There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 164: Egg


Fifty-three monitoring screens in the main control room were black at the same time—

Not long after this, the lights in the room went out one by one, and then there was a violent up-and-down bump on the soles of her feet. Olivia fell to the ground without standing, and before he could react, a heavy object fell from above. He almost fainted!

"Get out of here! Hide! Hide!" At this moment, one of the soldiers shouted loudly, and everyone moved.

Even if he couldn't see it, Olivia knew that these guys took the opportunity to leave him and run away. He heard hurried footsteps, and a few people stepped on him as they ran away. Those feet were heavy and heavy. , Olivia felt that her leg was almost stepped on by the other side!

Mallard-Olivia cursed in her heart.

Fortunately, Mengmeng found him not long after, and tightly protected his head with her whole body, Mengmeng didn't say a word.

Patting Mengmeng's body lightly, enduring the discomfort, Olivia indicated to Mengmeng the location of the main console in her memory—any battleship or spaceship, the most sturdy place in the main control room is always the console. The wall, in this case, hiding there is the safest.

The third round of more violent bumps happened just after the two people hid under the main console, and their heads hit the main console hard, and Olivia fainted.

However, Olivia's physical fitness was very strong, and he was only in a coma for about a minute. He immediately woke up and climbed up on the edge of the main console. The surrounding area was dark.

Olivia tried hitting the buttons on the console, but the dark buttons seemed dead, and nothing happened when pressed; he also tried forcing commands, but the screen was always black waiting for him.

I don't know what happened just now, the main console failed.

Do not! It is impossible for such a complex base to have only one operating system, and there must be a backup operating system in emergency situations.

But where would the boot device for such an operating system be

Mengmeng's eyes temporarily turned into lighting tools. Olivia carefully looked for it near the main console, not letting go of any corners. Finally, under the console, he touched a place with a material that was obviously different from other places. .

Crouching down, with the help of the light from Germination, Olivia saw that there was indeed a piece of glass, and there was a red button under the glass.

After pursing her lips, Olivia finally shattered the glass.

The moment her finger pressed the button, Olivia felt a slight tingling in her fingertips! It was like being lightly pricked by a micro needle, and quickly retracted his finger and glanced at it: there was not a single drop of blood on it.


"The navigator permission has been confirmed." With the sound of unlocking, light screens suddenly appeared above the main console! The dense operation buttons were immediately distributed in the air around Olivia according to human usage habits!

"Oh! That kind of technology already existed in that era?" Olivia exclaimed, and he quickly focused his attention on the virtual console in front of him.

The first thing to do is to open the external defense system of the Trotland Haida!

Then start the second set of power supplies at the base!

Also start the self-test procedure here!

These three buttons were placed in the closest and most conspicuous positions to him, flickering as if waiting for him to press.

On the operating system that is only activated in an emergency, these three commands are the commands that every driver must input, so it is no wonder that they are made into shortcut buttons.

The designers of this console are still very user-friendly - thinking to herself, Olivia pressed three buttons quickly!

In a place that Olivia couldn't see, centered on the control room, a layer of metal-colored protective curtain suddenly rose up, wrapping the control room layer by layer!

This is the first layer of protection.

Immediately afterwards, with the boundary line between the inner and outer camps of the base as the boundary, the second layer of protective curtains was layered on top of each other. The other objects around are built together! With the rise of the metal protective curtain on the ground, the soldiers' dormitories, restaurants, entertainment rooms and other buildings that were originally built on the inner side of the boundary line were disintegrated. These metal buildings became part of the protective curtain, and the layers were stacked up until the top closed. Fold into a perfect circle!

This is the second layer of protection!

After the completion of the two layers of protective curtains on the inner layer, the third layer of protective curtain is almost constructed on the periphery of the base. . The third layer of protective screen withstood all the impact from the outside world. Occasionally, there are fish that slip through the net, but they are blocked by the second layer of protective screen!

The soldiers who were dragging their families and hiding in the soldiers' dormitory realized something was wrong when the bedroom began to shake violently. They escaped before they were taken to the sky with the house. When they went out, they saw the shocking scene of the protective curtain above their heads being capped. !

With the capping of the protective cover, the light from the outside disappeared, and they fell into darkness again. At this moment, the surroundings suddenly lit up, and they looked up: it was the light from the control room.

Only then did the soldiers realize that there was a circular cover in the control room at some point. The light was emitted from the circular cover, not dazzling, but very soft.

What's up with these hoods? And how did this light come out? What happened in front of them made these soldiers a little dizzy.

They have been here since they were born, and they never knew that there was a hood under the ground of Tuotuolan Haida, where their ancestors lived for generations!

Just when they were in a panic, suddenly, there was a shrill scream between them: "Where's Xiao Tao? Where is my Xiao Tao?" It was the private soldier who had answered Olivia's question before. The dad of the little tyrannosaurus. His partner-another second-class soldier also found out that his son was missing at this moment, and Sayazi ran to the place where the bedroom was originally, but it had already become a flat ground, and it was strange to find something.

"When I just escaped, I clearly hugged all three children..." Looking at the sky blankly, the second-class soldier looked terrified.

"Could it be that Xiao Tao fell in the middle?" The look on the second-class soldier's face was even more gloomy. His cub was only three years old, and he brought an egg...

correct! And eggs!

The shaking was so severe just now that many rooms collapsed. If Xiao Tao was pinned down, the consequences would be unimaginable! Even if Xiao Tao's luck is not suppressed, but being locked in a hood with that terrible guy, will Xiao Tao still have a good end

The people on my side just escaped by taking advantage of the chaos. Not only that, but I also took the opportunity to step on him. Now everyone is covered by a hood. I don't know how long this hood will last. Will be hungry and eat my son!

"Xiao Tao!" The second-class soldier and his wife hugged each other and cried.

Others cried too.

However, it was Xiao Tao who was crying, but no one was worried about the egg.

The grandpa is so hard that it can't be chewed in the mouth. They really don't worry about what that person can do to Grandpa Egg.


Combining the violent shock she had experienced and the SOS message she had seen from Eustash, Olivia initially thought she had encountered a galaxy explosion.

Olivia does not think that the "object" that can pose such a threat to Eustascha, who is hundreds of years behind in technology, can resist it; similarly, he does not think that his driving skills and judgment can Even better than the navigator on Eustace, it has nothing to do with talent, it often requires experience.

But he can't die.

Thinking of those people on White Dew Star, Olivia stiffened.

He didn't have time to eat, drink, and rest, and he kept an eye on the outside world all the time. With his genius analytical ability and a little bit of gambler's madness, after three days and three nights, he finally found that the surroundings had calmed down.

When his palm left the control valve, he found that his fingers were all stiff and still trembling slightly.

Olivia repositioned the current coordinates, ? ? (???,??,??)

A chain of unknown symbols.

Lowering his eyes and relaxing his body, he keenly felt the heaviness on his legs—

His eyes were sharp, but he saw a little Tyrannosaurus leaning softly on his leg.

The little guy who was separated from his parents was terrified. In the dark, he instinctively searched for the adult's shelter. After searching, he found Olivia who was concentrating on the operation in front of the console. He had never seen the scary side of Olivia, so he instinctively hid under the chair Olivia was sitting on. He called a few times, but Olivia was busy and didn't hear it at all, and Mengmeng couldn't smoke. He ignored him, hugged Grandpa Egg, and the little Tyrannosaurus was extremely aggrieved.

Realizing that Olivia finally noticed her, the little Tyrannosaurus hurriedly called out twice.

After being hungry for three days and three nights, the little guy's cry was extremely weak, and a loud rumbling sound came from his stomach at the right time.

At the same time, Olivia's stomach growled.

"Mengmeng, I'm hungry." After getting a package of food from Mengmeng, Olivia frowned and glanced at her little tyrannosaurus under her feet after taking a few bites. He threw the food in his hand to him, and then asked Mengmeng to get other food.

The starving, half-dead little Tyrannosaurus rex was very happy, even though he was small, his appetite was not small at all! I burped after eating a whole bag of food!

The little tyrannosaurus who was full to express his gratitude, rolled out the baby egg hanging around his neck and gave it to Olivia.

The little guy is very polite, just—

Does it really matter if you give your grandpa to someone so easily

Looking at the little guy who was full and going to sleep, Olivia raised her eyebrows, glanced at the egg in her hand, and handed it to Mengmeng.

At the same time, Mugan also mentioned the egg in the photo to Mr. Cisse:

"Mr. Cisse, I want to ask you a question."

"Excuse me."

"You have hatched so many Cantas cubs. I want to ask you, what are Cantas' eggs like? Look at the egg in the photo, is it Cantas's egg?"