There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 161: Brown Cloud Calendar 1223


A line of inexplicable letters was engraved on the metal casing of the death light cannon.

Of course, the unknown meaning is for people who don't know how to do it. For Olivia, who has received orthodox military education, the line of letters represents the production date, place of origin, and serial number of this dead light cannon.

At this moment, the serial number in front of him clearly shows that this death light cannon was produced on August 8, 846 in the brown cloud calendar!

What is the concept of brown cloud calendar! This was hundreds of years before Olivia was born!

Olivia clearly remembered: the last time I saw weapons from the Brown Cloud Calendar period was in the military museum!

not right-

"What year is it now?" After a moment of silence, Olivia suddenly raised her head. Although there was almost no entertainment when he was studying in the academy, Olivia kept up with the trend of the times when he came home from vacation. He had read a lot of online novels seriously!

Even the ancient online novels have been read over and over again, such as time travel, rebirth, self-cultivation, palace fights, house fights... He has read them all. Of course, in order to prevent Uncle Alpha from thinking that he is playing with things, Olivia will study it during the holidays afterwards. The results were compiled into a paper, and finally published in a well-known journal of ancient culture research!

Cough-cough - the topic was accidentally digressed.

However, when she discovered the production date of the death light cannon, for a moment, Olivia really felt that she could not pass through!

The little dinosaurs were stunned for a while, and after a while, the pterosaur, who had just been forced by Olivia to eat a lot of food, stood up: "It's August 3, 1223 in the brown cloud calendar..."

The dragon then scratched his head and hesitated for a while: "But it could also be 1224. There was a time when the time on our side was affected by the magnetic field and malfunctioned... My father said that the error was only a year or two. No big deal."

"What is the name of this base?" Olivia suddenly asked.

"Totlan Haida."

As soon as the name came out, Olivia finally confirmed the problem: he, came to the wrong place!

"I hope that I can understand and contact your highest officials here, the sooner the better!" Olivia suddenly stood up and walked straight to the leader of the team, he ordered coldly!

His expression was terrifying. The group of dinosaur soldiers had already been frightened by him. At this time, they were even more frightened by his expression. After trembling for a long time, the superior soldier Pterosaur closed his eyes and said aloud. Telling the truth: "I, before, I, I was the highest officer here, now that you have defeated me, you are the highest officer!" Knowing that he could no longer hide it, he finally told the truth.

what! ! !

Olivia's eyes widened suddenly—

Led by a group of dinosaur soldiers, Olivia finally entered the inner camp.

Along the way, Olivia looked at the base coldly:

This air base is indeed the oldest base he has ever seen! With the support of today's technology, the defense doors of all military bases have been replaced by the latest technology and the seamless identification grid monitored by the brain. However, the door here is still a metal door, using a super heavy metal mechanical door to open the way It's actually... the key? !

"We only have two keys, huh, don't lose it..." There is a pterosaur senior soldier who is responsible for opening the door. The key alone is not enough. The two strong soldiers also turned into prototypes to help open the door!

"It's a little difficult to use under this door. We won't repair it. Fortunately, it can be opened with a little strength." The senior soldier also explained.

Olivia nodded.

After entering the door is the base camp. This is an important place for base personnel to work, live and train. Olivia has been to many bases. All the base camps are heavily guarded and fully equipped with weapons, and here…

Looking at the vegetable garden in front of her, Olivia continued to be silent: the metal floor of the atrium was covered with a thick layer of soil, and there were sporadic yellow, yellow and green vegetables in the soil, which was obviously a vegetable field; There were still a lot of military uniforms floating on the corners, and the visual effect of the clothes floating in the air was a bit weird, but Olivia quickly figured it out: it should be because the clothes drying rope was invisible. There are also two heavy cannons on both ends of the clothes. At this moment, these two cannons obviously play the role of fixing the clothesline!

"Hey, the clothesline was dug out of the arsenal. It's sturdy and easy to use, but it's not easy to find. There's no pillar, so we'll use the cannon as it." The soldier continued.

Olivia: I always think someone can do this kind of thing...

If the outside of this mechanical base is backward, but it still looks decent, the inside of this mechanical base looks like a living area.

After looking around, Olivia's eyes suddenly focused on one of the doors.

"There are still four people inside, let them come out." Olivia's senses were very keen, and he suddenly noticed that someone was spying on him!

"Come out, come out!" Dinosaur soldiers, look at me, I'll look at you, and finally a pterosaur sergeant roared over there.

So, the three little dinosaurs rolled out from behind the door. The dinosaur at the head was a short-handed Tyrannosaurus rex with a small package hanging around his neck. Olivia glanced inside: it was actually an egg! There were two little brontosaurus hiding behind him. Although they were both bigger than the little tyrannosaurus, the two little guys scrambled to hide their huge body behind the little tyrannosaurus' ass.

These are three little dragons who were just born a few years ago, and the tallest little brontosaurus is about to reach the height of Olivia's knees, looking extremely weak.

"Roar~~~~" He glanced at Olivia in fear, and the little Tyrannosaurus called in the direction of the dinosaur soldier behind him.

"Son, be good! Don't be noisy!" A sturdy dinosaur soldier shouted quickly.

Olivia was stunned. After a while, he turned his head awkwardly and saw the second-class soldier from head to toe. He asked, "He was born by you?"

The second-class soldier who just grabbed something fiercely replied shyly: "I'm only responsible for hatching eggs, laying, laying eggs... My daughter-in-law gave birth to..."

Following his line of sight, Olivia's eyes finally fell on another tall soldier, speechless.

Ignoring the cubs, Olivia asked the group of soldiers to take him directly to the main control room. Although the outside was changed beyond recognition, the main control room didn't move at all. It still kept the base master intact. What a control room should look like.

However, the main control room here is very primitive, there is no brain control, and all are buttons that require manual operation. Looking around, it is extremely dense and complicated! This made Olivia, who was accustomed to the assistance of her brain, froze for a while.

Fortunately, he found a paper operation manual in the hidden drawer under the console, and found the operation instructions for positioning the coordinates. Olivia tried to enter the instructions on the console. Because the system was too old, Olivia waited. It took a long time to see a line of numbers on the screen that I wanted to know.

This row of numbers representing the location of the base itself is exactly the same as the reported coordinates obtained by Olivia.

"Mengmeng, confirm the position here again." Olivia immediately gave Mengmeng an instruction.

"Okay." Mengmeng immediately checked the current position again, and the reported result was no different from what Olivia had just found.

After pondering for a moment, Olivia and Mengmeng took over the control of the main control room together. After some research, they successfully retrieved the logbook of Trotland Haida. Finally, on the coordinates of the time node at 10:04 and the time node at 10:06, they found something wrong: two minutes apart, their coordinates are completely different! For example, it is as if they were at Bailu Xing one second, but the next second they were at the stellar star!

After carefully going through the logbook and cross-examination of everyone, Olivia finally came to a very bizarre conclusion: he did not cross, but crossed the Tratland Haida where he is currently and he should go to Reported by Eustach!

Two minutes before he was about to arrive at his destination, the two mechanical bases were pulled by some unknown substance, Eustach disappeared, and Tranheida arrived at the position before Eustash disappeared!

"Mengmeng, immediately adjust my arrival time, and help me write an email to state the situation to the College Internship Office and the Dean's mailbox."

Until this moment, Olivia was still very calm. He wanted to give sufficient evidence to prove that he reached the designated position within the designated time frame. Although he was not accepted by the internship unit as expected, he did not violate the rules.

When Mengmeng wrote the email, he also took the time to write a letter from home.

Just as Mugan arrived at the Imperial Military Academy and wrote a letter to Uncle Alpha, Olivia immediately wrote a letter to Mugan, telling him about his wonderful experience, and finally he forced the group of dinosaur soldiers and He took a photo together and sent the email after Olivia made sure her smile looked natural.

These two emails then became the last message Olivia sent back, and since then, all his news has been lost, just like the mysterious disappearance of Eustascha, never to be seen again.


At this time, Mugan had just woken up. Because he was too busy last night, he lived in the dormitory.

Pushing open the window, he stretched contentedly and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!" A black bird stood on the flower tree outside the door, and it was colliding with Mugen's line of sight at the moment.

Blinking, Mugen smiled cautiously at the little black bird.


That morning, he took the little black bird to the cafeteria to find Chef Ronan.

"Chef Ronan, didn't you say you wanted to eat roasted birds yesterday? I just saw one this morning." As a hunter, please understand that Mu Xiaogen cannot have any leisurely feelings.

I don't know if I understood Mugan's words, the poor little black bird croaked and struggled.

"Marad! This is a crow! It's unlucky to hear a crow in the morning!" Chef Ronan was stunned.


The little black bird was knocked unconscious by Morgan.