There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 86


The game of rights in "Mode Impression" did not affect the enthusiasm of fans to buy the December issue and the fact that the number of online sales of the magazine was too small and the replenishment was not timely.

Luo Peng is also constantly following the progress of the publication of "MODE Impression". When he swiped the magazine cover picture uploaded by netizens on Weibo, he immediately shouted: "Fuck!" The phone will make him smash directly to the ground.

In the conference room, dozens of people turned their attention to him, and those eyes were like watching a warrior who was not afraid of death.

Wei Xiaofeng, who was presiding over the meeting, took great pains to keep her facial expression from distorting.

- Playing with mobile phones in a meeting, and yelling, it seems that the year-end bonus is not wanted.

Luo Peng didn't care about that much, he put his hands in his pockets in a hurry, and said in a hurry, "Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, there is a problem with the artist. Please convey the spirit of your meeting to me later." He finished, It blew out of the conference room like a hurricane.

Approaching the end of the year, just like the media will come to an inventory every year, entertainment media companies have to hold a meeting at the end of the year to inventory the work of the year.

Wei Xiaofeng is the director of the artist department, and she manages dozens of agents of All Star Entertainment. No, it's December, and it's hard to get together the agents who are busy all year round to hold a meeting, Luo Peng Kai's meeting with his mobile phone doesn't count, people still run away.

The other agents secretly exchanged tacit glances.

Who is the artist Luo Peng has, everyone knows that there is a problem at this moment, and they don't know whether it is big or small.

It's been less than a year since Yu Siyang debuted, and he can be said to be the most popular newcomer. They all got the news privately. In this year's Cloud Award, Yu Siyang was nominated for the Best New Actor Award. Luo Peng was walking in the company with wind recently. Can tickle other popular teeth.

Although they are managers of the same company, the relationship between managers is a competitive relationship. The company has a large platform and a lot of resources, but there are more artists. Naturally everyone wants good resources, but very few get them. .

Take the casting of "Battle of Feishui", which was very popular some time ago, but the agents and artists in the company, big and small, were very excited, and they all wanted to get a place in this crew. There are already candidates for what you want, and the audition is just going through the motions, but the film's owner is Hengsheng Capital or a sole proprietorship, making it impossible for others to start with the owner.

Although it was not kind, the other agents couldn't help but gloat when they heard that something was wrong with Yu Siyang.

And to be honest, there are a few people who can make a name for themselves in this circle.

Putting aside the thoughts of other brokers in the company, Luo Peng came out of the conference room, went back to the office, turned on the computer, and searched for the online sales platform of "MODE Impression". Sure enough, he saw an out-of-stock item on it. It's the December issue to be released on the 8th.

On the product display, the exact photo that Luo Peng saw on Weibo, the cat stepping on Yu Siyang's shoulder.

Luo Peng held ten hands, and his two thumbs kept circling, and he quickly thought about why he changed the cover without saying hello.

Is it the manufacturer's advice? Or is "MODE Impression" on its own? No matter what, they must be informed about the artist side.

But now the cover has been changed, he still knew from Weibo, no one notified them whether it was P&H or "Mode Impression".

If the manufacturer asks for it to be replaced, that's fine. If the magazines make their own decisions, they will probably offend the manufacturers.

Either way, it's always a good idea to call and ask P&H first.

Luo Peng did what he said, took out his mobile phone and called the P&H brand director, and he picked up the phone without making him wait long.

"Lao Luo, what's the matter, you won't come to me for a bar early in the morning."

The brand director of P&H Huaxia District is not a foreigner, but a man from Northeast China. His name is Ma Langqing. He is about the same height as Luo Peng. Luo Peng is 193. He is 192. He has a bold personality and strong professional ability. The last couple, and Luo Peng are drinking friends.

Luo Peng smiled and said, "Go, go, whoever drinks early in the morning, I have something to do with you."

Ma Langqing said, "For the magazine cover thing?"

"you know?"

"I'm not blind, of course I know, I'm contacting MODE here."

Hearing Ma Langqing's words, Luo Peng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought it was you who asked to change it. To be honest, this cover is cute, but it doesn't reflect the texture of your clothes at all."

"We're stupid, how can we go back on what we've decided on." Ma Langqing rolled his eyes as he spoke, but unfortunately Luo Peng couldn't see it.

Knowing that it wasn't the manufacturer's decision, but that the magazine changed the cover without authorization, Luo Peng took a more casual attitude and said, "Who knows if it's because of you."

"Cut... I still suspect that you guys asked for the cover to be changed." Ma Langqing continued to roll his eyes, this friend only looks a little cute at the wine table. He is a husky on weekdays, and he's always tugging.

"We're full," Luo Peng snorted, "It's not you or me, it's MODE."

Ma Langqing took a sip of tea and said, "I can't think of a reason for them to change the seal."

"I went to people in the circle to find out what they were doing, and I'll call you when I have news."

"Okay, as soon as possible."

Luo Peng made a round of phone calls, and he contacted anyone who could inquire about the news.

Just when he hung up someone's phone, Yu Siyang's phone came in right here.

When Yu Siyang learned that the cover had been changed, Mr. Ouyang saw it on Weibo and told him that his magazine had already been published.

But the old man didn't know that the cover of the magazine was not originally the current one. He was even happier than him when he saw that his magazine was going to be published and it was listed on the hot search list.

However, Yu Siyang was surprised when he saw that the cover was not a photo of a suit, but a sweater, and immediately called Luo Peng to ask what was going on.

He regretted it as soon as he dialed the phone. Using that photo, perhaps the manufacturer's intention, he made the call and asked what

However, Luo Peng responded quickly, answered the phone quickly, knew why he wanted, and told him the general situation of the matter in less than three minutes, "Don't worry about this, you can rest assured and take your leave, and I will tell you the result of the handling. you."

"Is it all right?" Yu Siyang asked uncertainly.

"It's okay, even if something happens, it's not our fault."

"Alright then, come to my house to eat hot pot at night, Mr. Xue asked someone to buy mutton, which is very fresh, just in time to make mutton hot pot."

When Luo Peng was told by him, he was immediately greedy, "Don't worry, I will definitely go eat."

Yu Siyang hung up the phone and clicked into Weibo to read. The cover on the Internet is full of praise. Even if there are one or two discordant voices, just ignore it. Fans don't know the original cover. Styles aren't like that, but it doesn't seem to matter if they know or don't know.

But it should have a big impact on manufacturers.

Yu Siyang felt distressed for the manufacturer for a second, then put it aside, and devoted himself to reading poems with Mr. Ouyang.

Luo Peng hung up Yu Siyang's phone, and didn't wait long before the answer came.

"Mode Impression" was internally strife. Seeing that Yu Siyang was a newcomer, he thought of using it as a hack, □□.

The marketing account V who gave him the inside information laughed slyly: "Now my work is like a palace fight, and I still like this kind of freelance work."

"So, you decided to continue doing this kind of work of spreading rumors and causing trouble?" Luo Peng said, "You're really worthless."

The marketing account V immediately pretended that he was not online, and deeply regretted why he knew Luo Peng. He is simply an aunt of the neighborhood committee, who cares about other people's success.

Luo Peng got the letter of approval and immediately called Ma Langqing to tell him.

"You said, should we go to MODE's trouble?" Luo Peng asked.

"No, I think their editor-in-chief will come to us in person."

"Oh well."

On the second day, as expected by Ma Langqing, Xu Yan personally came to apologize.

Xu Yan as a magazine endorsement, Ma Langqing as a manufacturer representative, and Luo Peng as an artist representative, the three sat in a uniquely decorated teahouse.

Xu Yan confessed his guilt when he came up, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, there was a problem with the company, so the director's cover was changed."

Ma Langqing is obviously not interested in just apologizing verbally, "Your internal problems are inexplicable, and we have become victims."

Luo Peng nodded and said, "What's the matter this time?"

Since Xu Yan invited the two out for tea, he was naturally prepared to be foolproof.

A verbal apology won't solve any problem. Since you want to apologize, you must always show some substantive sincerity.

"Mr. Ma, as you know, the magazine has now been fully released," Xu Yan said, "It's too late to ask for the cover, and netizens seem to like the cover of this issue, and it is said that there are cat slaves who came to order it specially. this magazine."

Although Ma Langqing refuted Xu Yan to be useless in his heart, he didn't have any extra words on his lips. "Of course, if we did something wrong, we did it wrong. We can only try our best to apologize to you and Yu Siyang."

"What are you going to pay?" Ma Langqing raised one eyebrow with interest.

Xu Yan said: "The cover of the annual magazine will be opened next year, is this okay?"