There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 14: Beta's teaching hours


The whole family huddled in front of the console and watched the yellow planet drift away. For a while, the spaceship became quiet.

A little sad, a little excited, and more of a sense of satisfaction that the family is still together, full, and it curls up softly in the chest.

Though I don't have a chest right now - Alpha & Eta & Beta & Ipsilon all at the same time.

Head to head, the heads of several robots... leaned back without a trace, trying to press back as close to Mugen as possible. Mugen's small chest was very hot, although they could not feel any temperature, but this did not hinder They want to be closer to Mugan's desire.

At this moment, when several robots were unaware, they had vaguely understood the meaning of the word "romantic" created by humans.

Except for one person.

"Sigma is taller than you now!" With half of his body on Muggan's back, Sigma successfully made a "laugh" sound with a flat mechanical sound.

Quickly jumping off Muggan's head, Sigma fell in front of several large-headed gloom screens. Compared with Alpha and the others, who only had their heads left, Sigma, who had the entire upper body, looked unusually tall.

The dim light screen flickered, and Sigma opened the hidden space on his belly again, and rummaging in his collection, he took out five pairs of mechanical legs and... buttocks.

"This is the biggest ass and thighs Sigma has now, by your side."

The hard disk clunked, this was Sigma's heartache.

"The thighs and buttocks lent to Alpha, Beta, Pie, Eta can be returned within twenty-four hours after landing, Ipsilon must be returned within an hour, your credit line balance is insufficient."

Sigma also seriously issued a return time notice to several robots.

"Thank you, I'll give it back to you now." Quietly glanced at the collection that Sigma reluctantly lent, and when he saw the fat... gluteal muscles (?), Alpha refused without hesitation.

The other robots also said they didn't need it, so Sigma happily put away her precious thighs and buttocks.

"Do you think it's not big enough and not long enough? It's okay, I'll make you a better one after landing~" Patting his chest, the young Mugen swore generously.

"..." The dim screens of several robots flickered at the same time: I always felt that their education seemed to have gone wrong...

"No, at the destination, we will disassemble the usable parts from the spacecraft and reconstitute the body." Alpha decisively rejected Mugan's proposal.

Mugen, who thought he could finally do something for his elders, didn't want to give up, just when he wanted to continue lobbying, Beta's cold voice came from below: "Even if you get the admission notice, you can't be careless, the next time , we started the preview teaching of the new textbook."

Not being able to say anything, Sigma and Mugan drooped their heads at the same time.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a body. All the teaching materials have been entered into the "brain" by the teachers. Based on the existing teaching materials, several robots have begun to jointly teach.

"The spaceship is now sailing according to the pre-registered route. The planet we left before is located in the famous meteorite belt. This is the tomb of an emperor, so it is also called the Mausoleum of the Dead Sea Emperor..."

There's no better textbook than what's out the window, and Beta starts explaining to Mugan and Sigma as they stand.

"...Louis Alle Rodekulam was the man who ended the melee in the galaxy. There was no second empire during his reign, so people called him the emperor..."

"...Only thirty-two years on the throne, when the emperor drove through the Milky Way, it coincided with the explosion of a constellation that was rare in ten thousand years, and the emperor collapsed."

A person's long life is just a few pages short when he writes down on the history book.

Even if he is one of the greatest emperors of all time, there are only a few pages left for posterity to comment.

Mugan listened to the class honestly. He was not interested in the emperor, but the place where the emperor died finally attracted all his attention.

"The Milky Way? Is it the Milky Way where the Earth is located?" The relevant knowledge of galaxy history was only shown to him by his uncles recently. Without textbooks, they entered all the textbook contents into Sigma's brain. When they needed to read, Sigma It is responsible for showing the content to Mugen through the dark screen. In the past few days, if you see the young brothers looking nervously at each other, don't blush, they are just reading and studying!

"Yes." Beta gave Mugan a positive answer, always calm, and he continued in a cold voice: "The earth was affected by the explosion, and no one can go deep into this meteorite belt. Therefore, there is no way to know the current situation of the earth. However, according to the analysis of scientists, there is a 99.9% probability that the earth no longer exists."

Very objective comment, Muggan knew he was right because the textbook mentioned the Earth as well. As a very backward planet in a remote corner of the universe, the Earth was not eligible to appear on the imperial teaching books.

Because it is the last place where the Emperor of the Empire died, it occupies a small corner of the best-selling book in the universe. The massive explosion affected more than one galaxy, and Earth couldn't have been the lucky one.

To the rest of the universe, Earth is just a downward planet known for great men, but to Morgan, Earth is the legendary hometown. The spacecraft that set sail from the earth with the hope of reproduction finally settled on a different planet. Generation after generation, the desire to return to the true hometown was inherited in the blood.

Not afraid of not going back, but afraid of nowhere to go.

That's the most frustrating thing.

"However, it does not rule out the possibility of the earth still surviving, just like the planet we left, it is also the planet that survived the disaster. Although no other planet escaped the disaster visually, it cannot be ruled out that all There are still other lucky ones in the galaxy."

Seeing Mugan's depression, Epsilon began to think of ways to comfort him. Now that he doesn't have a big belly, he can't fit Mugan into his stomach. Now, he can only comfort him with words. Epsilon, who has always been taciturn, was the first to speak such a long sentence at once.

"The worst possibility is that everything will return to nothingness, everything will come from nothing, and the earth will return to its original state and start again."

"After you graduate, you can find a way to go back and have a look." Finally, Epsilon said.

So Muggan got back on his feet.

"Well, that's the decision. When I grow up and graduate, I'll find a way to go back to Earth!" Said loudly, Mugen silently added another column to the ideal column in his heart.

Feeling that the corner of his clothes was being gently pulled, Mugen lowered his head, and his eyes immediately met the dim light screen of Sigma's twinkling.

The suggestion of Sigma was clear, and Mugan smiled immediately.

"Of course, I won't forget the agreement with Sigma!"

"Then, let's continue the following teaching." Seeing Mugen regain his energy, Beta's cold mechanical voice sounded again ^_^