been a loving child, but it's a's all evil.

Princess Rui didn't say anything more, the queen mother reached out and took off her bracelet, put it on Princess Rui's hand, and said, "This bracelet has been with me for a long time, so I will give it to you."

"Thank you, Empress." Princess Rui's face was full of joy, and she shook her head slightly for a look. She noticed that the maids who looked a bit unfamiliar had carefully looked at her bracelet, and then she looked away.

He also said a few words with the queen mother, seeing that the queen mother was tired, so she served the queen mother to rest, the queen mother did not say anything, but asked someone to carry a box of pastries that had been prepared earlier, and let Princess Rui Brought back to the palace, the insides were all the favorites of King Rui. After knowing that Princess Rui would enter the palace today, the queen mother ordered the kitchen to make them.

When Princess Rui left the palace, King Rui hadn't come out yet, so she simply waited in the carriage, and after a while, King Rui also came over, but his face was a little ugly. When he saw his wife, he reached out and shook her hand, and then let the carriage go Prince Rui went to the mansion.

No one said a word along the way, and Princess Rui also saw that King Rui's mood was wrong. When they arrived at Prince Rui's mansion, Princess Rui got out of the carriage with the food box in hand. King Rui saw it and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The queen mother specially asked someone to make it for the prince." Princess Rui explained softly.

King Rui sighed slowly, nodded and reached out to take it. If he was facing Emperor Cheng in the study, King Rui still had some regrets, but after seeing this box of pastries, that slight regret disappeared. Yes, the two of them went directly into the inner room, and now the Prince Rui's Mansion is much quieter, even the children are only left with Shen Rong and Shen Jing who is sick and locked up.

And after Shen Rong returned to the capital, she was directly locked up by King Rui's orders. After all, she was his daughter, and the treatment was not bad, but she couldn't leave her yard.

The people waited for King Rui and Princess Rui to wash and change their clothes. After all, Prince Rui's Mansion is managed by Princess Rui. Even if they haven't been in the mansion for a while, the situation in the mansion is not chaotic. After the two changed their clothes, Princess Rui sent people out directly. , and then opened the food box with his own hands, and put out the pastries inside. The few pastries inside were all favorites of King Rui. King Rui's expression eased a lot when he saw it, but he didn't say anything.

Princess Rui looked carefully at the fit, and after confirming that there was nothing hidden inside, she took the bracelet from the Queen Mother on her wrist. King Rui looked at Princess Rui's movements and asked, "But what happened?"

"The queen mother...something is not very good." The words used by Princess Rui are quite euphemistic, but King Rui's face has changed, "It's not anything else, it's just that he looks a little tired, and Nanny Zhen is not serving the queen mother either. Not only that, but there are also a few new faces, and the original maids in the mother's harem have disappeared."

King Rui's face changed after hearing the words, "That's the queen mother!"

Princess Rui shook her head, looked carefully at the bracelet in her hand, and said, "Because there are so many unfamiliar faces over there, neither me nor the queen mother are scruples about what to say. By the way, is there any news about the second prince?"

"No." King Rui said, "Your Majesty didn't tell me this, he asked me to call Xuan'er and the others back to Beijing."

Princess Rui sighed slowly. They had thought about this situation on the way, but they just asked King Rui to come down. Just say that it is not suitable for the road due to the cold weather.

King Rui's eyes were red, "My queen... how could he treat her like this?"

It goes without saying who he is. Princess Rui didn't say anything. After carefully inspecting the bracelet and finding nothing special, she set her sights on those pastries. She felt that the Queen Mother had something to think about today. I wanted to tell them, but because there were people from Emperor Cheng around, I couldn't say it directly, so I used another method.

King Rui is still sad because of the matter of the Queen Mother. Princess Rui has already broken apart pieces of pastry and crushed them. As expected, a small paper ball was found inside a piece of pastry. Open the outermost layer of oil paper, and inside is a very thin The yarn with three words written on it.

"My lord, look." Princess Rui wrote down those three words, and called her King Rui.

King Rui was thinking back to the time when he was a child. At that time, the queen mother always thought of the two brothers when she had any good things... When she heard Princess Rui's voice, she just looked over and took the things that Princess Rui handed over in a daze. Looking at the words on it, he said, "Given by the queen mother?"

"Yes." Princess Rui said, "I thought that the queen mother hid things in the bracelet, and these pastries are just a cover. After all, it is safer to wear the bracelet directly on my hand like this, but I didn't expect the queen mother to hide the things in the bracelet." It's in the pastry."

King Rui nodded and said, "What does this mean?"

"Could it be a place?" Princess Rui thought for a while and said.

King Rui thought it was possible, "Send someone to look for it."

Princess Rui stopped King Rui and said, "My lord, I'm afraid that as long as we leave the mansion, our every move will be monitored."

"Then..." King Rui hesitated.

Princess Rui just smiled and said, "Why don't you order some authentic Beijing dishes to appetize?"

King Rui understood what Princess Rui meant, nodded and said, "Alright! Tell someone to go..."

Thanks to Chu Xiuming for keeping them outside, otherwise, even if there was something from the Queen Mother, they would have no way to check it out. It was King Rui who thought that Emperor Cheng might embarrass the Queen Mother, but he didn't think that even if they came back, Emperor Cheng would The Queen Mother will be treated in the same way.

Princess Rui also felt sad, no matter how bad the queen mother was, she was sincerely kind to these two sons, but now... this can be regarded as a karmic cycle.