There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 108


March 12th is Yu Siyang's birthday. Coincidentally, Yu Siyang, who was once an orphan, did not know his exact date of birth, and his birthday was set as the day when Aunt Du of the orphanage picked him up. Also March 12.

It was a sunny day. The life producer of the crew ordered a cake on the first day, and asked the cake shop to deliver it at noon to celebrate Yu Siyang’s birthday. He also called the photographer to take some pictures to send it. draft, and brush up on the existence of "Battle of Feishui".

Chu Quan actually gave him a half-day leave that day, and he could go back to rest after eating the cake.

Suddenly, Yu Siyang, who had an extra half-day leave, was stunned.

Everyone is filming, and he is unfamiliar, so what's the point of taking a vacation between him and Tang Hang

Moreover, he is more and more afraid to go out casually. A few days ago, he and Tang Hang ran out to eat a lot of local Internet celebrity snacks from the netizen Amway when there was no night show. They were recognized by the melon eaters and ran after him. Three streets, three streets.

Yu Siyang never knew that girls could run like this, and wanted to ask if all the girls practiced long distance running.

On the second day's hot search, there was a topic of #yusiyang being chased by fans#. From the few pixelated photos taken by Fan, we can fully see how embarrassed he was at that time, and he even appeared in various entertainment media. Although it's not a front page headline, in Yu Siyang's view, it's shameful enough.

Going back and talking about this matter to Mr. Xue, not to mention how aggrieved, since he was surrounded like this once, he has been honest hotel → crew → hotel, two o’clock and one line.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Yu Siyang had already been forcibly pressed by Yujie's costumer to change out of the costume, and the producer of life enthusiastically drove over the car specially designed to pick him up, and he almost said "you hurry up".

Tang Hang replied in a second, "Go back to the hotel."

Yu Siyang was stunned, he finally had a vacation, and went straight back to the hotel, wouldn't it be too boring

Tang Hang didn't say much, just put him in the car, started the car, and quickly drove to the hotel.

Yu Siyang sat in the car numbly, feeling that this birthday was very boring, why don't he stay in the filming crew and go back to the hotel on vacation, and then what? Sleep with your head covered

"Then what are you doing this afternoon?" Yu Siyang asked reluctantly.

Tang Hang said, "Take a nap."

Yu Siyang: "!!!"

Really go back to the hotel and sleep with my head covered! How can you be so inactive as a young man! What a waste of a good afternoon! How can you not go out and wave!

The hotel is very close to the crew, and the drive is no more than ten minutes away. Before Yu Siyang could figure out how to convince Tang Hang to take him out for a wave, he was carried into the hotel elevator by Tang Hang.

After helping Yu Siyang to open the door by swiping his card, Tang Hang ignored Yu Siyang's "really can't go out to play" eyes, pushed him in, and closed the door.

Yu Siyang was pushed in, the lights were not turned on in the room, the thick curtains were still drawn, it was dark, Tang Hang didn't give him his room card, and the lights couldn't be turned on.

He turned around helplessly and groped for the doorknob, trying to open the door and find Tang Hang to get the room card back.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a warm body leaned over from behind him, and a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, holding him firmly in his arms.


Yu Siyang was startled, his body twisted cleverly, his left elbow slammed into the abdomen of the person behind him, his left hand clasped the pulse gate on the opponent's wrist, and slammed it hard.

The person behind him groaned, obviously in pain.

Yu Siyang felt a little proud in his heart. After learning Kung Fu from Wu Xing for so long, it was not just used for filming. Humph, he is a man who knows Kung Fu. It is not that easy to attack him.

Thinking like this, he turned around and was about to strike a fatal blow to completely subdue the gangster. At this moment, he heard a familiar voice: "Yangyang, did you murder your husband?"

Yu Siyang made a move and said in shock, "Mr. Xue?!"

The man didn't speak, he just closed his arms and hugged him in his arms. In the darkness, he accurately found his lips, and kissed him unceremoniously.

"Um... umm..."

Feeling the familiar smell, the unique smell of lemon mixed with the faint cigarette on the other party's body, Yu Siyang slowly relaxed, hugged the other party's thin waist, kissed passionately, and poured out the lovesickness of a month apart.

The hot palm of Xue Chengxiu's body moved restlessly, kneading his waist through the cloth, and then the palm gradually became dissatisfied, poked in from the hem of the clothes, and set fire everywhere.

In the room without a trace of light, only the sound of tsk tsk water entangled with lips and tongues could be heard for a while. Yu Siyang only felt that he was in a fire, which burned his senses completely, and just wanted to go to this flame with the other party.

The kiss was still in progress, and Yu Siyang's hands wandered uncontrollably on Xue Chengxiu's body, pulling the hem of his shirt out of his trousers, poking his cool fingers in, and stroking the other's tight but not exaggerated belly. muscle.

Compared to the flatness of his abdomen, he suddenly felt a little jealous of Mr. Xue's abdominal muscles.

Xue Chengxiu suddenly opened his eyes and let out a low breath. He grabbed Yu Siyang's thin waist with one hand and supported his hips with the other. He hugged the person high and pressed him against the door, kissing him even more fiercely.

Yu Siyang felt as if he was floating in mid-air, with no strength all over his body, as if he would fall down at any time, he couldn't help raising his hand to support the wall, but turned on the light with a "pop".

The two of them stayed in the dark for a long time. At the first light, their eyes narrowed slightly in discomfort. The entangled lips were slightly loosened and pressed against the tip of their nose. The two looked into each other's eyes, and their breaths blended together.

Xue Chengxiu's eyes were long and narrow and sharp, but now because his desire has not yet been satisfied, his eye sockets are red and bloodshot is crawling on his eyeballs, as if he is going to choose someone to devour.

Yu Siyang hugged Xue Chengxiu's neck and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are you here?"

Xue Chengxiu kissed his lips and parted at the touch, his voice was hoarse: "Of course I have to come for your birthday."


Yu Siyang smiled, bowed his head and kissed the other's slightly thin lips, his tongue poked into it, and he wanted to run, but Xue Chengxiu bit it gently, and entangled it in his mouth wantonly.

Then he picked him up, turned around and walked towards the big bed in the room.

Xue Chengxiu looked at the beautiful young man under him intently, as if he wanted to imprint every look and every movement into his soul. There was an insatiable beast in his heart, roaring wildly—



It's all mine!

When Yu Siyang woke up, his mind was chaotic, and for a moment he almost asked an ultimate philosophical proposition - who am I? where am i? what am i doing

"woke up."

Suddenly, the hair on his head was slashed twice, Yu Siyang turned his head to look, first startled, then relaxed.

Remembering that today was his birthday, the director gave him a half-day leave. Tang Hang said he wanted to go back to the hotel to take a nap, so he came back, and then... ahem, there was actually Mr. Xue in the hotel room.

He really took a nap, but it's a verb, not a noun...

The body is very refreshing, it should have been cleaned by Mr. Xue when he fell asleep.

"It's almost eight o'clock, are you hungry?" Xue Chengxiu said softly, "I'll call room service."

Yu Siyang's head was half buried in the quilt, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Xue Chengxiu chuckled, kissed his forehead, picked up the phone and called for room service.

Yu Siyang was tossed for an afternoon, his whole body was weak and weak, he stretched out his hand to hook Mr. Xue's fingers under the quilt, and asked, "When did you arrive? Don't tell me in advance."

Xue Chengxiu immediately grabbed his mischievous hand and played with it, "A surprise for you."

"Fright first, then surprise." Yu Siyang emphasized, "I thought there were gangsters at first."

Xue Chengxiu commented: "That's right, it's very hard to start, it seems that the kung fu has not been learned in vain."

Yu Siyang was proud of all kinds of things, and he said that he could also become a martial arts star in the future, but he had real kung fu in his hands.

Xue Chengxiu flicked his forehead, and when he heard the doorbell, he went over to open the door, tipped the waiter, and pushed the dining cart in by himself.

He ordered relatively light dishes, the main food is noodles.

Yu Siyang got up from the bed using both hands and feet, with a mess of hair on his back, expressing his dissatisfaction with the noodles and side dishes on the dining car, "I don't have chicken legs for my birthday."

Xue Chengxiu picked him up from the bed and placed him by the dining table, "No drumsticks, only eggs."

Yu Siyang picked up a noodle and pretended to be reluctant, "Okay, then I'll have it."

Xue Chengxiu laughed, pinched his cheek, and ate a large bowl of longevity noodles with him.

After eating the longevity noodles, Yu Siyang's stomach was full, leaning on the chair and humming, suddenly thinking of Mr. Xue's abdominal muscles, and looking at Mr. Xue's eyes, he was a little envious.

"What's wrong?" Xue Chengxiu took the man into his arms.

"You said that I have practiced with martial arts for so long, why haven't I developed any muscles?" Yu Siyang was simply puzzled. Logically speaking, his exercise volume was relatively large, and he followed the fitness instructor's instructions. Asking to drink that kind of hard-to-drink fitness milk powder to build muscle, but the muscle just can't be trained, which is simply unscientific.

Xue Chengxiu didn't want to answer this question, he didn't like muscular men or anything, and his lover would be perfect if he was a little fatter than he is now.

So he changed the subject and came over with a file bag, "Look at it."

Yu Siyang opened the document bag suspiciously, and took out a thick stack of documents from it.

The first document is a criminal judgment, and the defendant Xue Chengji was sentenced to 30 years in prison and confiscation of property.

The second document is the account details of the two education funds, both of which are extremely large.

When he saw the first document, Yu Siyang couldn't be more happy, and the culprit was finally subdued.

The second document left him puzzled.

Xue Chengxiu explained: "Given that Xue Chengji had surrendered himself and informed the whereabouts of the transferred funds, the sentencing was not particularly serious. These two funds are most of the funds transferred by Xue Chengxi. After the court confiscated, part of the funds will be transferred. returned to the victim."

Yu Siyang looked at him with burning eyes, "Then..."

"Yangyang," Xue Chengxiu rubbed his hair, "count the funds recovered from Yu Zhongmin, Yu Fang, and the financer who absconded with the money, plus the funds returned by Xue Chengxiu here, you can already pay all the arrears. Pay off, there's still more left."

"Really?" Yu Siyang couldn't believe it. The heavy mountain that was pressing on his heart actually said that he would move away. Happiness came too suddenly.

Xue Chengxiu nodded affirmatively.

He knows that his lover is a very serious and hard-working person. In the child's heart, the huge debt is his responsibility, and he will never evade responsibility because of the change in the relationship. This child seriously makes him very distressed. .

Therefore, Xue Chengxiu patiently negotiated with the Xue family, Xue Chengji and even the Du family. He wanted to take back what belonged to this child reasonably and legally, so that his baby could live a life without haze and happily do whatever he wanted. Do things, willfully refuse what he doesn't want to do.

"That's great." Yu Siyang cheered, threw himself into Mr. Xue's arms, hugged his neck, smiled and rolled his eyes, "Thank you."

Although Xue Chengxiu never mentioned it, Yu Siyang knew how hard it was. If he hadn't met this person, he would probably still have a lot of ups and downs in his life. He is not afraid of ups and downs or hardships, but to this day, he can't imagine how gloomy and boring it would be if there was no such person in his life.

Mr. Xue was obviously very useful when his beloved threw his arms into his arms. When he held the person in his arms, his expression immediately changed, "I prefer to express my gratitude with actions."

Yu Siyang felt that his already sore waist was even more uncomfortable, and he turned into a playboy in minutes, pretending to be weak: "Back pain and leg cramps."

Xue Chengxiu was angry and funny, "Do I need to give you some super calcium tablets?"

Yu Siyang smiled ingratiatingly, "You just need to sleep peacefully for a night."

Xue Chengxiu flicked his forehead, hugged him tightly in his arms, and kissed him deeply.