There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 112: Want the master, or want me


Yaoyao was stunned, and asked back: "What did you say, you lost?"

Shen Yi grilled the shrimp meat with lowered eyes and nodded.

Yaoyao murmured in disbelief: "How could you lose? I know Mr. Liu's level, so you shouldn't lose to him, right? Go is a young man's game. Mr. Liu is so old, how can he have brain power?" Might be able to catch up with you? How could you lose?"

No matter what she thought, she thought it was too incredible, how could she lose

How could he lose

When she was shocked, the lobster had already been grilled, Shen Yi silently picked out the prawn meat, and put the prawn shell in front of her.

Yaoyao was not in the mood to eat shrimp at all, she grabbed his hand and said, "Why don't you talk? Don't you have anything to explain to me?"

Shen Yi stared at her with dark eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know how to explain it."

Even he himself didn't know what was going on.

Yaoyao held back her breath and said, "Why did you lose? What happened during the match?"

This time Shen Yi didn't answer, and continued to look at her. Yaoyao actually saw the confusion and sadness in his mechanically indifferent eyes. What's wrong?"

Her hands were all covered with oil, staining his clean face, but he only felt warm and joyful, couldn't help closing his eyes, and whispered: "I don't know."

Yaoyao felt that she had nowhere to exert her strength, so she stood up discouraged and dialed Elder Liu's phone number.

Asking Shen Yi couldn't figure it out, so she asked another head office!

After listening to Mr. Liu's words, Yaoyao turned her head and just met his gentle and deep gaze. His eyes were so deep that one couldn't help but tremble. It's hard.

She gently held his face, and asked softly: "Xiao Yi, why are you distracted?"

Isn't he a robot? Shouldn't the robot go all out for the command regardless of everything? Why are you distracted while playing chess

"Yaoyao." She heard him calling to herself.

Yaoyao gave a "hmm" and waited for him to continue, but unexpectedly he didn't have anything to say, and continued to stare at her.

Her little patience finally broke down, and she said sternly, "Answer me, what is it for, that you can be distracted when you are playing against Mr. Liu?!"

She heard him calling herself again, but still nothing.

Yaoyao was so angry that she directly pinched his face with her hands, and gritted her teeth viciously, "What do you want me to do, answer the question!"

Shen Yi looked at her and said seriously: "The answer is you."

Yaoyao froze for a moment, he was not calling himself, but saying "Because of Yaoyao, I was distracted".

Shen Yi reached out to cover her hand that was still pinching her face, and said softly: "I don't know why, I've been thinking about you. During the game, 'missing you' took up most of the memory, only one A small part can be used to calculate the chess game, I don't know, I can't control myself, I seem to... seem to... "

Yaoyao held her breath and looked at him with dazed and bewildered eyes.

Shen Yi stared at her face, frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "Yaoyao, I seem to have broken away from the original system. I'm a defective robot."

After finishing speaking, he looked at her anxiously. He knew how humans deal with out-of-control robots. All out-of-control robots have only one way to go, and that is—destroy.

He is afraid, afraid of being destroyed, afraid of being wiped out of all consciousness, afraid of being formatted once it is not needed, just like other smart tools.

He was terrified. If one day, he became a brand new robot, seeing Yaoyao would be exactly the same as seeing other people, and he would lose all memories related to her. Just thinking about it, he would be terrified. trembling all over.

Yaoyao couldn't help laughing, the worry and anger on her face disappeared in an instant, and she couldn't help feeling distressed when she saw his restless eyes.

She pinched his face, and said happily: "This is very good, you are growing up slowly, you are no longer a tool to be controlled by others, and you are starting to have your own thoughts, your own 'heart'."

She gently held his face, she had never been so gentle, gentle and proud, and told him word by word, "You are not a defective product, you are a miracle."

Isn't it a miracle that a robot has its own independent consciousness

Shen Yi stared at her for a while, then suddenly held her hand tightly, and asked in a low voice: "If one day I am destroyed, will you remember me?"

Yaoyao nodded vigorously, and said affirmatively: "Yes! I will remember you, and I will never forget you!"

Shen Yi opened his mouth, showing such an obvious human smile for the first time.

He laughed for a while, then suddenly remembered the crayfish that had been grilled, and quickly pushed the tray in front of her, saying, "Do you want to try it?"

Yaoyao reached out to grab the lobster, and accidentally touched the steel skewer that was still on the charcoal fire, and was scalded severely.

Shen Yi hurriedly held her hand for inspection, and there was a long red mark on the finger with the steel stick. Without thinking about it, he immediately took the oily finger into his mouth.

Yaoyao immediately pulled back, "Let go, my hands are so dirty!"

Shen Yi sucked her fingers and was unable to speak, but his eyes clearly told her that his views were completely different from hers.

The tip of his tongue lightly swept over the scalded area, carefully cooling down there, Yaoyao felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, her cheeks were slightly flushed, as if she was about to cry, and she was glistening with water.

Shen Yi looked at her and felt that her heartbeat was going to be abnormal again.

Yaoyao finally withdrew her hand, the burnt finger was completely different from the other hands, white and tender, wet and shiny.

Shen Yi lowered his head, stuck out his tongue like a puppy and licked it again, and asked her if it still hurts

Yaoyao shook her head.

He became happy, his brows and eyes crooked with a smile, he didn't dare to let Yaoyao take it anymore, he picked up the lobster like a treasure, carefully picked up the lobster meat, brought it to her mouth, and said: "I'll feed you."

Yaoyao made a rare twist, opened her mouth in embarrassment, and swallowed half of the shrimp tail.

At this moment, a happy cheer came from the ear, and a lively crayfish appeared between the two, "The crayfish is here!"

Shen Ye squeezed between the two, sat down on the ground, handed the lobster to Shen Yi, and asked Yaoyao, "Where is the lobster left for me?" As he spoke, his eyes fell on the remaining half of the lobster, and he said in surprise : "Hey, this is mine..."

Yaoyao quickly blocked his hands and raised her eyebrows, "This is Xiaoyi's, I'll roast the next one for you."

Shen Ye didn't take it seriously, "He's not human, he doesn't need to eat." Then he looked pitiful, "I've been fishing for so long, can't I just taste it?"

Yaoyao looked at Shen Yi's calm side face, nodded, and looked moved, "Okay, then I'll eat it for you... let me help you."

Shen Ye did a good job honestly, waiting to enjoy the taste of being fed to his mouth. Who knew that Yaoyao picked out the shrimp meat with a stick, made a circle in front of Shen Ye, and stuffed it into Shen Yi's mouth.

Shen Yi's expressionless face instantly became vivid, and at the same time, Shen Ye was petrified at the same time.

Shen Yi picked up the newly caught lobster and started to clean it up, comforting his master: "I won't eat this one."

Shen Ye reluctantly "hummed" and asked, "By the way, aren't you going to play against Liu today? What's the result?"

Shen Yi lowered his head and said guiltily, "I lost."

Shen Ye was as unbelievable as Yaoyao, and asked with a frown, "You lost? Did you lose to Old Man Liu?"

Shen Yi nodded.

Shen Ye pinched the rope while tying the earthworm and asked, "How did you lose? You shouldn't lose."

Shen Yi looked at Yaoyao, not knowing how to answer.

He couldn't tell lies, but subconsciously felt that when facing Shen Ye, he couldn't tell the same truth as when facing Yaoyao.

Shen Yi lowered his head, broke open the lobster, took out the shrimp line, and put it on the grill. He still decided to tell the truth, facing the owner, he couldn't lie, and said, "I'm distracted."

"Why distracted?"

Just when he was about to repeat the explanation just now, Yaoyao interrupted the two of them.

"Is it over? Is there so much nonsense when you go out to have a barbecue? Can't we talk about it when we go back?"

Shen Ye glared at her, stood up with the tools for fishing crayfish, and confessed: "I must keep this one for me, remember?"

Yaoyao perfunctory, "Okay, okay, remember, this one is yours, okay?"

Shen Yi scoffed, "I told Shen Yi, but I didn't tell you."

He pointed at Yaoyao with the fishing rod in his hand, and ordered: "You, stand up and go fishing for crayfish with me."

Yaoyao spread her hands, "I won't go, I have to wait to eat!"

Shen Ye bent down and smiled, "Okay, I won't fish anymore."

Yaoyao was angry, "Okay, okay, I'll go with you, shall I?"

Shen Ye took the fishing rod and sat down by the river, the old god said: "Oh, the earthworms are gone, go and catch some earthworms."

So Yaoyao went to the side to dig for earthworms.

After a while, Shen Ye suddenly stood up and sent the grilled lobster to Shen Ye, then moved to Yaoyao who was trying to dig earthworms, and said seriously: "I want to correct a word."

Yaoyao raised her head in a daze, turned her mind away from the earthworm, and waited for him to speak.

Shen Yi reached out and wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "I asked you just now, if I became another robot, would you remember me, and you said yes."

Yaoyao nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Shen Yi said: "I've thought about it, I don't want you to remember me."

Yaoyao: "Ah?!"

Shen Yi lowered his head, eyes foggy, "I've thought about it, if you remember me, I will be happy if I'm still around, but I'm no longer here. You will be sad if you remember me."

His eyelashes fluttered and he said, "I don't want you to be sad."