There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 166: Looking at each other from a distance


New Eustash Base

In order to develop the Stargate, the Imperial Army added a brand new six-star base nearby. The new base was named Eustash, and in order to separate it from the missing Eustash, people added a new base before the name of the base. "new word.

Lieutenant-General Goran Rafal Kleizi was appointed as the supreme commander of New Eustascha, and his adjutants were civilian officials from the Political Department. In just three days after the base was built, the base officers were all in place, and a large number of soldiers and researchers were transported to the new base in batches. Their tasks were assigned as early as during the transport. After arriving at the base, everyone began to carry out their own tasks. Task.

At 3:55 in the morning, the portable brain on Mugen's wrist vibrated on time. Mugen sat up reflexively. He got up too fast, knocked his head heavily on the sleeping capsule above, and rubbed his red forehead, but thanks to this knock, he finally woke up completely. .

The inside of the sleep capsule is not completely dark. It senses the mental state of the user. There is a faint light in the capsule. s eyes.

In the dim light, Mugen's eyes twinkled slightly. Patting his cheeks, he gently released the safety locks securing his body with his hands and feet. He lifted the sleep capsule and jumped down lightly.

The place where Muggan sleeps now is the sleeping cabin for the soldiers to rest. The air base is expensive to build, and the space is very precious. The living space of the soldiers is compressed into sleeping capsules. The space in the sleeping cabin was used very thoroughly. There was only space for two people to walk side by side. There were densely packed sleeping capsules on the walls and ceiling, and one sleeping cabin could hold a thousand sleeping capsules.

The space in the sleeping pod is not large for many soldiers, but it is very comfortable for Mugan, who is only 1.9 meters. Although it is still a bit difficult to sit upright, at least you can sit in it with a pillow, and the width is just right. Well, this way, Sigma doesn't have to be placed in warehouses like other people's robots.

And Mugan was lucky. He didn't draw the sleeping capsule on the ceiling. His capsule was only three meters high from the ground, so it was easy to get up and down.

When Muggan jumped off the capsule, he had already grasped the folded clothes in the capsule in his hand, and he borrowed the force of the two capsules below. He landed on the ground like a cheetah, and did not emit any Voice, not long after he got down, Sigma climbed down too.

The sleeping pod was cold, and Mugan dressed as fast as he could. Not long after he got dressed, Sigma also packed himself up and used the transformation function. Sigma changed his shape settings to look like a metal backpack, with long robotic arms wearing a military jacket in Muggan. Hooked it up instantly, and carried it behind Mugen like a metal backpack.

With Sigma on his back, Mugan ran gently, and there were five other soldiers who ran out with him. No one made a sound. The door of the sleeping cabin only opened and closed when they passed, silently. , A few people washed briefly in the washroom outside the sleeping cabin, and after leaving a note, they immediately went to the mecha cabin to gather.

It was still dark.

There is no Sunshine nearby, and the base has no intention of wasting too much precious energy on it, so New Eustache is dark all day, but there are enough lights on the base for everyone to use.

After all, they are professional soldiers. When Mugen and the others arrived, other soldiers were gathering from all directions. When the gathering time arrived at 4:00 in the morning, all the people on the platform were already there. Waiting quietly.

The temperature outside was very low, and Morgan couldn't hold back and sneezed softly.

Immediately, he felt the heat on his back, but Sigma turned up his temperature to warm his brother.

"..." Unable to speak, Mugen warmly accepted his brother's kindness.

The new base is responsible for mining Stargate. In order to complete the task in the shortest time and find the missing comrades, the officers and soldiers of New Eustascha work overtime and all day, but even so, they take care of the physical condition of the soldiers and make reasonable arrangements. Everyone's training, work, rest, and meal time are implemented in shifts.

Here forty hours a day, Muggan served twenty-seven hours a day, rested eight hours, trained one hour, and the other four hours were his meal time and discretionary time.

However, the twenty-seven-hour service time is divided into three times, and Mugan's turn is the morning shift from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Assembled at 4:00 in the morning, first was an hour of collective warm-up training time, after which, Mugen and the soldiers of the same shift were going to perform mining tasks near the stargate several light years away.

Now that the ancient training method has been fully implemented, after a group practice of several sets of passwords and a complete set of fighting punches, Mugan's forehead began to sweat. After lining up again to return to their original positions, the fully equipped mechas slowly rose from the ground.

Not the combat armor that teenagers yearn for, this is a group of heavily armored mining mechas.

A black #24 is printed on the shell of the mecha that Morgan was assigned.

"Good morning, big man." Habitually patted the big man's... toes, Mugan climbed up like a monkey, and skillfully manipulated the big man into the waiting military transport ship ahead. After all the mechas landed in five minutes, the doors of the military transport ship were closed, and a thousand mechas went to the mining site not far away.

However, there must be many meteorite groups near the space where the stargate has been opened. If you want to develop the stargate, you must clean up the nearby meteorite groups, uh... It's like a lot of garbage in front of the door. If you want to open the door, you have to get it first. Taking a vacuum cleaner and cleaning up the trash, Mugan now works a bit like a cleaner.

But this is definitely the most difficult garbage cleaner to apply for: in the top mecha battalions in the entire empire and the mecha department of the military school, after a lot of assessments, the final 20,000 people who won the job successfully got the job as a cleaner .

Mu Xiaogen was the only fresh graduate among the 20,000 people, and he didn't even graduate from the Military Academy.

His performance in the assessment was really excellent, so he was admitted by exception, but since he had never done any military assignments before, his rank could only be private.

In the whole of New Eustach, Mu Xiaogen is not the only private soldier, but among the cleaners, he is the unique private soldier.

There is no land near the star gate. After arriving at the destination, a hole is opened at the bottom of the transport ship, and the mechs need to jump down like skydivers.

Muggan's position is the first at the landing port, and he is the first to jump down by convention.

Unlike land mechas, the landing of mechas in the universe is a test of skill. There is no mecha operator in the transport ship who is not a veteran of military training for five or six years, even if they are the first time to perform a space mecha landing mission. There have been some situations at times, but Private Mugen was stunned to get started the first time he landed. There was no suspense, and he got out of the cabin perfectly!

Watching the mecha with the words #24 leave the cabin and float lightly in the dark universe, the soldiers in the surrounding mecha pursed their lips, and the second mecha jumped down, and then the third mecha. 3rd, 4th...

The blasting mission can only be carried out after approaching the meteorite blocks in the air at a constant speed, sampling, and sending the sampling data back to the headquarters research laboratory. According to the volume and quality of the meteorite blocks, the perfect blasting force is formulated. It is extremely necessary to blast these meteorite blocks into stardust without affecting the surrounding celestial bodies. If you want to apply for the cleaners here, you also need a written test to measure your IQ!

Mugen carried out the cleaning task cautiously. One hour passed. In this hour, he completed a total of 3 pieces of A-level garbage to clean up, which was considered highly efficient among the thousand people who performed the task at the same time.

But just like the previous days, all he cleaned up were ordinary meteorites, and he didn't find any other information about the Stargate, as did others.

However, today is destined to be a good day. At the end of Mugan's morning shift, Mugan heard an explosion from someone on the public channel: They found a shoe!

Repressing his mood, Mugen finished the rest of the work time and returned to the base to have breakfast absentmindedly. Finally, when the second work shift was about to start, the research room sent an announcement: The one found in the morning The owner of the shoe has been found! It belonged to a second lieutenant on base Eustash!

All are refreshed!

This is the second missing item they've found in months!

Hoping to find some of Ollie's items, but also hoping to not find them at all, with this contradictory idea, Muggan continued to work day after day.

Wanting to find the clues to get Ollie home - which is why he desperately has to apply for this dangerous mission.


"Oli! Oli!" Olivia heard someone calling her name vaguely.

That is... Olivia turned her head in disbelief, and then, he saw the house of his hometown, and the people standing in front of the house, thinking about it...

He ran over and held Mugan tightly in his arms.

Hey? its not right? What about Mugan's hair? This bare feeling... Is it possible to hold a sigma

Olivia frowned and tightened her arms, then heard a nervous roar.

Even if she didn't want to, Olivia was woken up.

The tyrannosaurus cub named Xiao Tao screamed in a panic, and following his line of sight, Olivia realized that she was holding an egg.

Handily threw the egg in her arms into the bed she had just left, and Olivia stood up.

He took a look in the mirror. The young man in the mirror can only be described as sinister. A pair of brown eyes are sharp and afraid of people. The moment Olivia stood in front of the mirror, Olivia felt that she glared at herself.

Leaving the mirror, Olivia walked downstairs with a gloomy face.

He now lives alone in the main control room, and usually no one comes over, only the three cubs occasionally run over.

Probably because Olivia threw them a few candies.

But then Olivia ran out of candy, and they still ran here often.

Olivia has been stuck in this ghost place for a year! To be precise, it is one month, one month and three days a year!

The food prepared by Mugan had been eaten three months ago. If these foods are only eaten by Olivia, it should not be a problem to have a plan to support them for a year and a half. However, there are so many people here...

Three months ago, there was a little Thunder Dragon who shed tears for a day, and it took a long time to find out: During the process of entering the star gate, all the vegetables and livestock that the soldiers planted died. As of today, they finally played the game. Running out of food. The cubs were so hungry that the brontosaurus, the most meaty of them all, decided to kill himself and let his companions eat him.

Olivia traded bags of food for the Brontosaurus' life.

Take out all the food on the Mengmeng for everyone to eat together. After a few months, the adults are still in good spirits although they have lost weight. The food prepared by Mugen is high in energy and balanced in nutrition. No, three cubs Even with a long nod, these soldiers are now grateful to Olivia to death.

Now their daily food is only mugen grass. This grass is very powerful, and it grows when it falls. Fortunately, everyone has evolved into a human form, so the acceptance of vegetarian food is not bad, except for the little tyrannosaurus.

Two days ago, Olivia finally killed the dragon tortoise—Olivia really didn't treat the dragon tortoise as food for Mugan and Sigmar at first.

Most of the meat of the dragon turtle was reserved for the little tyrannosaurs who were pure carnivores, and everyone else only got a little of it.

There is only 20% of the energy left in Tratland Haida. In order to retain the last strength, Olivia completely let go of the operation of the base. Tran Haida is now like an island, can it be used by others? The discovery was almost entirely by luck.

Picking up the little tyrannosaurus at his feet and putting it aside, Olivia took out a box from her arms, opened the box and watched it quietly for a while. He casually looked towards the dinosaur soldiers who were working hard to harvest mugen grass.

A total of twenty-three dragons... and one egg.

At that point, even if he killed the twenty-three dragons, he would continue to persevere.

He is going home.