There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 87


The private room on the second floor of the tea house is decorated in the shape of a bamboo hut. Although the eyes are full of green, when the window is opened, the cold winter wind blows in, giving it a cold and bleak feeling.

Luo Peng felt that the wind was a little cold, and wanted to ask what he thought when the air conditioner was turned on in the house, and then the window was opened to let in the cold air. But he is pretending to be forced now, so he can only drink tea slowly, pretending that he likes drinking tea very much, not talking, and waiting for Xu Yan or Ma Langqing's next words.

In this incident, the most affected is P&H, and for Yu Siyang and their entire management team, it can be said that the impact is huge or not.

Although the magazine cover was changed, it was only a photo, not the person. Judging from the current discussion on the Internet, there are no negative comments, it seems that it has no impact on the artist. But from another point of view, the first endorsement shot was a big problem. In the eyes of manufacturers and major magazines, they would only think that this artist is right and wrong, and the impact on Yu Siyang's future brand endorsements and fashion resources cannot be described as such. Not much.

The opening year of the five major magazines invites extremely influential superstars to take the cover every year. The influence is indeed great. Now Xu Yan has taken it out as compensation. Yu Siyang is still on P&H.

Xu Yan is also helpless. This is the best compensation he can give. The upper management of the group has not yet come down with their opinions on the handling of this matter, but the general manager, the cover editor and a small number of related people have not yet come down. Suspended, but the manufacturers and artists must be appeased first. When the group's opinion comes out, the day lily is cold.

Ma Langqing drank the little tea in the cup one by one, refusing to answer Xu Yan's words.

Luo Peng turned his eyes and glanced at his drinking friend. He made a bet with himself. The old horse is definitely pretending to be as coercive as him. Negotiations have to be able to handle things like this. It's just that the east wind overwhelms the west wind. Xu Yan, if he acted too urgently, he might become Xu Yan overpowering them.

"Editor Xu," Ma Langqing finally spoke up, no longer blindly immersed in the world of pretending, "You are a big publication, and we are really disappointed to have such low-level mistakes."

Xu Yan smiled bitterly, speechless.

Taking advantage of the moment when Xu Yan lowered his head, Luo Peng turned his head and gave Ma Langqing a wink—I give you 99 points for pretending, and deduct 1 point for fear of your pride.

Ma Langqing raised his eyebrows - obviously one hundred and one points.

"Mr. Ma."

Xu Yan made a sound, and the two of them sat upright again, pretending to be coercive together.

"I'm really sorry that something like this happened. I didn't do my duty to stop this mistake. It's my dereliction of duty. The relevant personnel have all been suspended from their duties. I've asked two people over today, just hoping to give maximum compensation."


Then the three of them stopped talking again, each holding a teacup with their own coercion, each thinking about how to reduce losses and maximize benefits.

At this moment, the door of the private room was knocked, and the waiter smiled and said that a friend of theirs was coming, and then turned to the side, Darcy's slightly burly figure appeared in the eyes of the three.

"Editor Xu, President Ma, Brother Luo." Darcy came into the private room and greeted them one by one, "Sorry, I'm late."

Xu Yan frowned slightly. He didn't notify Darcy to come here. Besides, Darcy went home after being suspended from work yesterday, and his mobile phone was also turned off. I don't know how he found out that he was here.

Luo Peng was so impressed by the cover editor who was so hot and hard to deal with, so profound that he gave him the nickname "Dead Pervert Sissy", but seeing him today doesn't seem to be as good as he remembered. mother.

Ma Langqing also felt the same way. Darcy, who has always been a concubine, actually looked a little manly at the moment, and she didn't know if there was something wrong with her eyes.

Four people were sitting on the four sides of the tea table, Darcy raised the tea cup, his face full of apology, and said loudly: "Mr. Ma, Brother Luo, this time is my responsibility, I'm very sorry, I will do my best to compensate for this. times of loss.”

Ma Langqing and Luo Peng looked at each other, the latter said, "How are you going to compensate?"

Darcy took out a piece of A4 paper with a red seal from the bag he brought and put it in front of Ma Langqing, "This is the group's handling opinion, and the annual and September issues will be published as compensation for this accident. In addition, I and I The editor-in-chief of "M" has some friendships. I don't have that much face for opening the annual magazine, and she is willing to vacate the Valentine's Day special issue. I'm still in touch with the others. There is no news for me at the moment, and I will try my best to fight for it. "

Ma Langqing picked up the A4 paper on the table, which was covered with the red seal of the group, and clearly explained his opinion on the handling of this incident.

This is what Darcy received from the senior management of the group in the early morning after admitting his mistake. He also contacted several other people who have friendship with other major magazines. Only "W" gave a clear answer and was willing to vacate the Valentine's Day special issue. As for For other colleagues, he can only try his best to win.

After graduation, he worked in "MODE Impression". From intern to cover editor, Darcy had a smooth journey, almost no major setbacks. He had a whole night of insomnia yesterday, with regrets and worries about the future. If "Mode Impression" is willing to keep him, it would be the best result. Otherwise, he is afraid that there will be no place for him in the fashion circle.

The future can only be considered in the future. The most important thing at the moment is to take responsibility and make every effort to make up for and appease the manufacturers.

"March issue." Ma Langqing said.

Xu Yan and Darcy were both stunned. The most important months for a major magazine are the opening of the year and March and September. For celebrities, it is the most honorable thing to be able to open an annual magazine. Generally, only top superstars can appear, but For manufacturers, March and September are when new products are released, and they will spend a lot of money on advertising in various magazines at this time. Conversely, for magazines, the same is true. Advertising revenue was higher than any other month.

The group can give out the September issue, but also does not want to lose a big customer. If they lose the big customer of BSL, their magazine can be prepared to downgrade or stop publication.

But don't want to, Ma Langqing even wants the March issue, which is no different from the lion's big opening.

"Don't forget to open the annual issue, March issue and September issue." Ma Langqing said, "This matter has a huge impact not only on our P&H, but also on our spokespersons. I don't think my request is too much."

After Ma Langqing finished speaking, Luo Peng continued: "Yesterday, this incident has already spread in the circle, a project I am in the process of contacting, because of hearing about it, the other party has adopted a reservation attitude, and this is just a Start."

Luo Peng was talking nonsense with his eyes open. Yesterday, he had a meeting first, then went to investigate the inside story, then had a meeting with the management team to discuss public relations measures, and then went to Xue's villa for dinner to eat hot pot, and drink with Ma Langqing in the evening , No Party A came to say "we have to keep our attitude", but a manufacturer came to ask Yu Siyang to endorse, because the other party had a product quality accident and was rejected by him.

But Xu Yan and Darcy don't know. To put it more seriously, Yu Siyang's fashion resources will indeed be affected by this incident, so the two of them can only listen to Luo Peng's upright face and Ma Langqing's bad sales. .

"Okay, just the March issue." Xu Yan made a final decision.

Darcy was shocked, "Editor Xu, but..." Will the group agree

Xu Yan glanced at Darcy and said, "I can still make such a decision."

"Editor Xu is refreshing." Ma Langqing laughed: "I just like to deal with refreshing people."

"Then use tea instead of wine?" Luo Peng raised his teacup.

All four raised their teacups, two of them achieved their goal, smiling happily, while the other two were helpless and bitter.

After dinner time, Luo Peng went to Xue's villa to eat again, and told Yu Siyang about the final compensation result, but Yu Siyang only said "oh", looking like he was not interested.

"March and September, how many big names want to be in the two months," Luo Peng stood at the door of the kitchen, attacking Yu Siyang's indifference, "You're done with 'oh'? Not excited at all? Not excited?"

Yu Siyang carefully boiled the soup, expressing himself "not excited at all" with practical actions, not to mention the few months' publications, none of them can compare to the soup he is currently cooking.

Luo Peng sniffed, "Are you making hot pot again?"

"That's right." Yu Siyang nodded, talking about the topics he was interested in, and he immediately started talking, "This is my new recipe for the bottom of the pot. The soup contains some fungi and medicinal herbs, which is most suitable for winter."

"I ate hot pot yesterday, why do I eat hot pot again today?" Although the hot pot is delicious, he has never seen Xiaoyu cook the same dish for two days in a row before. He always has a lot of tricks.

Yu Siyang poured out the boiled soup, "You ate hot pot, Mr. Xue hasn't eaten it yet." Yesterday, Mr. Xue came back very late and didn't eat hot pot, so I will supply him today.

Luo Peng touched his nose and thought: Well, the boss is the biggest, I will eat whatever the boss eats, and I will follow the boss firmly.

On December 8th, the December issue of "MODE Impression" will be published, available at newsstands and bookstores.

Xiao Wang had a leg disability due to a car accident, and he ran into a wall when he was looking for a job. His girlfriend, whom he had talked with for several years, disliked him and ran away. Seeing that there is no way to make a living, and life is difficult, with the help of the community, I run a small newsstand, selling all kinds of newspapers and magazines, selling boiled corn to office workers in the morning, and selling drinks and so on.

In winter, you have to rely on perseverance to get up, otherwise it will be easy to be sealed by the bed. Xiao Wang is a person who is not very persevering. This day, he got up late again, missed the time for breakfast, and opened the store at 9:30. Put the new magazine that arrived yesterday in the most conspicuous place, and on the wall next to it, there is a large poster sent by the publisher and asked him to post it, and then sit in the store and open the newly arrived magazine.

The cover of the magazine is an unknown male star. He looks pretty good. The cat on his shoulder is so cute that he seems to have a cat. Thinking that he is always disliked on blind dates, that he is still a bachelor at such an old age, and that he is afraid that he will be single for the rest of his life, Xiao Wang seriously thinks about whether he should buy a cat as his company.

"Boss, boss, boss, hurry up, give me three copies of this MODE."

Suddenly, a hurried voice interrupted Xiao Wang's thinking. Xiao Wang had sold magazines for three years, and almost instinctively handed the newly arrived "Mode Impression" to the anxious girl outside the store.

The girl hugged the three magazines tightly and was so excited that she couldn't control herself. Nima, after running all morning, she finally found a newsstand that still had stock.

Two of the three magazines were bought for the small partners in the group, and the cities where the small partners are located are also not available. Many people feel that this time "MODE Impression" is in short supply. , This time we have to rely on grabbing, the hands are fast and the hands are busy.

Xiao Wang asked the girl for money, and asked casually, "Do you like this male star on the cover? Who is he?"

"Yu Siyang, don't you know?" The girl's face said, "You don't even know your face, you're too ignorant." "He cooks deliciously."

Xiao Wang looked confused, looked at the magazine in his hand, and confirmed that it was "Mode Impression" instead of "MOOD", saying that he didn't understand the current fashion - how can chefs be on the cover of fashion magazines.

"Boss Boss Boss, can you give me the poster you put on the wall?" The girl turned back after not walking a few steps. Gein saw the big poster on the wall, which was bigger than the one that came with the book. many.

Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed. This is what the publisher stipulated for him to post, and the girl took it away. If the publisher found out that he did not post the poster, he would have an opinion.

"Boss~Ban~" The girl was cute, her voice was mixed with sugar, it was several degrees sweeter, "Or you can sell it to me, sell me, sell me..."

Thirty-eight-year-old Xiao Wang, who is still a single dog, is completely unable to resist the sugar-coated cannonballs of the cute girl, and immediately nods without principle, "Send, don't need money, you go and take it off."

The girl was instantly elated and gave a big smiling face, "Boss, you are really a good person, I wish you a prosperous business, alright."

Xiao Wang was distracted by "Momada" for a long time, and sat in the shop dumbfounded. Then he found that his business was really booming today. In less than half an hour, the chef was on the cover of a fashion magazine. It was sold out, and many people came to inquire about the magazine, and they all sighed and sighed when they learned that it was out of stock.

Xiao Wang quietly hid the magazine in his hand. When no one came to ask, he wanted to study the chef on the cover. He always felt that this person brought him good luck. It was sold out, I made a lot of money, and I was slapped by a girl. The more I thought about it, the happier I became.

It's no wonder that a chef can actually be in a fashion magazine, and he is indeed a very powerful young man.