There Is Chef Yu In The Entertainment Circle

Chapter 88


"Which kind-hearted friend has two copies ah ah ah, even me a ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, I can't buy it after running all over the city, my heart is broken ah ah ah ah [cry] [cry] [cry] "

"You're not alone, and I didn't buy [cry] [cry] [cry]"

"Hehehehe, I bought [Erha]"

"I'm not a fan of Yu Siyang, but I also bought [Er Ha]"

Yu Siyang's Weibo has become a hot topic. All kinds of people who haven't bought magazines are crying and begging, and all kinds of people who have bought them are showing off, and there are passers-by who come to show off that they have bought magazines, but they haven't bought magazines. 's fans immediately felt the double crit, and the blood volume plummeted.

And the topic #yusiyangshoufeng# also appeared on the hot search list.

The foodie groups were happy and sad, and then a small big in one group posted a Weibo, and everyone suddenly felt empowered—

I'll just see if I don't eat V: "Does anyone think that the end-of-month issue of "MODE Impression" is exceptionally short this time? All of last month's editions are still in stock, and the group leader's edition is out of stock in the city in the morning. Although The head of my family is very popular, but it's impossible to sell out so much [question]"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the goods are so poor that they can't be bought one step later. Some people almost cried when they saw the last book being bought.

What do you mean by so little stocking up? Bully our head, or bully our foodie group

Simply unbearable!

As a result, the foodie groups called customer service numbers, and continued to urge goods on the online sales platform. The official Weibo account of "MODE Impression" also fell, and the foodie groups mocked the lack of money in "MODE Impression" in the comments.

“#Crowdfunding helps MODE publish a publication# Your magazine is short of money and tell our fans, we crowdfunding for you to publish [Erha]”

“#Crowdfunding helps MODE publish a publication# The five major magazines are also short of money, it seems that the economic crisis is very serious [Erha]”

“#Crowdfunding helps MODE publish a publication# I feel sorry for the staff of MODE, I don’t know if their wages can be paid [Erha]”

In less than an hour, #crowdfundinghelpsMODEPublishing# became a hot topic. The staff of "MODE Impression" saw all kinds of concerns about their own salary, five insurances and one housing fund on the Internet, and their mood was very complicated. "Is it true that our company is really short of money to reduce the number of publications at the end of the month, will we really not be able to pay wages and still cut off the five insurances and one housing fund" such a desolate and crisis-filled idea.

Early in the morning, Luo Peng was paying attention to the trend on the Internet. The topic of the hot search #yusiyangshoufeng# was that he asked the team to buy it. I didn't think that the foodie group was so cute that they didn't even have it. In the case of people with rhythm, he created such a hot topic by himself, and helped Xiaoyu to create a wave of popularity.

It seems that a fan meeting could be considered.

"Xiaoyu, your fans are so loving." Luo Peng called Yu Siyang and told him the key points after the publication.

Yu Siyang wore a bluetooth headset on his ears, put spices in the pot very carefully, and made brine. Hearing Luo Peng's words, he said in agreement, "They are very cute."

"Oh, yes, Director Jin said that the pilot trailer will be released in two days. Remember to forward it." Luo Peng paused and asked suddenly, "What are you doing now?"

Yu Siyang said, "Make scallion teal ducks. Sister Rui sent two teal ducks."

"Gudong", Luo Peng swallowed and asked, "Are you going to make dinner?"


"Wait for me, I'll go to your house for dinner." Chive ducks or something, it sounds delicious.

"Okay, then you remember to arrive early and call Brother Xiaofeng too."

Luo Peng nodded frantically, saying that he would definitely call Brother Xiaofeng. As for Zhanheng... As a black fan, he has a very professional ethics and doesn't call him.

After Yu Siyang made the brine, he washed and drained the little wild duck, soaked it in the brine, checked the time, and asked Aunt Wang to remind him to fish out the duck two hours later, and then went to the video room to find one. Check out this classic award-winning movie.

This is his latest new homework - watch more classic movies and observe the acting skills of actors.

Yu Siyang was watching movies and making scallion ducks, while all the staff of "Mode Impression" were very busy.

The phone calls from various channels for replenishment kept ringing, but the printing house was screaming and didn’t come out so soon, the phone was about to blow up, there were all kinds of ridicule against them on the Internet, and the deadly enemy “Trends” ran out. They said that they are operating well and will never be out of stock due to lack of money.

Xu Yan is holding back his heart with old blood, and can't wait to let "Trends" disappear into outer space - you are short of money, and your entire company is short of money.

The dead general manager has been dismissed by the group quickly, and he has been investigated for the economic losses caused to the company due to serious work mistakes.

The punishment for Xiong Shubiao within the group was not too severe. One of the reasons was that he took the initiative to take responsibility after the accident, and tried his best to appease the customer and recover the loss. Even if he was not fired, he would need to bear part of the economic loss this time. It is estimated that After the finances were calculated, Brother Xiong lost money and returned to before liberation.

At this point, Xu Yan has taken full control of "MODE Impression", which is probably due to misfortune and good fortune. Bad things can also lead to good results.

Li Yitian, the former general manager, was "invited" out of the company like a lost dog, and walked down the street in despair. He couldn't understand, he was about to make Xu Yan empty, how could he be fired in a blink of an eye, and he had to bear the burden Economic losses.

"Little Wang, do you still have that rubbed impression?"

Suddenly, a slightly old voice interrupted the former general manager's contemplation. Li Yitian looked up and found himself standing beside a small newsstand. An old lady with gray hair asked the middle-aged man sitting in the newsstand.

The middle-aged man stood up and smiled brightly at the old lady, and he could vaguely see that his legs were not very convenient, "Aunt Chen, do you want last month or this month?"

"Of course it's this month," the old lady said. "My granddaughter appointed him. The cover is a terribly handsome male star. What's his name? Yu Siyang, and there's a foul cat on his shoulder. The thing is, handsome is handsome, but also miserable, is that handsome or miserable?"

Xiao Wang said, "It's not a coincidence, Aunt Chen, it's sold out this morning."

The old lady was surprised: "It's sold out so quickly? It's broken. My granddaughter asked me to buy it when she went to school in the morning. I forgot. I haven't bought it now. My granddaughter told me to cry and show it to me."

"That's really unfortunate. There are few goods in this issue, and there are many people who buy them. They are sold out in less than half an hour." Xiao Wang smiled: "I heard that the chef on the cover is very popular now, so it sells fast. ."

"Chef? Didn't he act in a movie?" The old lady looked confused.

Xiao Wang was also stunned: "A girl told me that he cooks deliciously, isn't he a chef?"

Xiao Wang and the old lady were confused. They stared at them for a while. The old lady snorted, "Whoever he is, he can't buy it. My granddaughter can't make trouble with me when she comes back from school."

Xiao Wang silently hid the only copy of "Mode Impressions" in his hand. He hadn't read it yet, and he had already flipped through it, so it's not good to sell it like this.

Although the old lady is old, her eyes are sharp. When she saw Xiao Wang moving, she turned her eyes and saw a cat wearing a Christmas hat on the cover. She immediately asked, "What is that? Is it a bad impression? ?"

"Auntie Chen, I've already flipped through this book, it's all old." Xiao Wang said with a bitter face.

"It's okay, I don't mind." The old lady waved her hand proudly.

But I don't mind! - But Xiao Wang didn't dare to say that Aunt Chen has given him a lot of help over the years. Now they just want a magazine, and he happens to have it, so why not give it, he can only take the magazine out.

The old lady bought a magazine and was finally able to communicate with her granddaughter, so she also bought a few bottles of drinks to take care of Xiao Wang's business.

Two girls passed by and saw the "Mode Impression" in the old lady's hand. They immediately rushed to the newsstand, pointed to the magazine in the old lady's hand, and said urgently, "Boss, do you have any more?"

Xiao Wang shook his head regretfully, "It's really gone."

The girl didn't give up and wanted to buy it from the old lady. The old lady glared and said, "This is for my granddaughter." After speaking, she turned around and walked towards the community behind the newsstand.

Li Yitian stood on the sidelines and watched the whole process, and his heart was really mixed.

The newcomer he thought was so appealing, but he was blinded by his inherent experience, and wanted to use the opportunity to suppress the newcomer to suppress Xu Yan according to the previous routine. His original plan was to even replace Yu Siyang's cover, but Dissuaded by Xiong Shubiao, if he really changed Yu Siyang's cover, I'm afraid it would end even worse now.

Li Yitian was very frustrated, carrying the evaluation that "the company suffered huge losses due to personal interests", and he was afraid that it would be difficult to find a job in the future.

Outside the newsstand, a delivery van stopped, and the deliveryman took out a bundle of ten magazines from the back compartment and delivered them to Xiao Wang's store, asking him to sign the list, "Boss Wang, "Mode Impression" There are only ten copies of the replenishment."

The two girls screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Both the deliveryman and Xiao Wang were stunned - is this a girl? Is this a robber

Fortunately, the girls have given the money, so grab it and grab it.

The former general manager of "Mode Impression" looked at the scene in front of him obscurely, and was filled with emotion: either empiricism or judging people by appearance, and I don't know if there will be any chance to turn around in the future.

Due to the shortage of stock, "Mode Impression" and Yu Siyang dominated the popular editions for a few days, and they were replenished one after another, and the popularity dropped. The pilot trailer of "Overloading" was released, officially opening the movie promotion mode.

To say whose fans are the happiest recently, it is Yu Siyang's foodie group.

The head of their family first published the end of the month issue, and together with a cat, they made people cute, and even the sales of P&H increased. Although the fans were depressed because of the shortage, it was also because of this reason. After several days of hot searches, the leading trailer for the movie came out again.

The trailer is only one minute, and there is no specific content. It just shows the important characters in each movie, but the way of showing it is ridiculous.

For example, Dongfang Zhe played by Yu Siyang, when he first appeared on the stage, his immortal spirit was swirling with clouds and mist, and he broke his power in the next second. "Cough, cough, cough" makes people not put out such a big smoke. Another example is Ximen Guang, played by Hong Zhehao, who fought against the men in black one second, killing the Quartet, and the next second when he saw his grandmother, he immediately pretended to be stupid, drooling and giggling. People poke into a sieve.

But Jin Ce put an easter egg at the end of the trailer—

The end of the trailer was slowly drawn into a distant view, and then turned into a picture broadcast on TV. Then, when the camera turned, Yu Siyang and Hong Zhehao were sitting on the sofa in a row, watching TV with confused faces.

Yu Siyang said, "Is there really no special effects? I thought the director was joking."

Hong Zhehao said: "The director is very poor and has no money to do special effects."

Yu Siyang said: "I thought calling poor was his catchphrase..."

Hong Zhehao said: "...I didn't expect him to be really poor."

Then, the screen went black, and a row of big characters read "The poor crew just doesn't have the money to do special effects, so what?"

After the official Weibo of the film released the pilot trailer, both Yu Siyang and Hong Zhehao retweeted Weibo.

Yu Siyang V: "#"Pretend to pretend to be over-the-top" pilot film#Our crew is really poor and righteous@movie pretends to be over-the-top@directorjince@hongzhehao@qiaoqizhen@周古乐"

Hong Zhehao V: "#"Pretend to pretend to be too far" pilot film# The crew that can only be shot in real scene feels a little sad for no reason @movie pretends to be too much @directorjince@yusiyang@qiaoqizhen@周国乐"

After the two people's Weibo was released, the style of the comments reached a harmonious unity for the first time, all of which were "Hahahahahahaha".

Then, the movie "Pretending to Be Too Excited" started a promotional campaign themed "The poorest crew in history shoots a hilarious movie with 0 special effects".