There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 165: A turning point in fate


At the Imperial Military Academy, students can choose a variety of professional courses, and the proportion of credits in the selected professional courses determines the student's major. For example, Olivia chose professional courses such as mecha operation, battleship operation, battleship command, tactical strategy research, close-quarters combat, etc. In the end, Olivia took two disciplines in the command department: battleship command, tactical strategy research, etc. I got 30 credits in the class, 10 credits in the mecha operation class of the mecha department, and 10 credits in the battleship operation of the battleship department... According to the selection method of the college, Olivia is still in the command department. student.

In this case, although Olivia is a student of the command department, he is very proficient in the operation of warships at the same time. In order to better operate warships, he has also studied the development history of the imperial warships in all dynasties, and even he is still in the military network. I have practiced the operation of antique models in the virtual system.

Mechanical bases are actually warships that are hundreds of times more complex than warships. The navigators of many mechanical bases are evolved from excellent warship drivers. According to Olivia's original idea, he will probably officially become an officer of the mechanical base after his internship in the large mechanical base. According to his grades and qualifications, he will probably start as a non-commissioned officer. After two years of study, After accumulating a certain amount of experience in leading a team, he can successfully transform into a captain of a military spaceship, and his rank will be mentioned again. After accumulating a certain amount of military merit, he is qualified to become the captain of a warship...

If it goes well, in ten years, he can probably become the deputy of the highest commander of an ordinary mechanical base.

The salary of the deputy is also a lot~

Even a high school in his early thirties sounds very proud! (← Who are your ancestors… )

A secret idea in Olivia's mind could probably be realized at that time, and it wasn't too late.

This is a very orthodox promotion path. Ninety-nine percent of young officers dream of the promotion rhythm. However, only less than 1% of them can fully follow this step.

He graduated as the chief of the top military academies in the empire for seven consecutive years, and his glorious future has just taken the first step!

Definitely going back - full, Olivia feels himself awake again, and he turns his attention to the console again.

Although the mechanical base is actually a battleship that is hundreds of times more complicated than a battleship, the manual operating system used by Trotterland Haida is completely different from today's mainstream operating systems!

With such a complex system, even in the days when manual operating systems were the mainstream hundreds of years ago, it would take a novice at least three days to become familiar with all the keys!

But Olivia felt strangely familiar with these keys.

Just like when he just passed the permission verification, he intuitively wanted to find the defense start, system self-check and backup power start switches, and the position where his eyes fell was exactly where the three buttons were.

At that time, he also sighed with emotion that the design of the base console was very user-friendly, but now it's not like that at all!

Modern warships also have buttons with similar functions, but in a different location than this console.

In the process of getting familiar with the keys, Olivia felt a sense of deja vu. Although these keys are extremely complicated, many function buttons are very similar to his usage habits...

A picture flashed across my mind! Olivia finally understood why: the car! The car that Uncle Alpha gave him! The console button setting method above is actually exactly the same as the button distribution here!

That car was remodeled by Boney, the owner of a car repair shop in the commercial street. Except for the appearance, it still maintains the appearance of the factory, but the inside has been remodeled! Especially the console! It is much more complicated than the average hover car, and the complexity of the console on Olivia's car is comparable to that of a small battleship!

It's more complicated than a battleship. Today's battleships are equipped with intelligent operating systems, and the car that Boss Bouni transformed is purely manual!

After trying a few more times, Olivia became more and more sure of the guess in his heart. He pressed a few buttons tentatively, and found that the base really started to act according to his order, and he was more surprised!

Olivia took a closer look at the damage to the base.

Damage: 34%

Since the shield was raised in time, the core of the base was not damaged.

However, it cannot be completely said that there is a metal plate at the bottom of the base that is seriously damaged. Although there are no consequences yet, considering its sensitive location, Olivia knows that it must be repaired as soon as possible.

Olivia still doesn't understand what happened to the base just now. The surveillance camera equipment that was first placed outside was all damaged, and no valuable images were captured. Fortunately, there are 32 spare surveillance cameras on the base. When the turbulence was not so strong, Olivia tentatively released one, but the monitor only had time to transmit a blurred image. Black screen.

After releasing five more devices one after another, Olivia finally managed to figure out her current situation: is he... transmigrated

The last surveillance camera sent back a very clear image of a distorted black hole in the back of the sturdy Trotland Haida, which was covered by a shield.

It was something called a "stargate" that Olivia had only seen in textbooks.

This kind of thing, often called black hole, was very scary when it was discovered by humans. However, with the development of science, more and more high-end anti-black hole devices have been applied to spaceships, warships and mechanical bases, and even humans have learned Learn how to use stargates.

One by one unknown galaxies were excavated through the star gate, and one galaxy after another began to communicate with each other, or communicate, or violated, and higher civilizations were exported to lower civilizations...

… 2,000 years ago, after the discovery of the last stargate, the size of the universe was formally determined. One after another higher civilization collided with each other, and wars continued one after another, until the army of the empire occupied one galaxy after another, and Emperor Louis I finally completed the unification of the universe!

Without any name, an empire is an empire, the name of a country in the entire universe! All the people of the universe belong to one country!

Both Olivia and Mugan grew up with this education.

Today, after the original stargates were all replaced by space stations, if Olivia hadn't performed well, he wouldn't even realize that this would be a stargate.

stargate = undiscovered galaxy

The names and coordinates of the galaxy are all question marks, and this is not the territory of the empire.

The chances of successfully passing through the stargate are extremely small. There is a lot of material sucked into the stargate. They will collide with each other during the entry process, and most of them will disintegrate inside the stargate. !

It is also unsafe outside the star gate. The material that disintegrates inside the star gate will be ejected. Outside the star gate, there are large and small star garbage, which is comparable to a dangerous S-level high-speed meteorite belt!

Until this time, Olivia was afraid.

The opening time and location of the stargate are uncertain, and the transfer may be closed at any time. Thinking of this sentence in the textbook, Olivia hurriedly launched two signal eggs in the direction of the stargate, and did not wait for the third signal egg to be launched. The star gate became smaller and smaller, and the vortex disappeared into an extremely tiny black spot until it completely disappeared.

Looking at the screen silently, Olivia placed the locator here according to the method of discovering new planets, and then he began to slowly drive away from this meteorite belt. Without the gravitational control of the stargate, these meteorites became very quiet, and Olivia left without much effort.

At this point, the remaining amount of energy in Tratlan Haida has been alerted. After changing the base operation mode to the most energy-efficient drift, Olivia immediately turned off some of the lights, and finally, he dropped the two layers of shields inside the base.

Grabbing the little tyrannosaurus from under the chair, Olivia grabbed him not gently and left the control room.

Just as he opened the safety door of the control tower, the indigenous dinosaurs who had been guarding outside for a long time rushed towards him with their teeth and claws! In this regard, Olivia just threw the little tyrannosaurus out of his hand, and then he only said one sentence: "Now when it's time to leave here, I will be the highest officer here."

Olivia knew that from now on, he was trapped in this place.

Not knowing the time, not knowing the location, not knowing where his home is, he got lost.


Starlight Calendar 393 Years

Mugen successfully completed his studies in the No. 3 canteen of the Imperial Military Academy with an A+ score. The No. 3 canteen of the Imperial Military Academy was willing to accept him as a formal chef apprentice, and the Imperial College also handed him an olive branch. The head of the department and Professor Mu Lansha of Life Multiplication West expressed their willingness to make him their teaching assistant.

However, Mugan declined all of them.

After rejecting his dream job, Mugan finally chose to join the army.

He was now a private in the logistics department of an obscure detachment of the Imperial Fifth Army Air Corps.

There is only one reason for Mugan to abandon his ideals: to find the missing Olivia.

The disappearance of the Eustach base six months ago was finally named the "Yostasha Stargate Incident". In the vicinity of the missing coordinates of the Eustash base, investigators found a large amount of stargate material. Experts determined that there was a must. A stargate appears!

The appearance of the stargate is of great significance! It not only represents unknown land, unknown wealth, but also unknown dangers and potential enemies!

Because the time and location of the stargates are erratic, the stargates opened at the same place will likely lead to different places when they are opened next time. If you want to develop the stargate, you must invest countless manpower, material resources, time and money. To determine whether the input and output are proportional, a considerable number of members of the Council voted against the development of Stargate to find missing persons.

In two consecutive votes, Marshal Rothsay, who proposed to develop the Stargate, failed.

In the end, however, it was his old rival who agreed with his plan: in the third vote, Nashkiel voluntarily announced that he fully supported Marshal Rothsay's development plan.

So far, the development plan has not been hindered. For the first time in hundreds of years, the military and government departments of the Empire have worked together to achieve the same goal, and quickly completed the designation of the development plan, the selection of personnel, and the deployment of troops.

Muggan's team was one of the many squads dispatched to develop the Stargate. They will work in this remote and difficult temporary base for an unknown number of years until the Stargate is built.

With enough credits, graduates of Imperial College can graduate as long as they find a job through an internship. They took a photo with the teachers and students of the cooking department for the last time. After hugging everyone, Muggan said goodbye to everyone.

For Morgan, his school days are over.

However, the internship at the Imperial Military Academy has not yet ended. Mugan no longer expects Olivia to come back on time for the graduation ceremony. He now has only one wish: Oli can come back safely.

Just come back alive.

Considering the long lifespan of Kantas, Mugan decided to start working hard now, save money, take care of his body, and strive to live longer.

He will try to live until the day Ollie comes back alive.

An accidental disappearance, the fate of the two young people all changed.

The author has something to say: The turning point in Mugan's fortunes is here.

In fact, this is also a turning point for Oli Tweet. Do you still remember Olivia from the last mission in Sumeg's memory

At the end of the last chapter, you can understand why Mu Xiaogen called Ciser.