There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 162: Xueba Mu Xiaogen


The letter Olivia sent to the College Student Practice Management Center (referred to as the "Internship Office") simply intercepted the time of her arrival, and the purpose was to prove that she did not violate the rules. The content is exactly the same as the last email. He didn't care when he sent the letter. Although he did encounter some things, he thought he could handle it.

On the contrary, the letter sent to Muggan is really rich in pictures and texts.

This email was received through Sigma's system platform. After receiving Olivia's email, Sigma immediately opened the email. The brothers read the email carefully and looked at the photo again to confirm that Oli's colleagues After they all laughed heartily (?), they were relieved.

Mugan didn't take the email seriously.

As everyone knows, at this moment, a certain department of the military has been blown up: the five-star base Eustasha has not sent back any information for more than 36 hours!

They checked all the letters that were sent near the coordinates of the origin during this period of time. Only one email seemed to be valuable. It was a report confirmation letter from a military academy intern. It simply stated that he had completed the report on time. In fact, he also gave evidence, but at the same time he also raised a question, that is, although he has arrived at the designated place, the receiving unit is not the planned Eustasha.

Retrieving this line of text, the officers in the information department jumped up excitedly, thinking that they could finally get effective information, and the light screen quickly pulled down...



"Thank you very much

Olivia Augustus"

Officers of the Information Service: -_-|||

According to the standard writing etiquette of military documents, the email should be concise and comprehensive while taking into account the aesthetic effect. An email with too short text obviously does not look good, so someone invented the way to use greetings after the end of the text. blank.

Obviously, this student is well versed in letter writing etiquette.

Madan! If it wasn't Eustach, where was it? ! ! ! After all, you have finished talking and then experience it! asshole-

Give people hope and then take it away, this is the worst!

The only clue was cut off like that.

No one found out, and the real clue was in the letter Olivia sent to Mugan.

Mugan's recent internship life can be described as a duck to water. He was originally smart, hard-working, and his personality was in harmony with everyone. Now he even has two hours of free time every afternoon. I am afraid that he will be bored. Before setting off for the internship, Todd He also got him a card from the library of the Imperial Military Academy. Although the level is not very high, Mugen can read books in it from now on (no download, copy, and loan functions). For this gift Mugan is very grateful, and for this he also specially prepared some gifts for Taylor. Todd's internship unit is not too far away from Taylor Star, which is a mineral planet. After learning that the food there is full of meat and lack of vegetarian food, Mugen specially prepared a lot of mugen grass and other foods for Todd. seeds of plants.

"You can grow it in your own room," says Mugan.

Todd gratefully accepted.

Taylor Star is only a four-star base, and the level of confidentiality is not high, so Todd's internship unit can be informed. Olivia's internship unit is a special base with a high level of confidentiality. She has no idea where Oli is going to intern, so Morgan had to prepare everything.

Mugan was just resting that day, and he read Olivia's letter again. As he read it, he glanced at the library card that Todd gave him.


Although Oli can't disclose his internship location in the email, he can study it himself~

The Xueba mode was triggered, and Mugen immediately took Sigma to the library!

For several days, Mugan read books in the library for two hours a day.

I don't know how others read the letter, but Mu Xiaogen read the letter very carefully. He first looked at the person in the photo. Uncle Alpha said that when you arrive at the new unit, you must first have a good relationship with new colleagues, but sincerity is not enough, you must try to understand each other. Looking at the group photo sent by Olivia, Mugen decided to study Olivia first. Coworker's race.

He started his analysis with a colleague of the prototype. However, this work encountered obstacles at the beginning: uh... this dragon... looks like a brontosaurus... but it is not like a brontosaur...

Today's brontosaurus has a row of bone scales on its head, but the brontosaurus in the photo does not have one, there is more than one, neither of the two adult brontosaurus in the photo, nor the two brontosaurus cubs.

The average person would probably dismiss the matter as irrelevant and ignore the past, but not Mugan.

He found a detailed explanation of Brontosaurus species.

This is the Imperial Military Academy. In the academy that only recruits Lombok students, there are all kinds of books about Lombok research. There are even more books about dinosaurs than the library of the Imperial Comprehensive College!

Muggan flipped through several large e-books, and finally found the exact same picture as the brontosaurus in the photo in a book called "Evolutionary History of Brontosaurus".

It is a kind of brontosaurus called "Aleita-type brontosaurus". It belongs to the heavy species of brontosaurus. Whether it is physical strength or endurance, it is the best branch of brontosaurus. However, for some reason, the last one The Areta-type brontosaurus died about three hundred years ago. After that, this brontosaurus can only enter historical data.

"Oli's colleague: four Aretta brontosaurus." Muggan wrote this paragraph on his notebook. Since he couldn't borrow and copy the materials, he would also upload Aretta according to the e-book. The appearance of the Thunder Dragon was copied. Although it was evaluated as lacking artistic cells, the basic form of Mugan was still very accurate.

Then, Muggan discovered three "bone tyrannosaurs" among Olivia's colleagues. Although this tyrannosaur still exists, it is very rare. I heard that the body is still quite bad, so they don't eat it. Meat is vegetarian.

But the three-skull tyrannosaurus in Ollie looks very fierce? Hope they have a better temper and don't bully Ollie.

Thinking in his heart, Mugan once again recorded the relevant information about the "Bone Tyrannosaurus" in his notebook.

After investigating Olivia's new colleagues one by one, Mugan felt more and more worrying about Oli's situation: that team was full of legendary dinosaur heavy species! Is the Thunder Dragon with the best temper in the race or the most grumpy Aleita Thunder Dragon in the Thunder Dragon Eye. Can Ollie get along with his colleagues

Mugan was a little worried.

After researching the identity of Ollie's colleague, Mugan began to study the weapon on his colleague.

Ollie also took a picture of the death light cannon for him. This weapon is only available in museums, so Mugan took a special look at it, and he went to check the number.

This kind of research course on arms procurement does not exist in the Imperial Comprehensive College. For this reason, he had to make up for this knowledge for a day. He also attended the fourth grade of the Imperial Military Academy. The course on weapon numbering research (follow the frequent The student who was looking for him to eat food sneaked in), Mugen also raised his claws heroically to ask questions, which finally confirmed that the death light cannon was indeed made in the brown cloud calendar period, and he also got an additional information: this The death light cannon was assigned to a base called "Torland Haida".

This is a huge help to Mugan!

He finally knew which base Ollie went to intern!

Then, he intends to further study the matter about the base of Tratland Haida.

It was at this time that the relevant leaders of the Imperial Military Department and the Imperial Military Academy came to him.

"Is it classmate Mugan?" The other party was waiting for him at the back door of the kitchen. The first thing he saw when he saw Mugan was to confirm his name.

"Yes." Mugan nodded.

With a general understanding of the military rank, he can probably tell from the other's epaulettes that the other is an officer of an important department.

"Are you a family member of classmate Olivia Augustus?" The other party's expression did not change from beginning to end, and then he asked another question.

"...Yes." Mugan seemed to notice, and he nodded.

"I'm sorry, we need to inform you of a very unfortunate news..." Sure enough, the other party's expression became more solemn, Mugen snorted in his heart, and did not speak, he quietly waited for the other party's next words.

"... Augustus's internship unit: Eustascha, it is confirmed that all members are missing." Involving confidentiality, they can only say so much. They have notified many family members of the military, who have been overwhelmed by their grief along the way.

Mugan was stunned.

They knew that the young man in front of them was the fiancée of the missing person, and that the missing person was the chief of the Imperial Military Academy who was about to graduate. A promising young man disappeared like this, and the three staff felt very pity.

"My condolences." They can only comfort each other.

"Impossible." At this moment, they heard the young man in front of him suddenly speak.

Many family members were unable to accept the fact at first, and they were used to it. Just as he was about to continue comforting the other party, suddenly—

"The intern unit Ollie went to report was not Eustash, but Trotland Haida!"

Under the sympathetic gaze of everyone, Mugan said earnestly that in order to further prove it, he also took out the family letter that Ollie wrote to him, as well as the research results he obtained from Ollie's email during this period.

The investigation team that has long been responsible for Eustascha's disappearance is boiling again because of these things that Mugan brought out!