There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 141: Extra 1


"Shock! New actor Yu Siyang announces his relationship in public at the award ceremony"

"The actor Yu Siyang already has a heart, who is his other half? 》

"Yu Siyang's high-profile confession at the award ceremony, no one has spoken out for love yet"

On the second day of the Yunzhong International Film Festival Awards Ceremony, the headline was not ""Dead Land" won the Golden Feitian Award", nor "Yuan Ai won the Yunyun Award for Best Actress", nor "Yu Siyang became the newest actor of the Yunyun Award", but "Yu Siyang Announces Love".

Yu Siyang made a high-profile show of love at the awards ceremony, and his girlfriend fans cried one by one.

Why do they want to fan such a bohemian idol? Why did idol fall in love at the age of 20? Why don't you hide your love and tell the world

No, no, it must be malicious malice from the universe, causing them all to have terrible hallucinations.

In fact, Yu Siyang didn't confess at all, yes, it must be like this!

Compared with girlfriend fans who avoid themselves, food fans and mother fans accept it well, and they happily discuss who is the other half of their team leader, whether they are inside or outside the circle, and whether they are older or younger than him. .

And the CP fans started a big melee, they all said that they stood on the king's way, and the others were cults.

Especially the cod CP fans, who said, "Xiaoyu was the first to hug before receiving the award. No matter what, they are together anyway."

King Cod said: "Mr. Xue is touching his head and hugging in love, they are a match made in heaven"

Hehehe: "That's obviously the love of the elders for the younger generation, you are blind."

King Cod said: "You are blind, go see an ophthalmologist, don't give up treatment."

Humhum: "You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep."

King Cod said: "If you don't listen, don't listen, the bastard recites the scriptures."

Codfish CP fans scuffled on various platforms, and brainwashed the moving picture of Yu Siyang and Xue Chengxiu hugging at the awards ceremony.

It’s been posted a lot, passersby see, eh, these two seem to be very compatible, they won’t really be in love, hahaha…

"The eyes of the masses are really sharp." Yu Siyang, who set off a storm in the entertainment industry, happily swiped Weibo at home.

Xue Chengxiu went downstairs while talking on the phone, "When will it be ready?... I don't want to hear this. I'm going to get the groom's clothes on the fifteenth of next month.

Hearing the words of such a domineering president, Yu Siyang raised his head from the tablet and looked at Mr. Xue with a question mark on his face.

Xue Chengxiu hung up the phone, and only had time to bite Yu Siyang's lips when the phone rang again.

"The food and beverages will be from Yufu Family Banquet. If there are not enough people, they will be transferred from the Emerald Resort Center. It's none of my business whether Huo Zhilun uses anyone. My marriage is naturally more important than the business of his resort center."

Yu Siyang snickered, closed the screen of the tablet computer, and took a walnut from the coffee table and gnawed it.

The rich chocolate flavor is wrapped in the fragrance of walnut kernels, which is crispy and crunchy.

Yu Siyang gave himself a compliment in his heart: My craftsmanship is as good as ever.

The first one was finished, but half of the second one was snatched from his mouth.

"There's more in the basket." Yu Siyang stretched out his hand to get it.

Xue Chengxiu waited for him to eat half of it, and then took it from his mouth.

Yu Siyang glared at Xue Chengxiu in dissatisfaction, and suddenly said, "Oh, my back hurts, and I was robbed of walnut cakes, I'm so miserable~~~"

Xue Chengxiu laughed, pulled the person into his arms, rubbed his lower back, and said confidently, "Who asked you to recruit me."

When he said "I love you" in front of hundreds of millions of people last night, it would be a problem if he didn't lose control.

Yu Siyang put his chin on Xue Chengxiu's shoulder, pouted his lips, and thought to himself, "It's not over all night, so I'm still to blame!"

"The designer will come over in the afternoon to make a tailor-made wedding. The wedding will be set on the private island of Pei's family. The template for the wedding invitation will be delivered later. Let's choose together..."

While Xue Chengxiu was massaging, he rambled about the wedding arrangements. Yu Siyang felt sleepy and his eyelids drooped.

The lover didn't speak for a long time, Xue Chengxiu gently lifted him up and looked at him. It turned out that he was asleep. He couldn't help but feel both funny and distressed.

Picking up the person and putting them in the bed, Mr. Xue continued to contact and arrange the wedding.

Yu Siyang slept until the afternoon, and even missed lunch. When he woke up, he didn't remember, he rolled around under the quilt, and then laughed out loud.

He is getting married!

Married Mr. Xue!

so happy so happy so happy...

"What are you giggling?" Xue Chengxiu came to see if Yu Siyang was awake, and as soon as he opened the door, he heard a series of giggles, "Sleep for so long, are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry." I wasn't hungry at first, but when I was reminded, I immediately felt hungry.

Xue Chengxiu patted his ass wrapped under the quilt, "Get up and eat something, it's almost time for dinner."

Yu Siyang rolled himself from the back to the front, Xue Chengxiu took him out of the quilt and carried him to the bathroom.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Yu Siyang, who was dressed in a refreshing home clothes, went downstairs in the style of a movie king.

When the designer and assistant waiting in the living room saw him, their stomachs were full of gossip, and their hands were shaking.

While recording the size, the assistant peeked at Yu Siyang's neck—that pink trace was a hickey, right? huh huh huh

Oooooooo, our cod CP is really king, we push it all our life - unfortunately we can't tell others!

The assistant used the greatest self-control in his life to not cry out on the spot. Before leaving, he couldn't help but whispered to Yu Siyang, "Xiaoyu, I wish you and Mr. Xue a happy love and grow old."

Yu Siyang was stunned for a moment before saying, "...Thank you."

"No thanks, no thanks, codfish will push for a lifetime." The little assistant smiled like a morning glory, and was dragged away by the designer's collar.

Yu Siyang became dumbfounded at this moment. He didn't expect to meet his fans even if he was a CP fan. This world is really small.

"You are a very interesting fan." Xue Chengxiu smiled.

Well, "the cod is pushed for a lifetime", that's a good saying.

Yu Siyang nodded, his fans were all cute.

"Dad, brother, I'm back~~~"

Xue Yunmu, who was taken out by Pei Ziteng to play for a day, ran in really, holding a wave bantang bigger than his face in his hand.

Pei Ziteng stood at the door and poked his head in, and threw a large backpack on the ground, looking like he was being ravaged, and said weakly, "Your son brought you back completely, don't contact me for the past week. I need to replenish my inner strength."

"What's the use of asking you to look like a dead child in just one day." Xue Chengxiu picked up the backpack and put it on the sofa.

Pei Ziteng said hesitantly, "It's useless and useless, I'm the most useless." Before he could finish speaking, he ran away.

Xue Chengxiu went to close the door, and when he turned around, he saw that Xue Yunmu was holding a big wave candy and Yu Siyang offering treasures.

"Brother, is it big? Uncle Teng Teng bought it."

"It's so big, enough for Mumu to eat for the first half of the year."

"Can I eat it for half a year (⊙o⊙)"

"Eat a small bite a day, or you can eat it for half a year."

"That's it... I can eat the first half of the year..."

Little Fatty didn't know that he had been fooled by his brother Yangyang, and he went to present treasures to Aunt Wang with a wave of candy that he could eat for half a year. He was so resourceful and chose the biggest one.

Xue Chengxiu said dissatisfiedly: "Pei Ziteng, that bastard, bought candy for the children again."

"It is estimated that Mumu is cheating." Yu Siyang smiled.

Xue Chengxiu said: "Even if a child is rude, Pei Ziteng, as a person with full capacity for civil conduct, can't stand his ground, it's too useless." Especially unreasonable.

"You're right, we must criticize him properly." Yu Siyang defended his man unprincipled.

Pei Ziteng, who was overrun by the fat man, fell on the back seat of his car, sneezed heavily, rubbed his nose, and the driver said, "Turn up the air conditioner, I'm cold."

Yu Siyang made up for the lack of sleep last night, walked to the kitchen with a hundred spirits, and decided to make a very complicated fried rice to express his good mood.

Xue Yunmu carried a small stool and sat in the kitchen to watch, and beside him was his father who was sitting on the high stool who was watching together on the phone.

Yu Siyang put the specially-made slate on the electric grill to heat it, and then took out several kinds of vegetables from the refrigerator.

When the little fat man saw the carrot he hated the most, his mouth pouted immediately: "It's another carrot, Mumu doesn't like carrots."

Yu Siyang's action of making vegetable juice stopped for a while, and a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face, and then it turned into regret in the next second, "Oh, this fried rice Mumu can't be eaten." Son.

Xue Yunmu's eyes widened, "Why why?" Although he doesn't like carrots, he shouldn't punish him so cruelly, and don't even give him fried rice >_