There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 172: hope


After confirming that each other was safe and expressing enough emotion, Olivia quickly took Mugan in her military uniform and went out: Uncle and the others are still outside~

When she found that the uncle and others were placed on the plate like Mugen, Olivia went crazy!

Alpha sat upright... On the silver-white plate, the robotic arm was cautiously placed on his knees. Beside him, several dinosaur soldiers were very attentive to pick up the worms on his body, for fear of being unclean. Will take a lick.

The other robots next to him are treated the same way. These dinosaur soldiers are so powerful that even the heaviest Ipsisaurus in the robot can resist moving. More bugs will turn him over by themselves.

However, it seems... as if... it seems... Uncle and the others seem quite happy.

You ask how he sees a group of robots happy? Look at the dark screen~

Olivia: ( ⊙ o ⊙) Ah!

After picking up all the bugs, the dinosaurs said in a good mood: "Thank you for the hospitality." ← The bugs on your body are so many and delicious!

Alpha Robot also nodded reservedly: "Thank you for your hospitality." ← Your cleaning service is also very good.

As a result, the conflict that Olivia was worried about did not happen at all: the uncle was not unhappy, and his subordinates were not injured.

That's awesome!

Even better things came later. When we were sitting together for a dinner, Olivia had just ordered someone to bring the mugen grass poured into the sauce, but Ipsilon took out a bunch of nutrients from his stomach: all It's All Meat Nutrients ← Boss Mugan and Booney both love meat!

Smelling the meat smell of the nutritional supplements, the eyes of the dinosaurs who hadn't eaten serious meat in the past few months have turned green!

Mugan took all these nutrients down, and the soldiers on the base finally had a full meal.

After dinner, Mugan took out another big bag of candy from Sigma:

"This is not sold on Hengtianxing. I asked the colleague in charge of purchasing in the cafeteria to order a bag, but it was a pity that it arrived late."

"Fortunately, it's still for you."

Saying that, Mugan looked at Olivia with a smile.

With bright eyes, Olivia opened a candy and put it in her mouth, the whole person smelled sweet strawberries.

With the candy, Olivia looked down and saw the three cubs looking at her tangled, watching their saliva dripping, Olivia grabbed a handful of candy and handed it to them.

Beautiful candy is placed in front of the cubs, but how to eat it has become a problem, look at these three cubs: two small brontosaurus, four paws on the ground; one small tyrannosaurus, although there are two front claws , but the front paws are too short, the candy on the ground... Enough, out of reach!

In the end, Sigma walked over, flexibly tore open the package of the candy, and put the candy in the palm of his hand and stretched it out towards the cubs.

Having never seen a robot, the three-headed cubs were a little scared at first, but the candy in Sigmar's hand was so tempting that the cubs quickly played happily with Sigmar.

Filling their stomachs, the family reunited after a long absence sat together again, and they talked about what happened before they arrived here.

"...Totuolan Haida is farther than we thought, and halfway there, the fuel is gone! Hahaha!" You can still laugh so heartily when the fuel is gone, Boss Boney, your heart is so broad!

"At this time, we found that a mecha was floating in our direction nearby." After his topic, Mugen continued.

"I just thought that maybe I could get some fuel from the other party, so I let Epsilon fly over with the last bit of fuel. I didn't expect that there was a big bug on the mech." The scene, Mugen had lingering fears.

A worm the size of half a mecha was tightly attached to the back of the mecha. The worm was covered in a hard carapace, with a cylindrical mouthpart, and liquid saliva poured out of the cylindrical mouth. It came out, but it didn't drip, but floated in the surrounding space, which was very strange.

When they grabbed the mecha, they didn't see the big bug behind the mecha at all. When they found it, it was too late. The bug was actually alive! After discovering new targets such as Epsilon, it immediately gave up the mecha it originally lived in and quickly climbed onto Epsilon!

"I can't get rid of it no matter what. Fortunately, I found you not long after that." When he found Trotland Haida, Alpha immediately sent a landing application to the base, and also informed the base that there was a strange bug on the mecha. , we all know what happened next.

The mecha that was first inhabited by insects also came to Tuotuolan Haida with them, but there was no one in that mecha, and the emergency exit in the mecha was opened, presumably the mecha master could not get rid of the monster. fled at that moment.

It is worth mentioning that the mecha is a standard mecha serving on the Eustach base, which can be seen from the number on the outside of the mecha. It's just that I don't know who the pilot who drove it was and whether it survived after leaving the mech.

Carefully compared the physical signs of the giant worm and the worm found in the body of Vice Admiral Michel Ott. They found that the two looked basically the same except for the difference in body size. In addition, the first worm discovered by Mugan It is exactly the same as the previous two!

This kind of worm is extremely tenacious. Boss Bunny did an experiment. He successively tried to kill the worm by boiling, freezing, drying, rays, etc., but all failed. This kind of worm that can survive in space has a strong vitality beyond human imagination. They can eat all kinds of food: whether it is human food, or the free micro-matter in the universe, or even solid metal, they are well received, and they can survive in a dormant state when the environment is really bad.

"You're doing it right, the only way to deal with them is to eat them." After being chewed and crushed by humans, they were dissolved and differentiated through layers of digestive organs, and the worm was completely digested in the process.

There are many lifeforms that can survive in space, and most of these lifeforms will not cause harm to human space navigation - most of them are small, unintelligent, and safe. However, some of them are very dangerous - it is said that Kantas is also a powerful creature that can survive in the space environment for a period of time, but now Kantas are too rare, and few people have proved it.

The universe is so vast that there are still many secrets left to be discovered by human beings. Even now, interstellar voyage is still very dangerous. The reason is that space creatures have suddenly evolved in some space environments. A considerable part of the meaning of the existence of the army is to fight against these space creatures. They must always send people to patrol the territory and clean up. Dangerous goods, thus maintaining the safety of the Imperial waterways.

Whether it is Boss Bunny or Olivia, they know a lot about space creatures, but in their impressions, there is no record of this kind of worm at all.

This is a brand new creature.

Olivia added the information about this new creature into his report, and he was also very generous in showing the various materials he had collected during this period to Boss Boney and Mugan.

The daily weather changes are the basics, and he insists on collecting the content analysis of the nearby meteorites every day. In addition, Olivia has also drawn the star map of this galaxy through the scanning system!

The first two records are okay to say, the last star map is too amazing!

If the empire wants to open up a new star field, the star map is a must. Not to mention that there are eight unknown metals in the metals that Olivia discovered earlier. In addition, there are actually two rare metals that the empire is in desperate need of!

Just because there may be a large amount of rare metal deposits in this star field, the empire will definitely not give up developing this star field.

"Little Ollie, you have done a great job this time!" Boss Booney sighed: "At your speed, you can at least become a warrant officer after graduation. Maybe you can surpass me before you are fifty years old. !"

The fact that the boss of Boonie is the major general of the research institute, Olivia already knew from the conversation with Mugan. The neighbors of Aidori Commercial Street hide their dragons and crouching tigers, but Olivia is not surprised at all.

Hearing the words of Boss Boney, Olivia just smiled slightly: "If you can go back."

"With me here and with you, I can definitely go back." Patting Olivia on the shoulder, Boss Boney turned back and called Mugan: "Get your tools ready, and go with me to check this base thoroughly. !"

"Yes!" Mugan saluted him.

Bosses Boone and Mugan have brought more than just food to keep them going for another week, but hope.

Without using the system self-check program, he took everyone on the base and walked the entire base aside. During this process, he found a lot of damage problems, pointing to the location and asking Mugan to record these problems one by one, Boss Booney Repair materials are still being collected during the inspection process.

He even used the existing materials to create an energy machine. Although the production capacity is small, it can solve the most serious fuel problem in the base - as expected of the boss Bouni who never pays the electricity bill to the empire!

The indigenous soldiers are all thick and fleshy, capable of fighting and resisting, but none of them are proficient in maintenance. Although Olivia understands a little, it is still fur.

However, Boss Booney and the others are different: Boss Booney himself is an expert in this field, and the mechanical maintenance in Mugan's elective course is very good, and for robots such as Alpha, battleship maintenance is a must-have software for their installation!

Under the arrangement of Boss Bouni, the entire base was completely "lived".

It was the first time that Olivia's eyes lit up when she saw the amazing performance of Boss Booney at work: "Grandpa Booney, when I become a captain in the future, how about hiring you as my chief maintenance officer?"

Boss Boney laughed after hearing this: "You kid is very discerning!"

But he still refused Olivia's request: "In ten days, I will retire, old man! I would have ignored these things a long time ago, if you hadn't run away, or if Mu Xiaogen had joined the army for you Running to such a dangerous place, I will not easily come out of the mountain."

"Then I'll hire Dada, but I don't know how Dada's technology is." Startled, Olivia quickly put on a smile again, and he took the next step.

"Let's talk about it when he graduates, let's see if he wants to." Boss Boone doesn't care about the future of his children and grandchildren at all.

"I expect to complete the basic repair of the base in four days, and then sail from here to the stargate in three days. At the same time, I will send people to use the machine's production capacity throughout the seven days, and then use the last three days to find a way to enter the stargate and go back." The star gate on the empire's side has already made a hole, and the exit on this side has been marked before. Boss Bouni is still very sure about leaving here.

"Just leave the repair work to Alpha and the soldiers who originally lived on the base, and leave the Stargate to me and Mugan, um... I have to add Sigma, and then send someone to continue to salvage Eustash. In the end, someone has to take care of the wounded and let the cubs watch them." Boss Boone said his arrangement.

"What about me?" Olivia was stunned when there was no name in the plan.

"You?" Boss Boney raised his head and glanced at him, then lowered his head: "You should practice how to drive the base these days, I have seen your driving record during this period of time, it's terrible, and it will never pass the stars. Door."

Olivia was stunned. He suddenly remembered that the control system used on the Tratland Haida and the hover car was exactly the same. This question had been circling in his mind for a long time. This time, he finally had a chance. Olivia took this The question was asked.

"Ha... Of course it's the same! Hundreds of years ago, I was the best driver in the empire! I often assisted the guys in the research institute to do tests. At that time, various operating systems were designed based on my operating habits. !" Boss Boonie said proudly.

What a great driver to be able to influence the way you design - Olivia thought.

"But I'm too old to operate the base now, sigh... not to mention the base, I can't even drive the spaceship, I can only drive the elderly hover car for fun." The shoulders collapsed, but Boss Boone didn't care about this problem. After too much entanglement, he quickly regained his energy: "I don't have time during the day, so I can only come to teach you at night. You can concentrate on practicing driving these days."

After saying this, Boss Boone waved his hand and left.