There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 135


"With boutique resorts as the core, accommodation, food, entertainment, recuperation, and shopping are all-round services. In addition to accommodation, I plan to outsource the rest to diversify risks and improve service quality. Our hotel partners need to conduct comprehensive inspections, but food is not a problem. I have a new idea for a section—"

"It was outsourced to Mr. Yu, and Mr. Yu set up a team to settle in the resort. At the same time, Mr. Yu is still our hotel, and should be the spokesperson of our hotel, so there is no conflict. Therefore, the starting point of starting a business in the catering industry has been raised.”

"This way, isn't it a win-win situation?"

Huo Zhilun talked eloquently, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

Emerald Hotel wants to transform, Yu Siyang wants to start a business, and cooperation is beneficial to both parties, especially Yu Siyang, it can be said that his entrepreneurship is standing on the shoulders of giants.

Huo Zhilun believes that anyone with a little ambition will be moved by this plan.

"We will consider it." Xue Chengxiu said lightly, taking a slow sip from the teacup.

Huo Zhilun got up interestingly, "Then I'll go back and wait for news from President Xue and Mr. Yu." After speaking, he nodded to Yu Siyang and left Xue Chengxiu's office gracefully.

After Huo Zhilun went out, Yu Siyang could finally ask, "Does he want me to contract their hotel's catering?"

Xue Chengxiu nodded: "That's pretty much what it means."

Yu Siyang frowned, thought for a while, and asked, "What about our mom-and-pop shop?"

Xue Chengxiu laughed and rubbed Yu Siyang's hair, "Naturally, I don't want you to go into battle in person, but just borrow your name. The people who do things will be recruited separately."

"So I'm a mascot." Yu Siyang suddenly realized.

"Well, the summary is incisive." Xue Chengxiu nodded.

Yu Siyang suddenly lost his interest, "I still like our mom-and-pop shop. It doesn't have to be too big. It's as warm and comfortable as my own restaurant. Of course, the most important thing is that it's delicious." In the heart of the left palm, "Before I turn 30, I want to become a Michelin-starred chef."

"After that, it will be a three-star Michelin mom-and-pop shop." Xue Chengxiu said with a smile, thinking about the feasibility of Huo Zhilun's plan.

Yu Siyang was not very interested in contracting the catering of the Emerald Hotel, but Xue Chengxiu looked at the feasibility of the matter from the perspective of an investor. After Yu Siyang returned to the crew, he sent the project to the Hengsheng Capital Evaluation Team for evaluation.

"Dead Place" was filmed for more than eight months, and it is finally about to be completed. The scene of the two major scenes of highway chase and urban street battle was completed half a month ago. Tai Ye was fully armed, dozens of vehicles arrived at the scene, and more than 100 group performers pulled over from Tenglan Film and Television City. The scene was extremely spectacular.

There were many big scenes in Yu Siyang's "Battle of Feishui" before, but Chu Quan used CG technology more, while Bu Guanqing liked to shoot in real scenes.

The most direct result of this road chase and urban street fighting drama is that the big drug lord Shao Qing was arrested half-dead, and his subordinates died and wounded.

The police also paid a heavy price. Qiu Shizhe died under Shao Qing's gun to protect Wu Wenjing. More than half of the border drug police were killed or injured. Wu Wenjing has since left the front line because of psychological problems.

"Dead place" means, the place of death.

This place is full of slaughter and blood, it is a dangerous place, and some people, for the happiness of thousands of families behind them, know that they will die, but they still move forward bravely.

"Death" can also be understood as, put to death and then live.

When there is no fear of death, what is there to fear

Whether it is Wu Wenjing, Qiu Shizhe, or those anti-narcotics police officers who have dedicated their lives to their beliefs without leaving their names, they are all respectable and lovely people.

This is also the original intention of Yan Haiqing to create the script of "Dead Place".

On the poster of the newly released movie stills of "Dead Place", a sentence is prominently written - to the unsung heroes who are fighting on the front line of anti-drugs.

A few posters fully express the tense and tragic atmosphere in the movie.

"Nima, the first time I saw a movie poster, I cried, and the tears dropped again [tears] [tears]"

"Upstairs, you are not alone. I cried too."

"Yu Pang Pang's acting skills burst [Hug]"

"It's the first time I found out that Shi Zhen has acting skills. How can I be a black fan?!"

"At such an emotional time, can Shi Zhen's black fans not come out to be funny?"

"I'm sorry, Hei Shizhen has become a conditioned reflex, so everyone should not see it hahaha"

When the new poster was hotly searched, the chief producer of "Dead Place" received a call from the China Anti-Narcotics Office and asked several main characters of the film to shoot anti-drug public service advertisements.

The chief producer politely said that he should discuss with several leading actors first, but generally everyone knows that it is impossible for stars to refuse public service advertisements funded by the state.

Luo Peng actually got the news earlier than the chief producer, because he was contacting a public service advertisement to help orphans.

As soon as Luo Peng and Yu Siyang talked, Yu Siyang immediately nodded in agreement.

After the film was completed, all the leading actors were pulled to the imperial capital to shoot public service advertisements.

Before the filming of the public service advertisement was finished, the mom-and-pop shop had already been renovated.

The renovated mom-and-pop shop finally has an official name—Yufu Family Banquet.

Xue Chengxiu asked people to have all the licenses for the Yufu Family Banquet complete, and everything was ready, so he just waited for the chef to come back and open it.

At the same time, Mr. Xue, who was idle, also registered a company under the name "Yu Fu Jiayan", and the legal representative was Yu Siyang.

At the same time, the professional managers of Hengsheng Capital, on behalf of Yufu Jiayan Catering Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Jade Hotel, conducted friendly negotiations on the catering outsourcing project of Jade Resort Center.

Mr. Xue believes that this project is feasible for investment. Anyway, the company has already been registered, and the management has a special manager to operate. After winning the project, Yu Siyang does not need to do it at all, and does not need to spend too much energy.

The only problem now is that before the project is launched, the news of Yu Siyang's registered company has been leaked.

Take a look at the foodie group-

Well, the head of his own company is registered as a catering company.

The head of the regiment, where is your restaurant? Why don't you advertise on Weibo and tell us, look at who is who and who, see Tianer's advertising and selling goods on Weibo, can you learn from other celebrities? !

As the main owner, Yu Siyang was dumbfounded when he saw the call of the foodie group—how come these people are so well-informed

Yu Siyang V: "You guys know too much [laugh cry] [laugh cry]"

The accompanying picture is the face of the Yufu family banquet sent to him by Xue Chengxiu.

The foodie group suddenly couldn't calm down.

"Address address address address address... send address ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah"

"You have the ability to send the door, and you have the ability to send the address!"

"360 degree Thomas Full Spin Roll, please ask for the address of the head of the hair shop [roll.gif]"

"Pangpang Yu, stop playing, tell us the address, darling~~~"

A photo caused a hot search, and the power of foodies was great. After a while, the topic of #yusiyangopened a shop# was topped off #"Battle of Feishui" is scheduled for July 30#, occupying the first place in the hot search list.

The announcement of "Battle of Feishui" can't help laughing.

You said that it was others who topped the hot search, and they could let the navy go up again, but the one who topped the hot search was one of the leading actors of the movie, and they suddenly fell into a (pseudo) philosophical proposition—

To brush or not to brush, that is the question.

Xuanfa had no choice but to contact Yu Siyang and ask him to post another Weibo about the movie.

Yu Siyang was very cooperative and sent another message.

Yu Siyang V: "Doesn't anyone think I'm handsome in armor @Movie Feishui Battle"

The accompanying picture is a still of him wearing Mingguang armor.

"Diaoyou~~~ Now who cares about your armor being handsome or not, we only care about where your shop address is"

"Pangpang Yu, hand over the address quickly!!!"

"Ah ah ah... Husband, you are so handsome."

"Fuck, you went to the wrong studio upstairs, please go out and turn right."

"Nympho fans, please go to the official blog of the Battle of Feishui, thank you, now it's controlled by the foodie group."

The foodie groups have an unparalleled ability to control the field. They crowded Yan fans, girlfriend fans, and CP fans into Yu Siyang's Weibo. Fans fight each other.

Some passers-by were surprised to find that Yu Siyang's fans were actually in strife, and couldn't help but laugh at him.

The fans who had just returned to the internal strife immediately agreed to the outside world. The cheap passers-by ridiculed them so much that they could not escape, and they wished to uninstall Weibo from now on.

Yu Siyang obediently posted a Weibo to divert the attention of fans, but the effect was very limited, which was beyond his control.

In this regard, he is also very innocent!

Although Yu Siyang admitted that he wanted to open a store, no matter how the fans asked, he did not respond to the address of the store.


How can it be difficult to get fans with a large number of people and powerful technologies!

The core backbone of several food groups organized personnel in the fan group, divided the labor and cooperated, and was about to find Yu Siyang's store.

I am an old fan of the head of the group: [First of all, the company of the head of the group is in Yunzhong City, and he himself lives in Yunzhong City, so the possibility of the store being in Yunzhong City is as high as 99%]

Why am I hungry again: [Why is it 99%, and there is still 1%? 】

I'm an old fan of the head of the regiment: [... I'm hungry, don't make trouble. 】

Why am I hungry again: [Oh, you continue]

I am an old fan of the head of the group: [Now, everyone in Yunzhong City hits 1, and counts the second goods]

Foodie is better than second-hand: [I am a foodie, not a second-hand, [beat.gif] If you are not in Yunzhong City, don’t make trouble, or you will get a group membership]

A large piece of the group came out.

Eating goods is better than second-hand goods: [I set up a discussion group, and after entering, I will hold myself in one by one. 】

There was a lively discussion in the fan group, and the only key member of the foodie group, "gluttonous gluttonous", did not say a word and pretended to be absent.

Ge Rui peeked at the screen in front of the computer, silently shedding tears of sympathy for Yu Siyang.