There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 116: Take care of your brother


The door opened slowly, gradually unveiling the mysterious veil on Lin Jindong.

Yaoyao subconsciously held her breath, what he had done in the past three years, what he did for a living, why he lived in this kind of place... all of this will be revealed soon.

The room was dark, only the light from the door penetrated in and illuminated.

The moment Yaoyao saw the inside of the room clearly, Yaoyao couldn't help but gasped.

The room was empty, not as much furniture as the model room. The biggest piece of furniture was a big bed against the wall, and the computer next to it was clean and beautiful, shining in the dark. Even if Yaoyao doesn't understand it, she can see how excellent this assembled computer is.

What surprised her was not these, but the densely packed photos on the wall. The people in each photo were different, but without exception, they were all pictures of a man and a woman together, or holding hands, or kissing, or more. Or stay in bed, the relationship between them is clear at a glance.

Looking at these photos, Yaoyao murmured in a daze, "What the hell are you doing?"

Lin Jindong didn't answer, he dragged her in, and found that there was no place to sit, the stool in front of the computer desk was full of fast food, so he had to let her sit on the bed, and opened the heavy curtains by himself.

The light is sufficient, and the people in the photos are clear. The men are different, but it can be seen that they are all celebrities. Many Yaoyao have even seen them on TV. They are famous entrepreneurs, but the woman beside them is not her. legal wife who knows.

Lin Jindong pushed the junk food on the stool aside, pulled it over and sat across from Yaoyao, and asked with a smile, "Do you think I'm also out to sell it?"

Yaoyao looked away from the photos, looking at him with some indescribable eyes.

She shook her head silently, and said: "Your bad temper, do people spend money to make you angry?"

What kind of mouth is so poisonous, which funder has such a good temper, can bear him

Yaoyao never thought that he would be able to do this job, and he was not qualified just because of his temper.

Lin Jindong was stunned for a moment, then lay down on the chair like a fool and laughed.

Yaoyao stood up and looked carefully at the photos. Apart from the rich man and young and beautiful woman, there were also rich women and little wolf dogs. Yaoyao could probably guess what he was doing.

Her heart sank slightly, if Xiaodong really did this, then his credibility when he said that Lin Guangxia cheated would be even higher.

"You guessed it." The man's voice sounded behind him, with affirmation.

He teased himself and said, "I'm a professional catching rape."

Yaoyao didn't look back, and suddenly asked, "Where is the bathroom?"

Lin Jindong gave her a deep look, and stretched out his finger.

She pushed open the door and went in, turned on the tap to wash her hands, and checked his bathroom at the same time.

Traces of a woman's existence are most obvious in the bathroom. Hair, toiletries, and paper are difficult to clean.

She looked it over, and found no trace of a woman's life in this room.

Yaoyao stayed inside for too long, Lin Jindong recalled her expression just now, she was a little worried, she obviously believed her words, would she feel sad, is she hiding in the bathroom and crying now

When he walked to the door, he could only hear the sound of splashing water, and he was even more suspicious, thinking that Yaoyao was using running water to cover up the sound of crying.

He stood for a while, and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door. When the door opened, she looked up at him, her eyes were a little red, and she called him softly.

Lin Jindong gave a "hmm".

"What about the evidence you said earlier?" Yaoyao asked with difficulty.

Lin Jindong shook his head, "There is no physical evidence, only personal evidence."

"Who is the witness?"


Yaoyao passed him and walked towards the door.

Lin Jindong immediately turned his head, looked coldly at her unhesitating footsteps, and at the moment she opened the door, finally couldn't help but shouted: "Chen Yaoyao!"

She stood still, Lin Jindong gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "Is he the only one in your heart? Don't you ask me how I have lived these three years? I miss you every day, you Do you know how uncomfortable I am?"

He stared at the woman shrouded in light, saw her countless times in dreams, wanted to hug, touch, but when he stretched out his hand, he could only grab a handful of cold air, or wake up from a dream, facing the It's just a room full of silence, does she know what it's like

His eyes were quickly covered with red, and there was hatred in his eyes, and even more pain.

Yaoyao turned around suddenly, "Didn't you want to leave at the beginning? Then leave, and never appear in front of me again. When you disappeared, did you think about others, would others worry? For three years, I I was wondering if you died in some invisible corner, or were dragged to some dark den, and were bullied. As soon as you came back, you made that kind of request. Why are you accusing me now?"

Yaoyao couldn't help but shed tears as she spoke, and after learning that he was safe, anger finally prevailed over worry.

She cursed him fiercely, "You asked for this!"

Lin Jindong strode over, locked the door with a slam, pressed her against the wall, and asked through gritted teeth, "Why do you want me to stay? Tell you, when I came back that night, I heard you and my brother on the bed, You tell me, you tell me, what am I doing here? Watching the sex scene between you two? Have you ever thought about how I felt at the time?"

"It's not that you don't know... It's not that you don't know..." His voice was choked with sobs, and he couldn't continue.

"I don't know!" Yaoyao pushed him hard, with ruthlessness, "I don't want to know either! Let's pretend that what happened today never happened, and I just pretend that I never heard what you said. It's too late, Ah Xia should be back, I want to... um!"

He suddenly covered her mouth severely, not allowing her to say such hurtful words again.

He hugged her and pressed her to the bed. In order to welcome Lin Guangxia, she dressed up specially and sprayed perfume on her body. It was different from the powdery and feminine fragrance that prostitutes often used. It was a clear and lingering woody fragrance, which was attractive The charm of beauty is hidden behind the cold refreshment.

Yaoyao struggled hard, but she couldn't break free from his confinement when he was eighteen years old, let alone him who was twenty-one years old.

The former boy has grown into a man, full of masculine strength, and even the smell of his body has a wild sense of aggression, which makes people cringe and retreat.

Yaoyao had her mouth covered by him, and let out a helpless cry, her wrist was burning and painful from his grip, and she was covered in thin sweat.

The hot air was filled with the smell of perfume, intertwined into a peculiar body fragrance, which made people unable to resist sniffing down her body, trying to find the source of the fragrance.

Lin Jindong's voice became hoarse, exhaled hot breath, and whispered: "Yaoyao, I miss you so much... let me hug you."

Yaoyao slowly calmed down, anyway, she couldn't struggle to get away, and she didn't bother to expend that effort, she just bit the man's lips when they were close to hers, as a warning.

Lin Jindong clung to her tightly, feeling her soft curves, his body soon became excited, the reaction was so obvious that he couldn't hide it, Yaoyao felt uncomfortable and asked him to let go, but he didn't hear it, but hugged her even tighter .

Without Yaoyao's consent, he would not dare to do anything, it was clearly to torment himself sincerely.

Yaoyao let him hug him for five minutes, then began to push him, saying: "I'm going back, you have a legitimate job, just be careful..."

It should be easy to offend people by doing this.

Lin Jindong hugged him even tighter, and hurriedly said, "Don't go, let me hug you again."

"No, I really have to go, unless you go home with me later to see your brother, who is also worried about you."

Lin Jindong instinctively ignored this sentence, and said, "Don't you want to know how I have lived these three years? You are leaving, and I guarantee that you will never know for the rest of your life."

His tone seemed to swear, Yaoyao hesitated, "Let me get up."

Lin Jindong let go of her, and Yaoyao sat up, just as he sat up, he clung to her again, like a clingy big dog.

Yaoyao frowned, "To make a long story short, let's start."

Lin Jindong sniffed the fragrance on her body, and asked: "What perfume did you wear today, it smells so good..." It smells so good that people want to bully her severely.

Yaoyao slapped his face away, and said coldly: "Are you still talking?"

Lin Jindong picked her up, spread her legs, let her sit in the small space in front of him, hugged her from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice: "Say it like this."

Yaoyao rolled her eyes and urged him impatiently, "Say it quickly."

"After the college entrance examination, I went to find a friend I met in the juvenile prison. He was a second-generation official. He got into a fight with someone when he was a prostitute. He came out earlier than me and introduced me to a job. His friend The entertainment city opened, there is an online club inside, yes, it is the kind you think, every computer is in charge of a specially trained woman, ordering a computer is equal to ordering a woman... "

Yaoyao cursed secretly in her heart, rich people really know how to play.

"I used to play games well, and I was a sparring partner. Later, after I got acquainted with a rich second generation, he gave me money and asked me to monitor his father for him, looking for evidence of his father's cheating... Later, I specialized in this."

Yaoyao turned around: " it that simple?"

"Or else?" Lin Jindong looked at her, the blood red in his eyes had subsided, and he returned to a pair of dark and clear eyes.

He asked: "What do you want to hear? How much did I eat and cry? Is there any danger? Is there any bullying? Or is there any relationship with other women?"

Yaoyao patted his thigh, ready to stand up, "No matter what you do, just take care of yourself, I'm going back."

Lin Jindong held her back and refused to let her go, and asked, "Tell me, are you not curious about whether I have slept with other daughters these years?"

He knew that the more he cared, the calmer Yaoyao would become, but he couldn't help it, couldn't help wanting to know whether Yaoyao cared about him at all.

Yaoyao took a deep breath and turned around, "Let me go first."

"Don't let go, you answer first."

"I won't go, you let go first."

Lin Jindong sees them off. Yaoyao walked to the head of the bed, lifted the pillow, revealing a pair of yellowish wristbands.

Lin Jindong's face was reddish, and he showed a little bit of embarrassment very rarely. He coughed and said dully: "You saw it."

Yaoyao: "I saw it as soon as I came in, you still have them."

Lin Jindong looked up at him with wet eyes, innocent and sincere, and said, "I will keep everything you gave me."

He stood up, lifted the sheets, pulled out a suitcase from under the bed, and opened it.

Yaoyao couldn't help taking a breath.

It was full of test papers of various subjects, and even a play paper, and there was a glass box next to it, which contained a broken watch.

Lin Jindong looked up at her, "I will keep the watch you gave me, the test papers you have corrected, the pens you have used, and even the paper on which you have written. At the beginning, I kept changing places, almost Nothing can last more than three months, only this box, one follows me."

Yaoyao squatted down, looked down at the test papers one by one, tears dripped onto the paper, and quickly fainted.

"Why do you keep these... they are all useless things..."

"My pleasure!"

"My pleasure."

Yaoyao suddenly hugged his neck, unable to squat steadily, the two of them fell to the ground together.

Lin Jindong protected her and continued: "I'm not afraid that you will laugh at me. I haven't touched any woman in the past three years. I always think that one day I can open this box in front of you. You will be moved and will Kiss me, you will... and you will like me... "

He has been in this mixed place for three years, it's not that he has not learned how to seduce women, but to Yaoyao, he just wants to offer his sincerity, let her see, move her, let her use the same sincerity reward him.

Yaoyao hugged him and didn't speak, but tears fell one by one, soaking his clothes.

Lin Jindong silently counted the time in his heart, the call should come.

Yaoyao let go of him, and when she was about to say something, Lin Jindong's phone rang suddenly. After he answered the call, his expression became serious, and he hung up the phone. He pulled her to stand up together, and said, "I'll take you Go see the evidence, the evidence of my brother's cheating."