There is a Wall Behind the Shadow

Chapter 391: Extra episode two


The scarlet wedding dress with intricate embroidery patterns traced by gold and silver thread was spread on a long wooden table.

Beside the table, Ning Chuyang, who was holding a sleeve, carefully finished the last bit of the cuff.

Thanks to the game's auxiliary system, people with only perseverance and no skills can embroider such exquisite patterns!

Ning Chuyang withdrew the needle, unfolded the wedding dress on the table again, looked at it carefully to confirm that all the details were perfect, and then took off the auxiliary glasses in the game.

When Ye Liu sent an "ok" message, saying that Yao Yuxi was ready to start the game department to start a wedding for Ning Chuyang and the others, Ning Chuyang never expected that the first class would wait for half a year...

These years, Yao Yuxi has treated Feng Qianqian well... If there is no Yeliu, Ning Chuyang might be able to drink up the entire vinegar shop.

In fact, a few years ago, Ning Chuyang and Feng Qianqian wanted to get the certificate. It's just that if it was done quietly, Ning Chuyang would always feel that Feng Qianqian was too wronged. But if there is some news, those betrothal gifts and dowries that have been quiet for a while may come out again. It's not that they can't prevent and deal with it, but they are really afraid that Yu Nianbing and Song Shiyue will be hurt...

So I waited and waited, and finally waited until Yao Shi made "Three Thousand Realms" come out.

After Yu Nianbing and Song Shiyue finished eating crabs, Ning Chuyang became anxious.

In recent years, it is not like Song Shiyue who turned to play games after filming "The Broken Palace Wall", nor is it like Yu Nianbing who only takes one or two jobs a year when he is full of water, Ning Chuyang, in order to make his own The family background is a bit thicker, but Mou puts all his energy into his work. I won a lot of big prizes and small prizes. Last year, I finally got the Golden Planet Award, which can be said to be the hardworking version of fame and fortune.

The reason for saving money is not to have the confidence to get married!

In the end, I waited and waited, waited and waited... It was almost Song Shiyue and Yu Nianbing's wedding anniversary, so Ning Chuyang waited until the "Three Thousand Realms" marriage system was updated.

But... it was worth it in the end.

Yao's game, "Three Thousand Realms" takes same-sex marriage seriously as a big part. In fact, the fact that Song Shiyue and Yu Nianbing, Ning Chuyang and Feng Qianqian were actually together after leaving Wilderness Star live broadcast back then caused a wave of promotion around the world. . And "Three Thousand Worlds" has different wedding modes for people with different sexual orientations and different hobbies. A good wedding will let people see the appearance of love. A beautiful love, like the light of a bright moon, makes people feel blessed. Invisibly, the concept of same-sex marriage has been promoted among a wider range of people.

And the variety of wedding forms in "Three Thousand Realms" makes the process and tasks of preparing for the wedding also have thousands of possibilities.

Ning Chuyang and Feng Qianqian did an in-game survey on their wedding expectations, and were recommended by the system for a traditional Chinese wedding.

The wedding dress that Ning Chuyang has completed at this moment is part of the pre-wedding tasks.

Speaking of which, this wedding dress took a lot of work, even with auxiliary tools, it took Ning Chuyang almost half a month to embroider it. This made her wonder for a while whether Yao Yuxi was reluctant to marry Feng Qianqian and deliberately asked the system to discharge the task.

But whether it was a coincidence or on purpose, now Ning Chuyang looked at the exquisite wedding dress that had been embroidered on the table, the cloth he wove, the color dyed, the clothes cut, and the flowers embroidered. The sense of accomplishment that is made by hand is really quite overwhelming.

In the past few years, not only Song Shiyue, but also Feng Qianqian have joined Yao's "Three Thousand Realms" development department.

However, unlike Song Shiyue, who first started with his brain and then doubled up with technology, Feng Qianqian was responsible for participating in the small details of the game. "Three Thousand Worlds" is a highly realistic holographic online game. Most of the initial props in the dungeon world need to be produced, processed and upgraded by themselves. And it's not the kind of one-click upgrade of ancient games, you have to do it yourself, isn't it Feng Qianqian's forte.

The hobby of the handmade emperor has been integrated into the game. Feng Qianqian has become more and more fond of handmade things these years.

Ning Chuyang touched the wedding gown that he embroidered by himself on the wooden platform. Although he really didn't have the ability to do this in real life, in the game, it must be a kind of sincerity.

With the publicity of Yu Nianbing and Song Shiyue's wedding, Ning Chuyang and Feng Qianqian's wedding in "Three Thousand Worlds" naturally attracted more guests. Fortunately, Yao shi has continuously expanded the server capacity of "Three Thousand Realms" this year, and finally made everything safe and perfect.

Yao Yuxi watched the two of them congratulate each other in front of the guests, drank and exchanged glasses, and couldn't help but think of her mother who cared and taught her in every possible way back then. The mother who is strict but always supports her behind her back, actually loves her children very much... They chose this path, if the mother is still there, she should be blessed.

The uneasiness when I was a teenager has finally reconciled with myself in the years, and it seems that I can gradually see what I thought was deeper in the past. Yao Yuxi glanced at Ye Liu, whose eyes were slightly red because the knocked-off CP finally got married, and held the other's hand tightly, amused and sad.

Although it was not the first time, Li Cheng's night in the game was still a little different.

Feng Qianqian, who took a shower first, leaned on the bed, casually scrolling through the news on the screen of the Linkong Star Network.

Not long after, she heard the door of the bathroom next to her, and when she raised her eyes, she met the smiling Ning Chuyang.

"Today, can a roommate who is bold and unrestrained be unrestrained?" Ning Chuyang threw himself onto the bed in two or three steps, wrapping him in his arms all at once.

"They are all unrestrained roommates, will they still ask questions so cautiously?" Feng Qianqian was annoyed that Ning Chuyang played with this joke again, and kicked him gently through the quilt.

Ning Chuyang caught the kick that was no different from a normal person, and without much excuse, he just pinched the jiojio and covered himself.

No matter how many times it has been, Feng Qianqian, who couldn't help but get red ears every time, softened her body along with Ning Chuyang, and hastily closed the news page she was reading just now.

The news page that was hastily closed, Feng Qianqian's next news about the biting incident in the third hospital of Changhui main star, which Feng Qianqian would have seen, was just drowned in the warm spring night under the lotus tent...