There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 68


"Uncle Nong, how did you know that the man just had an affair?" Yu Siyang asked curiously. This can be guessed, it is so amazing that it can no longer be defined by any "scientist", this is simply a magician.

Nong Yuan laughed: "Isn't there a group of people watching the fun? I happened to hear two people whispering about this."

Yu Siyang: "..."

The truth is so simple and unpretentious, and I am a little disappointed.

"Xiaoyu, the best way to get to know a person is through the people around him." Nong Yuan held the steering wheel and drove the car to a famous park in Yunzhong City, "from the people around him talking about him. , you can roughly piece together the basic character portrait of this person."

Hearing these words, Yu Siyang lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

"What's wrong?" While waiting for the red light, Nong Yuan turned to look at him, thinking about what was wrong with what he said just now, Xiaoyu looked like he was hit.

"Uncle Nong, is what others say really right?" Yu Siyang asked in a low voice.

Wu Wu once falsely accused him of stealing valuables from the hotel. Master came forward to bail him out. Although there is no substantial evidence to prove that he did it, he has never been able to prove that it was not him. Wu Buzhi made a phone call, and he wouldn't know that someone he had always trusted framed him.

Since then, the private rumors about him in the hotel have not stopped. The new employees will be warned by the old employees not to approach him, so as not to be stolen by him, an elder sister from the cleaning department helped him in public. After a few words, she was beaten badly by her husband.

Everyone looked at him with tinted glasses, was he really who they thought he was

Seeing that he was in a low mood, Nong Yuan thought that he was depressed because he suffered cyber violence twice before, and comforted him: "Like and hate are subjective emotions of people, but people are an objective existence, Xiaoyu, everyone is the same , it is impossible to ask everyone to like you, and it is impossible for everyone to hate you, and as an objective person, you only need to have a clear conscience."

Yu Siyang raised his head and looked at Nong Yuan with wide eyes, his surprise beyond words.

Is that so

"Xiaoyu, you are a talented and hardworking child, you should be more confident."

Yu Siyang opened his mouth, as if a thousand words were choked in his throat.

He has never been very good at interpersonal communication. To put it bluntly, he has low emotional intelligence and will only bury his head in doing things. In the past, he was excluded by so many people, but he was still maintained by his master and secretly concerned by the elder sister of the cleaning department.

As it turns out, he did.

He won the Bonois Gold Medal at the age of twenty-five, and if it weren't for an accident, he is confident that he will get a Michelin star before the age of thirty.

- I should have been more confident.

"Thank you." Yu Siyang smiled again.

Nong Yuan smiled, and was about to say something, when Yu Siyang suddenly said, "Uncle Nong, let's go back."

"Go back?" Nong Yuan asked in surprise, "Go back not long after you came out?"

Yu Siyang nodded with a serious expression, and said firmly, "Let's go back."

Although Nong Yuan didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to go back so resolutely, their plan was to stay outside for a day and go to a business reception in the evening to observe people of different social status, but since the child wanted to go back, he didn't want to. Force, anyway, his vacation is still half a month, and he can teach him anytime.

The car turned around at the intersection ahead and drove back.

At this time in the Xue family villa, Xue Chengxiu folded his arms, sat on the main seat with a big horse and a golden knife, and looked at Xue Li opposite with a cold expression.

Xue Li was not yet sixty years old, and his current appearance seemed to say that he was eighty, and Xue Chengxiu believed it. A few months ago, when he saw this person in the Xue residence of the imperial capital, he was still in high spirits and looked well-maintained.

It seemed that his beloved son had an accident, and he was extremely anxious.

Xue Chengxiu suddenly thought of what Yu Siyang said when he quarreled with the doorman at the Emerald Hotel a few days ago, and it would be more appropriate to use that sentence here now.

Thinking like this, the cold and hard expression on his face disappeared, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "I'm relieved to see that you are not having a good time."

Xue Li's face changed, and the sentence "unfilial son" was about to burst out. Thinking of the purpose of his coming today, he forcibly endured the anger and tried his best to make his smile look kinder and kinder. Come down and see Grandpa?"

"Does he have a grandfather?" Xue Chengxiu looked at Xue Li sarcastically.

When he took Mumu back to Xue's house, the old man opposite said that he would never admit that a child of unknown origin was his grandson.

Now that he looks like this, he is obviously asking for something, but he doesn't know whether he is asking for the safety of the Xue family or the safety of his beloved son.

Xue Chengxiu guessed right, but he underestimated the thickness of Xue Li's face and overestimated his sense of shame.

Xue Li wanted both the safety of the Xue family and the safety of Xue Chengji. For this reason, he was willing to retire now, hand over the Xue family to Xue Chengxiu completely, and go abroad to live with Mrs. Xue and Xue Chengji.

When he made such a request, Xue Chengxiu laughed in disgrace: "Do you think it is possible? You are so old, how can you be so naive?"

"Why do you have to destroy the Xue family and your younger brother?" Xue Li's face turned pale, and she used the greatest self-control to keep herself from uttering evil words. Now is not the time to be in a hurry, the most important thing is to hug the Xue family and their son.

"I don't have a younger brother." Xue Chengxiu made no secret of his malice, and threw the words Xue Li had said back to his face, "I will never admit that a wild breed of unknown origin is my younger brother."

"Xue Chengxiu!" Xue Li shouted violently. With a wave of his right hand, he swiped a cup on the coffee table to the ground. With a bang, it shattered into pieces.

Xue Chengxiu's expression changed on the spot. If he hadn't seen Xue Li as an old man, he would have wanted to beat him up.

The cup broken by Xue Li was given by one of Yu Siyang's fans. Although All Star Entertainment and Yu Siyang himself have solemnly said that they do not accept any gifts from fans, they can't stand the fans who can shove the gifts into his hands. Run, fortunately it's not a valuable thing.

The cups were a pair, which was burned by the fan himself. The two cups together made a complete circle. When Xue Chengxiu saw the pair of cups, he immediately took one, which was broken by Xue Li.

"Get out of the way when you're done talking, and come to someone else's house to show your prestige. The older you are, the more capable you are." Xue Chengxiu had completely lost his patience, and his words were even more rude.

"Chengxiu, how can you let go of the inheritance?" Xue Li's expression was distressed, as if their flesh and blood were inseparable, making him a father especially painful.

"No matter what."

Xue Chengxiu didn't speak, but Yu Siyang, who ran into the living room, said this.

He urged Nong Yuan all the way to drive the car faster, and when he came back, he heard Xue Li's words and was very angry.

Xue Lixun looked over, and a delicate and beautiful young man walked towards him with an angry face.

"Do you still want to retire after doing so many cruel things?" Yu Siyang said angrily, "It's the law that won't let Xue Chengji go. You should go to see your son in prison in the future."

"Who are you? Do you have the right to speak here? You don't have any education." Xue Li was also furious.

Xue Chengxiu sneered: "He is one of the victims. Do you think he has the right to speak?"

Yu Siyang walked to Xue Chengxiu's side, and when he saw the broken glass on the ground, he was so angry that he immediately pointed to the fragments on the ground and asked, "Who broke the glass?"

Xue Chengxiu pointed to Xue Li for the first time.

Yu Siyang glared at Xue Li viciously, angry and distressed, that was a small gift made by fans for him, it was someone else's heart, and this cup was a pair, this bastard died old man, "You go to someone else Come home and break other people's cups, seeing how old you are, you are so uneducated and disrespectful, you will teach Xue Chengji that kind of bastard son."

Xue Licai said that Yu Siyang was "uneducated", and in less than a minute, Yu Siyang threw this sentence back on his face, and he was in his fifties, and people in his twenties said so , is simply unbearable.

Seeing that Xue Li was about to speak again, Yu Siyang interrupted him immediately, saying, "I'm very happy now that you never taught Xue Chengxiu, so you can produce good bamboo shoots, otherwise your Xue family are all bastards. ."

Xue Chengxiu: "..." Is Yangyang praising me or scolding me? Well, it should be complimenting me.

Nong Yuan came in one step later than Yu Siyang because he went to park. Hearing Yu Siyang scolding Xue Li angrily, he stood at the entrance and tried to hold back his laughter - old bastard Xue should be glad that he did not have heart disease or high blood pressure or something, otherwise he would be angry. Gotta burst blood vessels.

Xue Li took a deep breath, decided not to bother with the uneducated kid, turned to Xue Chengxiu, put on a sincere tone, and said, "Chengxiu, I used to ignore you too much, I'm here to apologize to you, you You are already the heir of the Xue family, why do you have to destroy the Xue family?"

"Hmph, who is rare." Yu Siyang sat down beside Xue Chengxiu and said for him.

"..." This kid is really annoying, Xue Li continued: "If you let go of the inheritance, the entire Xue family will be yours."

Yu Siyang continued to disrupt and interject: "Old man, kill people to pay for their lives, and pay back debts, Skynet is very sloppy and not leaking."

"...Even if you don't think about yourself or me, what about your two uncles? And those relatives?" Xue Li said, "They are so innocent, why do you want them to have nothing."

"What's so innocent?" Nong Yuan couldn't listen any longer. He walked into the living room from the entrance, looked at Xue Li sharply, and said coldly, "How many people in your Xue family are innocent? How many are clean? The older you are, the thicker your skin becomes."

"Nong Yuan!" Xue Li stood up in shock.

The two of them didn't deal with each other for decades, especially after Xue Chengxiu's mother passed away, the conflict was intensified. When Nong Yuan was still young, he would fight Xue Li almost every time he saw him.

Xue Chengxiu, together with the Pei family and the Zhuang family, brought down the Xue family, stirring up the wind and rain in the imperial capital, making everyone in danger. All the families in the imperial capital secretly laughed at the Xue family to kill each other, and said that Xue Chengxiu was destroying the Great Wall by himself, but Nong Yuan It is in favor of Xue Chengxiu doing this.

Although Nong Yuan is a scholar, the farm family behind him is a force that cannot be underestimated. He himself also enjoys special allowances and has his own connections. He hates Xue Li as much as Xue Chengxiu. He also contributed to the current situation of the family.

"This is not a place you can come, go away." Nong Yuan said indifferently.

Xue Li might be able to stalk Xue Chengxiu, but he was afraid of Shang Nong Yuan from the bottom of his heart - he was really afraid of being beaten when he was young.

But he was really not reconciled, he put down his body to beg the eldest son, but he failed to achieve any goal, and was insulted by a stinky boy who didn't know the heights of the earth.

"Chengxiu, think about it carefully." Xue Li whispered to Xue Chengxiu and walked out around Nong Yuan.

Xue Chengxiu said coldly, "There's nothing to think about."

Yu Siyang nodded in agreement: "That's right, Xue Chengji should sit in prison and don't come out to harm anyone."

Xue Li turned back and gave Yu Siyang a vicious look.

Yu Siyang raised his chin and stared back not to be outdone.

Ruining other people's homes, still thinking about living happily


Xue Chengji should have died too.

Xue Li walked away angrily, Nong Yuan patted Yu Siyang's head and said, "Xiao Yu is quite angry."

"Uncle Nong, Yangyang's father's company was calculated to go bankrupt by Xue Chengji." Xue Chengxiu explained in a low voice, "His father committed suicide, and his mother passed away."

Nong Yuan was startled and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Xiaoyu." No wonder he was so rude to Xue Li.

"Uncle Nong, I'm fine." Yu Siyang shook his head.

It wasn't him who really experienced the pain of losing his parents. Although he couldn't feel the same, he would never forgive those who caused Yu's family to be destroyed.

"Yangyang," Xue Chengxiu called out to Yu Siyang, decided to tell something that he wanted to hide, and asked, "Your second uncle Yu Zhongmin wants to see you, do you want to see him?"