There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 101


Tomorrow night is the award ceremony and closing ceremony of the film festival. As a finalist for this year's Best New Actor Award, Yue Taoshan is excited, nervous, and angry at the same time.

"You will let me wear this at the awards ceremony tomorrow?" Yue Taoshan was carrying a suit jacket, his face full of disbelief and disgust.

On such an important occasion as the Cloud Award Ceremony, it will be broadcast live simultaneously on several Star TV stations and video websites, not only the people of the whole country, but also many foreign friends will watch it on the video websites. His agent actually let him He appeared in a rag-like outfit, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like to be ridiculed for wearing that to an awards ceremony.

Yue Taoshan's agent said impatiently: "This is already the biggest brand of clothes that can be borrowed. If you don't want to wear it, you can buy it yourself."

"This clothes are wrinkled like this, what do you want me to wear?" Yue Taoshan tried his best to suppress his anger. His relationship with his manager was not particularly good. The two even quarreled several times. Tomorrow is so important. Days, he didn't want to quarrel with the agent at this time, so as not to be in a bad mood and affect his performance tomorrow.

"It's alright if you iron it." The agent sneered, "You only have so much coffee, what brand of clothes do you want me to lend you? Even if I have the cheek to borrow it, the brand will be willing to lend it to you. what."

Yue Taoshan threw his suit jacket on the table and glared at the agent, "You just don't like me, don't you, because I robbed your little lover's resources, right?"

The agent looked at Yue Taoshan as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, shook his head and sighed.

This person's acting skills are really good. If you train well, you may be able to win a movie star. Unfortunately, his personality is too bad, and he can't be proud without any capital. Although their studio is pitifully small, the artists who have signed contracts include Yue Taoshan. There are only three, but that doesn't mean they have to hold a brainless one.

He is also a newcomer. In the humble vase and the acting school, he would rather hold a vase, at least not easily kill himself.

With no qualifications, no capital, no background, and nothing, he couldn't understand what Yue Taoshan was relying on, which made him think he was aloof.

"Why, there's nothing left to say?" Yue Taoshan snorted coldly, "You'd better have a better attitude. Do you really think I won't ask President Zhang to complain about you?"

The agent was about to laugh at him, "Go, you can do whatever you want, Yue Taoshan, to be honest, I really don't want to take you, I have been in this circle for more than ten years, not to mention how much I have achieved, I have been popular with you before. Purple star, it's the first time I've seen you like this."

"Why, you think it's amazing to be nominated for the best newcomer in the Cloud Awards. Everyone has to hold you and look at your face. Are you still dreaming of winning the award? Tell you, you're not playing."

Yue Taoshan's face changed, and he said, "What do you mean?"

"I found out that more than half of the judges voted for Yu Siyang, and they are the best newcomers." The agent said, "What do you compare to others?"

Yue Taoshan was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

The agent seemed to be about to let out the anger that had been suppressed for a long time, and said, "Do you think our studio is small, and you have wronged you for signing such a small studio. We are really wronged, and you like it. The character of the gang, we are blind to sign you..."

Yue Taoshan listened to the agent's non-stop chatter, but he didn't know what he was thinking, but he let the agent say it without refuting a word.

It is also very boring to sing a one-man show alone. Before the manager's words were finished, the other party put on a gesture of confession and let him say it, but he didn't want to say it.

"Think about it for yourself." The agent finally left this sentence and left.

Yue Taoshan was silent for a long time, picked up the suit borrowed from the table, and prepared to take it back to iron it for tomorrow night.

The award ceremony and closing ceremony of the Cloud International Film Festival are much more lively than the opening ceremony. The nominees of various awards, the crew of the screening unit, new directors and various sponsored stars are on the red carpet. The audience's attention, especially the female stars with many dresses, is the coldest season in Yunzhong City in January, so the female stars are more exposed than each other, as if they are not cold at all.

Yu Siyang was extremely fortunate that he was a man. Men don't always wear suits. They are tightly wrapped, at least a little warmer than female stars.

Especially when he almost stepped on the backless hem of a long skirt of a female star in front of him, he had to admire this girl who had to drag the heavy skirt while resisting the cold. This is not a female star, but a female warrior.

When he walked into the venue, he found a seat with his name on it and sat down, and told Mr. Xue, who was sitting next to him, about the conclusions he had drawn on the red carpet.

Mr. Xue nodded and said, "Well, it makes sense."

"Yeah, right?" Yu Siyang was very happy when the conclusion was supported.

As Yu Siyang's manager, Luo Peng was supposed to sit next to his own artist, but who made him have a domineering boss, Mr. Xue, the management representative, waved his hand and drove Luo Peng to his seat. Well, surrounded by important bigwigs in the circle, Luo Peng said that the pressure is a bit high.

Yue Taoshan and Yu Siyang were sitting in the same row, with several seats in between, but that didn't prevent him from turning his jealous eyes on Yu Siyang.

As an escort, Yue Taoshan wished he could burn a hole in Yu Siyang with his eyes.

Yu Siyang happily talked to Mr. Xue, completely unaware of a burning jealous gaze.

But Xue Chengxiu, who was very concerned about his lover, noticed it.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at Yue Taoshan quietly. The latter met his gaze, and his heart was beating like a drum in fright.

Forcing the malicious passerby A back with his eyes, Mr. Xue looked at his lover dotingly. The award ceremony officially started at 8:00 pm. After the host warmed up, they first awarded some technical awards that did not attract much attention, such as best music, best editing, etc., and the first small climax was reached when the ceremony was halfway through. - Best New Actor Award.

The winners are two well-known old actors. This is the tradition of the Yunyun Awards. The awards for the best new actors are all famous old actors, which is similar to a kind of inheritance.

After the two veteran actors took the stage, they joked and drew out the list of nominees. The name of the nominee and the movie clips he nominated will be played on the big screen.

Originally, Yu Siyang had been chatting and laughing with Xue Chengxiu and was not nervous, but when he saw his name on the big screen and the clip from "Toxic Delicious", he suddenly became nervous.

The Cloud Award is not of the same grade as the "liquor bottle" he won at the mid-year entertainment festival last year. To use an analogy, one is an acrylic bottle and the other is a 24K gold bottle. No wonder he was nervous.

Xue Chengxiu shook his hand and comforted him silently. In fact, he had already been informed that this newcomer award was his lover's absence, but looking at his nervous appearance, he was very cute. I wanted to wait for him to hear his name. , the reaction will be more lovely. "Mr. Chen also awarded the Best New Actor Award last year."

"Yeah, it's a good thing that there are talented people in the country, haha."

The two veteran actors deliberately chatted and said something to encourage the newcomers on the stage, and they were not in a hurry to announce the winners list, and the few people who were waiting for the list, except Yue Taoshan, were all anxious.

"Mr. Chen, hurry up and announce who won the best new actor. Several young people are so nervous that their faces are pale."

"Okay, I announce that the winner of the Best New Actor Award is Yu Siyang in "Toxic Delicious"."

The director immediately cut Yu Siyang's picture to the big screen, and saw that he was dumbfounded and unable to react.

Netizens watching the live broadcast on the video site immediately spread flowers in the barrage to congratulate, and Yu Siyang's fans laughed, "My family leader is stunned."

Xue Chengxiu patted Yu Siyang's shoulder in a funny way, and said softly, "Don't be in a daze, go and accept the award."

When Yu Siyang was shot like this, he immediately regained his senses, and hugged Mr. Xue abruptly before he happily took the stage to accept the award.

The trophy of the Cloud Award is designed as a simplified version of Feitian. Even if it is a simplified version, Feitian's posture is still beautiful and graceful, which means flying to the clouds.

The trophy for the Best New Actor Award is silver, and the base is also engraved with Yu Siyang's name and the name of the movie that won him the award, which is very beautiful.

Yu Siyang held the trophy in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other, his heart was pounding, and he didn't know if he was excited or nervous, "That... Before I came, the agent asked me to prepare an acceptance speech, and I said at the time, it's not necessarily true. I will win an award. The agent said, there is always a dream, in case it comes true. I am really grateful to my agent.”

There was a good-natured laughter from the audience.

"Thank you to the judges for their recognition of me, to Director Peng Zhigao, the crew of "Toxic Delicious", and also to the fans who have always supported me." Yu Siyang said, bowing deeply, "I will I will work harder and play more and better roles, thank you."

After he finished speaking, he ran off the stage in a flash. The host wanted to stop him and didn't have a chance to interact, so he had to tease: "Yu Siyang, what are you running? We won't eat you, although Sister Sun likes handsome ones the most. Xiao Xianrou, but you are still too young, she will not reach out to you."

The hostess who was ridiculed said: "Yes, when the next session is over, let the main committee change my partner with a little fresh meat. I have been partnering with your old bacon for several years. It's really not easy for me."

Everyone in the audience is very nice hahaha.

Yu Siyang returned to his seat and sat down, embarrassedly covering his face with a bouquet.

In the barrage, there is a piece of "Short oil and low oil, the head of the regiment is shy", "Ow, ooh, what's blocking your face, it's so cute", "Being so cute that the blood tank has been emptied to the ground, you need Yangyang to kiss it." .

Mixed in this barrage, a few suddenly popped up—

"Don't you just see the head of the group being cute? Don't you see President Xue sitting next to the head of the group!!!"

"I saw it, I saw it, the head of the regiment also hugged Da Xue before he came to the stage."

"With one face, one face, together, together"

Immediately afterwards, a large number of cod CP fans appeared out of nowhere, madly swiping "together", blocking the picture tightly, and then slowly stopped for several minutes.

However, Yu Siyang didn't know all of this for the time being. He was quietly discussing with Xue Chengxiu what to have for the New Year's Eve dinner.