There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 160: weird things


Olivia didn't randomly choose a target.

Even when he was furious, he was still very calm.

In a seemingly inadvertent glance, he has already counted all the soldiers around him. He even noticed the epaulettes of each soldier. There are twenty people in total, most of them are privates, five second-class soldiers, and only three first-class soldiers.

The minimum combat organization of the Imperial Army is "team", and each "team" has a standard staffing of 21 people, of which five second-class soldiers, three first-class soldiers, and one corporal can be configured. Generally, the captain of the team will be a single corporal. , soldiers who are promoted to captain are also automatically promoted to corporal.

Olivia immediately decided that these soldiers in front of her were the smallest combat organization.

However, compared to the normal team formation, there is one less person, and the less is the most important captain. In this case, there are two possibilities: one, the captain is not there, but this may be overthrown by Olivia as soon as it appears - the behavior of these soldiers is too reckless, even though the army does have a tradition of disarming new recruits, however They were too reckless. Yes, "unscrupulous", so brazenly grabbing recruits' personal belongings, they are not at all worried that the leader will punish them when they come back, which is a bit unreasonable.

So Olivia is more convinced of the second possibility: this team has no captain.

The reasons for not having a captain can be roughly divided into two categories: either the captain is dead and they don't have a captain; or the captain has been promoted and their new captain hasn't arrived yet.

For six years of studying in the highest institution of the Imperial Army + the highest grades in the academy every year + familiarity with elective subjects such as the history of the development of the Imperial Army and a brief history of military ranks + chatting with Mr. Cisse inadvertently For Olivia, who has experienced many military insiders, these are easy to analyze.

Olivia didn't know where the captain was, but he could guess where the next captain might be.

In order to make it easier for everyone to understand Olivia's thoughts, it is necessary to popularize a little common sense here: the lowest rank of the imperial army is private, and ordinary soldiers automatically become privates after enlisting. In the third year of enlistment, you will automatically become a senior soldier. However, if you want to become a corporal, you must have certain military merit accumulation or other conditions. For example, when the team lacks a captain, the senior soldier who is promoted to the captain will be promoted to the rank of corporal at the same time. This situation is the most common way of obtaining rank among soldiers of the lower ranks.

So, the most likely scenario: the captain of this team will be created among the three privates in the current team.

The two soldiers who were just in charge of checking Olivia's body were also first-class soldiers, but they could be sent together to search for people instead of searching for a more oily spaceship. The two first-class soldiers themselves seemed to have failed.

Therefore, the senior soldier on the other side of the spaceship should be the senior soldier who is most likely to be promoted to corporal and captain among the three!

He is the current "head" of this team!

Olivia had no intention of trembling with these soldiers, nor had any intention of defeating them one by one, let alone fighting with them.

Catch the thief first catch the king! He just needs to cut off their "heads".

This judging process may seem like a long time to describe, but when it happened in Olivia's mind it was only a very brief moment.

Electric flint!

When Olivia walked over with a smile, he had already marked his prey in an instant.

So, the third rank soldier, who was most likely to be promoted to corporal in the future, who had just laughed and let others take food for him from the spaceship, lay on the ground beside Olivia's feet with tears in his eyes.

The style of the team is in the same line as the style of the ruler. A team that arbitrarily snatch the personal belongings of recruits must also be greedy and shameless. This is how he treats the soldiers in the team, and then these soldiers learn and use the same method. Bully those who are inferior to them.

But such a team is very easy to surrender.

Just defeat their leader.

The hardest to deal with is a disciplined team, but that kind of team shouldn't be too hard to deal with.

Sitting on a chair that a soldier had brought out of the house, Olivia watched the group of big men work obediently under Mengmeng's command.

"...The turf needs to be leveled, the grass that has been stepped on has to be lifted up, and watered."

"… no watering cups, you have to use a watering can. No watering can? Uh… "

"You are very smart! You actually know how to make a watering can by making a hole in a water glass!"

The things that were thrown from the spaceship were quickly sorted out and moved back to the distance. The turf was flattened, the green vegetables were replanted, and the half-eaten snacks were quickly sealed and put back in the refrigerator. The music disk was also returned to its original owner. If possible, the soldiers would really like to spit out the food they had eaten into the bag and stuff it back together. The packaging that has just been eaten and thrown around has been cleaned up. The soldiers are afraid that these things will evoke bad associations with your Excellency, and force themselves to eat the packaging!

However, it is impossible not to leave a trace of what has been done. The outer casing of the music disk has a deep scratch, the snack shelf is three-quarters empty, the mugen grass is scattered, and there is only one green vegetable left. …

Olivia blankly examined the "fruits of the labor" of the soldiers, and then got off the spacecraft again blankly.

The soldiers stood in a row in front of Olivia tremblingly, and the winged soldier who was crying secretly vomited once before, looking still miserable but able to move, he also stood over.

He was standing at the front of the line, the highest position among the soldiers other than the captain.

"Has my admission letter passed the inspection? Maybe you can contact Lieutenant Colonel Joseph." Because it was the internship site of his choice, Cisse and him had analyzed these internship units in detail before, and he focused on the analysis. The important generals of each internship site, so Olivia is still very familiar with the personnel of her future internship site. The five-star base, the highest officer here is a lieutenant general, and Olivia's admission notice was issued through this lieutenant general. As a loyal subordinate of Marshal Rothsay, Mr. Cisse spoke highly of this lieutenant general.

However, Olivia did not mention the lieutenant general's name, but chose a lieutenant colonel with a lower rank. Compared with the lieutenant general who he has never seen before, the lieutenant colonel is even more deterrent to the soldiers at the bottom!

Moreover, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph is Lieutenant General Michelle Ott's wife and brother, of course, this relationship is not enough to be friendly to outsiders.

However, I always feel that something is not quite right here.

Olivia raised her eyebrows slightly.

Strip inspections have been abolished for a long time. Under the protests of the Imperial Soldier's Rights Organization, although it has not been written yet, it has been banned in most legions, and there are more advanced scanning equipment. This traditional method is outdated.

However, the strip inspection method here is regarded as a kind of disgust.

But what about the death light cannon

The death light cannon is very outdated, and in the era of the dark light cannon, the first gift I gave to Sigma many years ago, there are not many teams equipped with this weapon. Marshal Rothsay's team is all elite. , Lieutenant General Michelle Ott's team is even more elite, otherwise Olivia would not have chosen this place as an intern.

After all, it is related to his future future.

Olivia's fingers tapped lightly on the handle of the chair.


Hand dropped.

In full view, the broken handle rolled to the ground.

"Sorry! This chair has been in use for twenty-five years! It's been in disrepair! I'll give you a new chair right away!" A tall soldier jumped out tremblingly and said a long speech. Afterwards, finding that Olivia had no objection, he saluted and immediately ran back to the next room. After a while, he moved another chair out.

Olivia poked at the so-called new chair, which trembled and barely fell apart.

The soldier who moved the chair wanted to cry without tears:

"How about you sit on top of me?"

After he finished speaking, he became the prototype. It was a giant beast dragon with a big skeleton. He stared at Olivia with big eyes in horror, and flattened his tail obediently. A little flattered, he signaled that Olivia could sit down. he.


"If you are not satisfied, you can sit with me! I have more flesh than him!" Seeing that Olivia didn't mean to sit down, another soldier also jumped out. He also turned into a prototype, but it was a heavy head Raptor.


For fear that Olivia would be dissatisfied, the soldiers scrambled to become prototypes, and the originally empty surveillance area was instantly occupied by various dinosaurs.

Olivia was still silent, his eyes swept over the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs thought he was looking for a suitable chair, and looked at him with fear and anticipation. However, Olivia was actually observing them. Physical conditions.

These guys are in good shape - this is Olivia's first impression;

These guys are not legit soldiers - this is Olivia's second impression.

He picked up a death-light cannon from the ground, and as these soldiers became prototypes one after another, their original weapons fell to the ground. People are accustomed to calling this weapon the death light cannon. In fact, the full name should be the death light gun launcher, and the weapon filled in it is the death light gun. This weapon invented by the generations of Louis I shocked the world as soon as it came out, and was later equipped. The army has become the representative of advanced weapons, and the related derivative weapons, dark light cannons, have also been welcomed.

However, after the explosion, this weapon was considered unsafe, and even the hidden cause of the explosion. Although the Empire did not positively affirm this theory, it is true that the number of dead light weapons in the military equipment is decreasing year by year. .

For Olivia, who has carefully studied the military armament list over the years, he is very aware of this.

That's why he is very strange. There are a total of 20 dead light cannon launchers here. Olivia found a total of 360 dead light cannons in it. This has seriously exceeded the dead light cannon equipment of any team in recent years. Measured.

Very, very unreasonable.

Picking up a death light cannon, he narrowed his eyes when he saw the production date marked on it.

what! ! !

The author has something to say: Olivia is cleaning up the soldiers, what is Mugan doing at this time

Answer: Continue to study (scourge) Imperial Military Academy No. 3 canteen orz

Is dark food bad? It doesn't matter, Mu Xiaogen has a super powerful spokesperson! Look, the advertisements are all ready-made!