There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 168: For Ollie


The cost of the Stargate development program is staggering! The average daily development cost is as high as 5 billion Farads. In the case of more than half a year without any discovery, there are still some voices of opposition in private, especially the Ministry of Finance of the Empire. I heard that the Minister of Finance Luo Han has successively I have found Lord Nashkiel three times to protest this.

However, Nashkiel, who has always been in a state of confrontation with the military, has a very firm attitude on this matter. He not only dismissed the protest of the Ministry of Finance, but also added financial allocations and personnel support.

Mugen doesn't know exactly how the various waves among the adults are undercurrents. He just carries out his tasks seriously day after day. "More and more, Mugan has also discovered three new metals in the process of working! As the soldier who discovered the most new elements in the clean-up unit, these discoveries have been converted into military merits and reported by his superiors. After approval, Mugan can become a second-class soldier.

However, after the approval, Mugen was directly promoted to become a senior soldier!

It turned out that one of the new metals discovered by Mugan caught the attention of the base's expert team. After analysis, a senior expert found the altered structure in the meteorite where the metal was found! It was just such a discovery that they finally determined the location where the stargate once appeared!

It is said that the expert who discovered this structure is also a member of the military. By this discovery, his rank was directly promoted from brigadier general to major general, which is much more amazing than Mugan's movement!

On the day the news was confirmed, the entire New Eustach Base made a big pot of braised Dota dragon meat specially to celebrate. The officers and soldiers of the base who had been eating the nutritional supplements for several months were overjoyed, but Mugen was a little bit stunned.

What about braised pork... This is Ollie's favorite food. Does Ollie have anything to eat there now

After thinking about it, I became depressed, and Mugen rarely had leftovers. Seeing that he didn't eat, Sigma planned to put the rest of Mugan's lunch box in his storage space and kept it for Mugan to eat at night (Sigma would really live).

At this moment, the person sitting opposite Mugen suddenly spoke to him:

"Such a delicious braised pork, if you don't eat it, give it to me?"

A very familiar voice... Mugen raised his head abruptly, and when he saw who was on the opposite side, he opened his mouth: "Boss Bouni?"

The gray-haired old man across from him is not the old neighbor of Aidori Commercial Street—who is the boss of the car repair shop

When he saw the straight military uniform on Boss Booney's body, Mugen was stunned again, and his eyes lingered on the epaulette on the other's shoulder for a while, Mugen said unsurely: "This... Is boss Booney a lieutenant general?"

"Silly boy, this is the rank of major general! One star is missing." Although he was wearing the uniform of a major general, the tone of Boss Boonie was exactly the same as when he was wearing the uniform of a greasy garage.

"Why are you here?" Mugan was very happy that he hadn't seen the old neighbor for several months.

"Hey, isn't the military going to increase the manpower for developing Stargate now? They also found me, an old guy, alas... I haven't reached retirement age yet?" Boss Boney sighed and didn't know how to continue. , Mugan had to smile.

After laughing for a while, Muggan couldn't help asking about his own situation: "Is my dad alright? We haven't been able to contact them for months! The signals sent by Sigma have been intercepted."

The military attaches great importance to the development of Stargate. In order to prevent leaks, any signal cannot be transmitted from the base, and can only go through official military channels. How long Muggan has been a soldier, how long has he not been with his family. got engaged.

"Your father is very good. When I left, he asked me to specifically tell you. As for the others... You can ask them directly." Blinking his eyes slightly, Boss Boney smiled slyly.

Mugen was stunned, and then he saw a robot walking steadily with a plate: a familiar silver shell... a thick layer of multi-colored metal on the outside, a familiar dim light screen... a mask I got a receiver, although the appearance has changed a little, but this robot came over with a plate of braised pork, who is not the uncle

"Please have a meal." The cold voice, as always, was the voice that Mugen had listened to for more than 20 years!

"Big..." Just as Mugen was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something, and he closed his mouth tightly.

Visiting relatives is prohibited at the New Eustachian base.

"Alpha is my assistant robot, come with me to perform the mission this time." Noticing Mugan's actions, Boss Boone smiled and told him Alpha's new identity.

"You, hello!" He glanced nervously around and found that most of the people around were hurrying to eat braised pork. Mugen finally reached out and shook hands with Alpha.

If possible, he would like to give his uncle a hug, but unfortunately there are too many people around him. For the safety of his uncle, he dare not.

"The heart rate is 54, which is slightly higher than usual. You are a little excited now." At the moment when the icy robotic hand touched the warm human palm, Alpha's scanning device had habitually scanned Muggan's physical condition, confirming that his human was thin. He was very satisfied with the weight of 3 kg, but his physical function has improved significantly.

"Well~" Mugen was very happy to see his family at the base, can you not be excited

After scanning Mugan, Alpha saw Sigma carrying Mugan on his back:

"Your dim light screen flashed a yellow light the moment you saw me. Excuse me, are you unhappy when you see me?"

Everyone looked down at Sigma from a condescending height.

"Sigma is very happy." From behind Mugen, he stuck out his own dark screen. In order to prove that he was very happy, Sigma flashed the various green signals on the dark screen one by one.

Duplicity ← Sigma got another amazing new skill.

Alpha sat upright opposite Mugan. The moment he sat down, Mugan heard a subtle voice again: "Nice to meet you." The chilling metallic sound was Uncle Beta's voice, and Mugen was surprised. He glared at Uncle Alpha's "armor", this color, is it difficult...

Seeing Boss Booney nodded lightly, Mugan's gaze immediately turned downward, noticing the metallic color covering Alpha's legs, and he was delighted: "Uncle Pai is here too."

"Apart from Xiao A, everyone else is here." Chewing the braised pork, Boss Boney said vaguely: "It is said that they decide who stays at home to watch the store by guessing their fists."

Mugan: ... Dad's manipulator is inflexible, it will only swell and break!


So when the construction started in the afternoon, Mugen really saw Uncle Ipsyron, who transformed into a mecha, and Uncle Eta, who was disguised as a tool in the mecha's hand...

Except for Xiao A, who was left at home in Guessing Quan, the family reunited in New Eustace.

It was a great surprise for Mugan to be able to reunite with his family at the base. However, there is still a bit of shock in the surprise: when we assembled today, the military department and the research institute deliberately found Mugen alone, hoping that he would lead the way and bring the newly arrived team of experts to the location where the meteorite was discovered.

This task is very common, but the object of guidance makes Mugan stunned: the research institute who was promoted from brigadier general to major general because of the discovery of the quasar gate structure is actually Boss Bouni!

Boss Boney is actually the current chief expert of the expert group!

"Uh... senior technical officers can also be generals..." Boss Boney said with a smile.

But in this way, Mugan understands why Boss Booney can bring so many robots to New Eustash.

Before, Muggan only knew that Boss Booney was very good at cars - Ollie's car was refitted by him; later he found out that he was also very good at repairing spaceships, and Uncle Roroya's spaceship called him every time there was a problem; now it seems that , the real power of Boss Boonie is not in the hover car and the spaceship.

After Boss Bouni came to the base, under the leadership of Morgan, he recorded all the spatial structure data near the meteorite that day. Four days later, the expert team announced the location of the stargate excavation point!

The so-called star gate is the folding of space. The earliest star gates were produced by natural folding. However, today, after a thousand years, scientists can imitate the structure of the star gate folding, and excavate artificial star gates through various methods. The natural stargate is the same, but it is much more stable and safer than the natural stargate.

Once the excavation point was determined, the technicians operated special tools on the same day and made the first attempt to penetrate in the void. Muggan and other cleaners were not allowed to watch the excavation process - the excavation of the star gate is too dangerous, and there will be space distortions if you are not careful. However, the process of the day was broadcast throughout the base.

The process of excavating the stargate is almost like magic. Mugen watched the pinpoint and a small beam of light hit the selected position. That position looked very ordinary, just a part of the ordinary universe. However, in the beam of light flashed After four passes, Morgan saw a black spot on the light screen.

As the beam of light becomes denser, the black spot gradually expands, eventually becoming a black hole the size of a human head.

The cleaning work of Muggan and other cleaners was ordered to stop for a whole week. During that week, everyone was forbidden to approach the black hole. No one knew what happened there. Except Muggan, Uncle and other robots came over, they The platform was once again linked to Sigma's, and from Sigma, Muggan learned of all the tests the institute was doing near the black hole.

Experts tried to put a plate of apple pie in the black hole, and when they took it out 30 seconds later, the apple pie had disappeared and the iron plate was covered with rust; they also tried to put live animals in it, but then took it out again At that time, the animal turned into what it looked like when it was a juvenile.

Time in a black hole is so complicated that the team of experts had to recalculate how each node is combined.

It was already half a month later when Mugan and other cleaners were pulled out to restart work.

The black hole that was originally the size of a human head was excavated to a size that humans can enter.

"Starting today, your mission has changed."

"It is no longer necessary to clean up the surrounding meteorites, soldiers, your task is to dig this brand new star gate!"

"In history, the excavation and establishment of every stargate in the empire has brought new territory, countless wealth and prosperity to the empire! Everyone involved in the construction of the stargate will witness this process, and this The star gate is the first star gate discovered by the empire in a thousand years, and the first soldier to break the space gate will receive the honor of naming the star gate with his own name!"

The officer who announced the change of mission is obviously an inspirational person, and a job that is obviously very dangerous has turned into a very honorable job under his rendering.

"For the empire! For glory!" Countless young soldiers were inspired by his words, and for a while, the soldiers roared excitedly on the mecha public platform.

"For Ollie." In the uproar, Mugan also said his oath.