There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 84: Twin Terriers


After dinner, Li Yaocheng was called into the study by Li's father, saying that he had something to talk about, it might be very late, so Yaoyao didn't have to wait, and if he was sleepy, he could go to rest first.

Yaoyao is no stranger to the Li family. She spent the first three days of her wedding here. Yaoyao is good-looking and has a sweet mouth. Although she has only been there for three days, the servants of the Li family like her very much.

Although thinking about it now, Yaoyao thinks that Father Li should have specifically explained it. After all, the Chen family has the best distribution network, which can help the Li family to a higher level, especially if Father Li is really in the drug business, with the help of the Chen family's sales Net is his fastest, most effective and safest way.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Li Yaocheng and Father Li finished chatting, and Father Li asked them to stay at home for one night and leave tomorrow, Li Yaocheng readily agreed. Father Li was also surprised, thinking that his son was sensible.

Li Yaochen didn't like living here, he didn't feel free under Lao Tzu's eyes.

Father Li happily said: "Go and tell Yaoyao, what if something happens to her?"

After all, she is the daughter-in-law of the Li family, so she must have the necessary respect.

Li Yaocheng smiled and nodded, "I'll go right away."

No matter whether Chen Yaoyao had something to do or not, he had to let her stay for one night, maybe the Li family would have the clues he was looking for.

When Li Yaocheng found Yaoyao, she was sitting on the ladder of the open-air swimming pool behind the villa playing in the water, her shorts were soaked, and the bottom light in the swimming pool was very soft, illuminating her eyes brightly, and she smiled happily. Showing two rows of white teeth.

Li Yaocheng thought to himself, he is indeed a child, and he doesn't know what he is having fun playing in the water.

Seeing that she didn't see him at all, his heart moved, swallowed the shout that was about to come out, quietly walked around behind her, squatted down, saw that she still didn't respond, lightly patted her shoulder, and before he could speak, he saw her. She turned her head in fright, but her buttocks slipped and fell backwards.

Yaoyao doesn't know how to swim, and when she falls into the water, she panics, throws her hands and feet in a hurry, and chokes several times.

Li Yaocheng was surprised to see her flopping around and screaming loudly, before stretching out his hand to pull her up after two seconds.

Yaoyao hugged his arm like a life-saving straw, her face was covered with water, her eyes were red, she probably choked on the water just now.

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, Li Yaocheng couldn't hold back a laugh.

Yaoyao was startled and frightened at first, but when she heard his laughter at this moment, she was even more aggrieved, holding back her tears and complaining to him: "It's all your fault, why did you shoot me all of a sudden, you're still're still laughing... "

Li Yaocheng coughed, wiped away tears for her, pointed to the sign next to it, and said with a smile: "Did you see that, the water here is 1.3 meters deep, and it won't be able to submerge you."

When Yaoyao saw it, she became even angrier, and the tears in her eyes fell with a splash, she let go of his arm in anger, hugged the handrail of the escalator, and said aggrievedly: "I didn't know when I fell. You almost scared me to death and you laughed at me."

She cried pitifully, her face was pale, her body was still shaking slightly, she was very pitiful.

Li Yaocheng finally realized with his conscience that this was not the experienced female policemen in his team, but a spoiled young lady. Seeing her crying like this, she probably had never been frightened like this in her entire life.

Troubled girl.

"Can't swim?" he asked.

Perhaps it was because Yaoyao looked so pitiful, his voice could not help but soften, and it was sent to Yaoyao's ears with the gentle night wind, which made her lose her mind a little.

This is a gentleness that is completely different from that of the parents, with a strange and seductive power that makes people palpitate.

She slowly stopped her tears and shook her head gently.

"Afraid of water?" He continued to ask.

Yaoyao nodded, "I was flooded when I was a child."

"Want to learn?"

Yaoyao looked at the sparkling water surface a little moved, but also fearful, the feeling that she would suffocate at any moment was too clear, she was afraid.

At this time, the servant at home finally found out what had happened by the swimming pool, and hurriedly brought bath towels to help Yaoyao dry off.

Li Yaocheng didn't stop him, he stood by and waited for them to finish their work before answering: "If you want to learn, I can teach you, but it's very difficult for me to teach others, if you miss this village, you won't have this shop."

Yaoyao, wrapped in a bath towel, looked at him suspiciously, in disbelief: "Am I good at it?"

Li Yaocheng laughed, did not take off his clothes, took two steps to run up, took off gracefully, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell into the water almost silently, with almost no splash.

Yaoyao no longer knows how to dive, and she also knows that the smaller the splash when entering the water, the better. Even if she doesn't know this, she can distinguish the beauty and ugliness of her movements, and the speed of her movements.

Li Yaocheng's diving movements just now are not ordinary, they are not inferior to the professionalism of divers at all. In the next sprint, he glides almost half of the pool. At the end, he turned around quickly, kicked on the pool wall, and rushed back.

When he came to Yaoyao's side, he raised his head and asked again: "Do you want me to teach? It's really difficult to ask me to teach."

The members of the police force were not happy to ask him to teach him.

The moment Li Yaocheng raised his head and met Shang Yaoyao's shining eyes, he knew her answer.

But he didn't know that at this moment, his eyes were also like Yaoyao's, shining brightly, with a deceptive charm.

Yaoyao heard his question, nodded without hesitation, and said loudly: "Yes!"

When she changed into her swimsuit and came out, Li Yaocheng was leaning against the edge of the pool and drifting boredly in the water. Seeing that Yaoyao didn't respond, he waved lazily and said, "Come down, slow down."

Yaoyao stuck out her tongue in her heart, although this swimsuit of hers is not sexy, but a swimsuit is like a second layer of skin, it will only accentuate curves, how could a normal man not react when he saw it

Li Yaocheng was the first one who was not interested in her body.

Yaoyao didn't think too much, and carefully got into the water while holding onto the handrail, and her heartbeat started to speed up as she soaked in the water.

Li Yaocheng stood up, floated to her side, and said: "Hold on to the wall of the pool and walk slowly, don't be afraid, I will follow you, I won't let you drown."

The previous steps are very simple, just to let beginners feel the water properties, water resistance and buoyancy. Getting started.

But Yaoyao was fine when her head was exposed outside, but she panicked completely when she got into the water. She didn't dare to open her eyes yet. In the darkness, she was submerged by the boundless water. The fear of extinction made her forget instantly. After hearing what Li Yaocheng had said, she subconsciously wanted to call for help, but as a result, a pool of water poured into her mouth, choking her even more panicked, and she finally touched his leg.

Li Yaocheng: "..."

Why are you so afraid

He stretched out his hand to lift her out, and as soon as she came out of the water, she became much calmer and lay on top of him panting.

Li Yaocheng patted her on the back lightly and asked, "Are you still learning?"

Seeing her learning so hard, he couldn't bear it. Anyway, she has lived happily for so many years without knowing how to swim, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't know how to swim in the next few decades.

Who knew that Yaoyao seemed to have lost her temper, she had enough rest, and said loudly: "Learn!"

In fact, learning to swim is the same as learning to ride a bicycle. You will get used to it by submerging a few times. As long as you overcome the fear in your heart, you can learn quickly. After drinking the water in the pool, Yaoyao really floated under the protection of Li Yaocheng.

Although she still doesn't know how to turn, she can only swim forward foolishly, but this is enough for Yaoyao to be excited. She carefully swam to the shallow water area, stepped on the ground, and then she was completely relieved, and rushed to Li Yaocheng with a cheer. On the body, said happily: "I actually learned to swim!"

Li Yaocheng supported her arms to prevent her soft breasts from sticking to him, and smiled: "Yes, landlubbers also have a day in the water, it's amazing."

Yaoyao didn't care that he took the opportunity to tease her, what happened to the landlubber before, now it's enough.

She also didn't notice the movement of him holding her shoulder at all, she was immersed in the joy of success and couldn't extricate herself.

Li Yaocheng leaned against the pool wall and asked, "Are you tired? It's past eleven, it's time to rest."

Yaoyao was in high spirits, still immersed in the joy of victory, and said: "I'm not tired, I'm afraid I'll forget it when I get up tomorrow, I want to feel the thrill of flying freely in the water again!"

Li Yaocheng couldn't help laughing. Seeing that she was so excited, he became energetic and said, "Come on, let me show you the thrill of flying."

Yaoyao was just talking big words just now, she would be fine if she floated for a while, she could soar, but Li Yaocheng said so, that is really soaring.

He supported Yaoyao with one hand, and asked her to follow his movements, shouting one, two, three, and jumping into the water together.

Father Li put on his pajamas and was about to rest when he heard excited shouts from outside. From his bedroom, he could just see the swimming pool, just in time to see the picture of Li Yaocheng swimming with Yaoyao, and he could vaguely hear Li Yaocheng's short and forceful instructions, " right hand", "turn", "kick" and the like.

Father Li wondered, when did Yaochen swim so well

However, these doubts were only fleeting, and did not stay in his heart for too long, and were immediately diluted by the loving scene of his son and daughter-in-law.

He stood by the window and watched for a while, looking forward to his future grandson, and went to bed in a good mood.

Li Yaocheng took Yaoyao to play tricks in the water, he was fine when he went ashore, Yaoyao was almost exhausted, but she was still excited, and excitedly made an appointment to continue tomorrow.

Li Yaocheng smiled and agreed.

Very good, there are all reasons to stay in the Li family in the future.

After Yaoyao showered and dried her hair, she fell into a deep sleep as soon as she touched the bed. Li Yaocheng came out of the bathroom, looked at her helplessly, and sat holding the computer until she turned it on.

The Li family is not an ordinary family. Wealth has great energy, and it may even drive those in power to serve him. He dare not contact the team members rashly. No one is sure. Whether there is any monitoring equipment on this computer, and the mobile phone is the same, after all He knew better than anyone that it was too easy to monitor a cell phone.

He can smoke, but he doesn't light it now. Smoking will leave clues. It's confusing to not sleep so much in the middle of the night.

Li Yaocheng sat on the chair and squinted for a while, then opened the bedroom door and went out.

He didn't know his identity before, but only knew that his mother sent him away, telling him never to come back. It wasn't until he saw Li Yaochen when he was looking for a batch of ephedrine that he remembered those vague memories of his childhood.

The Li family has the formal right to purchase ephedrine. No one thought that this one of the leading companies in the domestic pharmaceutical industry would be involved in the manufacture and sale of methamphetamine.

Li Yaocheng first went to the monitoring room to suspend the monitoring of the study, and then came to Father Li's study, the door was locked, and he took out a hairpin, which he slipped on Yaoyao's dressing table when he went out just now.

The hairpin has two thin metal prongs that are just right for picking the lock.

Unlocking the door, he stuffed the hairpin back into his pocket and began to rummage through the documents inside.

Yaoyao wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to the bathroom, and suddenly realizes that this is not her home, and when she goes back, she is alone on the bed.

Usually, she was used to sleeping alone, but she didn't realize immediately that her husband who was supposed to be on the bed was not there.

Yaoyao thought for a while, then pushed open the door to go out, just bumped into a black shadow.

Yaoyao was startled, before she could open her mouth, her mouth was covered, and the man's hoarse voice rang in her ears, "It's me, don't bark."