There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 30


Yu Siyang and Luo Peng sat on the sofa, huddled together like quails, and looked at Wei Xiaofeng across from them with the same pitiful expression.

Wei Xiaofeng flipped through the script in his hand without saying a word. On the cover of the script, there were two large official scripts - traitorous officials.

Yu Siyang and Luo Peng looked at each other and became even more nervous.

- Brother Xiaofeng is not talking now, he must be planning a big move.

- Can you get out of this office today

"The current situation is that you have taken on the role of a perverted villain again?" Although Wei Xiaofeng used the interrogative sentence style, her tone was affirmative.

Yu Siyang worked hard to gain impression points for the role, "Actually, this role still has merit."

"Where is the merit?" Wei Xiaofeng put the script on the sofa next to him, put his left leg on his right leg, and clasped his hands on his knees, waiting to hear how Yu Siyang would discover the merits of a perverted villain.

"Well... he is loyal and patriotic."

"So you helped the emperor to destroy all loyal ministers?"

"… "

"And the emperor killed him."

"… "

"Such a stupid role is also accepted, are you planning to go on the road of perverted villain and never return?" Wei Xiaofeng was no longer interested in cursing these two idiots, and suddenly there was a kind of, looking at them Two, two, I'm used to it myself.

"No." Yu Siyang whispered, shrinking himself even tighter.

Brother Xiaofeng, don't be so calm, it's so terrifying, I feel like I'm brewing some kind of ultimate move that will destroy the world.

Luo Peng felt that, as an agent, he should shield his artists from the wind and rain, so he bravely said to Wei Xiaofeng, "Brother Xiaofeng, I have communicated with the crew before taking the role, and Liu Cai is the director. Gao, and the male lead is Brother Zhan, the male lead is Li Yiliang, and the female lead is a charming goddess. All those who play soy sauce are old actors. They are simply the top configuration. This role is next to Xiaoyu. The status in the circle has been greatly improved.”

"You've grown up, and you still know your status in the circle." Wei Xiaofeng sneered, "In the future, only the perverted villain will come to Xiaoyu, what should you do?"

"So I've already dealt with it," Luo Peng took out another script from his bag, and said sternly, "Dangdangdangdang... Look, a comedy movie, willing to give Xiaoyu the role of the male lead."

Wei Xiaofeng took over the script suspiciously. The title of the movie was written on the cover, and the name of the director and screenwriter was below.

The names of the directors and screenwriters have never been heard before, and the movie titles are too stupid to look at.

"Have the director and screenwriter investigated it?" Wei Xiaofeng asked.

"Investigated." Luo Peng nodded, "The director is a rich second-generation, just graduated from the film school, and raised funds to make this film. The screenwriter is his classmate and girlfriend."

Wei Xiaofeng: "..."

In other words, new directors, screenwriters, and new actors may not have sufficient funds, and low-budget comedy films may not be released in theaters.

Wei Xiaofeng couldn't keep his calm any longer. Whenever he thought he had gotten used to the stupidity of his second-hand cousin, this second-hand would refresh his cognition.

"Luo! Peng! Do you dare to change it!" Wei Xiaofeng got up angrily, walked back and forth in front of the sofa, and pointed at Luo Peng, "Don't you ever think that if this movie can't All the hard work was in vain.”

"However, Director Jin said it can definitely be released." Luo Peng said very aggrieved.

Wei Xiaofeng said: "He said that it can be released if it can be released? Is he the General Administration?"

Luo Peng whispered, "His mother is from the General Administration."

Wei Xiaofeng: "..."

"It's up to you." Wei Xiaofeng decided to give up the treatment. If this movie is really made, he can still help a little in terms of its release.

Yu Siyang and Luo Peng were kicked out by Wei Xiaofeng. Before closing the door, Wei Xiaofeng said, "The company has sent an assistant to Xiaoyu, and you go to the tenth floor to find Cao Qinggong's dignitaries." With a bang, it was forcefully closed.

Yu Siyang and Luo Peng looked at each other.

Luo Peng said: "Pass the test safely, Brother Xiaofeng didn't make a big move."

Yu Siyang said: "Ultimate moves are usually made at critical moments, trying to defeat the enemy with one blow."

Luo Peng was silent for a while and said, "Xiaoyu, we are not Brother Xiaofeng's enemies."

Yu Siyang was also silent for a while: "But Brother Xiaofeng's micro-expression tells me that he wants to blast us both out of the earth."

"… "

"… "

- The crisis is not over yet!

The unreliable manager and the talented artist all straightened their backs and entered the elevator with a serious expression.

The people who came out of the elevator were taken aback by their expressions, and hurriedly asked, "You were scolded? President Wei is in a bad mood?"

Yu Siyang really couldn't bear to tell him the truth - it was good, but they were angry.

Luo Peng stretched out his arm from the elevator, patted the other person's shoulder, and said with a heavy heart, "Brother, my condolences."

The man's expression burst, staring at the door of Wei Xiaofeng's office, afraid to knock on the door in horror.

The two found Cao Qinggong, the manager of the artist assistant, on the tenth floor.

"Sit." Cao Qinggong politely put the two of them on the sofa, and dialed the internal number to let the waiting assistant come in.

"Tang Hang used to follow Wen Xiao. He was very honest and responsible. When Wen Xiao left, he originally took him with him, but he refused." Cao Qinggong introduced.

Luo Peng asked, "Why did he refuse?"

"I don't know that." Cao Qinggong laughed.

While several people were talking, a handsome-looking man in his thirties knocked on the door and entered.

"CEO Cao."

Cao Qinggong stood up, beckoned him to come over, and introduced: "Tang Hang, this is the artist assigned to you by the company, Yu Siyang, this is Yu Siyang's manager, Luo Peng."

"Brother Yu, Brother Luo." Tang Hang greeted politely.

Yu Siyang and Luo Peng were shocked at the same time, being called brother by someone older than them, this feeling is too indescribable.

"Just call your name, you don't need to call me brother." Luo Peng smiled and said, "I feel like I'm calling us old. Xiaoyu is only eighteen years old."

Tang Hang nodded and said nothing.

"Well, I still have something to do, so I won't let you talk." Cao Qinggong said to Tang Hang, "Xiaoyu has great potential, so work hard."

"Mr. Cao, I will."

The three came out of Cao Qinggong's office and took the elevator to the company's underground parking lot. Luo Peng said to Tang Hang, "Xiaoyu has to go to the crew later, you can come with him. He is young and a newcomer. There are many I don't know, you should take care of me."

"Brother Luo, don't worry, I know what to do." Tang Hang nodded in response, and then stopped talking.

Luo Peng and Yu Siyang exchanged glances, and both thought to themselves, why did the company send such a dull and scrupulous assistant

Finding Luo Peng's car in the parking lot, Yu Siyang looked at the car's license plate in surprise and asked, "Brother Luo, haven't you returned the car to Mr. Xue?"

Today, he was sent by Lao Lin, the driver of the Xue family. He was also riding in a black Bentley. The two cars were similar in style and had similar interiors. He thought it was the car he borrowed during the entertainment festival.

Unexpectedly, this car is still in Luo Peng's hands.

"Did you think I didn't pay it back?" Luo Peng said with a bitter face: "The boss said that this car will be used to pick you up in the future. If it wasn't for taking you to the studio today, I wouldn't drive it. You know this car How much oil do you burn, I'm going to eat dirt if you add more oil."

Yu Siyang has a deep heart, and they are both very poor.

"Brother Luo, I will work hard to film and help you make more money."

Luo Peng said that he was very moved, but he still solved the current predicament first, "Xiaoyu, can you talk to the boss and ask him to reimburse the gas money."

Yu Siyang: "..."

Brother Luo, you are going against the sky.

Tang Hang listened to the conversation between the two, his eyes flashed, and he sat on the co-pilot without saying a word.

Luo Peng glanced at him and thought to himself that he would have to talk to this assistant later.

A group of three arrived on the set of "Toxic Delicious", Luo Peng asked Yu Siyang to do makeup, and gestured to Tang Hang.

The two got back to the car, Luo Peng looked at Tang Hang and said, "I don't ask you about your past, just one thing, please remember, me, Xiaoyu and you, we are a team, only Xiaoyu is good , our team will be good.”

"I know." Tang Hang nodded solemnly.

"You've been in the entertainment industry longer than me and Xiaoyu, and I don't have much to say about it," Luo Peng said with a smile, "Xiaoyu is a very simple child, take good care of him."

Tang Hang smiled and said, "Please rest assured, I am a person with professional ethics."

"I'll send you Xiaoyu's itinerary and address. Do more and talk less."

Luo Peng patted Tang Hang's shoulder and motioned him to get out of the car.

If Wei Xiaofeng saw this look, she would definitely drop her jaw.

The second-hand cousin can also look like a general.

With a serious look, it makes people suspect that he is a fake Luo Peng.

Tang Hang didn't understand his sanctimonious second-hand attributes, and was stunned by Luo Peng.

As for knowing the truth...

Hmm... The second is a little bit, but the ability is still pretty good. For the sake of such a generous bonus, let's do more and talk less.

Luo Peng told Tang Hang to leave after a while. Tang Hang returned to the set, Yu Siyang was in the middle of the scene, pinched another actor's neck and asked the director, "Will this pinching out his double chin?"

Hong Zhehao moved Yu Siyang's hand and said, "It's not right for you to pinch like this, you usually have to pinch the trachea."

"Really?" Yu Siyang leaned over to look at his neck, "Where is the trachea?"

Peng Zhigao pushed him away and personally demonstrated how to choke his neck.

"Cough, cough... Director Peng, be gentle, I'm going to be strangled by you." Hong Zhehao patted Peng Zhigao's hand, his face flushed.

Peng Zhigao quickly let go and asked Yu Siyang, "Did you see clearly?"

Yu Siyang nodded, looked at Hong Zhehao's blushing face, and said nervously, "Am I really pinch?"

"It's really pinch, otherwise the effect will be unnatural." Hong Zhehao contributed his neck righteously, "Practice a few more times."

Peng Zhigao nodded his head in admiration. After a long time, Hong Zhehao finally knew what he should really grasp.

These few days are like the shackles of breakthroughs. After all, they are not facial paralysis acting. People with strength and dedication will be respected no matter where they are.

"Go and practice while you are," Peng Zhigao said jokingly, "Xiaoyu don't really strangle Hong Zhehao to death."

Yu Siyang: "..."

After being said that, it is even more burdensome, and the swelling is broken.

"Siyang." Tang Hang took the opportunity to come over and said, "Brother Luo has left."

"Then you can find a place to rest for a while," Yu Siyang nodded. He saw that other assistants were also waiting outside. "I have small biscuits in my bag. You can eat them. I baked them in the morning."

Tang Hang nodded silently, took Yu Siyang's bag and found a place to sit down.

There are scripts, thermos cups, lunch boxes, umbrellas and a large cosmetic bag in the bag.

- No wonder it's so heavy.

Tang Hang found a beautiful paper bag in his bag, opened it, and found a bag full of margarita cookies.

The little biscuits were baked to a golden brown, and a sweet aroma of milk and eggs came to the nostrils.

Tang Hang swore that he was definitely not a foodie, but when he smelled the small biscuits, he involuntarily secreted saliva, and he couldn't help but took a small cookie and put it in his mouth.

The biscuits were crispy but lingering. After biting into the mouth, the sweet aroma became heavier, eroding the breath and every taste bud, but unexpectedly, the biscuits were not particularly sweet, they were just right.

After the biscuits were taken out, the sweet aroma could not be shut down.

Everyone in the crew looked at the place where the fragrance escaped. After eating a small biscuit, Tang Hang looked up and was taken aback.

What crew is this? Each expression is like a wolf like a tiger.

Hong Zhehao was strangled, shrugged his nose, and asked, "You made cookies?"

"Do you want to eat?" Yu Siyang asked while pinching his neck.

Hong Zhehao looked confused, "The agent asked me to lose weight."

"Then don't eat it."

Hong Zhehao was stunned.

How can you say no more advice? Isn't it usually persuaded three times? Haven't you been advised to drink three times? !

"I'd better eat and then reduce it." Hong Zhehao said with a sad face.

Yu Siyang silently looked at him, silently retracted his hand, silently watched him grab the biscuits.

Hong Zhehao ran over quickly, squeezed into the crowd, and quickly grabbed a paw full of cookies.

Its image is almost impossible to see directly.