There Are Always Lovers Killing Each Other For Me

Chapter 95: Want the master, or want me


Yaoyao almost fell asleep, opened the door, fell back on the bed, and asked vaguely, "What's wrong?"

Shen Yi knows from those posts that this is probably a very shameful disease. If women know about it, then the man basically loses the chance to be favored by the opposite sex.

Yaoyao was lying on the bed, her thin pajamas stuck to her waist and hips, outlining her seductive lines.

Shen Yi stared at her, and said in a low voice, "ED."

Yaoyao was lying on the bed, and was about to fall asleep again. When she heard these two letters, she didn't react immediately, and said vaguely: "Look for Shen..." Before Ye could say the words, she suddenly raised her head, turned over and sat down. Get up and ask seriously, "What did you just say?"

Yaoyao looked at him with serious eyes, Shen Yi tilted his face slightly, avoiding her gaze, and repeated: "ED."

Before deciding to come to Yaoyao, Shen Yi had been struggling for a long time. If she told Yaoyao, she might look down on him and hate him. He didn't want Yaoyao to hate him at all.

But he said it anyway.

If he was really sick, he didn't want to cheat her. Those posts said that if you conceal it, it may ruin the other party's life.

He didn't want to make Yaoyao unhappy because of him, although he didn't even know what "happy" meant.

Yaoyao slowly withdrew her shocked gaze, stabilized her mind, and asked cautiously: "That... do you know what 'ED' means?"

Shen Yi nodded.

Yaoyao: "..."

She breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Why do you doubt yourself... no?"

Shen Yi looked up at her, and said, "Shouldn't a normal person get an erection after seeing those videos? I don't feel anyone at all. The post says it's 'ED'."

Yaoyao rolled her eyes and called him like a puppy, "Come here."

Shen Yi sat down next to her, she stretched out her hand towards herself, and then, there was a burst of pain on her cheek.

Yaoyao squeezed his face hard, and said viciously: "It's up to professionals whether you are sick or not. If the post can see a doctor, why do you need a doctor in the hospital? If you don't learn good habits, why don't you just learn bad habits?"

Shen Yi stared at her blankly, opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

She means, is she not sick

"You are a robot, don't hold yourself to human standards." Yaoyao stroked his hair and said, "You don't even understand what that video means, and you don't have human desires, so you want a reaction, don't you?" Is it difficult for the strong?"

Shen Yi refuted her, "I know what that means."

Yaoyao raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Then what do you mean by that?"

Shen Yi said: "The opposite sex must mate in order to reproduce. That is the act of mating."

Yaoyao looked at him with a half-smile, and asked, "Then why did you take a picture?"

Shen translation: "For teaching."

Yaoyao failed and shook her head, "You answer like that, it shows that you don't understand the meaning of those things at all. Let me tell you..."

Shen Yi sat upright, a strange water mist suddenly appeared in her eyes, hazy and blurred with waves, her pink lips parted slightly, and she made a slightly hoarse voice, she said: "For enjoy."

Shen Yi inexplicably felt that it was hard to breathe, her body seemed to return to the scene when she sat on his lap and licked his lips last night, she couldn't help being nervous.

Yaoyao said hoarsely: "Relax."

Instead, he tensed even more. Every wire in his body was under overloaded current, and his body became hot involuntarily.

Yaoyao couldn't help laughing, loosened his belt little by little with both hands, poked in from the hem of the shirt, and gently stroked the hard muscles on his lower abdomen.

Shen Yi couldn't help shivering.

He felt that there was something wrong with him again. The shivering obviously meant that the temperature of the outside environment was too low, but he didn't feel cold at all, on the contrary, it was unbearably hot.

Yaoyao slowly took off his clothes and bit him lightly.

At some point, he was pushed down on the bed by her. He felt like he was running out of battery, and gradually he could not feel everything in the outside world. Light, temperature, and everything became dispensable things. Only she, the Every touch is clear and real to an unprecedented degree.

He felt tormented, as if he was standing on the edge of a furnace, and if he made a wrong step, he would fall into the hot molten iron. Through layers of mist.

Sometimes it was hot and hot, and sometimes it was cool and comfortable. The feeling was so strong that it was impossible to analyze. He could almost hear the sound of the CPU sizzling due to overload.

After an unknown amount of time, the sparking central processing unit finally made a weak but thunderous sound. At this moment, he really felt that he was completely useless.

He lost all his senses, control of his body, and even the ability to think.

This feeling lasted for a long time, so long that he almost forgot everything.

Yaoyao looked at the clear liquid in his hand, it had no smell, and it had nothing similar to semen, it should be some kind of substance that Shen Ye poured into his body.

She couldn't help but think wildly, the things in his body can't be regenerated like human beings, what if they run out? Ask Shen Ye to let him pour it in again

Also, what are these things, are they harmful to the human body, and will they cause bad effects if they enter the human body

These are uncertain for the time being, we need to ask Shen Ye clearly.

Shen Yi's body slowly returned to normal, and his pupils finally became focused. The first thing he saw was the large chandelier above his head covered in a colorful halo. Then, his eyes moved down, and he saw Yaoyao who was in deep thought.

He sat up slowly, feeling that his body was a little out of control, and he asked nazily, "Just now... what was it?" It was obvious that he hadn't figured out what happened.

The question interrupted Yaoyao's thinking, she looked at him with a half-smile, and asked, "What do you think?"

Shen translation: "I... I don't know."

There is no relevant record in his knowledge repository.

"Forget it if you don't know," Yaoyao raised her eyebrows and continued to ask, " it comfortable?"

He thought for a while, then continued to shake his head, "I don't know."

Yaoyao laughed angrily, "Are you stupid? Don't you even know if you're comfortable or not?"

Shen Yi closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Some... a little comfortable, but also a little uncomfortable." He thought for a while and continued, "It's more comfortable."

Yaoyao patted him on the shoulder, "Regardless of what it feels like, at least one thing was explained just now."


"Shen Ye didn't cheat you, all the functions of your body are normal, there is no 'ED'."

After finishing speaking, Yaoyao got out of bed, went into the bathroom, washed her hands and said, "Hey, go back to sleep with peace of mind, next time you encounter a similar problem, don't go to those messy places and find a professional to solve it, understand?"

Shen Yi floated out of Yaoyao's bedroom like a ghost, and floated back to his own bed, eyes open in a daze.

What was that just now

She said she was not sick, is that it

He thought carefully about everything that happened just now, but most of the time he was in a daze, and could barely recall the general idea.

Thinking about it, his body became hot again. This time, he clearly felt the changes in his body—he was not an ED patient, he was a normal robot.

A normal robot doesn't know how to deal with the current situation at all, and then ran to knock on Yaoyao's door, even Shen Yi, who had a low EQ, knew that waiting for him would be the same as last time, most likely she scolded herself , and let him roll back.

The robot who had just tasted love opened his eyes stupidly, wanting to wait for his body to calm down by himself, but he didn't divert his attention to restocking, and kept thinking about it. The direct result was that he lay on the bed all night.

Yaoyao got up, rinsed her mouth, and went to have breakfast. As expected, the table was already filled with a sumptuous breakfast, and there was another delicious "snack".

A certain "Night Snack" kept staring at Yaoyao for eating, his eyes were fixed, neither dodging nor avoiding, and when Yaoyao finished eating, he immediately said: "I want to play against you."

The last sip of milk just got stuck in her throat, Yaoyao resisted the urge to spit it out, and asked through gritted teeth, "Why do you suddenly want to play against me again?"

Obviously she has shifted his attention to other people recently, and a virgin robot who just tasted those things last night, the next day his focus is not on that, but on playing chess, Yaoyao said that she would like to not understand.

Shen translation: "I want to beat you."

Yaoyao smiled and said: "The tone is not small. Remember the question I asked you before, as long as you can answer it, I will agree to your challenge."

What is the problem, Shen Yi is very clear, in fact, he thinks about this question all the time: why should he play against Yaoyao.

His previous answer was: This is his highest order, and the system ordered him to do so.

But this answer is not what Yaoyao wanted, now he is facing the same question again, if he answers wrong again, Yaoyao will still ignore his challenge from time to time.

Like Shen Yi, Yaoyao was also full of conflicting tensions.

This answer is directly related to her achievements during this period. If he makes a wrong call, all her efforts will be wasted. If he gets the right answer, it means that her training is effective, but it also means, She has to play a genius very, very hard, racking her brains to play against him on the chessboard every day.

Shen Yi stood up, looked directly into her eyes, and said seriously, "Because I want to defeat you."

This answer is only one word more than the previous one—think, the meaning is completely different.

He wants to beat her, and he wants to beat her are two completely different situations.

He thought, this is the desire that came from deep in his heart, no matter where this desire comes from, it cannot be changed. Defeating Yaoyao is not only an order carved into the depths of his system, but also an order that he has as a person. The "wish" of an individual.

Yaoyao laughed. For the first time, she saw the light called "longing" in Shen Yi's eyes. His eyes were no longer empty and indifferent. He finally had a soul.

Her training during this time has indeed been effective.

Yaoyao never thought about what to do if Shen Yi couldn't develop a "heart".

He is one of Pei Shu's personalities, he just borrowed the skin of artificial intelligence, and he is still a human being inside.

He will definitely develop self-awareness, it's just a matter of time.

"Okay, I agree to your challenge." Yaoyao smiled, "But I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Let Shen Ye come and watch the battle."