There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 173: Time to go home


The next night, Boss Booney, who had been busy all day, came to the main control room yawning and smiled when he saw Olivia waiting there long ago.

Behind him was Mugan the little tail, and after greeting Olivia, Mugan sat in the back of the main control room and didn't speak.

"The operating console outside only has normal driving functions, but when it comes to reloading weapons, changing the course... these operations that only the top commander can approve, all require the use of another set of operating consoles that only the top commander can use."

Hearing this, Olivia's heart moved, and he immediately thought of the spare console he found, the one that requires blood activation before it can be authorized to use...

Sure enough, in the next second, Boss Booney reached out and touched the console. When he touched the broken glass, he was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Olivia behind him.

"...At that time, all the consoles outside were inoperable, so I thought of looking for a backup system..." Olivia gave a general description of the situation at that time.

Boss Boone nodded: "Yeah, I should have thought that the final defense system of the base can only be operated on this console."

"However, you responded very quickly. It's hard for you to think that there is another system in that situation. In an emergency, many newcomers can't remember it at all." Boss Boney also praised Austria. Livia: "But it's also your luck. Even if people find this button, they won't be able to activate it, because this is a system that was only authorized to Lieutenant General Helorenza, the highest commander of Tratland Haida at the time, using genetic authentication. Way."

"And Lieutenant General Herorenza is Kantas!" Boss Boney said with a smile.

Hearing this reason, Olivia was stunned.

But he didn't stay stunned for a long time. Boss Boney quickly waved to him, and understood what he meant. Olivia hurried over and pressed his right hand on the button under the console. After a slight sting, the incomparably complicated console It appeared before them again.

Countless buttons were suspended in mid-air, glowing faintly.

"A total of 3,301 buttons. This is the limit that a human driver can operate without brain assistance." Looking at these buttons, Boss Boone suddenly said.

"It was very difficult to be a base navigator at that time, and for a base of this level in Tratland Haida, there were only two candidates who were confirmed to be qualified to be navigators. In the end, Lieutenant General Helorenza became the final candidate. The gene segment is stored in the system, and he has the ultimate control of the Tran Haida." Boss Booney seems to be very aware of what happened at that time. Starting from this story, he will use the various buttons of the Tran Haida. The way he explained to Olivia, and after finishing what he had to say, the old man tilted his head and snored while sitting in the passenger seat.

Boss Booney said too many points this evening. Basically, there is no nonsense. All of them are essential knowledge that needs to be mastered. Olivia's brain is amazing, and he has only mastered half of these contents. Besides, Booney The boss talked too fast, and while explaining, he also asked Olivia to simulate the operation on the actual button, so there was no time to record!

Olivia regretted not taking Mengmeng with her. Anyway, she could record a sound or something! It's a pity that Mengmeng was also recruited by Boss Bouni. At this time, several robots have their own work to do.


Just when Olivia looked at the snoring boss Boonie a little worried, Mugan, who had been sitting at the back of the room disguised as a wallflower, came over.

"Here." Mugen handed Olivia a thick book in his hand, opened it and saw that it was densely recorded with all the contents explained by Boss Boone tonight!

Emotions When Boss Boney was giving lectures and Olivia was operating exercises, Mugan had been sitting in the back and taking notes.

Olivia was very happy to accept Mugan's love note. The two worked together to lift Boss Bunny and put it on the low couch that Olivia usually used to rest, so that the old man could sleep more comfortably.

After doing all this, the two of them made a floor next to the low couch, and after sleeping for three hours, they were knocked up by the awakened boss Boone, and the work started again the next day.

Boss Boone was clearly in a hurry.

But they can't help but be in a hurry: the food left is only enough for six days, the life characteristics of the people who Eustash saved are getting lower and lower, in addition, energy is also a big problem, the perpetual motion machine is broken After all, the production capacity device made by Boss Boney is not a long-term solution.

Those strange worms could be used as food before, but recently there are more and more worms near the base. At first, I could catch one and eat one, but later I couldn't eat it anymore, and the confinement room was full of those kinds of worms. These worms devoured each other in the confinement room. The worms that survived became bigger and bigger, the bigger the meat, the harder the meat, and a strange smell. Now the people on the base can no longer use these worms as food.

Especially when the restoration work was on its third day and they found the missing Eustach base nearby.

Before arriving for the internship in Eustace, Olivia had heard Mr. Cisse introduce that Eustace was a "great base", using the Empire's most advanced base construction technology and the most sturdy metal shell, the entire base was completely seamless. All in one, it is a perfect city of weapons and a fine metal artwork at the same time.

The photos of Eustach's base are not allowed to be published. Mr. Cisse asked Olivia to appreciate the power and beauty of Eustach on her own. However, when Olivia and Morgan drive the Epsilon transformed into a spaceship to stay in the space above the Eustach base, Olivia sees a very dilapidated base.

The five layers of protection are completely damaged, there is no trace of light, and there is no information about the existence of human beings. It looks like a fallen city.

They found something similar to worm eggs on the shell of the base, pierced one, and they could see white larvae inside, very small, but the basic appearance was exactly the same as the worms they had eaten before.

There are worm eggs everywhere on the surface of the Eustach base, and only a few have not broken. Most of the worm eggs have broken, and the worms inside have broken out of their shells.

What terrible thing happened on Eustachian

It's a pity that there is no one alive on the base who can answer their questions.

Finally, Beta and Alpha jumped off the spacecraft, and from the main control room of the base, they retrieved the "box" on the base.

It records everything that happened at the moment of the base's collapse. The answers they want may only be found in the box. However, there is obviously no tool to decipher the box on Trotland Haida. They can only save the box and bring it back to hand in. To the special department of the military to study.

In addition to the box, Alpha and the others also brought back a lot of reusable tools and materials from Eustace. The last thing that could be used on the Eustadsha base was brought over by them little by little and used on the surviving Tratland Haida. The metal colors of the two bases are completely different. The material removed from Eustace is filled on the outer shell of Trotland Haida, which looks extremely ugly.

However, such a base is a combination of the most advanced technology 400 years ago and the most advanced technology 400 years later.

"It's finally done." At the end of the fourth day, boss Boone announced the good news that the preparations were complete.

That means they can get out of here.

All the soldiers had a good night's sleep, the robots didn't have to work, they checked each other's airframes, but Olivia didn't sleep because the next day was going to be the actual base, Boone The boss wants to give him the final explanation.

The lectures continued until dawn, but this time, Olivia, who had been working hard both physically and mentally for several days, was the first to be unable to support her.

Looking at the sleeping young man lying on the console, Boss Bouni put his jacket on his shoulders, and then he walked to the window and quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.

At this moment, the scenery outside the window is nothing to see, and all you can see are the inner camps that have been converted into vegetable fields by the indigenous soldiers. The position of the control room is usually shrunk to the heart of the entire base, and it is also the most heavily guarded position of the base. However, this is not the case when the real flight mode is turned on. The control room originally located at the heart will be moved to the front of the entire base in one fell swoop, with the best view. No matter what kind of driving tool it is, the driver's position is always the position closest to the front of the field of vision, because only there can the driver focus on and see his real journey!

My own, incomparably vast journey—

Boss Boney closed his eyes, as if he saw the endless starry sky.

He thought he could belong to that starry sky, but within fifty years, his dream was shattered.

Between the myths, Boss Bouni felt that his pants were being pulled, and he looked down along the way, and when he saw a little tyrannosaur, the old man raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah... Xiao Tao?" After being busy for several days, Boss Bouni didn't have time to communicate with the original people on the base other than explaining the task, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about the people on the base, look, he Even the cub's name is known.

The little tyrannosaurus nodded.

"Where did you come from? Oh, so you came here after you finished your work? Wouldn't it be annoying to watch people practice all night?" In the impression of Boss Boone, Tyrannosaurus's patience is not very good. It is also the reason why there are few Tyrannosaurus species in large spaceships, battleships, and base pilots.

Xiao Tao first nodded, and then shook her head violently: Come here after work, watching people practice is very interesting, Xiao Tao is not annoying at all!

"Hoo~" Xiao Tao called out in a low voice.

"You want to be a driver in the future, this is a great ideal." Touching Xiaotao's head, Boss Booney smiled with a wrinkled face, bent down and hugged Xiaotao, and Boss Booney sat with Xiaotao in his arms. On the co-pilot.

He patiently introduced the name of each button on the console to Xiao Tao.

With the permission of Boss Boone, Xiao Tao also touched the buttons on the console that he had been staring at for a long time with his paws. Although it was a button in a state where there was no power off, the little guy pressed the button very cautiously.

"Ow!" Raising her head, Xiao Tao's eyes sparkled.

"Well, you're right, it's the launch button." Boss Boney touched his head encouragingly. Xiao Tao was not as smart as Olivia, but he listened very attentively, and once he remembered it, he would not forget it.

"We are going to go home tomorrow. After returning home, you can go to school. If you want to become a pilot, you can go to the military academy. Ollie graduated from the military academy, Mu Xiaogen... Mu Xiaogen is not, but he If you want, you can also become a very good driver." The two sides of the dialogue have a human shape and a dragon shape, one speaks human words, and the other can only squeak, but their dialogue was strangely enjoyable.

"'ll be a good driver, let me tell you secretly, I know your grandfather, and he's a very good driver!"

Then Xiao Tao was even happier.

One old and one young taught one by one, and they had a lot of fun. In the end, Xiao Tao was finally sleepy, and then Boss Bouni gently hugged the little guy, walked to the room below, and placed it with the other soldiers.

There is never day or night on the mechanical base in space, only the time on the watch can represent the passage of time.

Boss Boone looked at his pocket watch: it's seven o'clock now, and if it's on White Dew, it'll be dawn in another hour.

Eight o'clock was also the departure time he had agreed with Olivia yesterday.

There was no rush to call Olivia, and after Xiao Tao was placed, Boss Bouni was not in a hurry to go back to the control room, nor did he intend to rest. With his hands behind his back, the old man walked around all corners of the Haida base by himself again. .

When reaching a position, Boss Boney stopped.

"I'm here," he said softly.

"It's time for you to go home after being out for so long," he continued.

When no one woke up, Trotland Haida was quiet, and naturally no one answered his words.

Boss Boney smiled, then walked the rest of the way, and returned to the control room. He woke up Olivia with a smile.

"Good morning, navigator, it's your show time."