There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 33


How to gracefully avoid embarrassment

As soon as Yu Siyang moved, Xue Chengxiu woke up.

Although men are more excited in the morning, their excitement is faster than that of Maotou boy, which is a bit embarrassing.

He cherishes Yu Siyang, this child is obviously not enlightened yet, he doesn't want to scare him, so he has always restrained himself to be a gentleman.

Love at first sight sounds a bit hypocritical and too dreamy, but to define Xue Chengxiu's feelings for Yu Siyang, that's probably what it means.

These days, many relationships between people are confined to material things other than the human body, whether poor or rich, the prerequisites for many people to find a partner are how much the other person is worth, whether they have a RV, how much their annual income is, and who their parents are. What to do, as for feelings, they feel that they can slowly cultivate in the days to come.

Xue Chengxiu scoffed at this.

If a person cannot make him feel good at first glance, it is impossible to cultivate much love in the future.

It's just that Yu Siyang is young and not enlightened, and he is devoted to making money and paying off debts. Xue Chengxiu sometimes feels that when the child enlightens himself, he does not know if he can wait until he is alive.

It is because of cherishing that he adopts the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water.

But now this situation...

He was almost unable to control himself and turned into a wolf.

But Yu Siyang kept moving around in his arms, this is simply...

Xue Chengxiu tightened his arms, held the person in his arms fiercely, and said in a low voice, "Don't move."

Yu Siyang froze, and the burning sensation became more and more obvious, as if a fire had been set off.

"Mr. Xue, I, I get up."

"..." Xue Chengxiu forced himself to let go, and didn't even care about the question of the name.

Yu Siyang got up in a hurry, he forgot to put on his slippers, his tail was burned by the fire, and he ran away in a blink of an eye.

Xue Chengxiu rolled over and lay on his back on the bed, sighing lowly.

Yu Siyang blushed and ran back to his room.

In his room, Hong Zhehao slept on his back in a big shape, and the quilt was pushed to the ground by him.

"I'm not afraid of the cold." Yu Siyang picked up the quilt and put it on Hong Zhehao. Although it was summer, the air conditioner was on in the room, and the temperature was not too high.

He frantically splashed cold water on his face in the bathroom attached to his room, and finally calmed down before starting to wash.

After washing, Yu Siyang opened the closet, he was about to change into his home clothes, but when he saw the cat with a cheap expression on his pajamas, he remembered that he said last night that he would put it on for Mumu to see, and put the home clothes in his hand back in the closet. .

Barefoot ran to the entrance to get a pair of slippers to put on, and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Aunt Wang, who was a maid in the Xue family, got up early and was already tidying up in the kitchen, waiting to help Yu Siyang make breakfast together later.

"Aunt Wang, good morning." Yu Siyang took the honey lemonade handed to him by Aunt Wang and drank it.

Aunt Wang took the empty cup with a smile, "Yesterday, Mumu was clamoring to wait for you to come back and wear this pajamas together. He must be very happy to see it today."

Yu Siyang was young and fair and tender. He was so cute in this cat pajamas. Aunt Wang watched and looked around him.

"Did Mumu get up yet?" Yu Siyang asked while beating egg wash.

"The little guy said last night that he would wait for you to come back, but he refused to sleep. No, he got up late. Fortunately, this weekend, there is no need to go to kindergarten." Aunt Wang heard the movement in the restaurant and said, "Mr. Xue should come down. Now, I'll go get him the water."

This was Xue Chengxiu's habit. He had to drink a glass of honey lemonade every morning, so that the servants, bodyguards, and drivers of the Xue family developed this habit, and even Yu Siyang, who moved in later, also developed this habit.

When Aunt Wang walked into the restaurant with a glass of honey lemonade, she immediately looked like she had been struck by lightning.

Why is Mr. Xue wearing this cat pajamas too.

But it's not cute at all!

"I'm going to wake up Mumu and the guests." Aunt Wang put the cup on the dining table in front of Xue Chengxiu and ran away quickly.

She felt that she would laugh if she didn't leave again.

Before Aunt Wang passed, Hong Zhehao had already woken up.

Because of the hangover, he had a terrible headache. He sat up from the bed in a daze, looked around the room furnishings in which he was, and muttered to himself, "Where am I?"

This is not his home, and it can't be a hotel looking at the room furnishings.

He remembered that he drank a lot of alcohol yesterday, so he should be quite drunk.

Who brought this home

Hong Zhehao got out of bed top-heavy, pulled his obviously ill-fitting pajamas, put on his slippers, opened the door, and saw a middle-aged woman posing for a knock on the door.

"Guest, you're awake." Aunt Wang said, "there are new toothbrushes and towels in the bathroom, and a set of clothes by the bedside. They are all new. After you wash up, come down and have breakfast."

After Aunt Wang finished speaking, she left, leaving Hong Zhehao standing at the door with a messy face.

There seems to be no middle-aged aunt in the crew. Who brought him

After Hong Zhehao finished washing up, he went downstairs to look around, and followed the scent to find the restaurant.

As soon as he arrived at the restaurant, he saw the man sitting at the head of the table, and the bitch cat pajamas he was wearing, and his face suddenly had an expression of being severely beaten by a big move.

Such a handsome and imposing man has such a strange aesthetic.

It really is unbelievable.

He's not cute at all in such cute pajamas, he's really blinding the cute bitch on the pajamas.

"excuse me… "

Only then did Hong Zhehao remember the serious business—who is this person, and why did he bring him here

It happened that Yu Siyang brought a few bowls of milk and stewed eggs to the restaurant. When he saw Hong Zhehao, he smiled and said, "You got up in time, just in time for breakfast."

"Yu Siyang." Hong Zhehao shouted in surprise.

Fortunately, he was brought back by Yu Siyang, not abducted by messy people.

Yu Siyang nodded, "Please sit down and have breakfast."

Hong Zhehao sat down, and when Yu Siyang turned around, he saw the back of the head of the bitch on his pajamas, and couldn't help laughing.

The man in the main seat glanced at him.

Hong Zhehao suddenly stopped laughing.

Nima, this look is so scary.

"Dad, look, Ultraman." A chubby child suddenly ran in, with two silver spoons covering his eyes, and raised his head for the man in the main seat to see.

"Mumu, don't put the spoon on your face." Yu Siyang chased after him, squatted down and took the spoon from the fat child's hand, "The spoon is used for eating, so it's so dirty on your face."

"Mumu is not dirty," the fat child patted his face and Yu Siyang's, "Mumu is clean, brother is clean." Then he turned around, his short arms stretched out, and the man on the main seat cooperated He lowered his head and let him pat, "Dad is clean."

Hong Zhehao blinked, blinked again, and rubbed his eyes again, confirming again and again that his eyes were fine.

Otherwise, how could he feel that the scene in front of him is very similar to a warm family of three, mom and dad and a cute baby, and they are also wearing the exact same cat pajamas.

He must have not woken up yet.

Xue Yunmu was taken away by his brother Yangyang. He pouted and climbed onto his father's lap, "Huh? Hello, uncle, why are you at my house?"

Yu Siyang is the elder brother, he is the uncle.

Is he very old

Hong Zhehao was a little bit shocked, "Hello, kid, I'm Yu Siyang's friend, and I came to your house as a guest."

"Brother Yangyang's friend!" Xue Yunmu's eyes sparkled, "Are you also a flower?"

Hong Zhehao was stunned.

Xue Chengxiu picked up his son, let the little guy stand on his lap, and said, "Mumu, not everyone is as powerful as your brother Yangyang."

Xue Yunmu threw herself into her father's arms, laughing hahaha: "Brother is the most tired, the most tired in the world."

Hong Zhehao: "..."

He shouldn't have offended this man, right? Otherwise, why did he hear disgust from the man's tone

"It's time to eat." Yu Siyang came in with a large plate of crystal shrimp dumplings, and said to Aunt Wang, who was helping to serve the porridge, "Aunt Wang, you should also eat quickly."

Hong Zhehao stared at the table full of dazzling breakfasts, crystal shrimp dumplings, shredded chicken porridge, stewed eggs with milk, egg pancakes, and a glass of fruit and vegetable juice. It was just one breakfast, do you want to be so rich

Compared with this table, the breakfast he had eaten from the hotel was extremely shabby.

After drinking a mouthful of shredded chicken porridge, which was thick but not sticky, fresh and refreshing, Hong Zhehao narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

Xue Yunmu took a mouthful of the stewed egg with milk. The creamy egg custard almost melted in the mouth. After chewing it twice, it slid down the esophagus. The little guy grinned and praised his brother Yangyang wildly.

After breakfast, Hong Zhehao said goodbye to Yu Siyang reluctantly. Yu Siyang has already finished his work, and he will not be able to eat what he made in the future.

"You have to go to the crew today, don't be late." Yu Siyang packed him a large bag of cherry blossom cookies he made himself, "Take these and eat with everyone."

Hong Zhehao opened the bag and saw that there were small biscuits made of cherry blossoms inside, "You are amazing, you can do anything." It's not like he is a kitchen killer.

"Not everything can be done." Yu Siyang said modestly.

Hong Zhehao asked, "Have you already signed Director Liu's new play? When will you join the group?"

"I'll join the group tomorrow." Yu Siyang said, "It was originally today, and Director Liu told me to take a day off."

"It's good." Hong Zhehao smiled.

His future is uncertain now, and he doesn't know if there are still scenes to be filmed after "Toxic Delicious".

He is not sure what the new company will do. Although Jia Ce has a good reputation in the industry, he is also given an A-level contract, but will he pay attention to his remarks.

However, even if Jia Ce doesn't pay attention to him, it doesn't matter, it's only a three-year contract, he's not afraid of being dormant for three years, he's still young, and there will always be opportunities.

"I forgot to tell you something," Hong Zhehao put a biscuit in his mouth, "I changed company to Jiace."

Yu Siyang was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that this person only treated himself as a friend to tell him something similar to privacy, "Very good, congratulations."

Although he doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, Yu Siyang has also heard that the reputation of the Abundant Times doesn't seem to be very good.

Moreover, although the affair between Hong Zhehao and Prince Fengyu is over, Hong Zhehao seems to have let go of this relationship, but if they are in the same company, there will always be times when they meet, how embarrassing it will be.

"I hope we still have the opportunity to cooperate." Hong Zhehao smiled brightly, and there was no trace of haze.

Yu Siyang nodded solemnly: "Yes."

Lao Lin, the driver of the Xue family, was waiting outside the gate, Hong Zhehao waved his hand at Yu Siyang, and trotted neatly into the car.

Yu Siyang waited for the car to disappear before turning around and going back.

In the living room, Xue Chengxiu was sitting on the sofa, holding a yellow portfolio in his hand, beckoning him to go over.

Yu Siyang sat down beside Xue Chengxiu, and sat down with the little friend Mumu who was clamoring for him to hug him.

"Yangyang, Yu Zhongmin is your second uncle, isn't it?" Xue Chengxiu asked.


The first thought of Yu Siyang's conditioned reflex was - where did he come from, the second uncle of an orphan.

It took a while to think that it should be the second uncle of the boy from before.

Xue Chengxiu gave him the portfolio in his hand, "Look at this."

Unexpectedly, Yu Siyang opened the portfolio and took out a thick stack of paper. The first one was the basic file of Yu Zhongmin, with his name, age, family situation and study experience listed on it.

Open the second sheet, it is Yu Zhongmin's decades of work experience.

The third sheet is a list of assets.

The more Yu Siyang looked, the more startled he became, and the hand holding the stack of documents couldn't help shaking.

Xue Yunmu in his arms felt that he was in a bad mood, and stretched out his fat paw to pat his stomach, murmuring, "Brother don't cry."

"Are these true?" Yu Siyang raised his head, breathing rapidly, his eyes flushed.

Xue Chengxiu patted him on the back lightly, giving him comfort, "I'm still checking, it's probably out of ten. Don't be angry, it's not worth being angry for this kind of person."

Yu Siyang sneered, the stack of paper was deformed in his hand.