There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 140


As the opening film of the film festival, "Dead Place" is of high quality. Correspondingly, the word-of-mouth has exploded before it was released across the board.

The media and film critics received overwhelming praise, and the stars who watched the premiere also called for "Dead Place" one after another. Impatient netizens were whetted, and under the official blog, they shouted that the film should be released earlier.

Among them, there are also other shortlisted films or the filmmakers of theatrical films released in the same period who are touting "Death", but both Bu Guanqing and Yan Haiqing are very calm and confident in their films.

The two also enlightened Yu Siyang and let him put his mind down on his gains and losses. It is good to be able to win the Cloud Award, but even if he did not win this time, it does not mean that his acting skills are not good, and he will do his best next time.

Yu Siyang, who was enlightened, was embarrassed, and wanted to say that he actually didn't care that much about the cloud award. He was more nervous about the entrance exam than winning the award.

With less than half a year left, Yu Siyang was very worried about whether he would be admitted to Yunzhong Normal University.

What if I don't pass the exam

- Then am I just a scumbag? !

Yu Siyang, who was flustered by the assumption that he might be a scumbag, became even more anxious.

Although he still attended various red carpets, premieres, and receptions of the film festival with a smile on his face, and hid his anxiety well, he was still discovered by Xue Chengxiu.

The reason is very simple-

Mr. Xue found that the lunch or dinner on the table these days is extraordinarily rich.

Happy or unhappy, nervous or anxious, Yu Siyang will vent his emotions in the kitchen. Therefore, as long as he sees a particularly rich meal on a certain day, and then carefully observe the expressions, he will be able to grasp the emotions of his lover with all certainty.

However, because there was an actor trophy in front of him, Mr. Xue also stumbled, thinking that the little boyfriend was worried about whether to win the award, and said some comforting words such as "we are still young, we should respect the old", who knows Yu Siyang Confused.

"But everyone else went to college at the age of eighteen, and I'm twenty-one after the new year. I'm the one who should be respected, right?!"

Mr. Xue was also confused.

Yu Siyang was frustrated: "I may not be able to be respected by those children, what if I can't get into university?"

Xue Chengxiu: "..."

Xue Chengxiu sighed: "It's okay, we have money, donate something to the school and take a shortcut."

Yu Siyang refused righteously and sternly: "No, in this case, it will prove that I am really a scumbag!"

Xue Chengxiu chokes a sip of tea in his throat - what the daring kid is worried about is that he might be a student scum? !

Feeling more and more like a scumbag on his head, Yu Siyang got up and walked to the kitchen, "Would you like to eat crispy yellow croaker with candy and garlic today? Aunt Wang bought a big yellow croaker."

"...Okay." Mr. Xue said weakly.

The film festival ushered in the highlight of Yu Siyang's trance-like anxiety, the closing ceremony and awards.

For those in the industry, the film festival will pay attention to some small-budget literary films released in the film critic week or special attention, or resources such as new directors, screenwriters, or excellent technical teams.

But for the melon eaters of all colors in the global village, one of their concerns is the opening ceremony red carpet and opening film, and the other is the award ceremony on the closing day.

The attention of the awards ceremony is far greater than the opening red carpet.

The gown for Yu Siyang's award ceremony was designed by Philip Hill himself. When the shortlist was announced, the costume design genius planned to design a gown to make Yu Siyang look gorgeous.

Yu Siyang declined to comment on Philip Hill's Mandarin level.

What the hell is he doing like a big man? Not a female star!

When Philip Hill unfolded the dress he designed in front of him, Yu Siyang had to admit that this dress was low-key and luxurious with connotations - but it was definitely not glamorous.

The dark blue three-piece suit is inlaid with shining sapphire cufflinks, the scarf of the same color is secretly embroidered with a complex pattern of silver and blue, and the collar is buckled with a blue diamond arched by dozens of broken diamonds. Needles, and even the buttons of the suit were inlaid with small sapphires, making Yu Siyang look like a prince in a fairy tale.

Men's dresses are generally simple and basic if they don't deliberately pursue exaggeration, but the details of the treatment can clearly see the designer's skill, adding a point of exaggeration and reducing a point of indifference, Yu Siyang's dress is indeed true Really worthy of tailor-made these four words.

"Good-looking. I really am a genius." Philip Hill was so satisfied with his design that he praised himself without hesitation.

Luo Peng smiled and said, "Is the clothes good-looking, or the people good-looking?"

Philip Hill said: "It's all good-looking. Don't you Chinese people have a saying that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles?"

"Yo, you even know this." Luo Peng was exaggeratedly surprised, "Shouldn't this sentence be, people rely on clothes and Buddhas rely on gold clothes."

Philip Hill was stunned and muttered, "Am I remembering wrong?"

Luo Peng couldn't help laughing, and asked the makeup artist to come over quickly to give Yu Siyang's makeup.

The newcomer who followed Luo Peng to join in the fun was shocked - who will tell me that this agent who molested foreigners is not his serious agent? !

Soon it was time for the red carpet, and Yu Siyang's car was still the Bentley from the year before.

Like the opening ceremony, he was arranged to enter in the middle and back, the difference is that this time he did not go with the crew.

The company originally wanted to arrange a female star to be his female companion. First, let him lead the company's female artist. Second, if he didn't win the award, there would still be other topics to stir up, so as not to be maliciously trampled by marketing accounts and sunspots.

However, as soon as the high-level sign came out, it was drowned out by Wei Xiaofeng with a basin of cold water.

Wei Xiaofeng commented on this: The old birthday star was hanged.

When Yu Siyang stepped on the red carpet and was blinded by the flashing lights, his anxiety during this period of time suddenly disappeared, and the whole person calmed down.

He thought, it doesn't matter if he doesn't get into university, if he takes the exam again, he can donate something to get through the back door.

He doesn't even care if he can get the highly anticipated trophy like Best Actor... Well, it's not that he doesn't care about Best Actor, but he doesn't have much hope, so there's nothing to worry about.

That being the case, it doesn't matter if you can't get into college or not.

Although it will be depressed, but what if you don't get the best actor and don't go to university

Life always goes on.

Yu Siyang put on a perfect smile... Uh, he still walked across the red carpet quickly, but this time, the one in front of him was not the magic needle on the carpet, and there was no embarrassing situation where he came to the signature wall before the person in front.

In this position, Mr. Xue abused his power again and moved him to the front. He did not sit with the crew, and was surrounded by well-known investors at home and abroad. After he entered, he was greeted by Mr. Xue.

Although there is no nomination, he is also one of the main creators of the film. Shi Zhen walked the red carpet with the crew and sat together.

"It's different from the same people." Looking at Yu Siyang, who was brought to know the investor, Shi Zhen sighed to Su Yewei beside him.

Su Yewei played with his mobile phone without raising his head, and poured poisonous chicken soup on Shi Zhen: "So you have to accept your fate as a human being."

Shi Zhen was internally injured by the poisonous chicken soup, so he wanted to argue with Su Yewei for 300 rounds, but when he turned his head, he saw the girl playing with her mobile phone, and was shocked: "How did you bring the mobile phone in?" After speaking, he looked up and down. Dressed in Su Yewei's backless dress.

"You're stupid," Su Yewei gestured to the hem of his dress. "This dress has pockets. I borrowed it on purpose." .

Shi Zhen admired her to the ground. Such a pure, unrestrained and unpretentious girl is really rare in the entertainment industry.

After a while, Shi Zhen felt even more bored. The teacher Xiang Nanxiang on the left didn't dare to talk to him, so he had to harass Su Yewei again, "You said, can Yu Siyang get the best actor?"

When Su Yewei was distracted, the red panda in the game turned into a wild panda that ran away from the rein, Sa Yazi ran into the river, Game over.

She put away her mobile phone, and gave Shi Zhen a resentful white eye before saying, "Do you think it will affect Yu Siyang whether he can get this actor or not?"

"So what if you get it, what if you don't get it, will the resources and contacts in the hands of others disappear because of a trophy? Besides, he is only twenty years old, so there are many opportunities."

Su Yewei's words made sense, Shi Zhen thought about it, but still couldn't think of anything to refute, so he shut up angrily.

Unexpectedly, Su Yewei would not let him go, and was determined to avenge the game over. Another bowl of poisonous chicken soup poured into the teacher's mouth: "Don't look at other people's smooth sailing on the surface, in fact, they are also smooth sailing behind the scenes."

Shi Zhen: TAT

Girl, I was wrong, the awards ceremony has already started, let's stop talking.

The hosts of the awards ceremony are still the two famous people from two years ago. The atmosphere at the scene was very relaxed by them. The laughter came one after another, and the rhythm of the whole process made me very good.

Heavyweight awards such as best actor and actress, best director, and best picture are all as the finale, and the corresponding guests invited to draw the prize are also heavyweights.

The best actor award guests were actually Zhan Heng and Yi Jiaojiao.

As the two were invited out by the host, the atmosphere at the scene reached the first high point.

"Sister Jiaojiao, it seems that this is the first time for me to give an award with you." Zhanheng held a delicate envelope in his hand, and he didn't rush to open it, so he chatted with Yi Jiaojiao first.

Yi Jiaojiao pretended to be unhappy, "I told you not to call me sister, am I very old?"

Zhan Heng thought for a while and said, "Compared to tonight's Best Actor nominees, you are older than most of them."

Many people at the scene laughed lowly.

Yi Jiaojiao slammed Zhanheng's chest with a small fist, "Don't say this kind of thing, now many media still write that I have a girlish feeling."

Zhan Heng held his chest exaggeratedly and took a step back.

Yi Jiaojiao looked him up and down and said, "Fortunately, your acting skills are not shortlisted for tonight's Best Actor."

"Am I bad at acting?" Zhan Heng asked unwillingly.

"Don't let me tell you what everyone knows," Yi Jiaojiao said, "I can't stand you anymore." "Let's announce the list of finalists first."

As soon as she finished speaking, the finalists and the shortlisted movie clips were played on the big screen of the stage.

There are a total of six finalists for the best actor, only two from China, and their ages are polarized.

As the youngest finalist, Yu Siyang got the attention of the audience.

"Then, we are going to announce the winners' names now." After the video on the big screen was played, Zhan Heng's voice attracted the attention of everyone at the scene.

I saw him open the envelope, take a card out of the envelope, and hand it to Yi Jiaojiao.

Yi Jiaojiao said into the microphone, "The winner of the Best Actor Award in the main competition unit of the 43rd Yunzhong International Film Festival is—"

She stretched the tail and sold off the subtitles, and the live background music turned into a passionate and tense drumbeat.

"… Who is it?"

"… Who is it?"

Zhan Heng cooperated with Yi Jiaojiao to sell off.

Yu Siyang tilted his head to talk to Xue Chengxiu: "I wasn't nervous at first, but I'm also nervous when they do this."

The big screen of the stage is divided into six grids, and the six finalists have a special camera to show their emotions to the audience in real time.

On the big screen, the other five smiled decently and waited motionlessly for the final result, but Yu Siyang turned his head to talk to the people around him, and then...

Everyone saw it, and a slender male hand patted the top of his head.

But the award ceremony is not only live, but also broadcast live on the online platform.

Netizens who were also waiting for the results in front of computers, tablets, and mobile phones were not nervous or calm in an instant, and the barrage of "Ahhhh" filled the entire live broadcast screen.

"Whose hand, whose hand, whose hand?"

"The photographer has a hole in his head, dare to zoom out the camera a little bit"

"Touching the head to kill, the legendary head-touching kill, no matter what, we need to see the owner of the head-touching kill"

On the stage, Zhan Heng and Yi Jiaojiao finally sold out enough, and shouted out in unison, ""Death", Yu Siyang, congratulations—"

Yu Siyang, who was still complaining about Mr. Xue messing up the hairstyle he spent an hour setting, was stunned when he heard his name, looked at the stage stupidly, then went to Mr. Xue again and asked, "Me?"

Mr. Xue took the opportunity to pat him on the head again, "Yes, hurry up and collect the award."

Yu Siyang stood up excitedly and was about to step onto the stage when he suddenly stopped, bent down and hugged Xue Chengxiu hard.

This time, the following camera will take Mr. Xue into the mirror, and there will naturally be a burst of "Aahah" on the webcast platform.

Yu Siyang walked to the aisle, instead of going directly to the stage, he turned around and hugged and thanked everyone in the crew.

Zhan Heng and Yi Jiaojiao waited for him with smiles on the stage, and handed the trophy in the shape of a flying sky to him.

Yu Siyang stood in the center of the stage, all the spotlights were on him, thousands of lights and honors, at this moment, he was the focus of the audience.

He bowed deeply and said with a smile, "Thank you to the judges for their recognition of me. Well, before I came here, my agent wrote me several versions of the acceptance speech. When I was nervous, I forgot."

There was a good-natured laughter from the crowd.

"I want to thank too many people. There are countless people who have helped me along the way, such as my agent, the leader of my agent, the guide, Master Yan, teacher Xiang Nan, who was filming together, and many more. The people who have worked with me are who I am today because of you."

"There is another person, I have too many words of thanks to say to him, he is my lover," Yu Siyang turned his eyes to Xue Chengxiu's direction, in fact there was no light in the auditorium, he could not see him, but he knew that he The person I love is there, "I want to say, God bless me, let me use all my luck to meet you, I love you."