There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 100: Budget-conscious Mugan


Logistics and armament management is a test of students' comprehensive analysis ability. What they get is always only data, quickly decompose these data, and then quickly analyze the user, analyze the enemy, combine all the conditions, and then come up with a set of the most cost-effective plan.

Olaf spent two full days leading other students to analyze all the data he had obtained. It took four days to construct a model, and it took 28 people two days to input all the data into the model. A total of ten feasible solutions were obtained. , in the last two days, they conducted manual deductions for each set of plans, and finally selected the fifth set as the final plan.

Olaf is very confident in this plan. This time, he took the parameters of the soldiers into consideration when designing the model, and even equipped them with special weapons according to their abilities. There is no other college that thinks more than you! This is a technical problem, other first-year students simply can't complete such a huge model construction in the allotted time!

On the last day of the competition, he confidently handed in his plan within the stipulated time. Then began to look forward to waiting for the results to be announced.

However, what he got was the final result of the failure of his own plan!

"What—" Olaf couldn't believe his ears, not only him, but the other five colleges also saw the result announcement column at the same time.

There is no performance ranking, the competition results of the six military academies are all "failure", only the name of the Imperial College has a bright red "success" behind it!

As early as the moment the title was announced, Marshal Rothsay turned his head to look at General Condon.

"General Condon, did you do it on purpose? It's impossible for them to succeed if you give this question to the children?"

A brand new planet, the enemy is a terrifying aboriginal on the planet—a beast with a danger factor of four. In order to explore this planet, the empire will send an entire army, led by a lieutenant general, in Ten days later to come to station.

The logistics armament coordinator leads his team one step ahead, prearranges everything for the garrison, and ensures that the regiment will be stationed here for all military activities in the next year.

This is not a fictitious topic, but something that actually happened. The planet exists, the fourth-level beast exists, and the lieutenant general also exists. Condon had high hopes for him and regarded him as his successor, however—

That seemingly simple task failed.

Three months after arriving on the planet, a distress signal was sent from the planet. When General Condon sent someone to arrive, only one-fifth of the entire legion was rescued. Others, including the lieutenant general and the All non-commissioned officers, including the mission's logistics armament coordinator, were killed.

They didn't even die in battle, but rather uselessly to die of an elemental overdose.

Therefore, the coordinator in charge of the logistical preparations for the mission set aside a considerable part of the budget for the procurement of nutrients after the inspection. This very common arrangement finally became the main reason for the failure of this mission, and it can even be said to be the only reason. .

The only antidote that can dilute the excessive intake of elements is the beast on the planet. As long as the meat of that beast is regularly ingested, the normal metabolism of the human body can be maintained, but it is because the logistics and armament coordinator has prepared enough. Nutrients, when the food is sufficient, the officers and soldiers have no intention of catching the only creature on the unfamiliar planet for food. The direct result of this action is a large-scale disease outbreak three months later!

The saddest thing is that they don't even know why they died.

Modern logistics arms coordinators pay more and more attention to the word armament and ignore the word logistics. There is no way. This is caused by the different emphasis of college education. The logistics arms coordinators trained under this educational policy can only do this. .

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if no one wins, I just think about how much these kids, these first grade kids can do without a complete mindset, even if they fail, they can pass this time. The lessons of failure should pay more attention to things that were neglected in the past in future studies." General Condon just smiled.

However, these children are really excellent. Not long after they entered school, and not long after they had just been exposed to these subjects, they were completely affected.

The various plans handed in either focus on defense or attack. Considering from the tactical direction, each plan has its bright spots, especially from the Imperial Military Academy. However, considering the special circumstances of that planet, their plans will eventually fail. .

The time of failure is exactly the same, after three months. The mission was doomed when the disease broke out.

The Imperial College's proposal was the last to be presented to the judges and high-ranking military officials.

When noticing the budget spent on armaments, many people did a calculation: too much, this budget is too much, it is the highest among the seven colleges, and the increase in spending on armaments will inevitably mean that other budgets will be destroyed. Cuts, but when they saw which budget was cut, everyone was stunned.

Only the basic amount of nutritional supplements were purchased. The plan submitted by Imperial College greatly reduced the cost of nutritional supplements. Instead of nutritional supplements, they submitted a recipe for how to cook that fourth-level beast. recipe.

The ingredients are basically sourced locally, food expenses have been greatly reduced, and more budgets have been added to armament expenses.

They are not on the same channel as the senior military officials. When the referees received the plan, they entered the data of the plan into the large model prepared in advance. Just like the previous six plans, after a period of time The deduction of the plan, Zhinao announced the deduction results of the plan.

"The plan passed." Finally, among the six plans that were denied in a row, Zhinao finally announced the establishment of a plan.

"According to this plan, the exploration mission will be completed in six months and thirty-six days, and the empire will get a new type of animal animal."

Zhinao's voice was cold, but the result announced was an encouraging picture when one thought about it.

Hearing this result, General Condon was stunned.

"Who made this plan? What a genius!"

The adjutant immediately called up Mugan's information, and when he saw the title of "Commander-in-Chief of the current league of the Imperial College" behind Mugan's name, his beard twitched, and Condon was stunned again: compared with the commanders of other colleges. Get up, why is this commander of Di Zong so low in existence? It always feels like it's the first time I've noticed... Wait, why is this description a bit familiar

He opened his mouth again and told his adjutant:

"Find out the design reasons behind the plan." Each plan must be accompanied by the design reasons of the coordinator. General Condon is now saying that this is what he wants to see.

"Yes." His adjutant immediately turned the plan on the screen to the last page.

"Student Brad of the Battleship Command Department said that if you want to achieve the purpose of strike, the budget spent on personnel and armament must reach that amount; student Domla of the Mecha Department said that in order to effectively protect the base, the budget spent on base defense must reach that amount. The budget must also reach the specified amount; Abi from the Department of Biological Breeding said that it is very strange that there is only one creature left on a planet; Sean from the Department of Medicine said that in this case, it is necessary to consider eating the only healthy life in the area The creature; Kerry, a student of the music department, said that he had eaten that kind of beast, and it was delicious;

Based on everyone's opinions, this solution is the only solution I can come up with in the end. "

Very unprofessional design reasons, but it explains a lot of problems:

The logistics and armament coordinator of Imperial College fully delegated power to each contestant, believing in their abilities, they will make their own designated part of the plan, and finally he will coordinate the overall plan; the team members brought by the coordinator are not students of this major , but "experts" from various fields of expertise; General Condon stroked his beard.

"Imperial Comprehensive College does not have a major in logistics and armament management. Although we have trained in this project, our students are not strong in this area. For this reason, the general coordinator chose to send a player from each related major. Let's take part in the competition together." Dean Aude spoke again at the right time.

Did a group of non-professional motley crews finally defeat the "experts"

"After this period of military training, they trust each other very much and know each other very well." Dean Aude continued.

"So it is." General Condon nodded: "Flafetal taught them well."

Oder then never spoke again, his purpose had been achieved.


Olivia's purpose was also achieved.

"Being careful, no one here will be Mugan's opponent!" Olivia was not surprised by the result of this game.

Olaf lost, the Imperial Military Academy team he led lost, and lost to the Imperial Comprehensive Academy. In this way, he no longer had the capital to shout in front of him.


"Uncle Alpha will never allow a man who can't live with Mugan to be with him."

Olivia smiled sinisterly.

Killing two birds with one stone, his other purpose has also been achieved.