There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 125: White house


Dolly Planet Angel Island District One

This is the holy place in the hearts of all the beach lovers of the universe.

The white sand beach is the symbol that distinguishes the blue sky and the sea. When you stand on the beach and soak your feet in the sea, you will be confused by the scene in front of you.

Where is the sky? Where is the sea

Can't tell the difference at all...

This feeling is especially acute when you are diving.

The sea and the sky are the same color, which is the coast of the first district of Angel Island.

"I always feel like I've been here before." Boss Joe from the vegetable store said the same sentence over and over several times.

"But how is that possible? It is said that only big people can come here. How can I, a vegetable seller, be qualified to come here..." But every time he was the first to overthrow his statement.

"But it still looks familiar? Have I really never been here before?" I don't know if watching the sea and sky for a long time will make people insane. In short, after coming here, Boss Qiao's senile amnesia seems to be a little worse. .

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"Remember to take your medicine!" Sitting next to him, Mrs. Bayatti handed him a medicine bottle with a blank expression. As the doctor accompanying the tour group (self-designated), Mrs. Bayati is very conscientious. She knows what's wrong with all the neighbors. She brings medicines for the symptoms. The medicines she brings are enough for everyone to eat all the way.

"Oh... I haven't taken my medicine today?" Boss Qiao swallowed another medicine in his stomach, and continued to sit on the beach to bask in the sun.

"Grandpa Qiao, shall I apply sunscreen for you?" But Mugen ran over: "Uncle just bought me a big bottle of sunscreen, shall we apply it together?"

Boss Qiao said yesterday that he ran out of sunscreen and planned to buy it today, but unfortunately he forgot it the next day. Mugan’s sunscreen has also been used up, but the uncle at home is not worried. The uncle dutifully bought a large bottle of sunscreen early this morning. It is said that it is made from local special plant extracts, and the sunscreen and whitening effect is particularly good - Ollie Wea was born with a tan and couldn't tell. Mugen had tanned five degrees during this time, and the uncle felt it necessary to whiten him.

"Oh, thank you, little Mugan, I said I seem to have forgotten something." The old man rolled over and lay down comfortably to let Mugan apply sunscreen to himself. When Mugan finished applying it, he Also painted Mugan again.

After applying it here, Mugen quickly grabbed the sunscreen and went to Olivia. The sunscreen at home was used up, and Oli didn't apply it today!

When Mugen arrived, he happened to bump into the scene where Olivia was thrown out by Mother-in-law Maria.

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"Oli, have you lost again?" Crouching next to Olivia's head, Mugan looked at him condescendingly and sympathetically.

Olivia jumped up from the sand in no time!

"Continue!" If Olivia is the prototype now, it must be a little chirp with high fighting spirit!

"I'm going to show off a swimsuit! Such a beautiful swimsuit will only make you one cub look bad!" With her chest up, Mother-in-law Maria showed Mugan and the others her new swimsuit—Miss Maria's belt I have bought N sets of swimsuits, each set is a parent-child style matching the great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother!

"We'll continue tomorrow." After leaving a sentence, Mother Mary happily ran away.

So only Mugan and Olivia were left at the scene.

"Oli, you've improved so fast." Seeing that Olivia was a little frustrated, Mugan began to comfort him.

"At the beginning, Mother-in-law Maria couldn't resist a single face-to-face. Now, you should be able to resist three moves, right?" Mugen carefully gave an estimated number of moves.

Then he found Olivia even more frustrated.

Silently stretched out two fingers, Olivia slumped listlessly on the beach.

"Uh... are there only two moves? Two moves are not bad."

Muggan then took Olivia's position and lifted his arm to apply sunscreen to him.

Fighting has never been Olivia's forte: since he was a child, he's been a slender person. He would rather use his brain than move his arms and legs. In addition, his mechanical operation ability is also good, whether it is weapon operation or mecha operation, he is very strong.

Even though Olivia didn't have a cold heart with Argos at all, he knew that Argos was a very powerful person.

From Argos, he learned a science called domination: to be a leader, to command others to fight according to their own will. A group of people is more powerful than a single person!

And now he has met Mother-in-law Maria.

Although Mother-in-law Maria is just an old lady who sells cold drinks, although she looks very old and dying, Olivia still knows that she is a strong man!

One power down ten sessions! He saw the importance of personal force in Granny Maria!

Just like the day before yesterday, Olivia was greedy and wanted to eat more cold drinks, but Mrs. Bayati said that he couldn't eat cold drinks after taking the medicine. Mugen and Mengmeng finally did not carry Olivia's sweet words and smuggled away. A big cup of ice cream was given to him, and the others were persuaded by Olivia to decide to let him go. Who knew that when they received the ice cream and were about to dig a spoon, they were caught by Mother Maria.

After that, it was useless to let Mugen and Mengmeng stop him, Olivia was mercilessly pressed on her thigh and spanked by mother-in-law Maria. Under the coercion of Mother-in-law Maria, the others did not dare to say a word at all!

The glass of smoothie was finally eaten by Mother-in-law Maria.

The strength of personal force is so important!

Mugen and Mengmeng are their staunch supporters! But they can't beat Mother Maria! Although Boss Tony and the others decided to cover up for themselves at first, once they encountered an enemy that was too strong to suppress, the gang of grasshoppers (hey) immediately fell to the enemy's side!

Intellectual and physical strength must be fully developed!

Ollie has an epiphany (Hey! Eat an ice cream, how serious is it orz)

"Oli, you have abs!" Olivia was swearing secretly in her heart, unexpectedly being touched twice on her belly.

"Why, why are you touching someone's belly!" Grabbing Mugan's paw, Olivia shrank her belly, and the chocolate line on her belly became more obvious.

"Touch your abs." The person who wiped the oil was very upright, but Olivia was embarrassed to stop it.

"The last time I put sunscreen on you, it wasn't so obvious." Mugan put the sunscreen on Olivia and looked at his belly: Although he also had abs, it didn't look like Olivia. So obvious.

"Fighting with mother-in-law Maria is heavy physical training! She is not very tall, but she is actually very heavy!" The last sentence involved a woman's most intimate weight issue, Olivia said in a low voice.

"Male's abdominal muscles are very important, as is waist strength." Mother-in-law Maria said to him a few days ago. She didn't understand the true meaning of this sentence at all. Olivia used it to educate seriously. Mugan.

After the education, he also poked Muggan's belly: not hard on himself.

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Suddenly a little happy


The days on Angel Island are really very leisurely. The tourists here are only their tour groups. In the past few days, this beach has become the exclusive beach of Aidori Commercial Street. Everyone is very happy.

The elderly have activities for the elderly, and the young have games for the young. During this time, Olivia, Mugan, and Sigma have taken one-third of the beach away when they weren't fighting with Mother-in-law Maria.

Sigma doesn't like water, so when Olivia and Mugan are swimming, he'll bask in the sun beside Boss Joe.

There is plenty of sunlight here, and Sigma has been using solar power all this time, and no additional charging is required.

After exploring the beaches of Area 2 and Area 3, I felt that the best beach was still Area 1, so Mugan and Olivia finally settled on Area 1.

Area 1 is also very large, and the ones near their holiday cabins are only a very small part of it. There are various forms of living in Area 1. In addition to the original log cabins that Mugan and the others chose to live in, there are also space capsule versions, luxury villa versions... and even the most primitive stone shack version. In a word, only you can't think of it. Yes, there is none here.

There is a very, very, very luxurious white building near Mugan's log cabin (← it is said to be nearby, but it is actually very far away), Mugan is a douchebag, and he can no longer describe the beauty of this building in words. Olivia, who was a little more advanced, was another bumpkin and sighed at the building for a long time, but they had no intention of approaching.

Hidden in the tall trees, the white round platform at the highest point of the building was very eye-catching, and finally turned into a lighthouse for Mugan and the others to find the direction of the hotel.

On this day, Olivia and Mugan went diving together again.

Secretly envious of Mugan's bronzed skin, Olivia said that she was a little tired and wanted to sleep, so she climbed ashore and basked in the sun.

He didn't want to sleep, but the sun was very sunny, even if he had sunglasses, his eyes were squinted, and they were completely covered. Since this time, he has become accustomed to sleeping with the prototype, and there are only Aidori's neighbors around. Everyone, they have all seen their own prototypes, and without any precautions, Olivia fell asleep furiously.

The sun was kissing Xiaomaojiu's belly fiercely, and the sun was baking his fur. As for the skin under fur... Sorry, the fur is too thick to be exposed to the sun.

Bronze skin seems to be out of touch with Ollie today~

Mugan is a swimmer. After saying goodbye to Olivia, he swam happily in the sea alone. Many of the fish in this area are very familiar to him. With these fish, Mu Xiaogen is not at all. not lonely!

At this moment, Mugen suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The good "fish" friends around him suddenly became excited!

What's wrong with Big Tooth - Mugan looked strangely at the biggest fish.

This kid actually named the new fish he knew. He really knelt down or swam with the excited Big Tooth, and Mugen saw the little Mao Jiu who was struggling desperately on the water!

Ollie! ! !

Thank you, Big Tooth!

Touching the big mouth of his "fish" friend, Mugan swam towards Olivia who fell into the water like an arrow.

The "big tooth" who was holding his mouth: ... I actually want to go to have a meal.


Knowing nothing about Big Tooth's thoughts, Mugan thought that Olivia had re-entered the water at this time, and then he didn't know why he drowned, the reason was not important, the only thing he needed to do at the moment was to save Oli!

But "Oli" struggled so hard that Oli never touched him. Mugan never knew Oli's strength was so great.

There is no way to get close to each other...

No way, Mugan decided to use the only method that can successfully suppress the other party and take the other party away: he knocked "Oli" unconscious.

The fainted Ollie finally stopped rejecting his approach, grabbed a small wing, and with the help of the buoyancy of the sea water, Muggan successfully brought Olly ashore.

However, after getting on the shore and seeing the whole body of the Xiao Maojiu he rescued, Mugen was dumbfounded: This "Oli" is not Oli!

Although it was obvious that the one he rescued was of the same breed as Ollie, the hair was not silvery white like Ollie's, but the white fur was mixed with some gray fur.

At first, he thought it was dirty, and Mugen wiped it for him, but after it couldn't come off, he was sure it was some gray hair.

It looks dirty, but it's not as beautiful as Ollie - Mugan's shoes are eccentric without knowing it.

After being tossed by Mugen for a while, the drowning Gray Mao Jiu finally woke up.

"Chirp?" Getting up from the ground, he called out to Mugen.