There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 135: in the end


Olivia only grabbed Mugan's left foot at first, and followed his left foot to touch it, and he held Mugan in his arms little by little.

Feeling the familiar breath, Mugen slowly reopened his eyes.

"Oli..." He wanted to speak, but unfortunately the wind was so strong that it was difficult to open his eyes. The wind was filled with one mouth, and he closed his mouth tightly. Just gently stretched out the left arm that was not imprisoned by Olivia.

Reaching out, he touched the wings behind Olivia.

This is a very beautiful pair of wings. Unlike the fixed angle wings bought in the wing store, this pair of wings is alive! It's slapping hard!

"Oli! You have wings!!!" Mugan's eyes were full of surprises!

Unfortunately, the wind was so strong that Olivia couldn't hear what Mugan was saying, but the feeling of the wings being touched was very clear. She looked back in surprise and saw the pair of wings behind her. Livia was stunned for a moment, followed by a joy!

He flapped his wings even harder!

The flying classes in the past few days have not been in vain. The frequency of his wings and his posture are all very correct. Several times Olivia felt that she was about to fly, but for some reason, this The gravity of the planet seems to only work on them, and they are still falling!

The eyes of the two were full of horror!

The scene around the World Tree kept flying upwards from around them, and the two of them were landing vertically! Along the way, Olivia desperately tried to grab what could be grabbed around, in an attempt to stop the fall, but their speed was too fast. When they forcibly grabbed a vine and failed, Olivia's arm was injured. Injured, gritted her teeth and held back, Olivia immediately gave up the plan.

She opened her eyes and looked up desperately, and Olivia saw Sigma's figure: Sigma jumped down too!

But unlike the two of them, Sigma can really fly. The proof is to prevent the airflow from blowing itself up. Sigma is crawling down by grabbing the trunk!

How is this going

Before Olivia could feel the weirdness, he could only watch Sigmar being blown away by the air blowing from below.

Before falling into darkness, Olivia only had time to do one thing: spread out his wings as much as possible, and he used his wings to wrap himself and Mugan inside as much as possible.


Damp and cold.

This is Olivia's first feeling.

Then there is pain.

My left arm hurts so much...

Then, Olivia heard someone calling her.

"… Ollie! Ollie wake up!"

It's Mugan's voice!

With a frown, Olivia finally opened her eyes!

Morgan's surprised face was reflected in his pupils.

"Oli, you're finally awake!"

With Mugan's voice of surprise and joy, Olivia finally felt that her body was her own again.

The ground is very wet, and all the clothes next to the ground are wet, and it is very uncomfortable to be wet and cold, but it is warm in the arms, and Mugen's body is dry and warm, like a small stove. held in his arms.

After confirming that Mugan was safe, Olivia finally released Mugan.

"How long have you been awake?" Olivia asked Mugan.

"About ten minutes, Oli, you're holding me too tightly, I can't break free." Mugan quickly climbed out of his arms, and when he stood up, he didn't forget to pull Olivia.

"Oli, does it hurt? Are you injured?"

"It's nothing..." With her right hand on the ground, Olivia was about to use her strength to stand up, and his eyes looked down inadvertently.

It didn't matter at this point, he finally realized what was wrong!

and many more-


Olivia glanced at her right hand in surprise: it was indeed on the ground!

But here is the problem! In this ultra-low gravity place, everything on this planet is suspended, where does the ground come from! ! !

But here is really the ground—

Thinking in her heart, Olivia immediately grabbed her body, full of leaves and dew on it! These leaves and dew fell to the ground again along his hand, but they didn't drift around in the wind like the leaves and rain that he saw before!

"It's full of leaves, very thick. Fortunately, we fell on these leaves, so we didn't get hurt." Mugan also noticed something wrong.

"Hey!" A small thing suddenly jumped out of Mugen's arms, flapping its wings a few times, but it didn't fly for a long time. After a while, Mugen picked it up and put it on his left shoulder.

"It's the bird I picked up earlier." Seeing Olivia looking at himself, Mugan explained.

Olivia took a moment to pay attention to the bird that had fallen down with them: it was a very petite little fellow, only the size of Mugan's slap, white, with only the ends of its wings and tail. There is a little red, and the small mouth is also tender red. It looks round and round, very cute.

The species that has not been seen in the flight class should be the local aboriginal - Olivia has determined.

Not caring about the bird on Mugan's shoulder, Olivia looked around carefully, and the more she looked, the more shocked she became: This place looks like a virgin forest!

The cyan vines are densely packed, and any one of them is at least three meters in diameter! The thicker ones are even ten meters! How old is this vine

There are fallen leaves on the ground, but this is not an ordinary fallen leaf. After picking up a leaf and studying it for a long time, Olivia finally determined that these leaves are the leaves of the World Tree!

Thinking of this, Olivia immediately raised her head, but even if he looked straight, he couldn't see anything, surrounded by plants, densely packed with notes and leaves. The light source is the point where the gaps between the leaves are exposed. The plants here are too lush and dim.

While observing and pondering, Olivia slowly retreated, and the leaves of the World Tree stepped on his feet, making a wonderful rustling sound.

At this moment, Olivia felt something bumped behind her, and turned around quickly, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she couldn't hold it any longer, and Olivia opened her mouth wide.

"This..." Green-brown... wall

"Is it the World Tree?" Mugen's voice came from the side: "Is this the foot of the World Tree?"

"That's right." Olivia patted the trunk of the world tree like a mountain in awe, and Olivia affirmed Mugan's idea.

The two teenagers walked around for a while, and the scene was the same everywhere. Once they almost couldn't go back to where they had fallen, Olivia stopped their exploration after realizing this.

Hearing Mugan's stomach growling, Olivia smiled.

"I'm hungry, let's have something to eat first. After eating, let's find a way to climb up the tree to see." When Mugen lowered his head and turned over his backpack, he inadvertently frowned and his eyes fell on his left arm.

It hurts so much - the arm is probably broken.

Luckily I'm wearing long sleeves today - that's Olivia's second thought.

Pretending to be nothing, Olivia sat beside Mugan, stretched out her right hand, and took the leftover rice ball that Mugan handed over.


"Oli, what's wrong with your left arm?" Putting the rice ball in his hand back in the lunch box, Mugen frowned.

"It's nothing, what's wrong?" His body froze slightly, but Olivia answered him nonchalantly. In order to appear more natural, he even took a bite of the rice ball.

Olivia's acting is so good that when he wants to hide something, no one can see through it.

This time, what he wanted to hide was his injury.

Inexplicably fell into this ghost place, and Olivia has no idea about it. However, her strength is stronger than Mugen, and her stamina is better than Mugen. Olivia plans to take up the task of climbing a tree by herself. In order to achieve this purpose, she must not talk about the injury. Mugan will go on his own.

"The left arm is stretched out." Without any hesitation, Mugen said expressionlessly.

Biting the rice ball, Olivia and Mugen stalemate for a while, and in the end he still didn't fight Mugen, and with a sigh, Olivia stretched out his left arm.

Mugan walked over, sat in front of Olivia, gently lifted his sleeves up, and when he saw the obviously dislocated arms, his whole person looked terrifyingly serious.

Olivia then fell silent.

In order to cope with the guilty conscience that came out of nowhere, he silently took another bite of the rice ball.

"Continue to eat." Mugen said to him very seriously, putting his rice ball into Olivia's hands.

Not knowing whether Mugan was angry or what, Olivia was stunned with the rice ball, and then, under Mugan's compulsive gaze, he was forced to take another bite. Just at this time-

"Ah!" There was a sharp pain in the left arm, Olivia cried out in pain, the rice ball in her mouth fell off!

"..." Looking at Olivia, who was choked with small tears, the sighing person became Mugen. Gently blowing the wound for Olivia, Mugen asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!" The original small tears suddenly turned into big tears, and a large tear rolled down Olivia's eyes.

"Hey? Ollie be strong, you have to hold on, I, I went to the backpack to check if there were any painkillers..." Terrified by Olivia's reaction, she gently touched Olivia's injured arm. Drooping to his side, Mugan hurriedly went to turn over the package.

Following Mugan's example, Olivia blew a few breaths on the wound herself. Although she blew quite hard, it didn't feel as good as before.

Raising his head and looking at Mugen's busy back, Olivia tickled a few tears, and after a while, the corners of his mouth curved upwards slightly.

Although the wound still hurts, it doesn't seem to be so painful anymore.

So, when Mugan was looking for painkillers, Olivia ate all the rice balls that Mugen gave to her. Although it was the leftover rice balls from last night, it was delicious, not to mention delicious. Via was in a good mood. Seeing the bird chirped and seemed to be hungry, Olivia also gave it some leftovers. Not to mention, Xiaobai dumplings are small but very edible, and half of the rice balls are gone!

Probably because Olivia just gave the little guy leftovers, and now, the little guy seems to be repaying Olivia. Putting the leaves on the ground into the small mouth and smashing them and spitting it out again, it is very eager to send the vomit to Olivia.

So when Mugen came back, what he saw was that one person and one bird were getting along very happily.

Mugan came back dejected.

He had prepared painkillers, but unfortunately the bandages were still in the backpack, but the medicine box had fallen somewhere.

"Sorry, Oli." Mugan looked at Olivia worriedly.

"I'm Kantas, and the healing ability is very good!" Olivia smiled, but in turn comforted Mugan. When he was talking to Mugan, one did not pay attention, and the little white ball finally succeeded. It successfully spit its own vomit on Olivia's left arm!

"Ah—" Olivia let out a scream.

After his trouble, the original haze in Mugen's heart was slightly dissipated. He was about to help Olivia remove the green paste when suddenly...

Putting his hands on Olivia's arms, Mugan suddenly stopped moving.

But the little white ball was still working hard, constantly lowering its head, it tried to eat more leaves, and then spit the green goo on Olivia's arm. It spit in a very clever position, just right where Olivia was injured.

Thinking of a possibility, Mugen did not move, not only did he not move, he also picked up a leaf from the ground, observed it, and put the leaf into his mouth.

After a long while, Mugan stretched out his hand to catch the green paste spat out from his mouth, and then pressed it on Olivia's wound.

Olivia:  ̄▽ ̄

"Believe in the natives, this should be medicine." Mugan said to Olivia solemnly while continuing to chew the leaves.

One person and one bird chewed very hard for a long time, and finally chewed out enough green paste to cover Olivia's injured arm, and Mugen used branches and bandages to cover Olivia very tightly. Ya's wound is wrapped up.