There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 103: Lovers of Her Majesty the Queen


In star calendar 3288, a major event occurred in the Milky Way. The queen of the Glorious Empire disappeared. The eldest son of the first family of the empire and the youngest cabinet minister in history was appointed as the vice-lord of the empire.

For this result, the other two countries not only expressed their deep concern to Her Majesty the Queen, but also congratulated the Vice-Prince one after another.

In a youth hostel in a remote area, a group of young donkey friends sat around the fireplace in the living room and talked about international affairs. There are countless topics when talking about the new vice-lord. It is said that the vice-lord is the first family of the empire, Xu The eldest son of Xu Yiqing, who is also the fiancé of Her Majesty the Queen. It's a pity that His Majesty is a flirtatious person. Looking at the entire galaxy, there is no young talent who has not been touched by His Majesty.

"Poor Xu Yiqing, but he has to keep himself clean. I heard that once, His Majesty the Vice-Prince accidentally touched the hand of a maid. His Majesty didn't do anything to the maid, but let the husband wash his hands with disinfectant water a hundred times, and the skin peeled off..." Some people were speechless, expressing deep sympathy for Xu Yiqing inside and outside the words.

Yaoyao: "..."

That's right, she is the "missing" Her Majesty the philandering in this story.

Yaoyao is extremely satisfied with this identity. Queen, she has only been a queen in her dreams. With this identity, she has perfect excuses for being flirtatious, empathetic, half-hearted....

As Her Majesty, it is her right to flirt with any man she likes unscrupulously, otherwise how can she be called a queen

It's a pity... her queen is already in the past tense, and now she is fleeing.

Yaoyao sighed, why couldn't the story start earlier, at least it would be good to let her enjoy it for two days.

Yaoyao stood up, her posture was graceful and noble, her expression was proud and proud, and she snorted, "Qiqi, let's go."

"Yes, Your Majesty..." His personal bodyguard—Qi stood up respectfully. As soon as the two words came out, Yaoyao stared back fiercely.

Qi immediately shut up, followed Yaoyao upstairs and into their room without leaving a single step.

Yaoyao looked at the humble room and sighed, this time was her most noble and worst situation, fortunately there was a caring guard by her side who could tease her, otherwise this life would be really boring.

Speaking of which, Qi should also be one of Pei Shu's personalities, which one would it be

Yaoyao sat on the creaking 1.2 meter small bed, and stared at the handsome young man sitting on the chair next to her with her chin resting on her hands.

Hey, this looks a bit like Shen Yi's cutie, could it be Shen Yi

"Qiqi," Yaoyao waved at him, "Come here."

Qi immediately moved over obediently, and asked earnestly, "Your Majesty, miss, what do you want?"

Yaoyao leaned on the shriveled pillow, put her legs on top of his, and let out a groan along with the bed, "I'm almost exhausted, my legs hurt, my back hurts, my feet hurt, please massage me."

He had been frozen since Yaoyao stretched her legs onto him, and now hearing Yaoyao's request, his face immediately flushed red, but he still obediently stretched out his hand to press her lower back, and started massaging her gently.

Yaoyao sniggered in her heart, sure enough, she still likes to tease innocent little boys like Shen Yi, clean, simple, clear, without so much heart, and not so strong desire to conquer, which makes people feel Comfortable and safe.

She put her hand around his neck, pouted her red lips and asked, "Qiqi, do you think I'm beautiful?"

Qi's eyes moved to her face, and then quickly retracted as if he had been stabbed, and said in a low voice: "I dare not... dare not offend Your Majesty."

Yaoyao angrily said, "I tell you to watch it. Is it up to me or the rules?" She then sighed again, "Where is there such a 'Your Majesty' now?"

Only the poor little one who fled.

Seven seriously said: "Of course His Majesty has the final say."

"Then look at me, am I beautiful?"

Seven's eyes trembled slightly, and finally moved her gaze to her face, stared blankly for a long time before saying stupidly: "...beautiful."

After speaking, his face turned even redder.

His heart was pounding violently, everyone said that General Lin was the number one beauty in Guangyao, but he felt that the general was far behind His Majesty.

Yaoyao giggled, and then sighed after laughing, "I'm so beautiful, why doesn't Ellen agree to marry Guangyao?"

Alan is the youngest prince of the Magellan Empire in the neighboring country. At an international conference, Chen Yaoyao, a nymphomaniac, wanted to take him in as a "concubine", which directly triggered the two-year Guangmai War. After all, the follow-up indirectly led to Chen Yaoyao's decline from being the number one person in the empire to a situation where the master and servant could only live in one servant room.

It's really beautiful.

Qi looked at the melancholy in Yaoyao's eyes and was extremely anxious, but he was clumsy. He didn't know how to comfort her, and after holding it in for a long time, he could only say: "General Lin will be fine when he comes back."

Yaoyao sighed, moved her legs down, leaned her upper body on his lap, pointed to her shoulder, and said, "Press here—what's the use of him coming back? He and Xu Yiqing, a rebellious minister and thief, wore a pair of pants since childhood, how could they stand on my shoulders?" Here, let's say... let's say..."

Thinking of what she had done, Yaoyao couldn't help but blush.

Lin Jing is known as Huayao's number one beauty, and she bows down to countless women under the uniform. Unfortunately, no one knows that this peerless flower has been picked secretly before Her Majesty the Queen. As for how to pick it, ahem, it's a bit It was so difficult to be elegant, that Lin Jing went to the frontier fortress for three years and did not return home during the Chinese New Year.

When he went there, his military rank was only a captain. Fortunately, he happened to have gone through a battle of light and wheat, and it is said that he has now been promoted to a major general.

Yaoyao stretched out a hand that was tender enough to pinch water to touch the young man's cheek, with a distressed expression on her face: "If I return to the Summer Palace, I can still reward you, but now I can only wrong you to endure hardships with me."

Qi was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly knelt down, looked up at Yaoyao, his dark eyes flickered with light.

He pursed his lips, blushed for a while, and said: "It's my honor to share your majesty's worries, but your incompetence has wronged your majesty."

He used to be just a small bodyguard. Although he had excellent professional ability, he was taciturn and didn't know how to make troubles. He was not valued by his superiors. It was extremely difficult to see Yaoyao once on weekdays. If it wasn't for Xu Yiqing's sudden attack, he would never have It is possible to have a word with His Majesty, not to mention being in the same room, or even have physical contact.

Yaoyao waved lazily, apparently not very interested in being kneeled down by others, beckoned him to sit on the bed, touched his wrists into the sleeves, and pinched the firm buttocks on his arms time after time. Muscle, smiling and watching him blush even more.

Yaoyao called him "Qiqi", and leaned into his ear to ask a very private question.

Hearing this sentence, his whole body burned instantly with a bang. He almost exhausted all his self-control to keep from jumping up. Feeling the heat in his ear, he murmured: "No... no."

His voice was trembling, Yaoyao couldn't help laughing in a low voice, she knew he didn't, she knew it from his nervous and youthful reaction.

She intentionally blew on his earlobe, and with a charming voice, she asked him to sleep with him.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Qi was flustered and nervous, not daring to look at her. Like a chaste and fierce woman, she grabbed her collar to prevent her from going further, and trembling her voice to remonstrate with the lustful Queen, "Your Majesty is fleeing, Alan The prince is still looking for you all over the universe... "

It's not good to indulge in sex at this time, hey!

Yaoyao didn't care about that, pushed him on the bed, looked down at the boy's panicked eyes, opened his mouth and licked his snow-white teeth, and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? This is still my glorious place, Alan dares to come ? Think I'm a vegetarian in Guangyao's army?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Qi has always known that His Majesty is extremely... extremely... informal in the matter of men and women, but he never expected that one day such a golden brick from the sky would fall on his own head.

Of course he admired His Majesty in his heart, and all the guards admired His Majesty in their hearts, but when the real thing came to an end, he became worried again.

Yaoyao kissed him, and spoke sweetly, "Okay, Qiqi, you have obeyed me once, and you will listen to everything you say from now on."

"Really...really?" Qi's resisting eyes trembled slightly, a little loose.

Yaoyao nodded: "Of course it is true. I am Your Majesty. How could I lie to you?"

Qi summoned up his courage and asked a question that could be called extravagant: "Will Your Majesty only like me in the future?"

This question is too extravagant. Apart from Magellan's Prince Alan, the prince of the Gamma Dynasty, and His Majesty's fiancé, Lord Xu Yi, the current Vice-Prince of the Empire, and General Lin Jing, every His Majesty likes it.

When Yaoyao came, she even counted on her fingers, the number seemed wrong, there seemed to be one missing, where did she hide it

But hearing this sentence, Yaoyao nodded seriously, "I don't like them at all now, I only like you now."

That's right, that's how Her Majesty the Queen sees one and loves the other, and forgets the old one when she has a new one. When she likes everyone, she devotes all her enthusiasm, but the shelf life is too short.

Qi never thought that Yaoyao would give him such an answer. He looked into Yaoyao's eyes seriously, trying to find a trace of lying, even if it was a trace, but no, her eyes were so sincere, saying The root is the words from the heart.

Yaoyao stretched out her hand, painted his handsome facial features little by little, and murmured: "I really like you, look how straight your nose is, like a ladder carved from the white marble of the Summer Palace, the corners of your mouth are sharp, but it feels so soft to the touch. Soft and hot, I like your eyes the most, they are dark, shiny, clean and clear... "

She took his hand, pressed it to her chest, and whispered: "Touch it, this heart is beating for you."

Under such love words, which man can resist, let alone the person who said such words, is still the supreme Queen, or such a beautiful existence that is hard to resist.

Seven shamefully capitulated.

He believed Yaoyao's promise, even though he knew clearly in his heart that His Majesty's enthusiasm was like a stream of broken gold that shuttled through the universe, coming without warning and leaving quickly.

However, even if it was Huangliang Yimeng, he would wake up at any time, and he couldn't help but indulge.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." He called her reverently, looking at her pleading eyes, "If Your Majesty is tired of me, please tell me directly."

Yaoyao kissed his wet eyes, and said softly: "Silly boy, how could I get tired of you? I love you so much, it's too late? And don't call me Your Majesty anymore, call me... Yaoyao."

Qi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hugged Yaoyao tightly.

The house is full of spring, but the snow outside does not know when, the goose feathers and heavy snow are blowing, and the whole world is covered with snow.

In the snowy sky, a black vortex suddenly appeared, and the vortex became bigger and bigger, gradually engulfing half of the sky. Suddenly, a bright silver circular aircraft jumped out and gradually fell to the ground.

The cabin door opened, the escalator stretched out, and two rows of guards went ahead, standing in two rows on the snowy ground.

A pair of black leather shoes appeared first, followed by trousers embroidered with the first family's Jiahui, and slender and straight legs wrapped in the trousers appeared in the snow.

The innkeeper, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried out to greet him, "Your Excellency, Vice-Min..."

Xu Yiqing waved his hand, signaling him to get up, looked up at the crowded universities above his head, said nothing, gathered his big black coat and strode towards the inn.

After receiving the informant, he reminded him thousands of times not to startle the snake, but to keep the guards around His Majesty safe, and to keep His Majesty safe, so that they cannot escape again.

Xu Yiqing showed an elegant but cruel smile. What he wanted was never the disappearance of His Majesty Guangyao. After all, a missing queen is too easy for the opponent to take advantage of.

His feelings towards His Majesty are extremely complex, the engagement with Yaoyao was made when His Majesty was ten years old, and he was fifteen years old.

Back then, His Majesty was still a child carved in powder and jade, round and chubby, with a pair of big cat eyes with two rows of dense eyelashes, flickering like a doll.

At that time, he didn't resist letting His Majesty be his little fiancée, and even felt a little bit of joy in his heart.

At that time, he spent most of his free time after studying with His Majesty.

Later, when His Majesty got older, he suddenly told him seriously that she fell in love with his best friend—Lin Jing.

At that time, Xu Yiqing didn't know Yaoyao's nature, thought she was telling the truth, and was still thinking about how to break up the engagement with His Majesty in order to better protect His Majesty's statement...

It was only later that he found out that she didn't like Lin Jing, she liked anyone who was good-looking, like a collector, she wanted to collect them all, and when she remembered it, she would comfort her with love, and if she couldn't remember... just let them be there The corners of the walls are full of dust.

Since then, he has completely given up on Chen Yaoyao, and he doesn't want to see her at all.

Even if she knew Yaoyao's nature like Xu Yiqing, when she pushed the door open, she was still speechless for a while because of the lewd scene inside.

In the simple room with the stove burning, the noble girl lay disheveled on the bodyguard, her eyes were full of spring, and the boy's wheat-colored skin was covered with sweat. The expression on her face was both joy and secret pain. .

As the same man, he certainly knows what's going on now.

He couldn't help sneering, "Your Majesty is really hungry."

The moment the door was pushed open, cold wind poured in, Yaoyao flinched, and when she turned her head, she saw the young man walking in with big strides. He was wearing a white formal suit and a black coat. It should be snowing outside, and the coat was covered with snowflakes.

He stood at the door, and the wind blew his clothes back and forth. His whole body was covered with chills, and even his words were filled with icicles.

Yaoyao's complexion is not very good, anyone who is interrupted at this time will not look very good.

Qi's nerves tensed instantly, and before Xu Yiqing could speak, he touched the weapon next to him and aimed at him.

Yaoyao gently touched his face as if to comfort him, signaling him not to be nervous, and ignored Xu Yiqing's sarcasm, "The deputy is not in the imperial capital to deal with important military affairs, what are you doing here?"

Xu Yiqing frowned, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Your Majesty, please return to the palace, and draw up an edict to dissolve the engagement between you and me."

As soon as these words came out, the hostility towards Xu Yiqing in Seven Eyes immediately faded a lot.

Yaoyao disagreed, and said with a smile: "Hey, I'm not stupid, I broke off the engagement with you, and then you find a chance to abolish me and ascend to the throne by yourself. After all, how can a mere vice-lord be worthy of you Xu What about the eldest son's illustrious reputation?"

Before she could say a few words, Yaoyao had a rascal look on her face, "I won't, I'll see if you, Xu Yiqing, can abolish your fiancée and take the throne again!"

"I'm afraid that's up to His Majesty." Xu Yiqing didn't feel annoyed at all, waved her hand and said, "Please bring Your Majesty back to the palace."

"Who dares to move!" Yaoyao stood up suddenly, her open neckline couldn't hide the spring light on her chest, her expression was cold and stern, her eyes were like lightning, she stared at the guard behind Xu Yiqing, and scolded coldly, "Do you still remember that you are Am I a glorious soldier? Do you remember who I am?"

At this moment, Yaoyao erupted with a strong aura, and the guards were frightened by her for two seconds, they didn't react until Xu Yiqing gave another order, and hurried forward.


Two gunshots sounded, and Qiqian stood in front of Yaoyao, holding a gun and waiting in full force. The meaning was very obvious, whoever dared to step forward would die.

Qi can kill people, but the people on the other side obviously have great concerns, and they can't be tough at all. If they hurt His Majesty, they really can't bear it and walk away.

The situation was so stalemate.

But after all, Qi only has one person, only one gun, and when his strength and ammunition are always exhausted, the longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for Yaoyao.

At this moment, the sky outside shook again, and two aircraft rushed out one after the other and landed on the ground.

Ai Lun strode into the house with a calm face, but he didn't expect to see Xu Yiqing and Yaoyao confronting each other. The anger on his face disappeared instantly, turning into a polite smile, and he stretched out his hand to Xu Yiqing: "Deputy!" Your Excellency, long time no see."

Xu Yiqing also immediately burst into the most standard smile like changing faces, "Why did His Highness Allen appear here? You know, this is my glorious territory."

Allen smirked: "It's not your country's General Lin, isn't the Glorious War already signing the armistice agreement? Why haven't I been allowed to enter your country's territory, and I'm being chased by General Lin."

Before he finished speaking, Yaoyao heard steady footsteps again, a chill spread from outside the door, Yaoyao couldn't help shivering, goosebumps arose.

This feeling... so familiar.

The moment Yaoyao saw Lin Jing, Yaoyao remembered, this murderous look - it was Bai Yu!