There is a Wall Behind the Shadow

Chapter 379


A class with only two students is ranked, with one student first and one student last.

The last-to-last classmate realized his shame and was brave. He actively used the evening time before the first-place student arrived home to study hard online classes, and finally made a small step forward in the evening quiz.


Poor student at the bottom, after learning from the experience of having more energy than energy in the morning, he worked hard to make up the lessons quietly, and answered the questions first in the evening. After the improvement was obvious, he was counter-pressed before he had time to stand proudly.

I hate that first place...that first place...she didn't study for a day, and she plagiarized when she came!

When the bottom one has taken a small step forward, the first place has taken a big step forward. If you ask how the bottom one feels at this time...

The mist in the eyes condensed into teardrops that were too soft to wipe with fingers, and Yu Nianbing, who just tilted his head and rubbed it on the pillow, wanted to say two words...


This is a strong love, but it is even more unbearable after the first taste.

However, the two of them had some restraint, of course, mainly because Song Shiyue was too good, and if he handed over his homework once, his opponent would be defeated.

Well, at the beginning, the two of them were still running in, one side couldn't do it, and the other side stopped for a while, even Ye Chang, only one of them retreated once.

It was just once every night, again and again, when Ning Chuyang from the main star of Mingtan sent a message saying that Feng Qianqian was about to undergo surgery, the two of them were going to the main star of Mingtan and spent the night on the spaceship Only then did I realize that since that night, they have been doing this for more than ten days without a break...

After all, being outside is no better than being at home. After coming out, the two of them restrained themselves a lot, and even opened two rooms in the spaceship and the hotel. Of course, they still slept together at night, but they stopped messing around.

Temporary restraint, when the two arrived at the main star of Mingtan and stood in front of Ning Chuyang and Feng Qianqian, the melon eaters could see through it at a glance... Cough, part of it.

Breaking through the distance of the safety line, the unconscious small gestures of interaction, the ambiguous atmosphere lingering in the eyes...

It seems that there is already a play!

Feng Qianqian was very pleased to be able to eat such a big candy before entering the operating room.

Counting it, it was half a month since they came back from Wilderness Star, and the time for physical examination and preoperative preparation was longer than expected, but fortunately, everything went smoothly.

Ning Chuyang has never left the main star of Mingtan since he came back from Wilderness Star. He has been with Feng Qianqian all the time, and he is going to accompany Feng Qianqian all the way until the operation is completed and the postoperative recovery is complete. Ning's father and Ning's mother stayed for a week before going back, but Feng Qianqian will come back for surgery these two days.

Ning's father and Ning's mother have always had a good impression of Feng Qianqian. When they watched the live broadcast in the wilderness, they wanted to roll up their sleeves and beat up their child who bullied the little girl. When they became two children on the spaceship, they felt guilty and grateful Complicated and intertwined, I have repeatedly snatched Ning Chuyang's ear in private and told her to remember to be a good person!

Because of Yao Yuxi's love for the Yao family, after this battle, she wished she could be an old hen and take Feng Qianqian under her wings. As a result, the person was kidnapped before getting off the spaceship, so Ning Chuyang couldn't warm up to him. However, there was an extra Ye Liu who knocked on the CP in the middle, and completely forgot the original intention of pulling CP before, and things were different. Anyway, although Yao Yuxi is not as enthusiastic as Ye Liu, but when Ning's father and Ning mother were in the main star of Mingtan, she took the time to receive them many times. Generally speaking, under Ye Liu's adjustment, the two families got along fairly quickly.

After all, the two children have already done this and that on Wilderness Star, and when they came out on the spaceship, they all wore rings, and many of them later, it was all acquiescence.

After all, they worked hard to survive together on Wilderness Star. Before Feng Qianqian's surgery, Zhuang Jiachuan also came to Mingtan Star from Beichen.

The two who had visited Feng Qianqian after getting off the spaceship in the afternoon, went to the hospital to meet again when Zhuang Jiachuan arrived at night.

However, in the past half a month, the five people who reunited have somewhat changed.

During this period of time, Zhuang Jiachuan spent the rest of his time making up videos except dealing with the company's affairs. After being washed away by various video bullet screens for more than half a month, he is no longer the one who was blinded by dog hair on Wilderness Star!

When I returned to Beichen, the company's partners urged Zhuang Jiachuan to confirm a schedule with Yu Nianbing and the others. However, Zhuang Jiachuan still made up the video for two days before contacting him. Chatting intermittently, I certainly didn't miss Wanshan Entertainment helping Yu Nianbing terminate the contract. Later, Yu Nianbing successfully transferred to Wanshan Entertainment and Song Shiyue's company, and Zhuang Jiachuan guessed that the two of them had already exposed those little embarrassments on Wilderness Star. But seeing you today... tsk tsk tsk... him and the dog under the lemon tree.

Zhuang Jiachuan accidentally saw the two sitting with their hands down on the sofa, then hooked their little fingers with lightning speed, and then quickly separated. In fact, it only took a second. Zhuang Jiachuan, who had washed his eyes clean, saw the score clearly. The familiar loneliness made him reflexively want to grab the dog from his leg, and only realized that the hospital was in the empty space. The dog was not allowed in, and the dog was still in the car outside. Then look at Ning Chuyang, who is carefully peeling the oranges for Feng Qianqian... okay, I want to put the washed dog hair back on the eyes.

Of course, just a random thought.

A few days ago, Zhuang Jiachuan confirmed the schedule of Song Shiyue and Yu Nianbing. They wandered around Wilderness Star, and when they came back, they had so many jobs that half of the company selected them for them, and there was not enough manpower. Fortunately, Zhuang Jiachuan mentioned it early. "The Broken Palace Wall" was also mentioned in the live broadcast several times before. In addition, when Wanshan Entertainment invited Yu Nianbing to join, it gave shares. With Nian Bing's favor, Wanshan Entertainment is still willing to give priority to Zhuang Jiachuan's schedule.

However, it was only a preliminary contact, and no formal contract was signed. After all, Ning Chuyang and Feng Qianqian still have to wait and see the postoperative situation. As far as Zhuang Jiachuan knew, if the operation went well, Feng Qianqian would be able to stand up and walk like a normal person in a month. At that time, it is okay for other people to advance to the group, or to wait an extra month before joining the group together.

Leaving aside the friendship of working hard together on Star Wilderness, from the perspective of a director striving for excellence, Zhuang Jiachuan also hopes that all four of them can participate.

The huge amount of money that Yao Yuxi dropped was heard, and Feng Qianqian's operation was a success.

Several people accompanied Feng Qianqian to complete the operation, and stayed in the main star of Mingtan for a week before returning to Beichen.

Zhuang Jiachuan, who got the approval of the four, went to officially start preparations for the launch of "The Broken Palace Wall". After Wild Star's live broadcast ended, Song Shiyue and the others basically disappeared from the public's view. The public had no choice but to arrest Zhuang Jiachuan, who had a name, surname, and address, and his film and television company urged "The Palace Wall Broken". It doesn't matter whether it's a trailer or an official announcement, even if it's a fixed number of news...

Amid such high voices from the masses, "The Palace Wall Broken" is really hard to beat. Not to mention a huge profit, after all, at this time, the money invested is for the distribution of money. At the beginning, everyone stretched out their hands when they had no money, and now everyone earns money if they have money. This has always been the truth here in Zhuang Jiachuan.

After half a year in the wilderness star, Zhuang Jiachuan is no longer the unlucky guy who went bankrupt, but he still has the loyalty of a young boy. Now that Zhuang Jiachuan has money, he doesn't need to go around to solicit investment, but he still invited Song Shiyue, the four of them and those old friends who helped him before to invest some money in.

Now that Zhuang Jiachuan agreed, Wanshan Entertainment did not arrange any heavy work for Yu Nianbing and Song Shiyue. They only asked them to accept a few endorsements, shoot a few commercials, and then rest for a month to prepare Just join the group.

The work was easy, and the two of them didn't want to go out, so they just stayed at home. Eat, sleep, and watch the live video before. Occasionally, I will talk about some experiences in the end of the world, and I will not talk about the difficult part. Things always have two sides, and Song Shiyue only picked up some interesting places to mention. However, once we talked about Yuanshen's confession, Song Shiyue said that Yuanshen could hear what Ouyang Hui and the others said in his memory, and then he came up with the idea of following the trending search, which made Yu Nianbing realize that maybe Ouyang Hui still had something in the past. A lot of things that I don't know about myself. But... Now that you've decided to keep that person away from your life, there's no point in delving into it.

Finally being able to be with Song Shiyue, completely together, made Yu Nianbing relieved, unwilling to look back any longer.

The two lived a leisurely life. If Yu Nianbing was willing to cook on weekdays, he would order some fresh vegetables back. If the two were out of control during the day and Yu Nianbing was tired, it would be very convenient to order cooked takeaway or occasionally ask Aunt Wang who has moved to the same community to make some delivery.

It's just that Aunt Wang originally thought that Yu Nianbing gave her a house in the same community, so it would be convenient for her to go back and forth, so she could spend more time there every day and do more housework. As a result, I moved here, and the number of times I entered the door can be counted on the fingers...

When she entered for the first time, Aunt Wang was taken aback by the big hole in the wall of Yu Nianbing's bedroom, and wanted to help find someone to fix it. As a result, the next time I went in, the collapsed wall had already been repaired into an arch, which directly connected to the house next door.

Then there was no order for a long time.

When asked to bring some food over, if Yu Nianbing opened the door, Aunt Wang could still come in and clean the house. If Song Shiyue had opened the door... Aunt Wang would be able to go back.

At first, Aunt Wang still couldn't figure it out. Mingming and Song Shiyue are polite every time they meet, a very friendly little girl, why doesn't she let herself in to clean

A few times, one time Aunt Wang failed to enter the door after delivering brunch, so she couldn't help asking her daughter, is it because my cooking skills have regressed recently and I am not popular, or is it because I am old and clumsy and clumsy? Eliminated

Aunt Wang's daughter didn't know what Aunt Wang was talking about at first, but after she finally understood, she asked Aunt Wang, "How many people's meals are delivered each time?"

After Aunt Wang answered "two people", Aunt Wang's daughter blushed a little and waved her hands to tell Aunt Wang not to let in next time, don't go in.

Aunt Wang... still didn't understand.

In fact, Aunt Wang is still too sincere. When she first watched the live broadcast of Wilderness Star, she knew how to pay attention to how they were doing, whether they were safe, whether they were eating well, and whether they were wearing warm clothes. What the bullet screen said about the boundless attack and boundless suffering, after all, she couldn't understand it.

Of course, Yu Nianbing, who is leaning on the bed, sipping egg porridge, biting the little buns that Song Shiyue fed over from time to time, and biting Song Shiyue's fingers with a little anger every time, isn't it? I know what Aunt Wang's daughter is thinking a few buildings away.

If he could know, he might be able to cry on the spot.

What happened to the bottom one? Didn't you try hard at the bottom one? Didn't you do your homework well for being the last one

Can't get out of bed... is it the number one fault? Is it the last one who does not pursue progress!

She is obviously the first... Copy homework every time!

The author has something to say:

Yu Nianbing: Don't study every day! Plagiarize as soon as you come up! What a hero!

Song Shiyue: I didn't! You wrote 1+1=2 the day before yesterday, 2+2=4 yesterday, and 3+3=6 today...but I only wrote 1+1=2 the day before yesterday! Yesterday I wrote 1+1=2, 2+2=4! What I wrote today is 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 3+3=6!

Yu Nianbing: ...