There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 105: Tiger Landing


All the materials on the enemy warships are loaded on their own transport ships, and the enemies on the enemy warships... uh, all warships are unmanned. Facing the empty warships, Muggan asked his classmates to capture the brains on the warships.

"Why are there no enemies? The brains driving this warship are our enemies, Doug, please imprison all the brains on these warships in the small dark room." Morgan explained at the time.

"Okay." The student named Doug did not ask any questions and accepted the task silently. When he was about to leave, Mugan stopped him: "Don't torture the prisoners! You have to check their procedures regularly and brainwash them..."


"Well. Just brainwash them with the new military training manual, and let them read and write 10,000 times in the system every day."

"… OK."

"If you explain clearly, you can get out of the small dark room."

"… OK."

The conversation between the two children was very speechless, but—

After seeing that the student named Doug really "asked" a navigation map from the "little black room" intellectual brain, Lieutenant General Yoran's mouth opened slightly.

With the first "confessed" intellectual brain, there is a second one. These intellectual brains "confessed" their respective tasks and their navigation maps one by one.

Senior military officials: 囧! ! !

Is it still possible

From the facts "confessed" by the intellectual brains, the students of Imperial College have pieced together a complete mission and an increasingly complete navigation map.

"Continue to pursue the Colton Military Academy (78, 12, 60 in Galaxy 5) and Imperial College (49, 78, 11 in Galaxy 7)."

When Morgan read out this line of tasks, the entire conference room became extremely quiet.

The news they had always wanted to know about the freshmen of other colleges suddenly appeared like this!

In addition to the Imperial College, the students of the Colton Military Academy are still alive!

Everyone's spirits are lifted: they have prepared for the worst, and this is the first time they feel the existence of hope!

"Avery, you must find Aiwen..." With his hands folded in front of his chest, Dean Comlo couldn't help but say what was on his mind.

No one laughed at him, because at the moment everyone's thoughts were roughly the same as his.

As if hearing their voices, Di Zong's white transport ship turned around and started heading towards Galaxy 5, where the Colton Military Academy was located.


"Commander Ai Wen! The damage rate of our squad's mecha is 80%, and we can't hold on!"

The mechanical claw slashed the head of the enemy mecha with force, and before the mecha driven by Ai Wen landed, he heard a classmate's report of damage from the channel in the left ear.

"Back up, the support of the first team will be here soon." Ivan Comlo said in a deep voice, his feet also landed at the same time as he spoke, but at the moment when he landed, his body was tilted, and he moved to detect The system quickly checked itself, and Ai Wen's mind sank: He found that the left foot of his mecha was swept and broken by the enemy in the battle just now.

"Warning! The damage rate of the mecha is 35%, please repair it as soon as possible! Warning! The damage rate of the mecha is 40%, please repair it as soon as possible!" Ai Wen was stunned, looking back at the self-test results, he discovered that not only the left foot of the mecha, but also the mecha His right hand also broke two fingers when he just cut off the enemy's head!

As someone who uses the mecha hand (claw) part as an attacking weapon, the most important weapon is damaged by this level, which means that his fighting ability is halved next!

Like other freshmen, Aiwen fainted when he entered the system, and when he woke up, he found himself in a mecha. The panic is: they are on an unknown planet, fortunately: the mechs that each of them are driving are the ones used in the training process.

However, it was too late to let them know the situation, and a group of silver-white standard mecha attacked them immediately. Ai Wen and the others did not realize what was going on at first. Some students even tried to talk to each other, but the student Immediately dismembered by one of the opponent's mechas—

The students at Colton Military Academy fought back in panic.

The number of enemies was equal to them, but by being caught off guard at the beginning, they were wounded in many numbers in the initial fight. At this time, Ai Wen fulfilled his due responsibilities as a commander. Under his effective organization, Colton's resistance was very effective. However, there were a steady stream of supply battleships coming from behind the enemy, and on their side But there is always only oneself, the mecha is broken and there is no tool to repair, and the personnel are injured without proper medical treatment. As time progresses, their disadvantages become more and more obvious.

When Ai Wen found out that his mecha was damaged, his heart thumped, barely standing on his ankle, and then an enemy mecha attacked from the opposite side.

It's over - the moment he noticed the other party, these two words suddenly appeared in Ai Wen's mind. He blocked the three mechas by himself, and there were no other students around him except himself, that is to say, no one around could help him!

Facing the enemy, Ai Wen did not close his eyes. Raise your arms and cross your arms, the first form of standard fighting techniques - defensive style!

When making this action, a familiar and unfamiliar figure appeared in Ai Wen's mind.

After that game, he secretly tried the trick that Avery did to defeat him countless times in private. Although he never succeeded, it allowed him to practice the defensive style to an extremely proficient level.

Now, this trick has saved his life! Ai Wen abruptly used a defensive style to withstand the enemy's first attack, then the second time, and the third time!

However, his defensive style is not as proficient as Avery, and his mecha is not as specialized as Avery to strengthen the defense skills. By the fourth time, Aiwen heard the sound of his mecha shell cracking.

This time it's really over...

When this thought climbed into his mind, Ai Wen felt very lost for a moment.

However, he didn't have time to mourn. The enemy's third attack was not over, and before his left hand was retracted, the enemy's right leg had already been pulled up and swept towards his head!

It's time to rest - this is the last thought in Ivan's mind.

At this moment, a huge black mecha suddenly fell from the sky, forcibly blocking between him and the enemy mecha! Headless, thick like a mecha covered in a tortoise shell...

"Avery!" Ai Wen couldn't help but shouted the name of the mecha driver!


The metal collision produced a huge sound and sparks exploded in front of Ai Wen!

Perfect block!

At that moment, Ivan's ear seemed to sound the unique voice of the referee. He couldn't see the movements of the mecha in front of him, because the black mecha turned its back to him and stood in front of him in the form of a guardian, but in his mind he could clearly "see" each other's every move.

Ai Wen clearly "sees" how perfect the mecha is to resist the opponent's blow with all his strength, and then, at a wonderful angle, the elbow gently knocks out, this is the time!


This time, Ai Wen really saw the head of the opponent's mecha being neatly hanged by the black mecha!

"Ai Wen, you can rest now." A very gentle voice entered Ai Wen's ears through the mecha's channel.

Familiar and unfamiliar, it was Eli's voice.

Hearing this voice, Ai Wen's heart was relieved: it was none other than Ai Li, and Ai Li told him that he could rest.

The tension that had been tense for too long finally relaxed, and the pain that had been forcibly suppressed swept through his whole body.

"Ai Wen, stand up! You don't have time to rest! Even if you are a genius, there will always be people who are more talented than you in this world!" From childhood to adulthood, this was a sentence he heard most often.

"Your brother is a waste, you have to support this family in his place!" This sentence is also true.

I don't know if it was because of listening to it for a long time that these words really became part of his life purpose.

Ai Wen is always silent and hardworking.

He never thought of how talented he was, he just worked harder than everyone else; he also didn't think of Avery as a waste, and only he knew how delicious Avery's muffin tarts were.

The world of children is actually very cruel. Even Ai Wen often fought with others when he was a child, and he did not win every time. At this time, and only at this time, Aiwen would secretly envy other people. Although those who were beaten by him lost, they always had their elder brother standing in front of them to protect them and fight them back.

Only Aiwen had nothing. He didn't want to hurt Avery, and he couldn't tell his father what he had lost. He could only hold back his strength and find a way to fight back by himself.

Standing in front of Avery when he was a child, and now standing in front of other students, Ai Wen felt a little tired.

He was waiting for someone to let him rest, like a machine, he didn't dare to rest until no one allowed him.

Now, he finally heard this sentence.

Ivan finally fell.

However, instead of falling to the ground, he was caught by the black mecha in front of him. Quickly took Ai Wen's mecha back to the rear and handed him over to his classmates. Avery quickly returned to the battlefield and resolutely stood on Ai Wen's original position!

Looking at the huge white transport ship falling from the sky, the students at Colton Military Academy thought it was reinforcements from the enemy, and they fell into deep despair, until the black turtle-shell mecha jumped from it and blocked their command. In front of the long-driving mecha, the students realized that this transport ship was reinforcements from "own"!

"Long live!!!!" A huge cheer erupted from the tattered mech group of Colton Military Academy—


"Long live!" Outside the screen, in the conference room, Dean Comlo and several other generals couldn't help but let out soft cheers.

"Quiet." Lieutenant General Yolan stopped them softly, however, standing behind the people, with everyone's eyes on his back, Lieutenant General Yoran gently loosened his clenched fists.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.


"Student Henry, please lead the mecha maintenance department to quickly repair the mechas of Colton College; classmate Emma, please lead the medical department to treat the wounded..." Sitting in the cockpit, Morgan distributed tasks in an orderly manner. Looking at the situation on the field, he quickly issued two other passwords: "Student Dobby, please guide you and the other three mecha classmates to quickly guide all of Colton's mechas out of the battlefield. A large-scale clearing operation was carried out on the battlefield."

Along the way, they captured 18 enemy warships and two small transport ships. While capturing the brains on the ships, the Imperial College did not waste a bit. They also laughed at the things on the warships, and even the warships themselves were not wasted. While removing the brains, they left several battleships that could still be used and stuffed them into the transport ship. As for the weapons and equipment on the battleship, they tried their best to install them on the Lander. Today, the Lander is not only a ship The oil-rich transport ship has far more firepower than the silver-white warships used by the enemy to pursue the new students!

The mechas from the Colton Military Academy quickly evacuated. Those who could run ran by themselves, and those who couldn't were lifted away by Dobby and another mecha. They continued to fight, and all were taken over by Eli and Domra. Then, the muzzles of the huge white transport ship were aimed at the enemy mechs left on the battlefield... and the battleship behind them.

"Enemy's mecha, your allies have been controlled by us, and all the supply ships along the way have been captured by us. After three minutes, we will fire indiscriminately on the battlefield. Before that, you have three minutes to Surrender." Mugan said the surrender line he had memorized from the beginning.

"Raise your hands, which means surrender." Worried that these mechas could not understand, Mugen also described the standard posture of surrender.

Surrender to a group of mechas? Are Di Zong people stupid? - After climbing to the huge white transport ship, the new Colton students who felt safe were stunned: there was nothing in those mechas, they had already seen the mechas that were cut over before: it was empty inside Yes, these mechas are brain controlled!

The Coltons were dumbfounded.

Then, a scene that made them even more dumbfounded appeared:

After hearing Mugen's surrender words, a group of silver-white mecha looked around, and then—

They raised their arms.

When one of the mecha raised its arms, the right arm that had been broken during the battle fell to the ground, and looked around at the "colleagues" who were all holding two arms, the mecha quickly crouched He got down, grabbed the broken right arm with his left hand, and lifted it up together.

"Is this okay?" Facing such a scene, the Coltons were stunned.