There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 127: Mr Seather


After everyone left, the man sat beside the cub's crib and watched silently for a while.

The little mouth of the cub was chirping. It didn't know what it was doing in the dream, and it made a thin "chirp" sound from time to time. The man stood up, adjusted the lights in the room to a dim, sleep-friendly level, and turned to leave.

Instead, he came to the game room.

The same playroom, one everywhere the cubs will live, and all the play facilities that are popular outside here are custom-made versions of the Kantas cubs, plus some that don't exist at all facility.

He has a total of 372 such game rooms in various places.

A penny of the money for building the game room did not go into the imperial budget and was entirely supported by private financial resources.

To outsiders, this is at best an extremely luxurious playroom, but it is not: this is the study room of the Cantas cubs.

Each game corresponds to an ability, and the cubs complete the purpose of learning and exercise at the same time in the game.

No matter how busy the government is, he will not forget to check the homework of each cub.

Knowing his habit, the third assistant who stayed in the imperial capital had already passed on the "achievements" of the other cubs to his brain in the old days.

Sitting on the Thunder Dragon-shaped seesaw, looking at the "report card" marked with the name of each cub, the man's brows became tighter and tighter.




Totally failed! ! !

The corners of his mouth twitched when he saw the relevant report of the last cub, and he finally turned off the brain interface with a blank expression.

Compared to the Kantas cub data from hundreds of years ago, these cubs are in terrible shape!

For a man whose race is the greatest pride in life, nothing disappoints him more than realizing that his race is going backwards!

There was no expression on the face of the chief executive of the Imperial Ministry of Government - Cissesiri Luo Nashkiel, his eyebrows did not even wrinkle, only familiar people knew: this was his expression of extreme anger.

Born in the most prosperous era of Kantas, I have seen the power of Kantas in that era.

There were so many Kantas cubs at that time!

Although the number is still small compared to other species, but compared to later, Kantas was at its peak at that time!

strength! wisdom! right!

Nothing is the pinnacle.

However, there is an invisible power somewhere, and which power is strong to a certain extent, that power will suddenly appear, weaken or even obliterate that prominent power, forcing the whole world to become balanced again.

Like any ruling race in the long history of the universe that has been obliterated by the times!

In that explosion, the Empire lost not only their emperor, but countless fine Kantarians, but also "nearly lost their ability to breed.

After the explosion, the already low reproductive capacity of the Kantas was reduced again.

The fertility rate is getting lower and lower, and the hatching rate is getting lower and lower. Even if the cubs are barely hatched under the support of various high-tech, the quality of the newly born cubs is getting lower and lower.

The chief researcher of Kantas' breeding department handed in a report in horror: There is a problem with Kantas' genes.

The strongest species of the past are dying, their genes will become weaker from generation to generation, and when they combine with other races, their genes will be replaced by other races. Kantas will slowly withdraw from the stage of history and disappear into this world without a sound. , to make way for the coming next race of cosmic rulers.

All researchers involved in this report were wiped out by Nashkiel.

That year, Nashkiel resigned from his promising military post to enter the Empire's civilian system and become a politician.

To maintain the racial image and status of Kantas in the public, various relevant laws and regulations have been issued, and at the same time, it has vigorously supported various researches on Kantas gene repair.

As the most powerful and heavy species of Kantas, the humanoid appearance is a standard beautiful man, personable, and Nashkiel has a very good reputation among the people.

In the power system of the empire, he has already stood faintly at the top of the pyramid.

In the past 100 years, he has shown less and less to the public. Some people say that he is ill and recuperating, and some people say that he has put all his energy into cultivating the next generation of successors... All kinds of speculation, who would have thought that he would appear like this now. On a leisure travel planet, with a small cub.

The performance of the cubs made him extremely disappointed, but Nashkiel was Nashkiel after all. He quickly controlled his emotions and remembered the only cub who had not checked and followed him.

Connecting his brain to the control system of the game room, he quickly got the result of Pullencourt.

His eyes widened instantly—

Strength item rating: 20!

Agile Project Rating: 20!

Speed Project Rating: 20!

Brain Project Rating: 20!

All items have reached the highest level of the currently set range! This this…

how can that be

There was ecstasy in Nashkiel's eyes for a moment, but he soon came to his senses: of course it was impossible.

He knows the level of Pullencourt. At present, he can reach level 13 at most in the strength item, and it is not bad that the others can pass level 11. Pronguli's body is relatively healthy among this batch of cubs, but his physical fitness is not outstanding.

What the hell is going on here

Squinting his eyes, Nashkiel gently touched his chin.


"Before, I felt that I was very pitiful to be thrown into the orphanage, but now it seems that it would be even more pitiful not to be thrown to the orphanage." Walking on the beach, Olivia groaned.

"Well, if you hadn't been thrown away, Oli, my dad and uncle wouldn't have been able to meet Oli." Walking beside him, Mugan smiled.

Looking at Mugan's smiling face, Olivia coughed softly, then nodded.

Compared with the local tyrant fat man locked in the white house, he felt that the children who made the buns were happier!

No, after talking to Uncle Alpha, the adults ignored them, and Mugan and Olivia Saya went to the sea to play.

They went to the sea area they went to yesterday, the sea in front of the beach where Olivia basked in the sun yesterday. They did not go to the sea area in front of the white house.

For some reason, Olivia always felt that the sea was enclosed (← is actually a monitoring system).

Mugan felt the same way and didn't want to disturb people, and even though they met new friends yesterday, they didn't cross the line.

The two well-behaved children played their own games in the sea area where the White House sphere of influence played.

"Caught a big fish!" He spat out a mouthful of sea water, and Mugan's big head came out of the sea. He didn't come up empty-handed, but was holding a big fish half a meter long!

"It must be delicious, let's bake it!" Mugan looked at Olivia expectantly.

Hearing his words, Olivia's expression became more tangled:

Although the fish in Mugen's arms is quite fat, it is colorful, with thorns on its body, and a small lantern-like thing on its head...

Such a weird appearance, I don't want to eat it when I see it! ! !

How did Mugan think it would be delicious! thump the ground—

In my heart, it was like thousands of thunder dragons ran past, but Olivia looked very happy to Mugen.

"Let's bake and see!" If it doesn't taste good, eat it all by yourself! The big deal is to go back to Mrs. Bayati for stomach medicine!

Olivia made up her mind to sink the boat.

At this moment, they accidentally saw a gray fur with small wings on the beach.

"Tweet! Tweet!" Gray Mao shouted happily.

Mugan couldn't move while holding the fish, so Olivia raised her hand and waved at Chubby.

Chubby's wings fanned even more cheerfully~(≧▽≦)/~

He has been calling for a long time, but unfortunately Mugan and Olivia who are playing crazy have not heard. He wanted to go down to find them, but, but he couldn't swim, or he walked on the beach for a long time, mentally prepared to go to the sea several times, but after a wave wetted Mao Mao, the little gray hair immediately jumped again in fright on shore.

"Hello, little fat!" Olivia greeted him wetly jumping out of the sea.

"Little Fatty, hello, eh? Uncle Hello!" Mugen came up right behind him, but he immediately noticed that there was not only Fatty, but also a man on the shore.

He said hello instinctively.

The man was standing under the tree before, probably just came over, Olivia saw him too, but he didn't say hello.

"Hey! This guy is obviously an old man! Should we be more appropriate to call Grandpa?" Turning slightly, he whispered to Mugen.

"Hey? Will it?" Mugen was stunned.

"I'm the guardian of Pronguli, you can just call me Cisse. Grandpa or something... You don't have to." Looking at Olivia and Mugan with a smile, the blond man obviously heard the whispers of the two .

"Hello, Cisse!" Without being embarrassed to be caught, Olivia cheerfully greeted him.

The man named "Cisse" then laughed.

He is a very good-looking man with extremely detailed facial features, but he does not give off a sense of femininity at all. Mugan and Olivia have a good first impression of him.

"Yo! Isn't this "Pracon"? They usually live in relatively deep seas. Did you go to the deep sea? "Cisse saw the fish in Mugan's arms at a glance.

"No, Ollie and I were playing in the sea just now, and this fish was chasing a sea snake. It just caught the sea snake and didn't notice me at all, so I caught it!" Mugan answered him honestly.

This fish was not of any kind he knew at all, and the reason why he caught it was out of curiosity.

"...It looks fat and big and delicious. Ollie and I plan to use it to make grilled fish and eat it together?" Mugan sent an invitation very enthusiastically.

Then, he saw a very strange expression on the face of Cisse on the opposite side.

"Can't Prakang be eaten?" Thinking of a possibility, Mugen was stunned for a moment, and upon hearing this, Olivia immediately slapped the fish out of his arms.

Seeing the two small actions, Cisse coughed: "It's not that you can't eat it, no, I mean that Prakang's meat can be eaten, but it really can't be eaten."

Mugan and Olivia tilted their heads at the same time.

Seeing the same behavior of the two teenagers, Cisse smiled: "Placon is a second-class protected fish in the Empire, an endangered species, and it is not allowed to be eaten by law."

"Ah! This is it!" Mugen suddenly realized.

Looking down at the fish on the sand, he carefully picked it up again, and threw it into the sea with a hula—

How rude - the three Kantas present thought at the same time.

Drawing a perfect arc in the air, the Prakang finally fell into the water.

Presumably it will never come to the sea again in this life  ̄▽ ̄

"Because of my reasons, the snacks that caused you are gone. In order to apologize, can you accept my invitation to go to my house for dinner?" The expressions of the two teenagers were one of reluctance and the other full of happiness. With their faces juxtaposed, he smiled and issued an invitation.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Mugen was stunned.

"Please accept, this is also to express gratitude to you for saving Plunkuli yesterday."

Looking at each other, Morgan and Olivia finally nodded.

"Chirp!" Little Fatty - that is, Pullencourt chirped happily.

After walking through the long beach, they once again stood in the luxurious white house, but this time instead of hiding in the kitchen, they sat upright in the owner's luxurious dining room!

A uniformed waiter stood beside everyone to serve, and another waiter filed out from behind carrying various trays. Mugan and Olivia were stunned by the standard of reception they received.

The trays were opened one by one. Seriously, Olivia was really worried that the trays would be filled with nutritious meals. However, with the strong fragrance overflowing, he finally let go of his heart.

It's real food inside! Very tasty, steaming food!

All kinds of food filled the table, and both Mugan and Olivia showed surprise eyes! Not only the two of them, but the little fat man Pullencourt looked very happy too.

"Please enjoy." With the owner's smile, Mugan and Olivia happily extended their forks to the food in front of them.