There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 134


Meng Hailong has been very depressed recently. As the director of the product promotion department of the Emerald Hotel, he should be proud of the spring breeze, but the spokesperson of their hotel is unwilling to renew the endorsement contract!

As an artist, isn't big income a commercial endorsement? They are rushing to renew the contract at the hotel, and the conditions are better than the previous year, for! Varied! What! Can! quilt! refuse! Absolutely!

Meng Hailong thought it was the cheap broker who was going to start paying a low price. Although he was so angry, he went to Chairman Huo Zhilun to explain the situation and approved an endorsement fee of 11 million yuan. Who would have thought The other party actually put on a posture of not bowing down for five buckets of rice, and sternly refused to sign a new year's endorsement contract.

—Nima, this bastard agent is so cheap.

Meng Hailong was very angry, so...

So he found the executives of All-Star Entertainment, hoping to put pressure on the cheap agent through the executives, but the executives of All-Star Entertainment were ambiguous and didn't give the right words.

Although rushing is not a business, but since Yu Siyang was signed as a spokesperson, the performance of the hotel can be said to be booming, and the stock price of the hotel is booming at the same time.

The stock price is stable and rising → the major shareholders are in a good mood, and they will not see Tianer come to the company to find trouble with the chairman → the power conflict within the company can be subsided → reduce unnecessary links and improve the work efficiency of employees → the year-end bonus will be more → income If you improve your work, you will be more motivated → create more benefits for the company → the stock price will naturally rise steadily - this is a virtuous circle.

Moreover, Yu Siyang is really a good spokesperson, he never shirks the matters in the contract, and if he can help with the matters outside the contract, he will also help to save face.

It is a spokesperson with great commercial value and peace of mind!

But the question is, how can such a good spokesperson not renew the contract without renewing it

Meng Hailong introspected—

1. The endorsement fee they give is not low. Although Yu Siyang is a first-line player now, his qualifications are not deep. This price is already in line with his worth, not to mention that they have added another million this year!

2. They are not a difficult party. Although they did put forward some requirements outside the contract, they were not cut down by the cheap broker. The cooperation between the two parties should be quite pleasant. !

Why don't you want to renew the contract

If a business endorsement can be combined, it will be beneficial to both parties, and it is generally not easy to end the partnership. It's not that it's impossible to change a spokesperson or not to have a spokesperson at all. It's just that after nearly a year of publicity, the Emerald Hotel has been closely linked to Yu Siyang's image. After Yu Siyang's advertisements are completely removed from the shelves, the stock price of Emerald Hotel will definitely fluctuate.

Although Huo Zhilun was in power, there were still many eyes peeping secretly waiting to take a bite. Family business is like this. If everyone is united, they will be invincible. Once two hearts appear, they will be like a hollow tree, looking lush, but in fact dying.

Many people surnamed Huo waited for the stock price to suffer a setback, took the opportunity to attack and pulled Huo Zhilun down. And Huo Zhilun was unable to move because of the restraint of family affection.

Meng Hailong was dug by Huo Zhilun himself from another company, and naturally he didn't want such a thing to happen.

Meng Hailong still remembered that when he first came into contact with Luo Peng, he felt that this young man was tall and big like a bear, and he spoke like a silly bear.

At that time, due to the conflict between the upper management of the hotel, it was too late to decide to sign a contract with Yu Siyang. Although he was a director, he had neither rights nor tasks. He was free all day like an early retirement. Second wine, familiar.


Gradually, I found that, as time went by, the silly bear turned into a loach in bear skin, becoming more and more slippery. The skill of sitting on the ground has been cultivated to the full level, and he is more and more fond of playing cheap! ! !

Now when talking to Luo Peng, he can't wait to grab his neck and shout, "Dude, can you not be cheap? Can you do it?"

It stands to reason that no one will have a hard time with money, but he has encountered a strange one himself. Everything has a cause and effect. There must be a reason for Yu Siyang's unwillingness to renew the contract. It can't really be rich and willful.

The Emerald Hotel had no choice but to ask Luo Peng privately, starting from Yu Siyang's side.

Luo Peng was also very desperate when he learned that the Jade Hotel was inquiring about Yu Siyang's no longer renewing his endorsement contract.

He could not bow down for five buckets of rice, but when it was five buckets of golden rice, it was heartbreaking for him to refuse.

- The owner of the stall who wants to open a restaurant wholeheartedly, what can he do? !

Tell me, a four-star star with good looks, talents, resources and backstage, his goal is not to dominate the entertainment industry, but to dominate the catering industry, whoever believes it, whoever! letter!

But Luo Peng believed it - because he was sent by the boss to watch the progress of the renovation of their mom-and-pop shop.

Luo Peng, who was standing on the side of Luyuan Street and staring at the decoration company's construction, was no longer the manager Luo Peng, but the contractor Luo Peng - this is really a sad story.

Meng Hailong found Luo Peng in the pile of decoration materials.

"Yo, Brother Luo, are you going to open a shop? What kind of shop are you going to open? My brother will come to cheer you on."

"Ha ha… "

Luo Pengcai wouldn't tell others that he was an agent mixed into a contractor.

"Brother Meng, what's the matter with me?"

"Let's go, brother, please eat spicy crayfish."

Luo Peng looked at the sky and went to eat spicy crayfish at noon...

This proposal is really open~(≧▽≦)/~

There is no restaurant that buys spicy crayfish on Luyuan Street. The two of them drove to the one they often eat. They served five pounds of crayfish. Because they had to drive, they didn't drink, and they served two jugs of orange juice.

More than half of the spicy crayfish was eaten, Meng Hailong pulled Luo Peng and said, "Brother Luo, tell me, how has my brother treated you this year?"

"Eat, drink, play and buy." Luo Peng said succinctly.

Meng Hailong asked again, "Is my brother treating you well?"

Luo Peng: You are so good to me, you have to be good to my master!

"You give my brother a word, why is Teacher Yu unwilling to renew the contract?" Meng Hailong asked: "Our hotel is now in a critical period of business transformation. We don't want to be a friend."

It has always been the artist who pleases the brand father to win the endorsement, how come it is Yu Siyang's turn, so he doesn't play cards according to the rules? !

Luo Peng: What can I do, I'm desperate too!

When Meng Hailong and Luo Pengkuang were young, in Qingsongyuan cemetery, Yu Siyang held flowers and snacks to see... another self.

"Dead Place" is at a critical juncture before finishing the project, but another death day of his own is coming. He said that he had to ask for leave to go back.

When Yu Siyang arrived, he found that there was already a person standing in front of the tombstone, still an acquaintance.

"... Chairman Huo?"

Huo Zhilun was obviously stunned when he saw Yu Siyang, "...Mr. Yu."

Yu Siyang placed the flowers and snacks in his hand in front of the tombstone one by one, wiped the tombstone with clean water, and bowed three times.

Huo Zhilun watched his actions silently, and after he paid his respects, he asked, "Mr. Yu and Chef Yu have a good relationship?"

Yu Siyang turned to look at him.

"Sorry," Huo Zhilun smiled apologetically, "Few people come to see Chef Yu, and it doesn't look like the two of you will have a deep relationship."

"I beg your pardon if my words offend you."

"I remember I once said that I have a good relationship with him." Yu Siyang said, "I don't think Chairman Huo looks like he and Chef Yu can get along."

Huo Zhilun looked at the handsome young man with a bright smile on the tombstone, "He once helped me." His voice was low, with a vague regret and loss.

Yu Siyang looked calm on the surface, but his heart was overwhelmed—

When did I help him! ! ! I do not know how! ! ! Did I lose my memory or did he have an extra memory? ! !

"He's very good," Huo Zhilun seemed to have found someone to talk to and opened the conversation, "At that time, I was exiled to the logistics department, and those people were instructed to challenge me. When he found out, he reported it to the logistics department manager. Heh... my situation seems to be worse because of this..."

Yu Siyang: o(╯□╰)o

This... this... it seems like there is such a thing...

He couldn't get used to the grandsons in the logistics department bullying the newcomers, and sue them severely. At that time, the master had already accepted him as a disciple, and his treatment in the hotel was no different. The manager of the logistics department said in a good voice that he would definitely deal with these people. Only today did he realize that he was a face-to-face gong and drum.

This, this, this is not his good intentions to do something bad? !

"Then... you..." Hate him

Yu Siyang couldn't ask.

Huo Zhilun knew what he was going to ask, and said with a smile, "I'm very grateful to him."

Yu Siyang: o(╯□╰)o

Are you still grateful

I can't tell that Huo Zhilun is a shaker!

It's unbelievable!

Huo Zhilun looked at Yu Siyang's awkward expression, laughed, and explained: "At that time, I was abandoned by my family and assigned to the logistics department, and those people got instructions to challenge me. , I found that a stranger can give me care and warmth, why should I give up myself."

"What if the family gave up on me? I'll step on them all."

"As it turns out, I did it."

Yu Siyang sincerely praised: "You are very powerful."


"You are welcome."

"… "

"… "


Then it got cold.

Yu Siyang scratched his heart in embarrassment: Why doesn't this guy leave? I want to talk to myself! I want to talk to myself! Let's go, let's go!

After being silent for a while, Huo Zhilun said again: "After I took power, the first thing I did was to promote Chef Yu, and I wanted to make the hotel's restaurant famous, but who knows..."

But who knew I was dead! Yu Siyang thought.

The fortunes of life are wonderful, especially such adventures as his.

It can't be said that he has no regrets about his death, but if it weren't for this, he would probably never meet Xue Chengxiu in his lifetime. He will not say which kind of life is better, because this is not a multiple-choice question, what he wants to do is to live in the moment and cherish the people around him, not to cherish the memory.

Yu Siyang said, "Thank you for your appreciation for him."

Huo Zhilun smiled and said, "You're welcome, I don't just appreciate him."


Then it was cold again.

Huo Zhilun shook his head, but Yu Siyang didn't have the slightest curiosity, so he didn't ask.

Chairman Huo OS: Is it so difficult to talk with me!

Yu Siyang also OS: Why doesn't this guy leave? Well, if you don't go, I'll go!

Yu Siyang was slightly depressed, turned around and was about to leave, but Huo Zhilun stopped him.

"Mr. Yu, can you tell me why you don't want to renew the contract with our hotel?"

Yu Siyang felt that the reason had nothing to hide, so he said, "I'm going to open a restaurant by myself, so it will conflict with your catering part."

Huo Zhilun has made thousands of calculations, and conspiracy theories have come out, but the reason is not so simple.

"Sorry, Chairman Huo, I'll go first." Yu Siyang nodded and turned around again to leave.

Then he was stopped by Huo Zhilun.

"Isn't Mr. Yu thinking about another way of cooperation?"
