There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 48


Yu Siyang has been preparing for nearly a month for the scene of "the death of a foster friend". In this scene, there are a lot of lines in which the foster friend denounced the corrupt officials of the dynasty before his death.

For nearly a month, in addition to filming and promoting "Toxic Delicious", Yu Siyang will go to the famous dubbing artist Mr. Ouyang Su to study when he has time.

Mr. Ouyang Su has long since retired and no longer teaches students. Every day is very leisurely. He brings his grandson and raises dogs, dances square dance with a group of old ladies, and is excited to participate in the city's square dance competition. .

The old man has a very weird temper. Since he retired, he doesn't want to teach any more students. It's useless to anyone.

Yu Siyang was worried that "The Death of a Friend" would not be performed well, and he was too anxious to get angry. Xue Chengxiu felt distressed, and sent someone to invite Mr. Ouyang Su but failed several times, so he personally went to the door to invite the old man out of the mountain. , the old man was willing to guide Yu Siyang.

Wei Xiaofeng was stunned when she found out. Zhan Heng didn't invite Mr. Ouyang when he came to the door several times.

But seeing Yu Siyang go out early every day and come back late, so tired that he falls back to sleep, Xue Chengxiu is even more distressed, and asks Aunt Wang to make a stewed soup and stewed medicinal food for him to eat.

His own child is an extremely serious and hard-working person. Even dangerous fighting scenes have to be played by himself, and this kind of literary drama will not be excused.

During the two months of filming "Traitor", I don't know how many injuries I got.

A child who was already thin, the baby fat on his face was almost gone.

But the more you get to know this kid, the more you understand the value of his character. He may not be slick and well-rounded, and he won't be in trouble, but just being serious about this, he will leave many people in the circle thousands of miles away.

Just to understand this, Xue Chengxiu never stopped Yu Siyang from doing what he wanted to do or thought he should do, and only helped him through difficulties when he needed it.

After studying for nearly a month, these two days are the time to check the results of the study. Mr. Ouyang came to the studio specially to watch Yu Siyang's live performance.

A lot of good actors surrounded the perimeter, whispering gossip.

"Who is that old man? Director Liu is so polite to him?"

"I don't know, it seems that Yu Siyang invited it."

"Yu Siyang? Why are you here?"

"Who knows, he has a lot of things to do."

"Okay, don't say grapes are sour when you can't eat grapes here."

"He Yu Siyang doesn't have a face, what else can he have? You are holding his stinky feet here, and he can't hear him, so go and hold him face to face."

"People still have a good face. If you have such a face, you don't need to play tricks with us here, you will already be the best actor."

"you… "

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, the filming is about to start, don't talk, so as not to be scolded by Director Liu."

The field record is ready to play the board, and the dragons are silent, watching the shooting in the field carefully.

In the main hall, Sima Lun knelt in the middle with the wat board in his hand, and said loudly: "If the traitors in the court are not eliminated, even if the Beirong is repelled, the people will not be at peace. I implore Your Majesty to kill the foster friend."

The ministers all agreed, knelt down, and said in unison, "I implore Your Majesty to kill the foster friend."

The foster friend waited on the side of the emperor's throne, looking indifferently at the civil and military ministers in the hall who were about to kill him and then quickly, with obvious mockery in their eyes.

Sima Lun raised his head, looked at his foster friend with bright eyes, and said again, "I beg Your Majesty to kill the foster friend."

The only King Qi who didn't kneel down stood with his hands behind his back, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, waiting to see the emperor's joke.

He was an emperor who was so useless that he was the queen mother first, then the powerful ministers, and he couldn't control the huge country at all. Even if the king of Qi forced the palace to kill the monarch, he could only pretend to be generous and let go of the past.

The only thing in his life that he did as he wanted was to bring the most beautiful woman in the capital into the palace to be his concubine, and slapped King Qi in the face.

Now these people actually want him to kill the only one who is loyal to him.

The emperor's eyes were about to split, his fists clasped his robe tightly on his knees.

A traitor in the DPRK... A traitor in the DPRK...

Who is the real traitor

It's the King of Qi, the Prime Minister, and these chaotic ministers and thieves in the hall.

"Your Majesty," King Qi said slowly and deliberately, "the court is running rampant, framing loyal and good people, and the number of ministers who died in the hands of their foster friends is unknown. Shouldn't your majesty give the ministers an explanation?"

The emperor slowly turned his attention to King Qi, his eyes were red, almost wanting to bite.

The biggest traitor in this dynasty actually said that others were traitors, which was a big joke.

King Qi casually cupped his hands, "I implore Your Majesty to kill the foster friend."

"I implore Your Majesty to kill the foster friend." The ministers again agreed in unison.

The emperor looked at the hall full of ministers of civil and military affairs, and felt that it was actually very empty, and he was the only one. The only person in the world who is loyal to him will die at his hands. He is really a useless emperor.

"A companion."

The emperor's hoarse voice was barely audible, but the foster friend heard it.

He walked slowly to the top of Dan Chi, knelt down wordlessly, the indifferent expression on his face was gone, and looked up despairingly at the king he was loyal to.

"Friend, do you know the guilt?" The emperor clenched his fists even tighter, and blood gradually oozes out of his palms.

"I don't know!" The foster friend stood up suddenly, his face full of madness. For the first time in so many years, he didn't call himself a "slave". He knew that he was going to die, but he was going to die like a man. He was not a "slave". ", is a man who is upright and loyal to the king.

The foster friend turned around and stood on top of Dan Chi, standing upright, looking down at the courtiers who were kneeling at the bottom.

"In the tenth year of Tianqing, Yunyang snowed heavily, and on the night of Wuchen in December, thunder and lightning struck, and the earthquake resumed tomorrow. The snow stopped in the next five days, and the ground was more than three feet flat. The county opened a preparatory warehouse. But what is the reality? There is no half grain of grain in the preparatory warehouse, and the people who died of starvation in Yunyang have no account. Minister of the Ministry, the whole household is in unison, and all the tax and grain of the year are collected into their own treasury, how can there be grain in the reserve warehouse?"

If it weren't for the fact that the family couldn't survive that year, he would not have entered the palace, and he would be cut off from children and grandchildren.

"In the fifteenth year of Tianqing, the military salaries allocated by the imperial court to the northern Xinjiang were robbed by bandits on the way. Millions of money disappeared without a trace. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the northern Xinjiang starved for a whole winter. Kill the war horses who are about to starve to death. How dare the robbers dare to act so recklessly. You, the Duke of Yasukuni, led people to pretend to be robbers.”

"Friend, you are dying, don't spray people with blood."

The foster friend sneered: "I sprayed people with blood? You kneel in the hall and keep saying that you want to kill the traitor, you dare to say that you are really upright and honest, the tea tax in the southern border, the imperial government's decree of fifteen tax one, but what about you? One of the ten taxes is considered polite, and there are even three of the ten taxes and five of the ten taxes. As soon as the tea collectors go, the southern border will be scraped three feet, but the treasury is still empty. Where did those tea taxes go, they all arrived. In the private treasury of your 'loyal and upright ministers'."

"If the traitors in the DPRK are not eliminated, the people will have no peace? The whole court is full of traitors, traitors, full of private pockets, corpses and vegetarian meals, disregarding the lives and deaths of the common people, and they also pretend to be loyal ministers. This is the loyal person of our dynasty. Loyal and righteous people who make life difficult for the people of the world."

The roar of the foster friend echoed in the hall, the ministers were sweating coldly on the foreheads, and the expressions of King Qi and Sima Lun changed.

"General Sima." The foster friend slowly walked down from Dan Chi with his hands behind his back, stood in front of Sima Lun, looked at him arrogantly, "There are too many people who have excluded dissidents from the court, and even he did not kill the king of Qi. Is it the royal imperial censor who is extremely admonished?" The foster friend pointed back at King Qi, and said: "Why, if others are allowed to kill, I am not allowed to kill the scoundrels and thieves who are not loyal to your majesty, this is your loyalty?"

Sima Lun bowed his head and remained silent.

The foster friend raised his chin and said with a sneer: "I will take my life and exchange your life for you, General Sima, and you will have a lot of face. You better win this battle, otherwise..."

"I will win." Sima Lun said firmly.

"If you say you will, you will, anyway, I don't know what will happen next." The foster friend took out a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket, and slowly wiped the hand that had squeezed Sima Lun's chin.

After carefully wiping his hands, he threw the handkerchief on Sima Lun's face, turned to face the emperor and knelt down, "Your Majesty, I will not be able to be by His Majesty's side in the future. I hope Your Majesty will take care of you." on the bricks.

The emperor waved his hand wearily, and a waiter walked over to the foster friend with a glass of poisonous wine.

The foster friend picked up the wine glass, his face was full of unwillingness and resentment, but he drank the poisonous wine without hesitation.

The poison is the poison that seals the throat with blood. Immediately, he bleeds from all seven orifices, and his stomach hurts like a twist. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Prime Minister Rao's gloomy face, and he thinks that there is one last thing he can do.

He used all his remaining strength to barely stand up and flew over. Prime Minister Rao didn't want him to be struggling on the verge of death, so he couldn't avoid it, and he was immediately grabbed by the back of the neck. Crush Prime Minister Rao's cervical vertebra into pieces.

Prime Minister Rao's eyes widened, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

"Hahahahaha..." The foster friend fell to the ground and laughed wildly.

At least... At least before he died, he took revenge, and killed the culprit for the grandmother, younger siblings, partners, and villagers who died in the heavy snow that year. That's enough.

"Ka-" Liu Cai stopped.

Yu Siyang was lying on the ground, unable to regain his senses.

The old man Ouyang came over, and Tang Hang followed step by step, putting a ponytail next to Yu Siyang and letting the old man sit.

"Xiaoyu, you are acting a little too hard."

Yu Siyang let out a dull "ah".

The old man patted his arm and said with a smile, "It's not out yet. Hurry up and look at the monitor. The old man will tell you about your problems."

Tang Hang helped the man up from the ground, Yu Siyang was wearing artificial blood on his face, and his expression was so gloomy that he could go to shoot a horror movie, and followed Mr. Ouyang towards the monitor.

The dragon sets who have been watching from the outside all sighed in unison. From the start of filming, they held their breath almost all the time, and their faces were flushed.

The scene just now shocked them too much. Several actors played on the same stage and vividly showed them what it means to crush their strength.

And the main scene of this scene, Yu Siyang and the movie emperors, did not fail. The long series of lines was very infectious, and made them, the onlookers, deeply feel the grief and anger of the characters. despair.

Just now, the actor who said that Yu Siyang had only one face couldn't help but bow his head in shame. The other party has strength and looks and is younger than himself. In such a comparison, he is completely defeated, and he has no right to speak bitterly.

"Yu Siyang is so handsome," a girl with a dragon suit cupped her cheeks with Xingxingyan, "he's so handsome out of the world, ahhh... I want to join the foodie group..."

The sour actor looked at Yu Siyang, who was standing next to the monitor, speechlessly. He was dressed in black and his face was covered in blood. Fortunately, it was not midnight, or else he would not scare people to pee? !

Well, the girl is looking at the essence through the phenomenon from his face full of artificial plasma.

"What's your expression? Do you dare to say that Yu Siyang's acting is not good." Long Tao girl crossed her eyebrows coldly.

"No, well done."


The dragon set girl shook her head proudly and continued to stare at Yu Siyang's nympho.

Yi Jiaojiao said to the assistant beside her, "It's really fun to be young now."

The assistant rolled his eyes - it's really fun for you old man to eavesdrop on a group of actors talking.

Yu Siyang repeatedly looked at his expression just now on the monitor, and each camera took turns looking at it.

"Your expression here is a bit too much." Mr. Ouyang pointed to one of the pictures, "This section is to show the angry cry of the foster friend. The so-called man is about to die and his words are good. The cry is not a roar, but he is sincere. People who think about the emperor, your facial expressions here are too large and exaggerated."

Yu Siyang nodded.

Indeed, there is a picture of him in front of him, his mouth is almost open to see the tonsils.

"Your expression is just right in a drama, but it can't be used on the big screen. It will frighten the children." Mr. Ouyang joked.

Yu Siyang: "..." Can the old man stop telling bad jokes, smirking is so tiring.

Zhanheng stood behind the old man and the young man, listened to the old man's guidance for a long time, and was amused by the old man's cold joke, patted Yu Siyang on the shoulder, and joked: "Xiaoyu, you can do it, Teacher Ouyang was invited out by you. already."

"Mr. Xue asked the teacher to guide me." Yu Siyang whispered in Zhan Heng's ear.

Well, the boss is amazing. Zhanheng shrugged, he didn't envy or hate at all.

I am still very curious about the reason why the old man came out of the mountain.

"Mr. Ouyang, why are you willing to guide Xiaoyu? Back then, I didn't even invite you to the cottage."

Ouyang Su said dissatisfiedly, "Your house is the hut."

"Okay, my house is a thatched cottage." Zhan Heng nodded like garlic, "Tell me, why are you willing to guide Xiaoyu. Is it because Xiaoyu is prettier than me?"

"Xiaoyu's brother promised me a condition."

"What conditions?"

The old man said proudly, "Sponsor our community's dance team to participate in the city's square dance competition."

Zhan Heng: "… "

That's it

Are you kidding me, aren't you! right!