There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 103: Last game 3


The virtual battlefield specially opened up for this league has been turned into an independent country, and no one will come out, and no one will go out.

It's been three hours since the problem was discovered, during which time the technicians have tried various methods to regain control of the system, but they have failed.

"The intellectual brains of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Land and Resources of the Empire were also invaded before, and finally Pandra sent experts to complete the repair of the entire system." Lieutenant General Pei Nan immediately thought of a piece that caused a lot of uproar in the Empire before. Brain Invasion Incident.

Mechanical Stars - Pandra, in addition to mastering the most advanced mechanical technology, they are also the pioneers of intellectual brain technology. The intellectual brain systems at the imperial state level are basically from Pendra.

"No." Lieutenant General Yolan immediately rejected the proposal, glanced at him coldly, and said, "Pandela is the planet under the master's control, are you dizzy?"

The last sentence was said with a strong voice, and Lieutenant General Pei Nan, who had just made a suggestion, immediately fell silent.

Although the rank is the same, the status of the two in the military is completely different! The general title of Lieutenant General Yoran is obtained by actual qualifications and military merit, and Lieutenant General Penan was appointed as Lieutenant General mainly because of his other identity - Dean of Dolan Offa Military Academy .

After the merger of the two colleges, Lieutenant General Pei Nan was selected as the dean of the new college. When the rank of the college was raised by one level, the title of the administrator of the college must also be upgraded from brigadier general to lieutenant general.

The title of lieutenant general obtained in this way is just a good name. In fact, the power in the military department is not as good as that of other lieutenant generals.

Not to mention the comparison with Lieutenant General Yoran!

His subordinates are in charge of two legions, and he is also the head of the imperial staff. Lieutenant General Yolan can be described as the first lieutenant general in the imperial army. Among the senior military officials who came to participate in the league this time, except for His Excellency the Marshal With General Condon, Lieutenant General Yolan is the third in the order, so he took over the command of the scene immediately at the beginning, which is the default of all the military personnel. There are currently five generals in the empire, and this time, only one is General Condon. If General Condon has an accident in this incident, Lieutenant General Yolan will inevitably become his successor.

"That's right, Pendra... It's that lord's loyal follower..." With his right palm supporting his cheek, he took a pen in his left hand and swiped on the electronic screen, Argos smiled lightly: " Your Excellency Marshal hasn't had an accident yet, so you can't wait to become that lord's follower?"

Lieutenant General Pei Nan stood up abruptly by his words turning his face ashen.

"Watch your words!"

Lieutenant General Pei Nan walked away.

However, when he opened the door and wanted to go out, he was stunned by the scene at the door.

"No one is allowed to leave this room during this special period." The leading guard stopped him coldly.

"You—" Lieutenant General Penan's face twisted and twisted.

At this moment, Argos' voice came from behind him: "Until a solution is found, none of us can go out this door."

Argos' footsteps were getting closer and closer, and when he felt that his body was behind him, Lieutenant General Penan stiffened. He saw a big hand stretched out from behind him, and that hand was slow. placed it on the door, and in front of Lieutenant General Pei Nan, he slowly and forcefully closed the door again.

"You... are suspicious of me..." Lieutenant General Pei Nan said in a low voice, every word seemed to come out of his teeth.

"No, it's not just you, everyone here is the object of my suspicion, including Lieutenant General Yoran." Argos said, his eyes fell on Lieutenant General Yoran, and he sat solemnly in the original In his seat, Yoran ignored his gaze.

"Including Ode..." Argos's eyes then fell on Dean Aode at the end of the conference table, but Dean Aode had to look back coldly.

The corners of his mouth curved up slightly, and Argos finally pointed to his chest: "Including myself."

"So everyone can't leave until a solution is found."

"After all, this is my responsibility~"

Although his tone was smiling, everyone who heard his words trembled in their hearts.

In addition to the dean of the Imperial Military Academy, Argos was also the commander of the Imperial Guard. Among all the legions, the Imperial Guard had the smallest number, but it was also the most famous and powerful.

Fierce name.

Being separated from all legions, monitoring other legions, and interrogating suspects at any time without an arrest warrant... It can be said that what everyone in the military is most afraid of meeting is anyone who is related to this legion!

Eagle Dog Group - only under the command of the marshal, the Imperial Guard is the most special existence in the military. The guard who just stopped Lieutenant General Penan at the door was wearing the guard's white uniform.

It is ironic that he is a bloody executioner, but his uniform is spotless white!

Lieutenant General Pei Nan twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally turned around and returned to his position.

Seeing him go back, Argos also smiled and sat back to his place, his right hand supported his chin again, and his left hand continued to draw on the electronic screen.

Dean Comello leaned his back against the back of the chair.

He also wanted to go out just now. The whereabouts of the two children were unknown during the incident, and he was certain that he was temporarily unstable. But fortunately he didn't go out, otherwise the embarrassing one would be replaced by Pei Nan.

General Condon can't be in trouble, let alone the marshal! They only disappeared for three hours, and the atmosphere in the military suddenly became tense.

Just now, Lieutenant General Yoran and Dean Argos (in the military ranks and dean of the college, calling each other's college title will make the other party happier) both mentioned "that lord", although they did not call him by his first name, but Anyone in the room knows who "that lord" refers to.

Today's empire does not have an emperor, and the marshal is the owner of the highest authority in the empire. However, this highest authority is not only granted to one person, but there is also a person in the empire who is on an equal footing with Marshal Rothsay.

"That old man"...

The separation of military and government, Marshal Rothsay holds the military power of the empire, while the other person controls the administrative power of the empire. On the surface, the two seem to be well watered, and the difference is clear, but the contradictions are getting bigger and bigger in the dark.

The days of peace have been too long, and the power of the military is not as awe-inspiring as it used to be.

The Doran Offa Military Academy has always been famous for cultivating civilian soldiers. Its military capability has always been at the bottom of several famous military academies, and the military department is more focused on soldiers with stronger military capabilities. In this case, it is no wonder that Pei Nanzhong Will immediately thought of asking Pender for help.

Maybe that thought appeared in his mind as early as the moment it happened

Compared with His Excellency the Marshal, who doesn't value himself, maybe "that lord" is a better place to go

It's no wonder that Oran Daofa is becoming more and more disgusting. It's no wonder that such a spineless dean can stand up!

Comlo snorted coldly.

With the disappearance of the marshal and the general, the pleasant atmosphere of the past few days was like dewdrops, and the sun evaporated as soon as the sun rose. The two most prestigious seats on the conference table were empty, and they sat next to General Condon. Lieutenant General Yolan presided over the first military meeting since the incident.

For the students in the system, their task completion time is unlimited, but for the military ministers in the conference room at this moment, their time limit is actually only four days.

After four days, if the Marshal and General Condon are no longer found, the entire empire may be reshuffled!

"We are not experts on the internal situation of the system. In this regard, we must trust the capabilities of our colleagues in the technical department." After a long silence, Lieutenant General Yoran spoke again: "Before they find a technical solution, let us rule out the suspicion. people."

"The first suspect is me."


The freshmen of Imperial College, who had been pushed and shoved by Mugen before, and even slapped their face several times before waking up, finally woke up.

Since they were in the virtual system, they only retched for a long time. After the unpleasant energy was over, Kerry and the others found Mugan in the cockpit with their heads.

"Are you awake?" When they came over, Mugan was checking the coordinates of the spacecraft's current location. Seeing Kerry, Mugan greeted happily: "How do you feel?"

"...It's not good at all. I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel that my face is swollen." Kerry touched his face hesitantly.

^_^ Thinking that he seemed to slap Kerry a few times when he failed to wake him up earlier, Mugan could only laugh stupidly.

Temporarily setting the ship to automatic flight mode, Mugan and Kerry went to the rear cabin together.

"Report to the commander-in-chief! The students in our academy are almost here! Only the whereabouts of Brad's student from the battleship command department are unknown." When Kerry was looking for Mugan, Dobby had used his years of experience in raising cattle and was conscious of the location. number of people.

"What the hell is going on?" Domra also came over from behind.

"It's the last game now..." Muggan was thinking about Brad's whereabouts, and when he heard Domra's question, he decided to tell everyone what he had seen and heard so far.

"Rescue the kidnapped His Excellency Marshal Rothsay and General Condon, there is no time limit - who are these two people?" After reading the question again, Godot scratched his head.

"Sounds a little familiar." Kerry, who never reads political news, doesn't know any politicians, and is reversible in the music industry, also tilted his head.

"We have a rich man whose last name is Condon, but he's not a general..." Dobby added his opinion.

"囧////" Domra was dumbfounded when he heard the conversation of these people.

The ideal in the future is to join the army and become a glorious (money) mecha warrior. Domra is a rare child at this age who sees politics every day. He is no stranger to Marshal Rothsay and General Condon, who are extremely popular in the news.

"Marshal Rothsay is the current military marshal! And General Condon is the leader of the military after the marshal!" Domura was mad.

The three of them looked at Mugan in unison.

"Yes, on the first day of the league, the spokesperson for all the freshmen was Marshal Rothsay." Muggan added.

"But, isn't it a bit strange for such a task?" Godot thought for a while.

All of their previous missions were virtual, and no real characters had ever appeared. Now that two big real people in reality suddenly appeared, it always felt a little strange.

"And there is no time limit. This one is really very strange. Our last project is only four days away." Rubbing his face, Kerry also frowned.

"It doesn't matter, we just need to know that this is our mission. The instructor said that the duty of a soldier is to obey. No matter what kind of mission, the only thing we need to think about when we receive a mission is how to implement it."

Hearing Mugan's words, all the students nodded, not thinking about the unreasonable part of this competition, they focused their attention on how to complete the task.

"The first question before us is: I flew too far just now, and the Lander is about to run out of resources. In this case, what should we do!" Extending a finger, Mugen smiled awkwardly .

"Huh?!" Everyone was embarrassed.

The author has something to say: Thanks for the opinion of the great poet, these contents should actually be written together. Since people are out of town recently, the number of updated words cannot be much, so the separate writing does affect the reading experience to some extent. In addition, about Mugan's Goldfinger

To be honest, I don't really like the term Goldfinger.

Basically if a story says the protagonist Goldfinger, I won't open the book so for a long time, Mugen has been associated with Goldfinger, I'm a bit embarrassed

I have read everyone's comments, and what the Mao Mao Mao hat said is the most in line with the setting in my heart: this story is not the growth history of an ordinary teenager

Muggan is not one of those people who turns over from crap with a golden finger (I honestly don't understand this setting, and I don't think crap can really turn over)

This story tells the growth history of a man destined to become a legend in the future. It is Mugan's and Olly's. They will all put on their own colors in the era that belongs to them in the future.

Although the writing may not achieve that feeling, but I will take it slow and describe the stories I want to tell everyone bit by bit.

Mugan is a genius, though he doesn't think so.

Mugan was lucky, if he was unlucky, he would have died on that barren planet long before the robot uncles arrived, but luck is not his golden finger, because he has a lot of people who think "that guy is lucky" Your luck is an inevitable result of getting more help, and getting less help.

Mugan's character predestines him to give a lot and get a lot from others at the same time.


Simply talk about my own thoughts with everyone. In fact, I don’t really want to talk about this when the author has something to say. Instead of talking about myself, I hope everyone can get this feeling directly from the text.

However, due to the lack of pen power, sometimes I still have to communicate with you.

I learned a lot from your comments, thank you all.