There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 61


The crew of "Fighting to Turn Your Head" is simple, and the number of people who come and go is about 18. Except for the two leading actors and an old actor who plays Mrs. Simon, everyone else has several roles, so that they can barely Maintain the normal operation of the crew.

Director Jin Ce, who is also a producer, is a young man just out of school. Everyone in the crew has been in the entertainment industry for longer than he has. After a few years in the society, he will become more or less slick, and honest people do things. They are still diligent, but some Youzi despise Jin Ce in their hearts, and feel that he is very stingy. They let them do the work of several people by themselves, and the salary is not much higher.

When Jin Ce asked these people to come to the crew, he had already signed the contract. Almost everyone had several jobs. These people agreed and signed the contract in black and white, but when it was time to hire people, he found out that there were quite a few people. Likes to be lazy and slippery, and despise his youth.

I wanted to change this situation, but their filming tasks were really tense. As long as these people did not particularly affect the filming progress, Jin Ce decided to turn a blind eye.

But he was tolerant to them, so they slapped their noses in the face and caused trouble for him.

Then about Yu Siyang's injury, Jin Ce fiercely established himself in the crew.

The actor who threw the gravel was also sent a lawyer's letter by him to pursue him for breaking the contract and sabotage the filming, demanding compensation. In addition, the person who posted the information on the Internet also found out, and also sent him a lawyer's letter.

After such a rectification, those people in the crew who are impetuous and not serious in their work have become a lot more honest.

What Jin Ce is most worried about is that the filming in the film and television city exceeds the estimated time. If the filming time exceeds the expected time, he will have to pay an extra day's rent, water and electricity bills, labor costs and many other miscellaneous expenses. His budget is really not much at hand.

Therefore, the most annoying thing for him is the people who delay his shooting.

But now, the people in the crew have finally managed to rectify and obey, and another outsider came to make trouble, and when he opened his mouth, he was about to call his hero away. Really, I really want to beat people.

Jin Ce's background was already raging with anger, and his face was gloomy. It was the rhythm that was about to change in the next second. He reached out his hand to stop Yu Siyang and asked him to stay with Hong Zhehao obediently, and then walked aggressively to the uninvited guest. In front of him, he said, "Which fucking mental hospital did you escape from, go back to me immediately to treat your brain."

Although Pang Yujie is a tyrannical person, most of the time, he is a rambunctious one. Once he encounters someone who is fiercer than him, he will immediately hesitate, lower his voice and say, "I have something to do with Yu Siyang, please let him come over. "

"Yu Siyang is not available." Jin Ce refused rudely.

It's really like he doesn't know who he is, Lao Tzu's movie has just started shooting, this person is looking for Lao Tzu's protagonist's fault, if he is not a secondary school now, he will definitely come and beat him.

Pang Yujie was annoyed by Jin Ce's attitude, so he pushed Jin Ce away unceremoniously, went straight to Yu Siyang, and scolded viciously: "Yu Siyang, you shameless villain, what are you coming at me for? Trouble with my family, bastard."

Yu Siyang doesn't talk much, he always smiles when he sees everyone, and looks a little soft, but he is not really a temperless person, being so insulted in front of him, he is still someone who always hides behind his back, his eyes Immediately bad.

New hatred and old hatred came together, and even the gods were angry.

He didn't quarrel with Pang Yujie either. Big men couldn't learn the way of shrewish scolding. fly.

With a "bang", Pang Yujie flew out and fell heavily on the ground, suddenly stunned.

Crew: "..."

Who said that Yu Siyang was young and soft-tempered, yet smiling and easy to bully

Stand up and promise not to be killed.

Pang Yujie was lying on the ground, with stomach pain, leg pain, arm pain, and no pain in his body. He was pampered since he was a child. It is for the substitute to play, and if a needle is stabbed in the finger, it will be seriously injured, not to mention being kicked to the ground.

"How dare you hit me! I want to call the police! I want you to go to jail!" Pang Yujie staggered up from the ground, pointed at Yu Siyang and yelled.

"Oh? Did someone see me hitting you?" Yu Siyang looked back at the crew.

Everyone in the crew shook their heads in a hurry: "No, no, no one here is beating someone."

"Look, no one saw me hitting you." Yu Siyang shrugged, "You're hallucinating, right? I heard that drug addicts are prone to hallucinations, and upright people like me in Chaoyang are happy to report drug abuse. star."

"Don't spray people with blood." Pang Yujie pointed at Yu Siyang, his hands shaking with anger.

Yu Siyang rolled up the script in his hand and slapped Pang Yujie hard, "I haven't troubled you yet, but you brought it to the door yourself, so I'm welcome."

As he spoke, he threw the script to Hong Zhehao, and threw the jacket he was wearing. Two steps to praise him was a punch to Pang Yujie's stomach.

Since the filming of "Traitor", he has had a lot of martial arts scenes. He couldn't help learning a little from the martial arts instructor of the crew. He also specially invited a martial artist to teach him. He has learned a lot of beating skills, so I just came to test it today. learning result.

Although he was still thin and weak, and his strength was not too big, but he chose to hit the place where the pain would not cause serious injury, and it was enough for Pang Yujie to drink a pot.

Yu Siyang is not a narrow-minded person. On the contrary, he has a big heart. His life was so hard in the past. If he is still a person who cares about everything, then he will not be able to live.

So Hong Zhehao asked the navy to blackmail him, and he didn't have to tell him to blackmail him back. He even wanted to be friends with Hong Zhehao because Hong Zhehao sincerely apologized to him.

But this Pang Yujie was doing little things behind his back again and again, which was so annoying, he hired someone to hurt him, and now he was insulting him in front of him, the more Yu Siyang thought about it, the more angry he became, so he used all his strength.

Of course, Pang Yujie will not stand still and let people beat him casually. Even if the force value is not high, he will fight back.

But before he had time to do it, Hong Zhehao muttered, "If you have something to say, talk about it", seemingly coming to persuade him, but in fact he was helping to hold Pang Yujie and let Yu Siyang let go of his arm and beat him.

Crew: "..."

Who said Hong Zhehao is a cute foodie who can be bullied

Stand up and promise not to be killed.

Tang Hang was shocked by the fact that "Yu Siyang beat people" at the beginning, as if seeing a Kitty cat turn into Godzilla in an instant, he said he was already shocked.

Then, seeing that Hong Zhehao was trying to persuade him to fight, but he was actually going to take a side fight, he immediately regained his senses and went over to hold Pang Yujie so that Yu Siyang could beat him.

Hong Zhehao's assistant with facial paralysis was still standing by to prevent Pang Yujie from struggling too much and hurting Hong Zhehao.

Jin Ce looked at the group of people speechlessly, and it took a long while to remember that, as a director, he should go to mediate instead of being a melon eater.

"It's alright, it's almost done. There are still several scenes in a while, so don't delay the progress."

Yu Siyang naturally wanted to give the director's face, but he stopped anyway when he beat him up.

If he stopped fighting, Hong Zhehao and Tang Hang didn't need to hold Pang Yujie anymore, so they threw the man on the ground.

Looking at Pang Yujie who was beaten badly, Hong Zhehao couldn't help but feel fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, his IQ suddenly went online and apologized to Yu Siyang. Otherwise, where did so many delicious food come from, maybe he would be beaten like this.

He is very glad that he left Muchen now. Since he left Muchen, his IQ has been on the line. This person may not have love, but he must have brains.

Pang Yujie was in pain to death, but he didn't dare to speak ruthlessly, and swore in his heart that the sin he suffered today would be returned to Yu Siyang in the future.

"You're scolding me in your heart, right?" Yu Siyang looked down at Pang Yujie condescendingly. During his acting class, there were a few classes devoted to micro-expressions. Quite a few, Pang Yujie's expression was obviously scolding him in his heart.

"Be quiet in the future, don't mess with me, or I'll hit you every time I see you."

Pang Yujie froze for a moment, and there was a lot of unwillingness in his heart, but he finally remembered his purpose of running here to find Yu Siyang, so he resisted the pain and stood up, and said in a low voice, "Yu Siyang, I apologize to you, but you don't want it either. Embarrassing my family again, this is a matter between me and you, and it has nothing to do with my family."

Yu Siyang didn't understand what he meant at all. He was busy filming and communicating with P&H's creative director about the shooting of commercials. Who has time to embarrass his family

This person is delusional.

"I-I'm willing to publicly apologize to you," Pang Yujie panicked when he saw that Yu Siyang didn't speak, "Tell your company not to engage in my dad's company."

Yu Siyang immediately looked at Pang Yujie with neurotic eyes, this person is definitely persecutory paranoia.

Luo Peng formulated a series of revenge plans called "kill Pang Yujie". He has seen them all. It is nothing more than using public opinion to make netizens criticize Pang Yujie, and then through the network of people in the circle to make Pang Yujie unable to get along in the circle in the future, what is it? In his father's company, they don't know who his father is.

"Don't admit it, you must have asked your company to do it." Pang Yujie said sternly.

"Eat more pig brains when you have time." Yu Siyang was stunned by his brain hole. How much energy does he have to make the company go to his competitor's father's company for him, if it is Zhanheng, it is still possible.

"you… "

"What are you, hurry up and don't delay our filming." Jin Ce had long been impatient that this person couldn't understand clearly, so he hurriedly chased him away.

The crew got the look of the director who was still there with Yu Wei, and immediately surrounded Pang Yujie. There were dozens of people surrounded by dozens of people, with the expression "If you don't leave, I'll hit you".

Pang Yujie was so frightened that he ran away immediately.

After driving the car for a long time, he stopped and let out a long sigh of relief. His whole body was aching, but it was not as bad as it had been at the beginning.

Thinking that he was here to trouble Yu Siyang, but was beaten up by Yu Siyang without saying a word, he was so aggrieved when he thought about it.

His parents never beat him since he was a child, but Yu Siyang beat him up like this. Although he threatened to call the police, he also knew that even if this matter was called to the police, at most Yu Siyang would have to pay some money. It is impossible to really put him in jail, not to mention that he has a lawyer's letter from All Star Entertainment in his hand that asks him to lose money.

Is that the case

Very unwilling.

"DiDi—" A loud car horn woke up Pang Yujie, who was in deep thought.

When Pang Yujie stopped, he did not pull over, but parked in the middle of the road. The car behind saw that his car was not moving, so he honked his horn angrily, then drove to the next lane, passing Pang Yujie's car, He cursed: "You idiot, you are looking for death in the middle of a fucking stop."

"It's up to you." Pang Yujie raised his middle finger angrily, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away quickly.

The angry car owner was so angry that he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Pang Yujie's buttocks, parked the car on the side of the road, and started crackling on Weibo.

At that time, I was shocked: "I met a superb guy on the road today. He parked his car in the middle of the road and didn't go, blocked other people's cars, didn't say anything, and even pointed his middle finger. I took a photo of his license plate number. Remember to stay away when you see it.”

Since this Weibo account is not a large-scale account with a lot of attention, only a few hundred people saw it after the Weibo was posted, but there are a few good people among these hundreds of people, who said that the owner of this license plate should be picked up. come out.

Then, they really took the owner out.

An account that is obviously a marketing account directly threw out a few pictures, and it was revealed that the owner of this superb car was actually Pang Yujie, and the pictures had the truth. Therefore, netizens were already digging up Pang Yujie, and now it is even more boiling.

"Violating the traffic rules is so arrogant, Pang Yujie has gone to heaven."

"Looking at his appearance, he is a mean person, and he deliberately hired a murderer to hurt my family Yangyang. I really want to send him a blade."

"Pang Jipin is amazing. He is jealous of anyone who is better than him, and then spends money on the black people in the navy. It is said that several people were forced out of the entertainment industry by him."

"This kind of person should get out of the entertainment industry."

As a result, the topic of #Pang YujieGet out of the entertainment circle# quickly became the top ten popular rankings.

Pang Yujie is still not clear about what is going on online. He is now looking at his parents in shock. What did they say just now that they want him to go abroad immediately


"Dad, Mom, you want me to go abroad to relax and have fun, don't you?"

Mother Pang couldn't bear to look away, Father Pang said hard-heartedly, "Xiaojie, we are planning to let you settle abroad..."

Before Father Pang finished speaking, Pang Yujie yelled, "I'm not going, why do you want me to go abroad, I'm good at home, and have a career, I don't have anything abroad."

Father Pang also couldn't bear the child he loved to go abroad to suffer from childhood, but the matter has reached this point, he can't do anything about it. People from Hengsheng said that as long as he sends his son abroad, and promises that he will never again When I return home, I leave my company behind.

He actually didn't feel a pity that he didn't have the company, but those relatives in the family all had shares in the company. Once he learned that Xiaojie caused the trouble, he would definitely not let it go.

"Don't worry, Mom will follow you too and take care of you." Mother Pang comforted her son.

Pang Yujie sat down on the sofa with a sullen butt, looking at his parents dully.

At this time, he finally realized that he had caused a big disaster, and he couldn't help but feel remorse.

But there is no regret medicine in this world. Apart from going abroad honestly, he seems to have no other way to go.