There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 122


The delicate door was pushed open by a slender and fair hand. Inside the door, men and women in uniform stood on both sides, bowed slightly, and said neatly, "Welcome home."

The camera is slowly zoomed out, and the back of a person's head appears. Then, the person turns his head at a 45-degree angle. His delicate and handsome face takes up most of the screen, and his eyes that are bent with a smile make it easy to feel his pleasure. The camera slowly zoomed further, he smiled and stretched out a hand, and soon, another slightly smaller female hand was placed on his.

This is the title of Yu Siyang's commercial film for the Emerald Hotel.

The entire advertisement was planned from his point of view. He was like a tour guide and a companion, and the person he accompanied had no face from beginning to end, or a hand or a skirt appeared in the camera. horns, or delicate lips and chin, while Yu Siyang accompanies "her" from the moment she enters the hotel to open the door, helps press the elevator, enters the room and packs her luggage, cooks an exquisite lunch, and accompanies her in the sunny bookstore. Reading books or helping to buy clothes in boutiques, exercising together in the gym, playing games in the game room, singing together in the KTV room, etc., until finally helping to cover the quilt and turn off the bedside lamp.

Then, the scene changed, and in the exquisite room, Yu Siyang put his hands on an empty chair like a throne, and said with a smile, "Welcome home."

The final picture is the name and LOGO of the Emerald Hotel.

The full version of the commercial includes almost all the existing services of the Emerald Hotel. It lasts for 15 minutes. The person who was served by Yu Siyang in the commercial did not show his face. Fans who like Yu Siyang are more immersive and can imagine themselves as "she" in the film.

The creativity of the planning company really hit the fans' cute point. Even those who were not Yu Siyang's fans, many who watched the commercials couldn't stand it.

"That person is me, that's me, that's me, see that hand or not, I'm holding me ooh ooh ooh"

"If the head of the regiment can accompany me for a day like this, my life will be complete"

"Male god marry me, male god marry me, male god marry me... Repeat endlessly..."

"Mom, the head of the regiment turned his face at the beginning, Jane! Straight! Too! Beautiful! It's so! There is wood! There is wood!"

"In order to see the beauty of the regiment leader, I immediately threw away my mobile phone and turned on the TV that had been in my house for a long time. It is very touching to see the regiment leader's face with 55 inches."

"My house is 65 inches, it's more interesting"

"Hehe, my family is 75 inches, and the head of the regiment has such a big face, so beautiful, and zero flaws"

"My home is a projector, and the whole wall is full of the beauty of the head of the regiment [proud]"

"I'm losing"

"I'm losing"

The full version of the commercial of the Emerald Hotel was posted on the hotel's official blog. The hotel's official blog, which has never been followed by many fans, flooded in at once. On the day when the full version of the commercial was released, it was posted on Weibo within three hours. Tens of thousands of retweets and comments, and more than 100,000 likes.

The editor of the official blog of the hotel was dumbfounded. It has been three years since she started to manage the official blog of the Emerald Hotel. She has always been entertaining herself. Although there are thousands of fans of the official blog, most of them are Zombie fan, she would die of laughter if she had three digit likes on a Weibo post, and no one paid attention to even the event lottery. Suddenly one day, her Weibo post was comparable to a popular big V, this feeling... Really Not true!

Dwarf oil, it seems that he has a very powerful idol! - Xiaobian rippling thought.

The commercials of the Emerald Hotel are not only disseminated on the Internet platform, but also have fine-cut versions bought from major TV stations and broadcast in prime time. The hotel has also invested a lot of money for this promotion. All marketing channels have been integrated. With the help of Yu Siyang's fame, the press release was released in the form of bombing, and the momentum was soaring.

After bombarding public opinion in this way, it didn't take long for the hotel to see the effect.

The reservation rate of guest rooms has increased by 40%, and the Chinese restaurant even has a phenomenon of equal seats during peak hours. The traffic of boutique shopping streets, independent bookstores, and independent flower shops attached to the hotel has increased significantly. In the sky and the ground, the entertainment projects such as KTV, bars, theaters, saunas and other businesses that are already well-run are even more prosperous.

Although the slogan in the commercial is "Welcome Home", all of the scenes in the film are exquisite and luxurious life. Accompanying the spokesperson's exquisite appearance like a little prince, it clearly positions the high-end Jade Hotel. The expensive image and the reputation of a century-old store make the Emerald Hotel stand out among other five-star hotels, conveying the appeal of "expensive, but very good and worth".

After Huo Zhilun got the report for the new season, he saw the upward trending curves and smiled complacently.

Although the process is tortuous and the cost far exceeds the initial budget, the rewards are all-round, revenue growth, stock price rise, and popularity are greatly improved. If he wants to reshuffle the internal forces of the group, he will not come too much hindrance.

"Yu Siyang's new movie is about to be released, our hotel will also support it, and make a splash." Huo Zhilun called the brand director, and his voice was full of joy.

The brand director is also very proud of the spring breeze recently. He has always said that he has spent too much money. People from another faction of the group shut up in front of the data. He has completely established a firm foothold in the Emerald Hotel and has become the core of the chairman's hands. one of the members.

Hehe, seeing the deputy director who had been sneering at him before was slapped in the face, I felt just one word - cool!

After Huo Zhilun hung up the phone, the brand director called people in the team to a meeting to discuss how to catch the popularity of Yu Siyang's newly released movie "Treason".

As for the deputy director who was beaten in the face and watched them have a meeting but didn't tell him what he thought... Hehe, who cares.

That's right, "Traitor" is about to be released.

From last year's completion to the summer release this year, the post-production time of "Traitor" is not too long but not too short. Director Liu Cai is very good at shooting commercial films and is very good at capturing the audience's cuteness, but he still has a little bit of it. A director with professional ethics will at least not make bad films that show money, and have high requirements for post-production.

In the pilot trailer of "Traitor", you can see that Liu Cai treats this film with delicacy, exquisite service and fine special effects. After the trailer for the theatrical version came out, the shocking war scenes, the heart-wrenching characters and the plot preview, and the beautiful scenes hooked people to the cinema immediately to see the whole film.

With the release of the finalized poster, the overall publicity of the movie "Traitor" has spread on a large scale.

As the third male lead in the movie, the contract signed by Yu Siyang did not have much publicity obligations. When he signed the contract, he was still a very well-known rookie. There is not much obligation to cooperate with the publicity, and the event that needs to be attended is only the premiere.

The so-called 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, the filmmakers could not have imagined that Yu Siyang would become popular so fast. Although he is considered a celebrity, he is much taller than him in the entire crew, such as Zhan Heng, Yi Jiaojiao, Li Yi There are super first-line big names like Liang, and some old actors who are not well-known but can be called artists. But if it is compared to the current topic and hot searches, I am afraid that Zhan Heng will still have the strength to fight for the entire crew.

Just a little bit of news made headlines, and there were no less than ten groups of paparazzi guarding him, and he even went abroad in an alternative way (cooking skills).

China's entertainment industry is superstitious abroad, and it is the real international superstar who is popular among foreigners.

Although Yu Siyang's red point is a bit crooked, it doesn't prevent him from being stamped as an "international superstar" by the melon eaters, but his real fan food group sees this situation, hahaha laughing non-stop, To put it bluntly, his team leader is a mudslide in the entertainment industry. He is obviously an actor, but he has gone abroad with his cooking skills. The team leader is worthy of being the team leader. One day, he will lead the foodies to rule the world with Chinese food.

Uh... This goes a bit far, let's go back to the announcement of "Traitor".

Yu Siyang's contract does not stipulate that he needs to cooperate with the publicity obligations of "Traitor". When it is about to be released at this moment, the filmmakers are simply beating their chests and regretting it. But regretting it is of no avail, so I can only add to the announcement and distribution agreement, and then pay another sum of money to ask Yu Siyang to cooperate with the film promotion.

Today's Yu Siyang is no longer the Yu Siyang of the year, he is rising now! price! !

It's not even a star and a half, and the price has risen several times. Besides, he also has an agent who is well versed in "asking prices all over the sky and paying the money on the ground" - Wei Xiaofeng has been trained well, and Luo Peng is very angry with the film party. After the Buddha came out of his body and the Buddha ascended to heaven, he took the budget table to calculate the past, how to control the announced and issued budget within a reasonable range, and how much extra money can satisfy the other party without losing money.

Yu Siyang didn't know that Luo Peng was bargaining for him again by "pitting" the money from the employer. He was criticized by Mr. Xue because he secretly took over a role that needed to gain more than 100 pounds.

"It's not sneaking," Yu Siyang defended in a low voice, "Both Brother Luo and Tang Hang know it."

"So, these two people clearly knew that you were going to take on such a role, yet they still didn't stop it." Xue Chengxiu laughed angrily, and the smile was a little scary, "What's the use of asking them both."

Yu Siyang hurriedly said, "I want to play this role, don't blame them." He took Mr. Xue's hand and shook it.

"Stand well, don't act like a spoiled child." Mr. Xue was simply cold.

Yu Siyang stood up straight, but still held Xue Chengxiu's hand.

"It hurts the body to gain weight and lose weight like this. Don't you know that you have gastroenteritis!" Xue Chengxiu learned that his stupid child was going to gain more than 100 pounds in just a few months. Dizzy, "What role do you want to play so much?"

Yu Siyang said cheerfully: "A policeman, or an undercover policeman, saving the world, is it cool?" No matter what age a man is, he always has the dream of "being a superhero and saving the world".

Seeing his yearning appearance, Mr. Xue really didn't want to pour cold water on his stupid children, so he had to take anger at the script, "Who wrote the script, is he sick, the hero is a fat man weighing more than 200 pounds, who would watch such a movie! "

Yu Siyang: "..."

Although I feel that Mr. Xue is unreasonable, I somehow feel that he is right. However, Master Yan said that Wu Wenjing must be a fat man. This setting is an important plot that cannot be changed. I really want to play the role of this undercover policeman. .

Righteous, kind, brave and strong, even in the most dangerous place of death, he never backs down and moves forward.

This is a very charming character.

Seeing Yu Siyang's tangled expression, Xue Chengxiu sighed, "I'll ask someone to contact Yan Haiqing."

"Huh?" Yu Siyang asked, "Are you going to invest in this movie? I heard that many employers are communicating with Master Yan."

"Inject capital first to become the biggest investor in the film, and then let Yan Haiqing change the script." Xue Chengxiu snorted coldly.

"No." Yu Siyang rushed up and hugged Xue Chengxiu's arm, "I just like this kind of fat character." Ask Master Yan to change the script, Master Yan will definitely burst with anger, and then there will be no conflict with Mr. Xue. All right.

Xue Chengxiu was speechless for a while, then flicked his silly child's forehead with his fingers.