The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 94


Shen Jin didn't know what Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan said in the study, although she knew in her heart that soon after the year, Chu Xiuming might be leaving, which made Shen Jin cherish the days with Chu Xiuming even more. The three of them are kissing and loving together every day.

Shen Xi and Zhao Jun rushed back. Although the letters were not needed, they brought a piece of news. If they wanted to catch up with Chu Xiuming, they took a small path. Who knew that they would take a detour, so they took a detour from Pengyu. , but after all, Pengyu is close to Yancheng, the son of the King of England, which is the territory of the son of the King of England, so a few people disguised themselves and only chose a remote path to walk. Who knew that they would find out...

"Empty village?" It was Zhao Duan who spoke, his face was full of strangeness, and he said strangely, "How can this be? That area has been in good weather in recent years." Without major natural and man-made disasters, it is impossible for so many to appear at the same time empty village.

Not only Zhao Duan, but everyone present had a bad face, Chu Xiuyuan asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

Shen Xihe seemed to be two people when he came. Not only did he become darker and thinner, but he also became much more energetic, while Zhao Jun stood silently beside Shen Xi, and Chu Xiuming said, "Sit down first."

After the two sat down, Manager Zhao poured water for the two of them. They had just returned, and they didn't have time to change their clothes. They took a few sips of water, and Chu Xiuming asked, "Tell me specifically."

"Yes." It was Shen Xi who spoke, "Because we were in a hurry to get back, we decided to take a detour from Pengyu. For the sake of safety, we chose remote paths or even mountain roads, but when we reached..."

Everyone listened to Shen Xi's words in silence, and Zhao Jun would add something from time to time, most of it was the surrounding environment and terrain, because they needed to replenish dry food, so they didn't completely force people to leave, sometimes they would find villages to buy and exchange dry food, or even sat Come down for a hot soup meal.

And this time the Zhao family also sent people to lead the way with them, and one of them followed them to the mountains to collect mountain goods, so he wouldn't get lost.

If it wasn't for this person to lead the way, they would never have taken such a risk, but when they found the first empty village, they were not too surprised. After all, most of the villages here are composed of a dozen households or at most no more than 30 households Composed, it is inevitable that some things have been transferred and it can be said in the past, but when they met the second one, several people felt that something was wrong, even the person who led the way said that last year, they came to collect mountain goods, There are still many people here.

In the nearest village here, if you want to go to the city, you have to walk for two days. The Zhao family will come here to collect mountain goods once a year. It is also because there is a manager who has gone out of the mountains here. Knowing that the mountain people here are not easy, They work hard to get some mountain goods, but they often can’t sell them at a good price, so after talking to Zhao Ru, the steward will come here to collect them once a year, and the price they give is also very reasonable. Gradually, all the villages here like to sell The things are left waiting for the Zhao family to come.

When they were in the second village, they checked carefully and found that there was no food in everyone's home, but some people's clothes were there, and some people seemed to have packed up their things and moved them away. It seemed that they left in a panic, and even a guard found the hidden blood... but no corpse was found.

This made Shen Xi and the others feel a little heavy, and finally ventured to a village closer to the town. This time, there was nothing wrong with the village. They even inquired about the news of the empty villages. I didn't know until later when they arrived in the town, the waiter in a restaurant knew something about it. Their restaurant had been collecting mountain goods from the people here, as well as some game from hunters. They had been cooperating with them some time ago. People said that the government said that they would close the mountain and relocate them. They would not arrange houses and distribute fertile land. Many people were tempted, but some people were unwilling to leave their original places, especially these hunters. They have no other means of earning a living.

Later, it was clear that it was time for delivery, but the Orion didn't come, and the manager of the restaurant mumbled for a few days, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking that he had moved away.

After Shen Xi and the others got the news, they didn't stay in the town for too long. They went into the mountains again after buying dry food. They also discovered a pattern, that is, there were no people in the villages that were far away from people and had little information.

"Later we found a little boy in the mountains." Shen Xi said, "He has been brought back."

"Bring someone here." Chu Xiuming and the others felt heavy in their hearts at this moment. Manager Zhao and Manager Wang looked at each other, and they both had some guesses in their hearts.

Soon someone brought the child over. The child looked like he was only four or five years old, and his small face was tense as he looked at the crowd. Shen Xi got up and sat beside him with the child. Water, said, "Don't be afraid, little tiger."

The boy named Little Huzi nodded, and Chu Xiuming couldn't help asking in a gentler voice, "Little Huzi, how old are you?"

"Seven years old." Little Huzi spoke clearly.

Chu Xiuming narrowed his eyes, and asked, "Can you tell me what's going on?" He didn't ask anything in particular, and Shen Xi and the others had already explained it before he was on the way.

Little Huzi nodded, and started to speak. What he said was not official, and his accent was a bit strange, but it was not incomprehensible, but it was a bit difficult to listen to.

In fact, what Xiao Huzi said was similar to what Shen Xi and the others had heard, but their village was not planning to move, after all, it was the place where their ancestors lived for generations, but that day, after helping the family with the work, he was with a few children in the village. When I went to play, a group of people came from the village, and among them was the person who asked them to move away, saying that they would divide the house and fertile land.

At that time, he was playing peek-a-boo with a few friends, and Xiao Huzi hid very well and a little far away, because he knew that his family was unwilling to leave, and after finally hiding in such a hidden place, everyone in the village went out to him. It was time to be exposed, so he continued to hide, but later he found that he didn't know what the old village chief said, and saw the leader suddenly make a move, and then the little tiger was so scared that he didn't dare to move at all, and followed the man The people behind them took everyone in the village away, and they attacked anyone who dared to resist, and even killed the most powerful Orion in the village...

Those people took away all the food from the family, even domesticated chickens, ducks and pigs... Little Huzi just watched his relatives and friends being taken away.

No matter how many things there are, Little Huzi doesn't know anymore. Chu Xiuming spread out the map, found the mountains that Shen Xi and the others were talking about, and then found out the approximate locations of those villages according to what Zhao Jun said. Finally, his eyes fell on the people he sent. Could it be that he had guessed wrongly about the mountain range where the spies were, and it wasn't where the king's son hid his troops

"Little Huzi, do you know that those people who came here are all from Tianqi?" Chu Xiuming looked at Little Huzi and asked.

The little tiger thought for a while and said, "I don't know, by the way, they are quite tall and strong, they seem to be a head taller than the leader."

"Did you see what their weapons looked like?" Chu Xiuming asked in a deep voice.

Little Huzi thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

Chu Xiuming looked at Chu Xiuyuan. Chu Xiuyuan asked someone to come in with several weapons and asked them one by one. The little tiger shook his head and finally pointed to a knife hesitantly and said, "It's a bit like this, but it's better than this." It's shorter, but I'm a little far away and can't see very well."

Hearing Xiao Huzi's words, the faces of everyone present changed, but Chu Xiuming just nodded and gave Chu Xiuyuan some instructions. Chu Xiuyuan asked people to carry all the things out, and soon brought a machete. , when he saw this scimitar, Xiao Huzi screamed and said, "That's it, but it seems to be different..."

Sure enough, it was the worst result. This kind of scimitar is the most commonly used weapon of the barbarians. Because of different tribes, some weapons are slightly different. The one that Chu Xiuyuan brought was a trophy, but this one is more gorgeous It is not used by ordinary barbarians.

After asking a few more questions, Chu Xiuming asked someone to send the little tiger to the main courtyard, and handed it over to Shen Jin for arrangement. At this time, the people in the meeting hall looked very different, because they knew that he was still a child. Under such circumstances, the barbarians have already arrived in Tianqi. If it wasn't for Shen Xi and the others who happened to take a detour this time, they probably wouldn't know this.

"General Lin, please come here." Chu Xiuming said.

"Yes." Manager Zhao went out directly, and sent someone to invite General Lin, General Wu and General Jin.

Zhao Duan frowned and said, "From this point of view, what is the purpose of Prince Ying's arresting these people? If it weren't for this coincidence, no one would have noticed that so many people were missing."

After all, those villages are not well-informed. Even if some people know about it, they will think like the second child in the town that these mountain people have moved and been divided into fertile land and houses, and they don’t look like barbarians, because Those people usually burned, killed and looted when they entered the village, but according to what Shen Xi and the others said, it seemed more like they had a purpose, and they also concealed it. Not only the bloodstains were cleaned up, but the corpses were not left behind. That Orion would not be the only one who resisted and was killed.

"Actually, we have overlooked one point." Chu Xiuming said suddenly, "Copper mines, iron mines, and silver mines are all in the hands of the imperial court." The reason why their weapons are never lacking.

Zhao Guanshi thought for a while and said, "How did the prince of England get those weapons? Even... We have been investigating who sold the weapons to the barbarians privately, but we only checked from the court. If it is the prince of England... "

"Could it be that there is not enough manpower, or they found new ones." Zhao Duan said, "So they need mining people, but they can't be aboveboard, so they chose this method."

"There is another possibility." Manager Wang thought for a while and said, "There are no people around Yancheng who can get mining, so the Prince of England must take the risk of arresting people around. At the beginning, he proposed houses and fertile land. In order to deceive those people to go there voluntarily, and the second is to find a reason for these people to disappear."

Chu Xiuyuan clenched his fists tightly, and everyone didn't speak again for a while, but Chu Xiuming was obviously thinking about something, and when the three generals were invited, Guanshi Zhao explained the general things, and General Lin frowned Said, "Could it be that the flood..."

Chu Xiuming said, "If this is the case, there is one good news and one bad news." He crossed his hands on the table, looked at the crowd, and waited for them to stop discussing, "Good news, I am afraid that the soldiers of the Prince of England There are far fewer horses than we thought."

"Yes!" General Jin said happily after hearing the words, "Such an important place needs barbarians. I'm afraid it's because there are not enough troops in the hands of the King's son."

Chu Xiuyuan only felt a chill in his heart, and said, "If the weapons in the hands of those barbarians are more sufficient and sophisticated..."

The barbarians themselves are very difficult to deal with. After all, they are stronger and stronger, and Tianqi relies more on their superiority in weapons. If the barbarians have enough weapons... Chu Xiuming nodded, this is what he wants to say. information.

Zhao Guanshi let out a breath slowly, "At least this also explains why the son of Prince Ying hasn't really fought against Emperor Cheng so far."

"I'm afraid it's coming soon." Chu Xiuming said, "I'm afraid it is because the other party's demand is increasing that they will send people to Peng Yu to take people away."

Both Zhao Jun and Shen Xi were listening. It was the first time for them to realize their own shortcomings so clearly. These people only guessed so much from such a small piece of news they brought back. Was sanded off.

"Then let's do it in advance." Chu Xiuming looked at everyone and said, he wanted everyone to have a good year together, but now I'm afraid we can't wait.

"Yes." Everyone said with solemn faces.

Chu Xiuming looked at Shen Xi and said, "Shen Xi, go meet King Rui and Princess Rui."

"Father and mother?" Shen Xi looked at Chu Xiuming with some doubts.

Chu Xiuming nodded. Shen Xi didn't know about Chu Xiuyuan, and he wasn't ready to say now, "Emperor Cheng wants to attack them, and the queen mother sent the news that they are going to escape from the capital through the secret road. Ju has arranged someone, you go to... "

Shen Xi got up and walked to Chu Xiuming's side, Chu Xiuming pointed to the map and told him, and arranged for manpower, Shen Xi said, "I see."

Chu Xiuming waved his hand, and Shen Xi withdrew. This was the first time he went out on a mission alone, and he felt a little uneasy. Chu Xiuming also knew the importance of the edict, and said, "I will arrange a military advisor to accompany you go."

Then Shen Xi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay."

Chu Xiuming looked at General Lin again and said, "General Lin, you go to take over Yucheng, Zhao Jun, you follow General Lin."

"Yes." General Lin and Zhao Jun stood up and responded respectfully.

Chu Xiuming continued, "Rearrange the guards in Yucheng so that they can be connected with the border city."

General Lin agreed, and after Chu Xiuming asked them to sit down, "General Jin and General Wu, you two divide into two groups..."

Both General Jin and General Wu listened carefully. Chu Xiuming divided the two areas for them, and then said, "There is one more task, to find out where the prince of England traded with the barbarians. If you can find that One line, it will be destroyed directly.”

"Okay." General Jin and General Wu responded one by one.

Manager Zhao looked at Chu Xiuming and said, "What kind of mine does the general think it might be? So what should I do?"

Chu Xiuming said, "In fact, we guessed at the beginning why the place where King Ying's son raised his troops was not Jiangnan, and finally guessed that Jiangnan was used as a money bag."

Zhao Duan took a breath and said, "Could it be a silver mine or a copper mine?"

"I think it's more likely to be iron ore." General Wu said.

Manager Wang nodded, but didn't say anything.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chu Xiuming wouldn't be sure. Now it's all speculation. Chu Xiuyuan said, "I think it's a silver mine or a copper mine."

"But if it's these two things, how could the prince of England allow the barbarians to be contaminated?" Director Wang retorted, after all, this is the money bag needed to raise troops.

"What is certain now is that there is no one or anything." Chu Xiuming interrupted the quarrel between them, "It doesn't matter what it is."

"Yes, the important thing is what to do now." Manager Zhao said.

Zhao Duan frowned, and Chu Xiuming said, "No matter what it is, Prince Ying's son must value it very much. In the current situation, those things can only be icing on the cake."

General Lin didn't speak until now, "What the general said is true."

"What does the general decide to do?" Zhao Guanshi asked.

Chu Xiuming said, "The original plan was to set fire to the mountain."

Regardless of whether it is a silver mine or a copper mine, if it is discovered earlier, it still needs to be dealt with first. In the current situation, no matter which side it is, the most important thing is food and grass. Chu Xiuyuan thought for a while and said, "Would it be, Yingying?" Wang Shizi and the barbarians used this mine to make a deal with the barbarians? Or is this the content of the early transaction?"

Chu Xiuming nodded. In fact, he also guessed this way, "In the early days, if it was a silver mine or a copper mine, it was naturally very important, and the Prince of England would definitely hide it very carefully. But in the current situation, for the Prince of England, That's not the most important thing."

Wars cost money, but now it is not just a matter of spending money. People, horses, food and grass are the most important things. The barbarians are also not interested in profit, especially in the generation of the King of England. After suffering a great loss, he is still willing to cooperate with the prince of England, naturally because of the profit.

If it was true as they had guessed, if the royal family was short of men, in order to get help from the barbarians, it would be necessary to abandon this piece, not to mention how long it had been mined and how much was left.

"Actually..." Zhao Guanshi thought for a while and said, "The arrest of those mountain people may not only be for mining."

"Civil husband!" General Jin said, "Because the prince of England has reached an agreement with the barbarians, those barbarians sent people to inspect the goods. Judging from the cooperation between them, the barbarians should be very satisfied and they are ready to act. , so the Prince of England needs to arrest someone to become a civilian husband."

"En." Chu Xiuming said, "Thinking about it this way, some of our thinking ahead is not in the right direction."

Now it doesn't make much sense to worry about what kind of mine is there, but what is certain is that it is probably the place where the son of the King of England has the strongest family background.

"Who is the general going to send?" General Jin asked.

Chu Xiuming didn't hide anything this time, "I'll go."

"No, it's too dangerous." General Wu said, "General, I'll take someone there."

"General shouldn't take risks." General Lin looked at Chu Xiuming and said in a deep voice. General Lin was with Chu Xiuming's father, so when he spoke, even Chu Xiuming had to think more about it.

Just as Chu Xiuming was about to open his mouth, General Jin said, "I have a young general under my command, who is suitable for this mission."

Chu Xiuyuan sat aside and didn't speak, but Chu Xiuming said, "The son of King Ying may have the third brother's posthumous son in his hands."

There are only a few people who know about this matter, and it is the first time for General Jin and the others to know about it. At this time, they were shocked, and Chu Xiuming continued, "King Rui has the real edict of the first emperor in his hand, and he will bring his family with him during this period of time." Come to the border town."

Hearing two news in a row, everyone's expressions darkened. Shen Xi swallowed. He suddenly remembered that Chu Xiuming just said that it was the emperor's grandmother who let his father go. That edict...could it be the emperor's grandmother...but why did he come to the border city? ? Shen Xi looked at Chu Xiuming. By the way, the third brother-in-law has soldiers and horses in his hands. If it proves that the edict of Emperor Cheng was a fake, it will almost confirm what the prince of England said, that Emperor Cheng killed his father and brother. As for the matter, apart from Emperor Cheng's bloodline and King Ying's son's lineage, only the late Emperor's bloodline... his father's lineage is left.

The imperial grandmother asked the father to come here with the late emperor's edict... Thinking of that possibility, Shen Xi's heart jumped wildly.

Shen Xi took a sip of some cold tea and forced himself to calm down. The third brother-in-law would bring up these two matters at this time. When Emperor Cheng knew that Prince Ying's son had an heir of the Chu family, he would definitely be worried. The third brother-in-law compromised with King Ying's son, plus his father escaped, Emperor Cheng would definitely feel that the Chu family had the intention to separate, King Ying's son, Emperor Cheng and his father... three pillars? No, neither.

The more he thought about it, the more confused Shen Xi became, Chu Xiuming said, "Xiuyuan, tell me."

"The son of the King of England understands his own reality, so he will definitely persuade Emperor Cheng to deal with the border town first. Compared with the son of the King of England, Emperor Cheng is more jealous of the border town." Because what King Yongjia did in thirty-seven years, and Many aristocratic families and ministers had feuds. Emperor Cheng knew in his heart that they would never welcome the lineage of the King of England to Beijing. Jia, no matter whether it is under the banner of King Rui or his banner, it is justifiable for the Chu family to send troops. It could be said that before they attacked the city, some aristocratic families and ministers in the capital had already taken refuge here.

Therefore, Emperor Cheng would choose to deal with the border towns first, and it was a matter of course to cooperate with the Prince of England. Such a thing might not be possible for another emperor, but Emperor Cheng... definitely could.

Shen Xi also understood that even the Chu family might not be able to bear it if they were enemies of Emperor Cheng and Prince Ying's son at the same time.

"Besides, they can ignore the frontiers, but we can't." Chu Xiuyuan said coldly. After all, these people just grasped that the Chu family couldn't abandon Tianqi's people and ignored it, saying that Chu Xiuming was in charge of more than half of Tianqi. Soldiers and horses are powerful, but there are not many who can really use them.

Shen Xi suddenly felt ashamed of all the people present, if not for his father, even the border town would not be in such a dilemma.

"Emperor Cheng bullies the weak and fears the tough." Chu Xiuyuan's voice was sarcasm, "If Emperor Cheng finds out that King Ying's son is not as strong as he has shown, compared with the difficult bone of the border town, he must deal with the King of England first. His son, even if he doesn't want to deal with it." Because Emperor Cheng wants to save face, sometimes even though he has a big heart, he has no guts.

Shen Xi looked at Chu Xiuyuan who Kai Kai was talking about. In fact, the relationship between the two of them was not bad, but Shen Xi had never seen such a Chu Xiuyuan, and looked at Chu Xiuming who was on the side, and saw Chu Xiuming's complexion He listened calmly, as if he was just listening to an ordinary thing, without the slightest thought on his face.

"So, this operation can only be successful." Chu Xiuyuan took a deep breath and said, "And it is very dangerous. Whether it succeeds or fails, it is a narrow escape."

"Even so, you can't go as a general." General Lin said, "Even if you fail, although the border town is in danger, it is not without strength to fight. It is not that we have not encountered a more dangerous situation than now, but if the general If there is an eventuality, I am afraid that even the border towns will be hard to protect, let alone any major events."

Zhao Guanshi also said, "General, what General Lin said is absolutely true."

Zhao Duan looked at Chu Xiuming and said, "The general should think twice."

General Lin looked at the silent Chu Xiuming and said, "What's more, that child may also be General Yao's posthumous son. Even he is not as important as the general. The son of the King of England does not know how to raise a person." The implication is to abandon that child, and directly deny Chu Xiuming's original intention to exchange the news of the mountains for that child.

In this case, only General Lin dared to say it. Chu Xiuyuan's face changed, and then he looked at Chu Xiuming. Chu Xiuming slightly lowered his eyes and said, "Uncle Lin said so." Uncle Lin's voice made General Lin's eyes red .

General Lin said, "General, I know you value your family, but now that you have children, you should think more about yourself."

When Chu Xiuyuan heard the words, he couldn't help being moved. In fact, what General Lin said was the truth. Although it sounded a little unnatural, it was because he really cared about Chu Xiuming that he was willing to speak.

Chu Xiuming breathed out slowly and said, "According to Uncle Lin, who do you recommend, General Jin?"

General Jin also breathed a sigh of relief. There are some things General Lin can say, but they cannot. There were three of them, but unfortunately they all died in battle.

"That young general..." General Jin repeated the person he had recommended, "Why don't you call here at this time, so that the general can meet you?"

Chu Xiuming said, "Alright."

Because the matter is so important, the discussion was not finished until dawn. They also saw the man recommended by General Jin. At first glance, he didn't look like a soldier at all, but more like a literati. As a southerner, Chu Xiuming did not hide the danger of this matter. He told him the truth, and the man nodded after serious consideration. He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of not being able to complete the task. His family has been from the border town for generations. People, even the ancestors were the personal guards of the ancestors of the Chu family, and they retired because of disabilities.

Because it was already dawn, Chu Xiuming simply did not go back to his room to rest, but went to the training ground to exercise. Why didn't he know that giving up that child was the best choice? Is it really difficult to have both? If we can find out the whereabouts of that child first...

Chu Xiuming wiped his face, and asked someone to wash it with water. After changing his clothes, he went into the small study room, spread out the map and thought carefully. If he was the son of the King of England, where would he put the child... around? No, according to Prince Ying's hatred for the Chu family, he will definitely not let that child have a good life...

Shen Jin was woken up by Dongdong. After urinating and eating some milk, Dongdong went back to sleep. Seeing that Chu Xiuming hadn't come back, Shen Jin asked the maid and found out that he was in the small study, so she wrapped herself up. He took off his clothes and went to see Chu Xiuming.

Chu Xiuming heard Shen Jin's footsteps, looked at Shen Jin, smiled and asked, "Why don't you sleep?" No matter how bored Chu Xiuming was, he would not be willing to bring out the slightest bit to let Shen Jin was wronged.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Shen Jin came over, touched the teapot, asked someone to change the hot tea, and then asked softly.

When they first got married, even if Chu Xiuming didn't speak, Shen Jin could see what he meant, let alone after getting along for so long now.

Chu Xiuming simply sat down, asked Shen Jin to sit on his lap, stretched out his arms to put his arms around his little lady, and slowly talked about what happened in today's conference hall, but Shen Jin didn't interrupt, and waited until Chu Xiuming finished speaking, then He said, "No wonder, I haven't been able to find out where the King's son got his money from."

"En." Chu Xiuming responded.

Shen Jin looked down at the hand around her waist, reached out and patted it lightly, looked at the map on the desk and said, "Husband, why don't I help you think about it, where will the Prince of England hide him?"

In fact, Shen Jin knew that Chu Xiuming wanted to find out where the child was hidden first, not only because he wanted to rescue the child, but also to give those soldiers who were going to take risks a little bit of life. When all the attention is focused on the child, it is inevitable to neglect the mine, especially when the crown prince is not in good health.

"Okay." Chu Xiuming didn't mean to hide anything, Shen Jin changed his posture and nestled in Chu Xiuming's arms more comfortably, Chu Xiuming pressed his chin on Shen Jin's shoulder, and told Shen Jin what he had analyzed.

Shen Jin nodded, "I also think that the Prince of England is so stingy, he would never be willing to make that child a talent."

"Well, the prince of England is in Yancheng now, so that child should be around Yancheng." Chu Xiuming said in a deep voice, "The prince of England will not bring people with him, but he will not let people leave him too much." far, especially after sending Xue Qiao to the border town."

"That's right." Shen Jin said, "It's time to put Xue Qiao back."

Chu Xiuming nodded, "It will be arranged in the next few days, and I will not show up."

"Then I'll go see her off." Shen Jin said, "There is also Princess Ruyang, it's time to send her back to Beijing."

Chu Xiuming nodded, Shen Jin looked at the map, thought for a while and said, "Could it be a sales home somewhere?"

The Salesian Homes were specially built by the Tianqi Dynasty in various places to adopt abandoned newborns. There were also wet nurses there, and anyone without children could go to adopt them. The children there can't starve to death, but it's impossible to get a good education and environment.

Shen Jin has only heard of such a place, but has never really seen it. Although it is managed by the government, the situation is different in different places, and I don't know how many are really worthy of these three words.

And the best way to hide a child is to put him in a pile of children, as long as the Prince of England secretly gives some money and confesses that the child will not be adopted, or he can be arranged directly in the nursery , watching secretly, "The son of the King of England must need some helpers, such a child without father and mother..."

Shen Jin didn't finish what he said later, Chu Xiuming already knew what he meant, the character of the Prince of England can really do such a thing, spies, dead soldiers, etc., they have selected children from childhood to train, no matter what Whether it is loyalty or other aspects, it is a good choice, and there is no need to worry about their betrayal. It is no wonder that he spreads the news about Emperor Cheng so quickly. There are only a few places where the news is easiest to spread, such as restaurants, Casinos, prostitutes, brothels...

"Jiangshu, Fengqu." Chu Xiuming said in a deep voice.

Shen Jin was stunned for a moment before he understood what Chu Xiuming meant. Indeed, these two places are more likely. A newborn child simply cannot withstand the long-distance bumps.

Chu Xiuming looked at these two places. I am afraid that he only has one chance. There are troops from the King’s son in these two places. It would be safer to investigate secretly, but it was too late in time.

Yancheng did not have a nursery, because it was the fiefdom of the King of England at the beginning. After Emperor Cheng ascended the throne, although the prince's lineage was mainly wiped out, Yancheng was also cleaned up. Many soldiers in the King's army were Coming from Yancheng, Emperor Cheng sent people to clean up Yancheng carefully. Among the people of Yancheng, those whose relatives joined the British king’s rebel army were all implicated. Most of the subordinates were also relocated and scattered, and those orphans and widows also made other arrangements, but because Emperor Cheng first dealt with the prince's people, he gave the prince of England time to hide many subordinates stand up.

Today's Yancheng is definitely not as united as Yancheng was at the time of the King of England. The son of the King of England probably spent a lot of effort to restore Yancheng to some extent.

Shen Jin thought for a while and was about to open his mouth when Chu Xiuming covered his mouth. He seemed to know what Shen Jin was going to say, "This matter is my idea and decision." Chu Xiuming was unwilling to let Shen Jin There is only one chance to bear these burdens. Although you can send people to these two places, or even more places, you need to choose one place as the main one. Such a choice should not be made by Shen Jin.

If he made a wrong choice, Chu Xiuming would naturally not blame Shen Jin, but Shen Jin was afraid that he would blame himself, "This is my responsibility."

Shen Jin moved her lips, her heart was sour and astringent, but still warm.