There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 111: wave


At the moment of the explosion, everyone thought that everything was over, and the Minister of Technology even closed his eyes.

However, it was different from what they had imagined. After the Lander was destroyed by the No. 1 brain, the world it built really collapsed, but Mugen and the others were still alive, even if they hid in safety when the explosion occurred. recovery area, where all the students were able to return to the real world through the egg-shaped pods there.

"The egg-filled room at the mission destination is the recovery area for the source infection code, and if it could go into that area before it exploded, it shouldn't have been deleted."

"But it didn't go in."

"I really can't figure it out."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of most people, the Lander is just a piece of "infected" code, which itself is disordered. No one has time to think about an idea before the brain was deleted, and everyone is busy now: the technical and medical departments are busy removing His Excellency Marshal, General Condon and the students from the egg-shaped cabin; the military department Officials of the 1990s were busy stopping tasks in progress; staff in charge of league-related matters were busy calculating the final totals for the students of the various colleges; and others were racking their brains to come up with a happy reason for the accident.

They thought of many reasons, but they were all rejected by Marshal Rothsay.

"No need to explain, the mission that the brain came up with was great, wasn't it? It held a lot more competition than I thought at first!"

The first task is to work together to rescue the same subject. In this mission, each academy was assigned a corresponding mission, found out its own mission, completed its own mission, and then found its own companion, and together with the companion, everyone completed the final mission together.

For example, in this mission, the identities assigned to the Grando Military Academy and the Colton Military Academy are mech warriors, one for long-range attack and one for melee combat; the identity of the Imperial Military Academy is the battleship commander, Daolan Ao. The warships that the French Military Academy drove before they were hit were reconnaissance ships and medical ships; the Nina that the Horcy Academy was riding was a large transport ship commonly used in the army. Although these two academies were eliminated at the beginning of the game, it can be inferred from the weapons they were assigned: their original identities should be scouts, medical officers, and supply officers. Fortunately, the Imperial College filled their gaps in time, replaced their original tasks, and brought sufficient supplies to their comrades on the front line.

The first task fully examines all the knowledge the freshmen have learned in military training, and at the same time examines their ability to quickly enter the state and their ability to protect themselves - those who cannot enter the state in time and cannot protect themselves, at the beginning of the battle was eliminated.

The first task taught them the meaning of "self-preservation," while the second task taught these children the weight of "self-sacrifice."

Leaving the hope of life for his comrades, he resolutely blocked the enemy and bought more time for his comrades to escape. Who gets off the boat first? Who will stop the enemy? Who led everyone out

The children went through countless choices on their way to the second mission.

In these choices, they are fully aware of their own abilities and the abilities of their comrades-in-arms. I believe that I can buy more time for my comrades when I go out, and I believe that the comrades who leave have enough ability to lead everyone to the end...

Whether it is the person who actively chooses to sacrifice himself, or the person who shoulders everyone's last wish to go to the destination, they all bear great psychological pressure and tests.

It can be said that the final test of the second task is the word "trust".

Trust - is the basic character a soldier should have. Most people can only develop this character slowly through long-term relationships. These children have passed this test, and they already have a preliminary and vague meaning of these two words. know.

"A great game." Marshal Rothsay made an attribution for the last game.

The competition project created by the Lander was thus recognized by the military and became an official event held normally.

"The game was originally meant to be played this way." "The speech of Lieutenant General Goran is also part of the game." "The system is safe."

The truth was successfully concealed.

Mugan's Imperial College won the first place in the final competition.

Led the Imperial College to escape the enemy's attack smoothly, prepared sufficient supplies along the way, supported the trapped Colton Military Academy in time, found the coordinates of the base, and finally shouldered everyone's expectations and arrived at the recovery area on time, triggering the escape conditions, Leading everyone back to reality smoothly - the Imperial Comprehensive Academy represented by Mugan deserves to be the best performing academy in this competition!

Olivia's Imperial Military Academy was second.

The first to discover the location of the enemy's base, to command the enemy's base properly and finally to break through the enemy's camp, to successfully rescue His Excellency the Marshal and General Condon, and to sacrifice himself in the final evacuation operation to successfully cover Mugan's entry into the recovery area— Olivia and the Imperial Military Academy behind him contributed greatly!

All colleges have their own rankings and scores.

Even the Daolan Ofa Military Academy and the Horsey Military Academy, which were out at the beginning, also scored points, on the grounds that they "attracted the enemy's attention and bought more time for the Imperial College to escape."


These scores and rankings are the final results of the no longer-existing Lander after numerous judgments.

The military intelligence wiped out the existence of the Lander, but its judgment results were well preserved in the recovery area. The military eventually used its judgment.

Its verdict is very fair.

The scores of the last competition and the previous competitions are combined into the total score, and the results of this military training league are out: the Imperial Military Academy is again defending the championship, the Colton Military Academy is the second place, and the Imperial Defense Academy is the third place. , the first time I participated in the competition, I got started, and the Imperial College achieved a good fourth place!

Although it's not the top three, but it's not the bottom three, it's very good - Dean Aude expressed his satisfaction with this.

Not knowing that he almost passed by death, after all the competitions ended, all the academies were invited to the award banquet held by Marshal Rothsay.

The kids are so excited~

In previous competitions, only students with outstanding performance will be awarded military medals! Due to the high selection criteria, not a single student will receive this kind of medal in the tenth competition. These medals are serious military medals on record! It can be written in the award record, which will be good for promotion assessment in the future!

Sitting at the round table, the food on it was completely unable to attract the attention of these students. Everyone looked eagerly at the ceremony table in front of them, waiting for the emcee of ceremonies to announce the name of the honoree.

"...There are two medal winners this time, they are: Olivia - Imperial Military Academy; Mugan - Imperial Comprehensive College. Next, two medal winners are invited to appear on the stage."

The master of ceremonies finally announced the names of the medal recipients.

No one was surprised by the two winners. Amid the thunderous applause from the audience, Olivia and Mugan walked to the podium from the round table where their academies were located.

The two received two medals each.

One of them is the same, a golden medal named "Guardian of the Empire". This medal is a regular medal of the military and has always been awarded to soldiers who have contributed to the empire; the other is based on the performance of the two in the game. There is a difference: Olivia received the "Best Commander" medal, while Morgan received the "Best Driver" medal.

This kind of medal is the medal awarded to students by the previous military training leagues. According to the performance of the winners in the competition, the design is slightly different, and it is a unique medal in the entire empire.

Marshal Rothsay personally pinned the two medals to Olivia and Mugan's chest.

Bowing to His Excellency the Marshal, Mugen gently touched the "Best Driver" medal on his chest. This medal is designed to look like the Lander, and the two small wings are vividly carved. It wasn't how tattered it was when Mugan last saw it, but how brand new it was when Mugen first saw it.

Mugan suddenly felt a little hot in his eyes.

At this moment, the master of ceremonies announced that the two honorees could shake hands in celebration. Mugan hadn't reacted yet, and Ollie came over.

Without shaking hands, and pressing Mugan's head on his shoulders, Olivia directly gave Mugan a big hug!

Seeing this scene, the applause from the audience became even more enthusiastic! Someone even whistled.

The arm around Mugan tightened, and after giving Mugan a silent comfort, Olivia released him immediately.

Then he calmly stepped down.

His face was slightly red, and Mugen hurriedly bowed to Marshal Rothsay again, and was about to step down when Marshal Rothsay suddenly stopped him: "You, do you want to be my disciple? My spaceship is also driving. awesome!"

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was stunned!

This is the olive branch thrown by the marshal! ! ! OMG! Is this person so good that the marshal would like to teach him personally

Everyone held their breath.

In their opinion, no one will refuse the invitation of the marshal, no one!

However, in the face of an invitation that no one would refuse, Mugen scratched his head and shook his head after a while.

"No, I already have a great teacher." He, he, he he he actually refused the invitation of His Excellency the Marshal? !

Hearing Mugan say this, even General Condon couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Uh... Who is your teacher? Is it better than me?" Marshal Rothsay had no ill intentions, but seeing such a lovely and excellent child, he couldn't help but want to tease him.

Putting away his smile and raising his eyebrows slightly, His Excellency the Marshal deliberately put on a vicious look.

"My teacher is the head of the cuisine department of Imperial College. He can make delicious cookies. In my eyes, he is very good." Mugen answered honestly.

Hey? The head of the Imperial College... the Department of Cooking...? Isn't that... who is that

As a result, the eyes of all high-ranking military officials were directed at His Excellency the Marshal.

Marshal Rothsay: 囧! ! !


"Then... you're really better than me, dear boy, go down, there are cookies made by your teacher on the round table, eat more." He scratched his moustache embarrassedly, and Marshal Rothsay smiled heartily. At this moment, the last bit of haze in his mood disappeared.

Seeing the happy look of His Excellency the Marshal, all the senior military officials once again turned their attention to Muggan, who was a little nervous so he left the table with hands and feet: The highest compliment refers to what this child just said... Right

For His Excellency Marshal Rothsay, who loves his wife and madman, there is no compliment that can compare to complimenting his wife!

"This kid is a genius!"

At this moment, everyone thought so.


All the kids had the best meal they've had in a while.

After the award banquet, they left in the spaceships of their respective colleges. The white spaceship of the Imperial Comprehensive College where Mugen was located was the first to leave. After a half-day flight, they returned to the four-star military base where they had received three months of military training. .

Before landing on the hover car track for the first day of endurance testing, Instructor Frafetal gave them a slightly stiff smile.

"Your performance is very good. Next, let's carry out the last item of this military training."

He pointed to the runway behind him,

"Running back down here together, this is the last project."

"As ordered! Instructor—" the freshmen shouted in unison.

"This time I'll call the number." Instead of standing aside as usual during training, this time, Instructor Flaffeta stood beside the neat queue of students.

"When I was in my hometown, I also raised cattle!" With a defiant glance at Dobby, Instructor Flaffeta smiled again.

This time, his smile was more natural.

So, under the setting sun, on the first runway, all the students of Imperial College went through exactly the same training schedule as when they came here on the first day.

However, this time was different from the first time: from the starting line to the finish line, everyone lined up in a neat square team, and no one was left behind from beginning to end.

At the finish line, Instructor Frafetal took off his military cap and bowed deeply to all the students.

"Thank you everyone, this military training has ended successfully!"

In response to him, all the students of Di Zong bowed neatly.

For the students of Imperial College, the military career that many people only have in their entire lives is over, and many of them will not be engaged in military-related industries in their entire lives. precious time.

Everyone gains something during this time.

Mugan received a precious opportunity to meet Ollie and a medal;

The uncle has harvested a group of younger brothers (will come to the store regularly to buy buns in the future);

During this time, Avery gained his father's face and the courage to continue his life; Mary gained the boyfriend of the Imperial Defense Academy;

And Brad...

Harvested the reluctant Pigeon... one.

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