There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 15: Father and son kill each other


Yaoyao didn't wake up until the afternoon, and Qu Zhengming hadn't come back after going out. Looking at the medicines on the bedside table, especially the after-event pills, he couldn't help but sneer.

After taking the medicine again, I dragged my weak body out of bed, and then I washed myself inside and out.

The housekeeper brought food and a complete set of clothes, and gave Yaoyao a key, which Qu Zhengming had left for her, saying it was her new residence.

Yaoyao took the keys, changed her clothes, and didn't eat.

The side effect of the contraceptive pill, she is dizzy and nauseous now, and she can't eat at all.

The driver of the Qu family took her to her new residence and left her a home phone number. If necessary, she can call Butler Liu.

Yaoyao sent him away without enthusiasm, and fell back onto the bed.

She slept for three days, only ordered one takeaway meal a day, ate, took medicine, and slept.

Yaoyao disappeared for three days, and the last call was answered by a man. Now that she became famous again, many people speculated that she was tortured by a prostitute and fell ill, and the prostitute also answered the call.

Yaoyao returned to school, and when she heard the message, she nodded secretly in her heart, she finally guessed right this time.

She really doesn't look good, she lost a lot of weight after three days of not seeing her, and her collarbone became more and more obvious, at first glance, she had the illusion of being out of shape.

Now even those venomous people didn't say anything in front of her, it looked really pitiful.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, Yaoyao packed her things slowly, and she was the last one.

When she looked up, she saw a teenager standing at the door of the classroom. The classmates who left the classroom did not leave, but gathered around in twos and threes.

Yaoyao lowered her head, passed by him, and was grabbed by a slender and graceful hand.

Qu Jingzi frowned tightly, with an ugly face, and asked, "Why didn't you answer my phone?"

Yaoyao took out her mobile phone and looked, it turned out that it was turned off, but when she turned it on, there were only three missed calls from Qu Jingzi.

"Shut off, forget about it."

Qu Jingzi; "I bought a new mobile phone."


Yaoyao turned around to leave, but was pulled back again.

Qu Jingzi took out a beautifully packaged box and said, "For you."

Yaoyao just raised her head, looked at him, and didn't speak.

Qu Jingzi's calm face was stained with puzzlement, then surprise, and finally a trace of strange panic. He stretched out his hand, wiping the tears off her face indiscriminately, and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Yaoyao looked at him, her black and white eyes were washed by tears, they were so bright that it made people despair.

She didn't answer, but just shook her head, "I've already said we're breaking up."

Qu Jingzi stuffed the jewelry box into her arms, wiped away tears and said, "You said it, but I didn't agree."

Yaoyao shook her head, feeling even more desperate, "No, I can't be with you anymore."

"Why? Do you like the man who redeemed you from the nightclub?" Qu Jingzi's eyes were stern.

Yesterday Qu Zhengming gave him the results of Yaoyao's investigation, but concealed that the man who redeemed her from the nightclub was himself.

Qu Jingzi only knew that there was such a person, but didn't know who it was.

Yaoyao's face was pale, she looked at the young man in front of her, and said in a trembling voice: "It's already too late, if..."

No matter what happened to Qu Jingzi, he didn't think it was too late, he grabbed her wrist, "Come with me, tell me who that person is."

Yaoyao pushed him hard, but it didn't work.

Although Qu Jingzi is not in good health, she is still a man, physically much better than her.

While tugging, the sleeves were rolled up, exposing the white arm to Qu Jingzi's eyes, and... dotted with hickey marks on it.

"What's this?"

He blocked Yaoyao's hand that hastily pulled her sleeve, grabbed her arm and looked at it carefully, except for the blue and purple scars, there were also half-faded teeth marks, which were from biting.

Seeing this, what else did he not understand.

Qu Jingzi tore off her blouse, and pulled the neckline down to her shoulders, revealing half of her back as white as jade, as well as denser hickey marks and tooth marks.

Yaoyao closed her eyes in despair, and didn't even try to cover them in vain, it was unnecessary, all the ugly truths were just exposed to everyone's eyes.

Qu Jingzi pursed her lips tightly.

sad? Maybe a little.

anger? Yes.

His girlfriend, he hadn't even met before, yet he let someone else take the lead. The most hateful thing was that he didn't even know who the other party was.

"Come here!"

Yaoyao struggled, but couldn't break free at all. Qu Jingzi grabbed her wrist forcefully, ignoring her resistance, and took her into the car.

After locking the car door, he grabbed her and asked, "Did he force you?"

Those scars, even a little bit of pity, can't be removed, especially those deep tooth marks, with a thick layer of scabs, which must have been bleeding badly at that time.

Yaoyao didn't expect Qu Jingzi to ask such a sentence, she nodded while holding back her tears.

Qu Jingzi took off his coat, blocked the front glass of the car, turned around and said, "Let me take a look after taking off my clothes."

Yaoyao's expression changed, and she shook her head hastily.

Qu Jingzi frowned, his eyes were cold, and he emphasized his tone: "Don't do anything, let me see if the injury is serious."

Yaoyao took off her shirt slowly, revealing her round chest, her skin was as creamy as fat, but it was a pity that it was full of mottled scars, which were very scary.

In fact, the injuries on her body were not serious, only a few wounds that Qu Zhengming uncontrollably bit her body during orgasm were more painful, because the congestion was spreading when she was about to go down, which made it so terrible.

But she didn't make him feel better, and returned everything doubled.

Qu Jingzi didn't understand, his face became more serious.

"Are there any other wounds?" he asked.

Yaoyao didn't answer, he asked: "Where is it?"

A blush rose on her face, she opened her mouth a few times, and finally said two words softly and quickly: "Below."

After speaking, I dare not even look at him.

Qu Jingzi sat upright and asked, "Is it serious?"

"It burned for a few days."

Only then did Qu Jingzi realize that she seemed to have lost some weight, not as fleshy as before.

He was very dissatisfied, it used to be soft to the touch, and it felt good.

"What now?"

"never mind."

Yaoyao put on her clothes, and Qu Jingzi also took back her coat. He took out the lighter, lit a cigarette, and held it between his lips. He played with the lighter in his hand, and the flame rose and extinguished with his movements.

Yaoyao: "Smoking is bad for the lungs."

Qu Jingzi: "You don't like the smell of smoke?"

Yaoyao: ""

He pinched the cigarette butt, opened the ashtray, and pinched it out with his fingers little by little.

Yaoyao took out a wet wipe and handed it to him. He took it, wiping the ashes off his fingers.

He seldom smokes, but these two days are too annoying to calm down his emotions.

He asked, "Who is he?"

Yaoyao shook her head: "I can't say."

"Don't want to say it, or can't say it?"


The flames flickered faster, and he frowned: "How much did you pay for your ransom? I'll pay it, and give it back to him. You have nothing to do with him in the future, you know?"

Yaoyao gently held his hand: "He won't agree, he is not short of money." Your money is still his.

Qu Jingzi pursed her lips, suddenly inserted the key, and stepped on the accelerator.

The car rushed out.

Yaoyao: "Where are you going?"

Qu Jingzi: "Go back to my house."

Yaoyao paled in shock, and hurriedly stopped her: "No, I won't go!"

Qu Jingzi frowned: "Don't make trouble! You will stay at my house until I settle this matter, don't go see him again."

Since she doesn't want to say it, let him find out by himself.

Yaoyao's attitude was very firm, and she even went up to grab the steering wheel, and the car almost hit a nearby tree.

Qu Jingzi's lips turned purple with anger, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Yaoyao: "I won't go to your house!"

He looked at her for a long time, seeing that she didn't give in at all, he frowned and said, "Address."

"What?" Yaoyao was puzzled.

"If you don't go to my house, where are you going? The address."

Yaoyao was about to say the address of her home, but was interrupted by Qu Jingzi, "I have been to your home, but there is no one there, and no one can live there. Are you at his place these three days?"

Yaoyao: "No. In another house."

"He arranged it?"


Qu Jingzi smashed the steering wheel and threw her a key, "You stay in my place first."

Yaoyao held the key and did not refuse again.

Qu’s house is not close to the school, sometimes after class is late Qu Jingzi doesn’t want to go home and will make do here for the night, the house is just bought, not big, one bedroom and one living room, 60 to 70 square meters, the same as Qu’s studio, stacked Full of tools and paints.

He left Yaoyao in the room, and said: "I'm going to do some shopping." Then he went out.

Seeing him close the door, Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned comfortably on the sofa to watch TV. This world is exactly the same as the real world, and even the TV series she was watching before she came were still on the air.

She didn't know why Qu Jingzi went there, that wasn't the point, the point was Qu Zhengming's reaction after he knew about it.

Qu Jingzi went out for a long time and brought back a lot of things, clothes, shoes, toiletries and cosmetics.

Two shopping mall employees brought the things in with big bags and small bags.

After the staff left, he threw another plastic bag to Yaoyao and said, "Take it on time."

Yaoyao opened it and saw that the contents inside were very familiar, exactly the same as the medicine Qu Zhengming left for her, even the ointment for external use was the same.

And this ointment doesn't seem to be mass-produced outside, it seems to be homemade.

Qu Jingzi: "I asked the doctor, these medicines prescribed for you, remember to take them on time."

Yaoyao: "...Okay." The father and son seemed to be looking for the same doctor.

Qu Jingzi took out the box of ointment, "This, rub it on the wound three times a day, and it will heal within a week."

Yaoyao blushed and nodded.

Qu Jingzi took a deep look at her and asked, "Do you know how to use it?"

Yaoyao hurriedly continued to nod.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I know." She explained in a low voice, "I also used topical ointment in my previous medicine."

Qu Jingzi explained all the things that should be explained, and sat on the sofa with a serious expression, "I was wrong about the incident by the lake, and I won't do it in the future. Do you still like me?"

Yaoyao looked at him in surprise, as if she didn't expect him to suddenly apologize at this moment.

Qu Jingzi waited for her answer.

To say that there is not much love, but it is true that he likes her. When he lost the most important person in his life, she appeared in time to fill the paleness of that time.

Also, when she fell into the water that day, the drawing board she held tightly...

If there is love, it begins then.

Yaoyao looked at him, with despair appearing in her eyes again.

"If you still like me, tell me what's wrong with me, and I'll change it." He didn't seem to be used to saying such things, and he finished speaking in one breath, as if killing him half of his life. The fine hairs are blown up, as if afraid of being touched by others.

A little cute.

At this moment, Yaoyao's cell phone rang.

When she looked down, her expression changed instantly.

— It’s Qu Zhengming’s phone number.

Qu Jingzi frowned, stood up, and asked, "It's him?"

Without waiting for Yaoyao's answer, she quickly answered: "Go! I'll tell him!"