There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 127


"Traitor" leads the summer season with a box office of more than 2 billion yuan. Director Liu Cai has been promoted to the billion-dollar director club for this film. Several main actors have dominated the headlines for many days with the trend of massacres. Zhan Heng is already in the circle. Inner Fengshen, because "Traitor" has his investment, it is even more famous and fortune.

As the male No. 3, Yu Siyang has gained a lot of fans with his evil, charming and mad father-in-law, and the number of fans has exceeded 20 million. Although there are black fans who brought last year's "Toxic Delicious" together and said that he is The villain is a professional household, but there are only a few such voices, and every minute, the food group is slapped in the face with the emoji package of "Pretending to be too much".

From taking over the role of a foster friend, to now "Traitor" has a good box office reputation, the brokerage team was careful to be labeled as a villain, which was perfectly avoided by "Pretending to Be Too Much" released on the first day of the new year, and because of " The wonderful performance in "Traitor" was praised as an acting actor.

More than a month after the release of "Traitor", the completed "Dead Land" crew released a concept poster, featuring Yan Haiqing's five-year script. Yang, Shi Zhen, Xiang Nan, Su Yewei and others.

People outside the circle watched the fun, only to think that Yu Siyang was all cool, and he also acted as the male lead in a famous screenwriter's production. He was a proper winner in life. People in the circle were not surprised because they knew that Yu Siyang would be in "Dead Place" for a long time, but they were surprised that the positive male No. 2 actor actually chose Shi Zhen.

Suddenly, my jaw dropped countless times.

A male artist who wanders between the eighteenth line and the third line, where did the resources come from to catch up with Master Yan's crew

Later, when I found out that it was actually recommended by Yu Siyang, everyone's mood became complicated.

I heard that Yu Siyang also snatched Shi Zhen's cover. Could it be that Yu Siyang felt guilty for snatching the cover, so he recommended Shi Zhen to audition as compensation

Oh, no one believes this reason!

Luo Peng also wondered why Yu Siyang recommended Shi Zhen. Hearing rumors in the circle that Yu Siyang felt guilty for stealing the cover, Luo Peng felt that he was about to cry with laughter.

I feel sorry for you, you woolly ball! Why should I feel guilty for the cover I got with my ability? ! There are a lot of bad things going on with this little broken cover!

"Because Master Yan said he was looking for someone who was a little rustic but handsome to play Qiu Shizhe, I suddenly thought of Shi Zhen." Yu Siyang replied to Luo Peng like this.

There are as many handsome men and beautiful women as dogs in the entertainment industry, but there are only a few looks... Uh, ordinary, but too ordinary. There are very few appearances like Shi Zhen who are almost tailor-made for the role of Qiu Shizhe, which makes Yu Siyang The memory is very deep. As soon as Yan Haiqing talked about it, he thought of this person, and there were no many reasons for outside speculation.

Luo Peng shrugged, picked up a piece of Dingsheng cake from the plate and threw it into his mouth, he knew there was no complicated reason.

It is said that Yu Siyang has been working hard to gain weight in the past few months, and the supply of various snacks, pastries, etc. is not continuous. After all this hard work, the person who has gained weight has gained two kilograms. It is the same as not gaining weight. I have nothing to eat and drink, but I have gained a lot of weight.

While eating the soft, fragrant, sweet and delicious Dingsheng cake, Luo Peng deeply despised his own gluttony.

But let him just watch and not eat, how can he hold back!

This Dingsheng cake is made of japonica rice flour and glutinous rice flour. It is soft, a little loose, with a slightly sweet bean paste flavor and the fragrance of pine nuts. It is not too delicious. Just watch it and not eat it. The blasphemy of Shengkuo! ! !

"Didn't you say you're fat? Why do you still eat so much?" Yu Siyang took the plate away in a protective manner. Mr. Xue and Mumu haven't eaten yet, so they can't let others eat it up.

Luo Peng grabbed another one quickly, "You have the strength to exercise when you are full."

Yu Siyang looked at him speechlessly, and asked Aunt Wang to take the Dingsheng cake into the kitchen and not allow it to be eaten.

"It's you, you're about to turn it on now. You're very unsuccessful in gaining weight." Luo Peng watched Aunt Wang go to the kitchen and drank tea regretfully.

When it comes to gaining weight, Yu Siyang is very depressed. He eats very hard, but he can't gain weight. Because of gastroenteritis, he doesn't dare to overeat or eat high-calorie junk food. He tried a few times. Months are useless.

Luo Peng poked his stomach where the abdominal muscles became less obvious, and said regretfully: "It seems that you can only rely on special makeup." Fortunately, it is coming to autumn, the weather is getting colder, and special makeup is not enough. will be particularly distressing.

Yu Siyang looked at himself who was thin, and looked at Luo Peng, who had gained a lot of weight, with envy.

Another person who wants to change his body shape is more successful than Yu Siyang.

Shi Zhen tossed it for a long time, and finally lost almost all the perfect muscles he had cultivated for many years before starting the machine. Without the blessing of a perfect figure, his appearance looked even more earthy.

The agent went to his house and gave him the flow chart of the opening ceremony. Seeing what he looks like now, he doubted his own aesthetics. What did he like about Shi Zhen before he brought him into the company to sign him? of? Are you blind

"Old Liu, what are you looking at!" Shi Zhen was very dissatisfied. He knew that he was not even handsome when he looked like this. During this period of time, he could try not to look in the mirror without looking in the mirror, but it didn't mean that he I would like to see the agent's expression of doubt about life, he is also very handsome, so good.

"Sincere eyes." The agent said with a sincere expression.

Shi Zhen: "..." Sincere ass, it's obviously a flat look.

The news that "the old little fresh meat (today's old bacon) male artist beat the agent", the agent quickly said: "Tomorrow's opening ceremony is 8:18, go to bed early tonight, and I will pick you up tomorrow." Said It was over and left quickly.

Shi Zhen… Shi Zhen wanted to hit someone when he saw it.

The opening ceremony of "Dead Place" is scheduled to be held at the Emerald Hotel. After the opening ceremony, the main actors will be taken to the pre-booked studio for makeup and makeup photos. The next day, the crew will go to Liang Province to shoot.

"Death" is a relatively rare theme film in the past two years. A few years ago, this type of film was one after another, and fewer people made it. The main theme movie that came out was still a script written by Master Yan for several years. Many people paid attention to it, and the opening ceremony was also held relatively grandly.

Dozens of media are here now, with long guns and short guns on the shelves. When the time comes, the chief producer leads everyone to offer incense and pray for blessings, and then uncover the red cloth covering the camera and the red cloth on the background wall. It is a concept poster designed by another, with the words "The movie "Dead Land" starts well". After uncovering the red cloth, the chief producer cut the roast suckling pig on the incense case, and the crew symbolically shared some of the food. .

Then, it was time for media interviews.

The media is all about watching people make dishes. The investment in this movie is not too big, and it has invited many old actors to accompany the actors. But looking at the entire cast, Yu Siyang may not be as good as the old actors in the circle. He is more famous than all actors. Therefore, most of the media interviews revolve around him and Yan Haiqing. It is director Bu Guanqing who has been making documentaries before, and the media only take care of him. a moment.

During the whole interview, Shi Zhen only said a few words when it came to the characters, and at other times he smiled and watched quietly. Other veteran actors will also be asked a few questions because of their status in the circle, and as an actor with low status and not enough fame, he and Su Yewei, the only main female role player in the film, act as the actor. The vase at the launch.

In fact, it is not only in the entertainment industry, but also in the entertainment industry. It is just that the entertainment industry has made this phenomenon even bigger. Famous fans are holding the media and the employers are holding them, and people like Shi Zhen are almost gone. Artists who went to the 18th line, the media did not take much care of them, and no one read their manuscripts, so they wrote a P.

Shi Zhen's development has not been smooth in the past few years, but he has never been so soberly aware that he is really about to get out of breath.

Looking at the muscles that he almost lost, he thought, if he can turn over, he will just watch this movie, but he has to work hard, and he can't live up to the chest muscles and abdominal muscles that he worked so hard to lose.

The opening ceremony and the interview together took only an hour and a half. After the end, Bu Guanqing took the actors to the studio.

Fashion dramas are better than costume dramas, but the makeup of "Dead Place" is still more troublesome, especially Yu Siyang.

Yan Haiqing initially wanted Yu Siyang to gain weight, and to control his body more easily when filming, especially his face.

But Yu Siyang didn't get fat no matter how he ate, and Yan Haiqing, who had gained ten pounds by eating every once in a while, was so envious and jealous that he could only rely on special makeup in the end.

In fact, this kind of special effect makeup is also very hard. Dozens of pounds of silicone material are worn on the body. In order to bond well, the body has to be coated with glue, and layers of silicone are stacked on the body, which is completely breathless.

When the special effects makeup artist came to do special effects for Yu Siyang, Shi Zhen had already put on makeup and put on the big-name printed black shirt and black trousers prepared by the crew, which vividly interpreted the image of Qiu Shizhe in the script.

"Yes, it fits very well." Yan Haiqing and Bu Guanqing nodded and went to the studio to watch Shi Zhen take pictures.

After all the main actors who came together finished taking photos of their makeup, Yu Siyang, who was covered in silicone and put on makeup for more than five hours, finally succeeded in becoming a fat man.

An old whitened T-shirt, blue straight jeans, the T-shirt tucked into the pants, a belt tightly tied around the fat waist, a silly smile on the fat face, and occasionally flashing in the eyes It's all gone, showing that this is not a simple fat man.

Yu Siyang, who is fat into a ball, shows in front of the camera what a cute and low-key fat man with connotation.