There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 37: Take care of your brother


When Lin Guangxia received Yaoyao's text message, he was entrusting a friend to investigate the sudden extra 50,000 yuan in the prostitute's account. When the phone rang, he saw the word Yaoyao and stood up abruptly. He didn't even have time to read the content of the text message. I dialed it back, but it was still too late, and it was prompted that the phone was turned off.

He clicked on the text message, Yaoyao asked him to meet at noon tomorrow and asked him to sign the divorce agreement.

Lin Guangxia looked at this sentence for a while, and sneered.

Is she really so heartless that she doesn't even give him a chance to explain

He has clearly told her that this is a trap, he is looking for evidence, and sooner or later he will present the truth to her.

Isn't she even willing to give herself this little time

Lin Guangxia suddenly felt cold, that woman's heart was made of stone, and he didn't feel warm after three years.

At noon the next day, Lin Jindong sent Yaoyao to the agreed place, the car was parked by the side of the road, and he insisted on following in, but Yaoyao refused to let him, holding him down, and said: "Let me see his attitude first, don't you …”

Lin Jindong's eyes suddenly changed, and the focus was on Yaoyao's back. Before she could turn around, she heard a soft question from behind: "Is my attitude important?"

Yaoyao pursed the corners of her lips, turned around, and saw a man in a plaid shirt standing behind her with a coat on his hands, with a gentle smile on his face.

But Yaoyao, who was familiar with him, could tell that he was not as casual as he appeared, the veins in his hands hidden under the coat were bulging, and he was clenched tightly.

Lin Guangxia has always been a very punctual person. In other words, he always arrives about five minutes earlier than the appointed time, neither early nor late, but this time he was an hour earlier for the first time. It was hard to know who was behind the scenes, but seeing her get off Lin Jindong's car, I still couldn't help but feel angry.

Yaoyao was expressionless, seeing that he was neither sad nor angry, nor sad, it was as if she was facing a stranger.

Such an attitude made Lin Guangxia feel even more uneasy. He remembered Yaoyao's attitude towards Lin Jindong before getting married, and his uneasiness turned into disappointment and chilling.

Yaoyao lowered her head and took out the divorce agreement, handed it in front of him, and said, "This is the divorce agreement I drew up with a lawyer, take a look, and sign it if there is no problem."

Lin Guangxia glanced at it. She didn't ask for any property, nor did she ask for any compensation. She only wanted her own things, and her name had been signed at the bottom.

Lin Guangxia still had a polite smile on his face, and said: "There are people coming and going here, why don't we go in and talk?"

The place they met was originally the cafe opposite, not on the crowded street.

The two brothers immediately ignored each other when they saw each other. Lin Jindong kept staring at Yaoyao. Hearing what Lin Guangxia said, he was about to get off the car immediately. Yaoyao stopped him and said he would be back soon. He was unwilling and insisted To follow the past.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Guangxia put his attention on him for the first time, and smiled: "Xiaodong, after three years, you are still so disappointing."

Lin Jindong's expression changed, he slammed the door of the car and got out, smiling slyly, and said: "Yes, I am a poor single dog, of course I don't have the chicness of you hugging my brother."

Lin Guangxia shook his head in disappointment, and said, "Xiaodong, I'm not disappointed that you covet your sister-in-law, but that your methods are really ridiculous."

Like a qualified older brother teaching his beloved younger brother, he taught Lin Jindong earnestly, "If I were you, the woman I love would fall into someone else's arms, and when I have no ability to give her a better life , I will silently bless, if I really can’t let go, I will make myself better and let her fall in love with me in an open and honest manner, instead of trying to achieve false success by discrediting my opponent.”

Lin Jindong nodded obediently, "Brother, I have never forgotten what you said. I have been working hard to become better. The first thing I learned is 'loyalty'."

Lin Guangxia smiled, "That's good."

Yaoyao stood aside, watching the two brothers come and go as if it had nothing to do with her. After the light of the sword faded away, she asked coldly, "Have you guys finished talking? Let's get down to business after talking."

Lin Jindong opened the car door and got in, waved at Yaoyao, and said, "I'll wait for you in the car."

Lin Guangxia ignored his demonstration, put one arm around her, helped her open and close the door, and opened the chair.

Other than a slight gaffe at the beginning, he was the perfect gentleman after that.

Facing such a handsome man who is personable and considerate, who can be cold-faced

Yaoyao was no exception, and there was a hint of emotion in her eyes.

Lin Guangxia put down the divorce agreement and said, "Yaoyao, before the sentence is pronounced, at least the prisoner should be given a chance to appeal, what do you think?"

Yaoyao nodded, "Yes, what do you want to say?"

Lin Guangxia took out three evidence bags, one of which contained a syringe, the other contained a pinhole camera, and the last one contained a photo of a woman.

A trace of surprise flashed in Yaoyao's eyes when she saw that woman.

"She looks a lot like you, doesn't she?" Lin Guangxia said.

Yaoyao took a closer look, nodded, and there was nothing to deny.

Lin Guangxia continued: "This is the woman you saw that day."

Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, then she understood, her face darkened slightly, "What do you mean by letting me see her?"

He ignored her questioning and continued to introduce: "The hallucinogens and stimulants were detected in this syringe. I passed out that day, and I went to the hospital for an examination. The same substance was detected in my body. It was when I was in a coma. This woman woke me up, I was not conscious, and I mistook her for you, that's why you saw that picture, but you came in time, I didn't really touch her. "

He took out the last piece of evidence, "It was found in our bedroom. I called the police to check the room before I found it. Someone put it in our bedroom and monitored our every move. If you don't believe me, I can call the police Comrade to testify."

Yaoyao's face turned completely pale, no matter what he said was true or false, just thinking of someone pretending to be like this in the bedroom gave her goosebumps all over her body, what privacy did she have, even the bed between her and her husband |Shouldn’t all the scenes be recorded by surveillance cameras

Seeing that Yaoyao's expression was not right, Lin Guangxia stretched out his hand at the right time, held her hand lightly, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I have spoken to the police, and any leak of relevant video data will be dealt with immediately without causing any major impact. of."

Lin Jindong watched the movements of the two people in the coffee shop, raised the corners of his mouth, and sent a message on his mobile phone, "Let's get started."

Yaoyao Manman withdrew her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I still can't forget the picture I saw before."

Lin Guangxia immediately let go, apologized softly, and asked: "Assuming what I said is true, who do you think would do these things?"

Yaoyao looked up at him, "What do you mean?"

Lin Guangxia looked at her calmly, and asked again, "Who do you think would do this kind of thing?"

Yaoyao looked at him for a while, then stood up suddenly, and said: "You can read the agreement again, if there is no problem, please sign it."

Lin Guangxia sat without moving, and said, "What did you guess? Why didn't you dare tell me?"

Yaoyao took a breath and said, "Do you want to sign it or not?"

"I didn't sign, I didn't cheat, and I woke up before I even had time to touch her." He stared at her coldly, and suddenly asked, "You couldn't wait for me to sign, did you think I was cheating, or did you think I was cheating?" Prevent you from flying out?"

He stared at her closely, his gaze gentle but sharp, "Yaoyao, tell me that you can't wait to get a divorce just because you think I'm cheating?"

"No! Are you satisfied? I changed my mind, I fell in love with someone else, I want to be free, I can't stand your suffocating love, I can't stand you cutting off all my interpersonal relationships, I can't stand you putting I'm locked in a world with only you, I'm about to suffocate, okay!"

Lin Guangxia was stunned for a while, and then said quietly: "You said, even if I hadn't cheated or someone else had intervened, you would have divorced me, is that what you mean?"

"Yes." Yaoyao bowed her head, with pleading eyes, "Please let me live."

Then, for the first time, Yaoyao saw confusion and bewilderment on Lin Guangxia's face.

He stood up a little helplessly, and said, "If... If I don't restrict you like this, can you give me another chance?"

When did Lin Guangxia show such an expression, he was always confident, always strategizing, even if Yaoyao saw him rolling on the bed with other women, he could quickly calm down and analyze the loopholes, and find the best solution, but now, he Panic.

Yaoyao looked at the unfamiliar Lin Guangxia, a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes, he immediately grasped the emotion, and continued: "Maybe I did something wrong before, if you don't like anything in the future, you can tell me, I will I respect your opinion, okay?"

"Jiangshan is easy to change..." Yaoyao licked her lips, "How do you want me to believe you?"

Lin Guangxia showed joy, grabbed her hand and said: "As long as you promise me, I will give you a signed divorce agreement. If I refuse to correct you, you will be free immediately, okay?"

Then he immediately added, "But not now, I signed it now, I am afraid that you will go through divorce procedures with the agreement, in half a year, not three months, as long as three months, I will give it to you, okay? "

He stared at Yaoyao closely, waiting for her answer, just when she was about to speak, a woman rushed over suddenly, directly in front of Lin Guangxia, he couldn't dodge in time, just happened to be hugged by her.

Yaoyao took a step back, and the face that had just loosened immediately turned cold again. If she was not face-blind, this woman was clearly the one in the photo, that is, the woman she saw rolling on the bed with him.

The woman hugged Lin Guangxia's neck and said softly, "Honey, I have good news for you, I'm pregnant."