There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 136


"Battle of Feishui" will be released on July 30. Although there is a sci-fi blockbuster introduced in the same period, which is evenly matched with its box office, the word-of-mouth of "Battle of Feishui" is better than that of "Million Light Years", which has no logic in the plot and is supported by special effects. "Beyond" is much better.

The popularity of the movie box office has made Yu Siyang, one of the protagonists, even more unbreakable in the first-line position in the circle. Film appointments and endorsements flocked to Luo Peng. Luo Peng very (pretend) selflessly sent the book to the internal group of All Star Entertainment agents, so that Other brokers can pick and choose at will, as to whether they can try it or not, it doesn't matter to him.

And he himself... very busy!

I want to help Yu Siyang to prepare for the opening of the restaurant! !

"You said that I am an acting agent mixed up like this, is it a success or an unsuccessful?!" Luo Peng took inventory of the fresh fruits sent by the orchard, and pulled Meng Hailong to rub his teeth.

Meng Hailong finished nibbling on a yellow peach, and threw the peach core in the standard trash can, "It's justified that you, an agent, help the artists under you, I, the director of the hotel's product promotion department, was sent to help. Really miserable."

Especially when the chairman actually said, "There's not much to do right now, you're idle anyway," which really made the employees feel angry and guilty. In fact, he didn't want to be idle at all, really!

The two brothers and sisters who were sent by their bosses to do odd jobs looked at each other, and both saw the sympathy in each other's eyes, so they happily decided to eat spicy crayfish to comfort their hurt little hearts.

After confirming that no more goods were delivered in the morning, Luo Peng locked the store with the key, and went to pick up the car side by side.

"Have you noticed that there are a lot of people on this street in the past two days?" Meng Hailong asked as he walked.

Luo Peng looked around, "Really, there are indeed many more people, and most of them are girls."

Meng Hailong twitched the corners of his mouth, " really have a pair of eyes that can find girls anytime, anywhere."

"My mom doesn't say anything else on the phone every week now, she just asks me if I'm looking for a girlfriend. I'm all conditioned." Luo Peng sighed, "When I was studying, I held the little hand of my female classmate. I was beaten up by my mother when she saw it, and now she urged me not only to hold the little girl's hand, but I have a psychological shadow~~~"

Meng Hailong patted Luo Peng's shoulder with empathy, "When you reach your brother's age, your mother won't beat him every week, but every day."

Luo Peng thought about the situation and shuddered.

too! Can! Afraid! !

"Uncle, uncle, please wait..."

Luo Peng found his handsome off-road vehicle in the parking space, and was about to sit in the cab when he was suddenly photographed from behind.

Meng Hailong, who was outside the co-pilot, leaned over and said to Luo Peng with a smile, "So 'uncle' is calling you."

Although he was in his prime, he was called "Uncle", Luo Peng was a little emotional.

But when he turned around and saw a few beauties calling him, he immediately put away his little emotions and asked kindly, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

One of the girls pointed in the direction they came from and asked, "Uncle, are you a Yufu family banquet employee? I just saw you and this uncle inside." She pointed at Meng sea dragon.

Uncle? !

Uncle is calling me? !

Meng Hailong felt that he had suffered 10,000 injuries.

Nima, can this little girl speak? ! !

Luo Peng couldn't help laughing. The depression of being called "Uncle" disappeared without a trace in Meng Hailong's "Uncle". He said, "We are not the employees of Yufu Family Banquet, but the boss's friend."

The little beauties stared at each other, "Uncle, do you know when the Yufu Family Banquet will open?"

Luo Peng was about to speak when he suddenly felt that the expressions of these girls were not quite right, they were too eager.

"It hasn't been decided yet, and I don't know either." Luo Peng shook his head, "Sorry, we're going to eat, you should go back early, there's nothing to do in this street."

Luo Peng and Meng Hailong got into the car, and several little beauties were already walking in the direction they came from.

"The location of Xiaoyu store has not been leaked, right?" Luo Peng was talking to Meng Hailong while driving.

Meng Hailong is not concerned with his own affairs. "Anyway, sooner or later, don't celebrities like to advertise and consume fans when they open a store?"

Luo Peng stared at the road conditions, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, and said, "Then you also look at the situation of Xiaoyu's store, there are only a few tables, arranged like a restaurant at home, how to consume fans? Come in casually. A few people are full."

"Then... don't you still cooperate with our hotel? There are only a few tables in the resort." Meng Hailong defended.

"Don't talk about that," Luo Peng's eyes couldn't help it, "Xiaoyu is just a hand-sucking shopkeeper, it's just that your resort uses his name, it's useless."

Meng Hailong, who was complained, complained and went back: "Then you are still investing in Yu Siyang's company! It's obviously your own name."

Luo Peng counterattacked: "Tsk, but your hotel is crying and calling for my Xiaoyu's endorsement."

Meng Hailong was not to be outdone: "They are all thousand-year-old foxes, let's not talk about anyone."

The brothers and sisters who were sympathetic to each other ten minutes ago have turned against each other.

But for the Chinese people, the great hatred between their brothers is resolved by a meal of spicy crayfish, but if it doesn't work, then two meals.

Under the brilliance of Ma Xiao's delicious food, the two who had quarreled just now reconciled and wiped out the five jins of Ma Xiao.

After eating and drinking, Luo Peng finally remembered the business, and called Yu Siyang to tell Yu Siyang that the address of Yu's family banquet was known to his fans.

Yu Siyang was trying dishes at home, and after receiving a call from Luo Peng, he sighed helplessly: "If you know, you will know, but you may need to hire more security guards on the opening day."

Ge Rui and Xue Yunmu moved a small bench and sat in a row in the kitchen, waiting for Yu Siyang to feed him. Seeing that Yu Siyang answered the phone and sighed, Ge Rui asked, "What's the matter? Did something happen? ?"

"Brother Luo told me that the location of the restaurant was known to my fans." Yu Siyang said.

Ge Rui scratched his cheek embarrassedly, thought about it, and decided to tell it all, "Xiaoyu, do you remember that fan called 'I'm the old fan of the head of the group'? You greeted her on Penguin. "

Yu Siyang stopped when he cut the beef, and after a while, he suddenly realized, "I remember going to the club to play at that time."

"It's her, organize the fans in the cloud in the group, divide the area, and find your store from street to street." Ge Rui said, I really admire these people, and they found it so quickly.

"Ah..." Yu Siyang was stunned.

This, this is too...

He had no intention of telling fans the location of the mom-and-pop shop.

If he tells his fans, business will be good, but he doesn't want to use his fame to consume fans. He only hopes that the people who come to eat at the mom-and-pop shop are people who really love food, discover the delicious food here, and love their craftsmanship.

Homemade dishes, recognized for their deliciousness, are the pride of every chef.

"They are really amazing." Yu Siyang mumbled, and lowered his head to cut the beef again, his expression not showing whether he was happy or unhappy.

Ge Rui quickly changed the subject and asked, "What are you doing now? It smells so good."

"It's Jiaoxiang beef." Yu Siyang said, "It's a cold dish."

"Is it ready? Can you give me a bite now?" As Yu Siyang cut the beef with a knife, and the marinated beef exuded a domineering fragrance, Ge Rui felt that he was about to lose his saliva.

Xue Yunmu, who was sitting in a row, also raised her hand, "Brother, Mumu wants to eat too."

The little fat man has been greedily sucking in his saliva.

Yu Siyang said helplessly, "It's not done yet."

He tried dishes at home for several days, and the little fat man didn't even want to go to the kindergarten. After a long time this weekend, the little guy stuck in the kitchen and didn't leave.

This Jiaoxiang beef has been sealed and marinated with spices for more than a week. It is when the spices are fully flavored but not old. When they are cut, the aroma locked in the meat is released.

But the problem is, the meat is still raw!

Seeing that the big and the small are too greedy, Yu Siyang had to speed up the speed of cutting the meat, and then made the red brine with white cardamom, bay leaves, grass fruit and other spices, and after the red brine boiled, put the cut Put the beef into the marinade, heat it for at least half an hour, and then turn off the heat and soak it for more than an hour before it can be served.

After the pot is out of the pot, you can mix it with spicy sauce according to your own taste, and then sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds. It is fragrant and spicy. The beef is chewy. The taste of the prepared spices, the aroma is very domineering, invading every taste bud in the mouth, if you don't eat it, it is difficult to stop once you eat it.

Ge Rui hadn't eaten it, but Fatty did.

But the little fat man didn't eat spicy sauce, and because there were too many spices, his brother Yang Yang didn't let him eat more, he could only eat three pieces at a time, and he couldn't get a fourth piece if he was coquettish and rolled around, so he could only watch pitifully. Dad ate everything on the plate and commented on the taste.

So angry!

Xue Yunmu pinched her chubby paws and stared back at the kitchen door, afraid that her father would suddenly appear and eat all the beef.

No matter what, he must stop Dad.

Mr. Xue, who was remembered by his son, did not have time to go to the kitchen to grab his son's beef at the moment. He received a call from Luo Peng to report the situation of the store, and was asking his assistant to contact the security company to redeploy security personnel to ensure the scene on the opening day. Not out of control.