There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 121: Mermaid


Muggan’s trip this time includes three destinations, namely:

Anilara, Dori, and Barony.

After registering their travel plans yesterday, all received their entry schedule this morning.

"Good luck! You can go to Dori at nine o'clock in the morning today!" Boss Tony was very happy.

In order to ensure that the tourist destination will not be overcrowded, the Murdoch Tourism Board strictly implements the tourist restriction plan. Even if everyone has a plan in advance, they cannot determine the time when they can set foot on the tourist destination. This time is set by the Murdoch Tourism Board. It depends on the number of tourists and the plans of other tourists. If you are unlucky and catch up with the number of tourists, it may be possible to stay on the host planet for one day, and everyone's plans will be greatly disrupted.

"Yeah, the young couple who lined up behind us to register yesterday lived next to me. They lined up until 2 o'clock this afternoon." Boss Qiao from the vegetable store was also very satisfied.

After eating breakfast quickly, the group immediately boarded the hotel bus and headed to the port. The official ship of the Murdor Tourism Bureau was already waiting there. This is a small spaceship. Shop owners.

It's just a charter! 3,000 yuan is really worth it - everyone thought so!

The blue-and-white spaceship carried Mugan, Olivia's family, and their neighbors, and flew quickly and steadily.

"Dori - the hometown of the ocean. There, visitors can see seven shades of blue water, as well as a variety of sandy beaches, from the whitest and finest white sands of the Empire to those entirely paved with crystal. , the food that I have to eat here is called fruit smoothie, the red called fruit is sweet, the yellow called fruit is sour, sweet and refreshing. This kind of fruit is only available in the whole empire and cannot be transported to the outside world. Please be sure to taste this fruit in Dori..." Even in the spaceship, it is not boring, with a sweet smile, the official guide of the Tourism Bureau began to explain the tourist attractions to the tourists.

Just hearing the pictures depicted in the explanation makes people fascinated-

Before getting off the spacecraft, everyone's expectations for Dori are getting higher and higher!

Dori was a new planet that joined the Murdor galaxy last month, and Mugan and the others were the first tourists to visit here.

"This newly developed scenic spot is the best! We are really lucky." Listening, Boss Tony couldn't sit still. He pulled out a pair of floral pants from his luggage. He wanted to change it now.

Just as everyone was more and more eagerly eager, the blue planet finally appeared in front of them. As the spacecraft broke through the atmosphere and got closer to the sea, the incredible beauty of this planet finally appeared in everyone's eyes. in front of you!

"(*@ο@*) Wow!" Qi Qi stuck to the window and looked out, both Mugan and Olivia were amazed.

The spacecraft finally landed on a vast white sand beach. When the tourists couldn't wait to run out, the spacecraft instructor smiled and said goodbye to everyone. Before leaving, she gave the last explanation for everyone: "In addition, anyone coming Compared with the people of Duoli, you must have heard of another title of Duoli - the land of mermaids!"

"Yes! As a planet with 75% of the world's ocean area, Dori has the largest number of mermaids in the world! Among them, the golden mermaid is the smallest number of mermaids. It is said that people who have seen golden mermaids have a lifetime of It will be very smooth and happy!

And the person who sees the pink mermaid will fall in love immediately~”

"But please pay attention: the mermaid here is forbidden to take pictures, please don't take pictures of the mermaid many miles away, thank you."

Putting the luggage in the hotel, changing into swimsuits as quickly as possible, everyone ran to the beach without any delay—

Morgan is the fastest runner! Olivia followed closely beside him.

Mermaid! ! ! The legendary mermaid!

Mugan immediately thought of the mermaid princess picture book he had seen as a child.

"I'm looking forward to it! Ollie, my hometown also has mermaids! Maybe the mermaids here are relatives!" Mugen said to Olivia in an expectant tone while running.

As an earthling who has never lived on earth, Mu Xiaogen he, he...

He took fairy tales seriously.


The warm sun had spread all over the beach, and they ran in the direction of the trees. There is only one kind of tree here, and that is called the fruit tree. This kind of fruit tree has always only grown on the beach by the sea. It can be said that where there are trees, there is the sea. This has long been found out. Just landed and found the beach.

Then, they saw the mermaid.

Everyone was silent.

"Uh... This is your relative..." Olivia was stunned when she saw the "mermaids" on the beach tanning their belly together.

The beach is very beautiful, the thin white sand beach is like sugar; the fruit tree is also very beautiful, the long leaves are fluttering in the wind, like a veil; the blue sky, white clouds, the blue sea, the thin white beach and the pieces The tall fruit trees form a heavenly picture—

If you ignore the mermaids on the beach.


"No wonder they weren't allowed to take pictures!" Olivia suddenly said: "If this kind of photo spreads out, it is estimated that no one will come."

Mugan... there is no way to refute his words!

It's completely different from what Mugan imagined: the mermaid here is not the kind of mermaid with a human upper body and a beautiful fish tail, but upside down.

The upper body of the fish, plus the two small human legs, lying on the beach with their belly spread out, these mermaids seem to be enjoying themselves.

However, their appearance is seen by tourists, and it is... so awkward...

Mugan: These are definitely not my relatives…

= =,,,

At this time, the elderly with slower legs and feet also arrived.

"Aren't mermaids all like this?" Boss Tony didn't understand Mugen's excitement at all. Although mermaids are now very rare creatures, they shouldn't let this kid run over in such a hurry, right

"Muggan thought that the merman should have a human upper body and a fish tail." Unfolding the large towel that he had been holding, Olivia motioned for the old people to sit down.

"How is that possible? How can there be such a mermaid? The reason why the mermaid's tail turns into a human's leg is to make it easier to walk. It's unscientific to keep the tail." Boss Tony smiled.

These mermaids are not afraid when they find someone coming. This place has just been developed as a scenic spot. They haven't been in contact with many humans yet, and they don't mean to hide when they see people. Probably Mugen and their slender legs are looking at themselves. In the same way, this made them treat Mugen and the others as their own kind, and even some mermen gave them a place to make room. In that way, they actually signaled them to bask in the sun with themselves.

"Thank you." Mugan was one of the places that was given up. Habitually thanked the other party, spread a large towel on the beach, and motioned for his family to come and sit.

It hasn't been a long time since the Sunshine Star has risen, the sea is still a little cold, and a group of people didn't go into the water immediately. Mrs. Bayati bought a lot of fruit sand ice, one for each person. Everyone sat on the beach and quietly enjoyed this piece of ice. Beautiful sandy beach.

"After I get used to it, I think they look very beautiful~" Looking curiously at the mermaids around, Mugen said suddenly.

Everyone but Robots: There's definitely something wrong with this kid's aesthetics! ! !

In the knowledge of the imperial people, mermaids are indeed very precious, because they are extremely rare, but they are definitely not beautiful.

They are an evolving creature that cannot fully become human, or even be called intelligent.

Asking for a tattered picture book from under Sigma's belly, Mugan showed everyone the image of the little mermaid he had seen.

"The mermaid on our side is like this." The upper body is a beautiful woman, and the lower body is a seductive fish tail. Even though Mugan showed a children's picture book, everyone still felt the beauty of this creature.

"Imagine it is very beautiful, it would be great if the mermaid really looked like this." Carefully holding the worn-out picture book and looking at it, Mrs. Mi yearned for it.

"There used to be such a mermaid." Suddenly a voice interjected, and Mugen looked back, but it was the owner of the funeral shop - Canaan.

Since the family never used anything from the funeral shop, Mugen had the least dealings with this old gentleman. Mr. Canaan should be very old, his tall figure is a bit hunched, his back is a bit hunched, but his waist is still Habitually straight.

"The females of Kantas are said to be such mermaids."

"Kantas? Are there any females in Kantas?" Miss Maya, the owner of the dessert shop, turned her head and listened.

"There are archaeological discoveries, but long ago, due to geographic isolation, the females and males of Cantas were finally reproductively isolated, and they were no longer a species. The Cantas we know now are all males, no Female." Mr. Canaan continued.

"Oh! I remembered, Canaan, you have been subscribing to the journal "Paleontological Research"!" But it was the bookstore owner Ake who slapped him.

Powerful and beautiful is the unified impression left by Kantas to the world, but all the human-shaped Kantas that appear in front of people are all so beautiful that they do not resemble human beings. If there really exists a female Kantas with a human upper body and a fish lower body, then ... Must be a peerless beauty, right

Everyone was fascinated.

"Muggan, you said that the mermaid in your hometown, you might be the offspring of the female Cantas." Finally, Mr. Canaan came to this conclusion.

"Uh... but I'm a male... a boy." Glancing at the blue swimming trunks on his lower body, Mugen smiled awkwardly. "Moreover, the people in our place are all evolved from the ape species."

After entering the Imperial College, Mugen also came into contact with the ethnological evolution here, and gradually learned about the racial classification here, and also understood that a human like him who cannot be turned into a prototype is a "weak" with weak genes. .

Humans are all evolving in a better direction. For Earth people, the shape of human beings is much more developed than that of ape-man, so there is no need to change back after evolution. For other species, the shape of human beings has the shape of human beings. Advantages, and the advantages of the original shape are also very large, they can change between the two shapes, which is the choice of genetic evolution.

Although he knew that his race was weak, Mugan was not discouraged at all. For his own race, he did not hide the meaning of it at all.

"...Not like." Who knows, Mr. Canaan didn't let him go: "You don't look like a monkey, you must be the cub of some powerful creature that hasn't learned the way of prototype transformation. Tas."

"How is that possible? Where can Kantas have black eyes? Although their scales are black when they grow up, their eyes are blue-green or gold." Bookstore owner Ake usually reads a lot. He immediately refuted the Canaan boss: "And the kid Mugan doesn't look alike, but Olivia looks a bit like Kantas."

"You said that... This kid really looks a bit like."

With a word from Boss Ake, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Olivia, who was lying on Muggan's leg, eating a smoothie and reading the album.

"Huh?" Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Olivia raised her head in confusion. Concentrating on the story of the little mermaid, he didn't hear what everyone was talking about.

Everyone: Although this child is good-looking, he looks so stupid... Impossible!

"Hey~ it would be great if Olivia was Kantas, then he will definitely be able to help me get the autograph of Lord Nashkiel!" I thought it was impossible, but the owner of the clothing store, Miss Maria, still sighed. a sentence.

"It's time to go into the water!" Just when she was about to say something, the mother-in-law of the cold drink shop beside her (← That's right, mother-in-law Maria is Miss Maria's grandmother Zeng Zeng Zeng) suddenly stood up, After taking off the big towel around her, the old lady ran towards the sea with a swiftness that was completely inconsistent with her age.

Encouraged by her spirit, everyone cheered, faced the sea, and ran away.