There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 67


Aunt Wang thought that the Manchu and Han banquets were exaggerated rhetorical devices, but the Xue family's breakfast this morning was indeed astonishingly sumptuous.

When Nong Yuan walked into the restaurant with Xue Yunmu in his arms, the table was filled with taro cakes, fresh mushroom and millet porridge, black rice dumplings, potato omelettes, bean curd mixed with spinach, and steamed eggs with black fungus and minced meat. For breakfast, he felt that his breakfasts for the first fifty years were all junk food.

"Wow—" Xue Yunmu exclaimed with her mouth wide open, twisting in Grandpa Nong's arms, about to go down to the ground.

Xue Chengxiu followed into the restaurant, and complained deliberately, "I don't have such a hearty breakfast on weekdays. Yangyang favors one over the other."

Nong Yuan rolled his eyes at him, and happily pulled out the chair and sat down, "I'm a guest, what's wrong with eating a little more, you master is so stingy."

"You're right, I'm stingy." Xue Chengxiu admitted without shame and sat down on the main seat.

Yu Siyang brought out the last dish of spicy kelp, and sat down on Xue Chengxiu's right hand side, "Uncle Nong, I got up a little late, so I just made a little bit of it. You can try it and see if it suits your appetite." The attitude was extraordinarily attentive. dog legs.

"It's too rich, it's not considered casual."

Nong Yuan took a mouthful of fresh mushroom and millet porridge. The thick porridge was slightly hot in the mouth. The mushrooms had a strong and fresh taste. The slightly spicy flavor of the chopped shallots sprinkled on the porridge complemented the freshness of the shiitake mushrooms. The thick and smooth porridge slipped into the stomach. , The stomach is warm, and the aftertaste is delicious in the mouth, which is really satisfying.

The taro cake is to mix the sticky rice flour with water into a paste, then use boiling water to make a raw and cooked paste, add oil, salt and sugar to it and mix well. Put the cooked diced taro into the raw and cooked pulp, mix well, and steam it in a pot.

When eating, cut the taro cake into long strips of the length of your little finger. One bite is just right. When you eat it, your mouth is slightly flickering because of the sticky rice flour. It is soft, glutinous and sweet, but not sticky to your teeth.

Xue Chengxiu likes to eat black rice dumplings. He ordered them yesterday. The dumplings were made together by the two of them last night. The dumplings were stuffed with pork marinated by Yu Siyang with soy sauce, salt, minced garlic and sesame oil. The meat stuffing was specially added. A little cumin enhances the fragrance, and the dumpling skin is a dough made of black rice flour and warm water, so the dumplings are black.

There were about thirty dumplings in the plate on the table, some delicate and exquisite, some strangely shaped. Xue Yunmu accidentally scooped up a strangely shaped dumpling with a small spoon, raised it and said loudly, "Dad's, it's so ugly."

"I said how these dumplings have two completely different styles," Nong Yuan picked up a delicate and exquisite dumpling, and complained: "Xiao Xiu, don't waste your food, those dumplings you make make people appetite. there is none left."

Xue Chengxiu: "..."

"Well, these dumplings are delicious," Nong Yuan said, "Xiao Xiu, eat your own, it's too ugly to put there."

"Ugly." Mumu nodded, very happy to dismantle his father's stage.

Xue Chengxiu was so heartbroken that he ate his food and even disliked him, but he couldn't do anything with the old and the young, so he could only express his displeasure with a dark face and silently.

"Mr. Xue, it's very refreshing to eat this." Yu Siyang put a chopstick of yuba mixed with spinach into Xue Chengxiu's bowl, and said with a smile.

In order to take care of the children's taste, the yuba mixed with spinach deliberately did not put pepper, only a little pepper oil was added and stirred. The spinach was just scalded until it was broken, and it was very crisp and refreshing.

Or my family Yangyang knows it hurts. Xue Chengxiu ate the spinach contentedly.

A hearty breakfast, the result is that all four of them ate.

Nong Yuan was leaning on the sofa, Xue Yunmu was in the same position as him, the little chubby hand rubbed his stomach with one hand, and stretched the other to rub Grandpa Nong's stomach. .

It didn't take long for Yu Siyang to come downstairs, fully armed and covering his face, "Uncle Nong, can we go?"

Nong Yuan stood up and said, "Let's go."

The two are going to the street for experiential teaching.

When Xue Yunmu saw that Grandpa Nong and Brother Yangyang actually went out to play together, but did not bring him, he immediately protested.

"Brother is not going out to play, but to study." Yu Siyang crouched down and said to Xue Yunmu in a warm voice.

The little guy pouted so much that he could hang the oil bottle, hugged Yu Siyang's neck and didn't let go, "No, my brother said that he can play with Mumu for the past two days, and my brother goes out to play by himself, without Mumu, talking is nothing. ."

"Xiao Mumu, grandpa and brother really didn't go out to play." Nong Yuan also crouched down and looked at Xue Yunmu.

Xue Yunmu immediately turned his head aside, not looking at Grandpa Nong.

To deal with the bear child, Mr. Xue has to take action.

Xue Chengxiu came over, neatly "tear" the little fat man from Yu Siyang's arms, and said to his son, who was brewing and crying, "Don't make trouble, my brother has a business."

Xue Yunmu pouted and said reluctantly, "Okay, then brother, you have to come back early."

Yu Siyang nodded solemnly, patted the little guy's head, and went to the kitchen to get him two kittens made of sugar. The kittens were only the size of a finger of an adult's middle finger. They were all squeezed out by hand. The different colors are sugars that have been mixed with fruit juice. One kitten is licking its paws and the other is sleeping. They are so vivid that they instantly captured Xue Yunmu's heart.

After comforting the little guy, Yu Siyang and Nong Yuan went out.

To study human beings is naturally to go among human beings. Nong Yuan drove Yu Siyang to a large residential area in the city. There are several old-fashioned communities in this area, including original residents and renters of all ages. There are people, and on the weekends, the vegetable market in the residential area is very lively.

Nong Yuan and Yu Siyang found a stone pier outside the market to sit and watch the people coming and going.

"Actually, anthropology can also be called gossip," Nong Yuan said slowly: "When people talk about gossip, they will reveal the social environment they live in and the cultural value of this environment. Look at those two people..."

Yu Siyang looked in the direction Nong Yuan pointed, two women in their forties were standing face to face talking, one was wearing floral quilted pajamas, the other was wearing a black trench coat with slim-fitting pencil pants and stilettos.

"The way a person dresses, most of the time you can tell the person's social status."

"These two people, the one in pajamas should be a housewife, or open a small shop in this residential area, the store is not too big, and his husband should be just an ordinary factory mechanic."

"Those who wear trench coats should be white-collar workers in the company, and they rarely cook at home, maybe there are guests at home."

Yu Siyang asked in surprise, "Why do you think she rarely cooks?"

Nong Yuan motioned him to walk towards the two women together, and when he got close, he heard the woman in a trench coat say, "My husband's colleague came over to eat at home, but there's not enough food, so I'll come out and buy some."

Yu Siyang stared at Nong Yuan admiringly.

Nong Yuan smiled and said: "Look at her, the floor of the vegetable market is so dirty, there is muddy water everywhere, but she came here wearing high heels, and the trench coat was still long, obviously she didn't cook much."

Yu Siyang carefully observed the woman in the trench coat and found that the hem of her trench coat was splashed with many mud spots.

"Xiao Yu, in the process of acting, you are interpreting someone else's life." Nong Yuan led Yu Siyang for a walk in the residential area slowly, "Even if this person was created by the screenwriter, he should have a past. And the future, what he was like in the past, what he has experienced, and who has greatly influenced him in his past, these are all important reasons for the character's current character."

Yu Siyang nodded instructed.

One old and one young turned a corner, and saw a few steps away, a man was beating a woman, and a child about five or six years old was standing by and crying.

"What are you doing to beat someone?" Yu Siyang took a few steps forward, and with a clever effort, pushed the beating man away.

The man was stunned for a moment, seeing that it was a man whose face was invisible, he was full of anger, pointed at the woman and cursed: "Damn, this is your concubine, you still said that you didn't steal people behind my back, you stinky Bitch, I'm going to beat you to death today."

The woman stood behind Yu Siyang, covering her face and crying, kept saying, "I don't, I don't..."

"What nonsense are you talking about." Yu Siyang was furious, "You have a reason for a big man hitting a woman."

The man spit on the ground, and without saying a word, rushed over to even hit Yu Siyang.

Although Yu Siyang is thin, but because of filming, he has learned kung fu from martial arts for several months. Even if he is a flamboyant, he is much stronger than a man, and he beats the man to the ground in no time.

"You, you..." The man got up, kept backing away quietly, and said sternly, "Don't go if you have the guts, I will call someone to kill you."

Some of the onlookers who had formed a circle around at some point knew the man and laughed and said, "Old Li, you're almost out of seeds, so you don't care if others have seeds or not."

The man's face flushed red, and he said to the woman, "Stinky bitch, if you don't go back to Laozi, you will be embarrassed outside."

"You're embarrassing yourself." Nong Yuan walked to Yu Siyang's side, "If you have an affair and want to get a divorce, you can apply to the court. You don't need to beat your wife to achieve your goal."

The man's face changed greatly, "You dead old man, what nonsense are you talking about."

The woman who had been beaten just now stopped crying, put down her hands covering her face, and passed between Yu Siyang and Nong Yuan, pushing Yu Siyang to the point of falling over, and frantically tearing the man's hair when she rushed over, and using The nails grabbed the man's face wildly, and cursed: "You son of a bitch, it turned out that you cheated, but you still framed me for cheating, and beat me, I beat you, beat you..."

The child who had just finally stopped crying began to cry again.

Yu Siyang expressed his astonishment that it was actually a big ethical drama, and the strength of a woman was on par with that of a man.

Nong Yuan pulled Yu Siyang to quickly retreat from the crowd, turned two corners, and found the car they were driving.

"A person's character can be seen from his daily behavior, habitual actions, and his interpersonal interactions," Nong Yuan said while driving, "A person has motivation to do anything. To figure out a character, you have to analyze his character. Can you see what character he is of the man just now?"

Yu Siyang thought for a while and said, "Strong outside and working in the middle will only be cowardly, cowardly, uh... I have a sick mind."

Nong Yuan laughed: "It's not human nature to have a sick mind."

"Sick personality." Yu Siyang also laughed.

Nong Yuan didn't say that he was right or that he was wrong, he just said: "Xiaoyu, if you encounter such a situation in the future, you must deal with it more rationally, and don't go to fight with people because of your blood. This man is Weak, if you encounter a strong Kong Wu, what will you do if you can't beat it?"

Yu Siyang lowered his head and said angrily, "Uncle Nong, I understand." He is the man who hates hitting women the most. Seeing such a man will give him a sense of justice. Today is indeed impulsive.

Nong Yuan didn't speak any more and drove him to the next place.

At the same time, an uninvited guest came to the Xue family villa.

Xue Chengxiu asked the bodyguard to take his son upstairs, and said to the uninvited guest with a cold face, "What are you doing here?"

"Father, go to the son's house to see, can't you?"