There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 44


Wei Xiaofeng was deceived by Luo Peng and Yu Siyang with the reason that "I don't know what to wear to attend the Esquire charity party". When she arrived on the set, she saw Zhan Heng smiling shamelessly, and was shocked that she had been fooled.

While secretly hating these bastards for bringing up the well-behaved young man, he walked to the parking lot in anger, but Luo Peng snatched the car keys on the way and stopped him on the set.

At that moment, Wei Xiaofeng especially wanted to throw these people into outer space and harm the aliens.

"Brother Xiaofeng, that... cannibalism is short..." Yu Siyang couldn't explain it any longer under Wei Xiaofeng's eyes of wanting to eat people, and ran to change costumes with a bitter face.

Yu Siyang ran away, and the remaining Luo Peng and Tang Hang were bombarded by Wei Xiaofeng.

Unexpectedly, this is not the worst. It wasn't long before Xue Chengxiu brought his son to visit the class. Mr. Xue, who has never been gossipy, didn't know what was wrong, but he helped Zhan Heng.

Wei Xiaofeng held her boss's son in her arms, beating her boss a hundred times in her heart.

Xue Yunmu held Wei Xiaofeng's neck with one short hand and pointed at Yu Siyang who was filming with the other, and whispered, "Brother can fly."

The scene that Yu Siyang is filming is a small climax of the whole movie. King Qi was so angry that his concubine was put into a cold palace and was persecuted and disfigured, so he decided to force the palace to kill the monarch. The old emperor is a useless monarch, but there are loyal people who maintain his imperial power. The foster friend and Sima Lun were not born to deal with each other. They both wanted to kill each other. They faced King Qi and forced the palace, but they joined forces to protect the emperor and fought with King Qi.

This scene is second only to the battle of Beirong. There are hundreds of extras. Five cameras and two aerial photography were used for more than a week. This scene is finally coming to an end.

Yu Siyang held a sword in his hand, Zhan Heng held a knife, and Li Yiliang held a spear. The three stood facing each other in a triangle. Wei Xiaofeng held the little fat man and stood far away, unable to hear. The lines they said, after a while, the three of them were seen fighting together, and Yu Siyang kicked Zhan Heng out.

Even if she knew that this "kick" was just a pretense and didn't have much power, but seeing Zhan Heng being kicked and beaten in various ways, Wei Xiaofeng felt very happy. If possible, she really wanted to go up and beat Zhan Heng. .

"You are so happy to see Zhan Heng being beaten." Xue Chengxiu said chatting.

Wei Xiaofeng pretended not to hear.

Xue Chengxiu didn't mind, and continued chatting, saying, "I'm already a 30-year-old man, so hurry up and fall in love. Holding it for too long is bad for your body and mind."

Wei Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Mr. Xue, as the chairman of the board of directors of the group, I think you should think more about how to expand your business territory, seek more benefits for our employees, and let us employees be promoted and strengthened. Salary is the real business." Instead of gossip about employees' privacy all day long! ! !

"If Zhanheng didn't take Yangyang to be a love dog-head strategist, I would be in the mood to think about employee benefits." Xue Chengxiu sighed, "Yangyang is always occupied with private time, I'm in a bad mood, I just want to torment you Such employees."

Wei Xiaofeng hugged Xue Yunmu so numbly that she returned the little fat man to his father, and then rubbed her wrists and said, "Mr. Xue himself has not made any progress. What's the use of saying that others are so sloppy."

"How do you know there is no progress?"

"I just know it."

"Okay... not much progress really."

"Hmph, that kid obviously hasn't woken up yet..."

"But it's also better than wasting your time with each other."

"… "

"It's not that you don't like him. You've been hypocritical for several years. When you look at you, you're about to become a pervert."

"… "

There is a boss who watched the whole process of his lovelorn. He was really upset, and he would stab his heart at every turn. He couldn't happily work under him.

The more Wei Xiaofeng thought about it, the more angry he became. It was obvious that he was the one who was rejected, and Zhan Heng was the fighting scumbag among the scumbags.

When Xue Chengxiu saw Wei Xiaofeng's appearance, he knew that his hypocrisy had been committed again, and he didn't say more.

As long as these people don't always occupy the private time of their own children, he doesn't care if they are murderous or hypocritical, he doesn't run a dating agency, and he doesn't care about the personal feelings of his employees.

Yu Siyang was hanged by Weiya for a day, and finally finished the show. After taking off his makeup and changing his clothes, he ran towards Xue Chengxiu cheerfully, and asked with bright eyes, "Can we eat hot pot later? Recommended by Sister Jiaojiao. I went to a hot pot restaurant and said it was super delicious."

"not good."

Xue Chengxiu had always satisfied Yu Siyang's request unconditionally. He originally planned to say "yes", but when he heard the three words of Sister Jiaojiao, he immediately added the word "no" in front of it.

"That's right, on such a hot day, what kind of hot pot do you want to eat?" Wei Xiaofeng quite likes hot pot, but she doesn't like the hot pot recommended by Yi Jiaojiao at all.

Xue Chengxiu and Wei Xiaofeng thought in their hearts at the same time - recommending others to eat hot pot on such a hot day must have bad intentions.

"Ah—" Yi Jiaojiao, who was removing makeup, sneezed. She took the tissue from her assistant and wiped her nose. She said doubtfully, "I have a cold? Why do you keep sneezing today."

Yu Siyang thought about the hot pot for a day, but no one responded. He lowered his head depressed, like a dejected puppy.

Xue Yunmu felt that he was a very loyal little man. My brother wanted to eat pot so much, but my father refused to let me eat it. Whether my father was good or bad, "Brother, Mumu eat together." He held his legs, raised his head, and asked for praise.

"Hey..." Yu Siyang was hugged so much that his thigh hurt a bit, he gasped, pulled Xue Yunmu's hand away, squatted down and looked at the child, and praised: "Mumu is really good, wait for the weather to get cold. , my brother made hot pot for you to eat, the hot pot made by my brother is delicious."

"I also want piggy bags." Xue Yunmu took the opportunity to make a request.

"Okay, Pig Bao Bao." Yu Siyang nodded.

Xue Chengxiu squatted down helplessly, stretched out his hand to rub his son's chubby belly, and said to Yu Siyang, "Don't dote on your child so much, look at how fat he is now, he's almost round."

Xue Yunmu stared blankly at her father and then at her chubby belly. After thinking for a long time, she realized that she was considered fat by her father, and immediately threw herself into Yu Siyang's arms with grief and indignation, "Mumu is not round, father Bad."

Yu Siyang held back his smile so hard.

Wei Xiaofeng watched the model of this family of three from the side, and was fed a mouthful of dog food out of nowhere.

—Hmph, I’m not particularly envious!

"Xiaofeng, Xiaoyu said we're going to eat hot pot together." Zhanheng took off his makeup, walked over in a dashing manner, and turned into an idiot when he walked in front of Wei Xiaofeng.

"Hotpot, you big bastard. You called me here, didn't you want to choose clothes for the Esquire charity party?"

Such a stupid excuse, I would actually believe it. Wei Xiaofeng despised her own IQ fiercely in her heart.

Yu Siyang looked guilty and hid behind Xue Chengxiu. He used his tall figure to block Wei Xiaofeng's sharp eyes. In fact, the clothes had already been selected - Mr. Xue chose them, he just had to try them on.

"If you don't eat hot pot, go eat Western food." Xue Chengxiu said, leading his family, one big and one small, to the outside of the film and television city.

The boss makes the decision, and no one else has an opinion—you have to hold back.

Wei Xiaofeng was supported by Zhan Heng and Luo Peng, and she got into the nanny car, followed Bentley in front, and drove all the way to G.Garden in the east of the city.

"Why do you want to eat western food, you are sick!" Wei Xiaofeng was irritable. "A group of big men went to eat western food together. Not only are they sick, but they are not too sick."

A group of "severely ill" elders and a three-year-old man arrived at G.Garden, which presented a very strange grouping.

Xue Chengxiu and Yu Siyang sat at a table with their children, completely in the style of a warm family.

Wei Xiaofeng was forced to sit at a table with Zhan Heng, one sweet and one arrogant, awkward couple model.

The others, including Luo Peng, Tang Hang, Zhan Heng's assistant and the Xue family's bodyguard, sat at a table together. The four big men sat opposite each other and ate western food, but they had the attitude of having a dinner together, which made the restaurant Other diners frequently looked sideways, and the restaurant manager also secretly wondered if these four were here to spoil the place.

Yu Siyang helped Xue Yunmu cut the steak, and asked Xue Chengxiu in a low voice, "Why do we come to eat Western food, and it feels strange that we don't sit at the same table together."

Xue Chengxiu ate the cheese-baked snails coldly, thinking to himself, it would be good to bring them to eat with these light bulbs, but it would be strange to sit and eat with them.

Except for Xue Chengxiu's family of three and Zhan Heng, who has reached the state of "being full of love and drinking water", everyone else had an awkward dinner that was not very full.

I finally got rid of G.Garden's romantic dinner. The original plan was to go to P&H's studio in Yunzhong City to help Yu Siyang with clothes.

Yu Siyang really couldn't make up this lie, so he honestly told Wei Xiaofeng that the clothes had already been selected, and he just needed to try them on and change the size.

Wei Xiaofeng stared at Yu Siyang for a long time, sighed long, and rubbed the boy's head.

This idiot has a guilty conscience and dares not look him in the eyes all day. With such an honest character, how can he handle the long guns and short guns of the media in the future.

Xue Chengxiu raised his arm to separate Wei Xiaofeng's "hairy hand", and said, "If that's the case, let's go. Yangyang and I will just go to P&H."

Wei Xiaofeng just had to wait, and after hearing this, she immediately turned her head and left.

Zhan Heng quickly followed, and said shyly, "Xiaofeng, it's still early, let's go to the movies."

"Hurry up and cover your face, do you want to be surrounded by fans on the street?"

"Xiaofeng, you really still care about me."

"You think too much."

"Xiaofeng, your car was driven away by your cousin, you can take my car."

"... I'm going to kill you guys!"

Yu Siyang stood there watching Zhan Heng and Wei Xiaofeng pulling and pulling in the parking lot to find a car, then pulling and pulling into the car again, and asked Xue Chengxiu worriedly, "Brother Xiaofeng, will you blame me for lying to him? ?"

"No," Xue Chengxiu rubbed the top of his hair and said with a smile, "My Yangyang is so cute, no one will have the heart to blame you."

Yu Siyang said, "But it's not right to lie."

"You are a well-meaning lie," Xue Chengxiu comforted his honest child. "Those two people, one is a dead man and the other is a hypocrite. After years of tossing, they are still not tired. We will ignore them in the future." Especially Zhan Heng, as far away as possible, so as not to be dragged to fry some CP again.

"Brother Zhan is actually a good person." Yu Siyang said. Brother Xiaofeng is also very good. Since they are in love with each other, why do they have to toss around like this? Or is it a different kind of taste that mortals don't understand

"What about me?" Xue Chengxiu looked down at the boy.

The place where they are located is an open-air parking lot. The high-mounted lights make the parking lot look dim and dim. The man's smiling expression seems to be filtered by the dim light, which is a little hazy and gentle, Yu Siyang thought. , Mr. Xue is really nice.

"Yangyang, how am I?" Xue Chengxiu's voice was deliberately lowered, it sounded low and gentle.

As if bewitched, Yu Siyang looked into the man's eyes, opened his mouth, and was about to speak...

"Dad, brother, Mumu wants to pee."

Little Xue Yunmu, a little expert in destroying the atmosphere, stomped his feet beside the two of them, indicating that he was really in a rush to urinate and could hardly hold back.

Xue Chengxiu sighed helplessly, picked up his son, and hurried back to the restaurant to borrow the bathroom.

Yu Siyang asked the bodyguard for the car keys, got into the car first, and patted his hot cheek, thinking that he was really weird just now, how could he think that Mr. Xue seemed to be bowing his head...

Ahh... I can't think about it, how can I think about such a shameless thing! ! !